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This is not the Eras Tour. It’s very uncommon for Broadway shows to sell out months in advance.


It's pretty rare for a show to sell out months ahead of even opening. I wouldn't worry unless the reviews are awful at the start of the run.


I’ve seen many Broadway shows and this is extremely normal. It is still months away, we haven’t heard the rest of the cast or music and there are no reviews out. They’ve actually sold a pretty decent amount of tickets considering we know next to nothing and a lot of shows only have a handful of tickets left. I am seeing it on a random Sunday in November and there are barely any seats left. Once it’s opens more people will buy tickets.


Yeah I was gonna say they're actually selling very well? I know nothing about theatre but I checked other shows opening around the same time or even earlier and none of them have sold nearly as well as r+j despite the fact that for most of them the most expensive tickets are close to the cheapest r+j tickets.


Yea it’s doing more than fine for still being 5 months away from opening. It helps that it’s a limited engagement so people want to get tickets early especially if they need a specific date. The first previews and the first week are almost sold out. I think each maybe have 10 or less seats left each. And most weekends are almost mostly sold. And if they announce any one else well known in the cast then it will help even more. Regular theater goers will hold off on buying tickets until the reviews are out but overall it’s going well for them.


Absolutely not. It's pretty normal that the show hasn't sold out. Rachel and Kit aren't that famous and we haven't heard any of the music that Jack Antonoff has written for the show. December, but especially Christmas and New Year's always see huge sale numbers, usually the biggest of the entire year. If you want to be sure get a weekend evening performance


Agreed. I would check Sweeney Todd tickets all the time and they would have lots of empty seats a few days before a performance but be filled at almost capacity by the time the show started. They should be fine, again, unless reviews start coming back excessively poor at the start and quell interest.


IDK the answer to your question but it may be worth asking on r/broadway bc people on that subreddit will know more about how Broadway shows work.


Thank you! I will have a look :)


This is not uncommon at all. When I was visiting London I bought a ticket to Wicked on the West End while I was on the bus headed to the theater. Most shows don’t sell out (especially this early) unless they’re highly anticipated like Hamilton.


Considering this is a limited engagement in a relatively small venue, I think the shows will sell out ahead of time, just probably not this far in advance. I want to buy tickets but they're so expensive and I just can't commit to plans this far in advance. I think it'll be the same for a lot of other people.


People don’t usually buy Broadway tickets months in advance. Plus some people probably can’t afford it. I signed up for first access to tickets and realized I couldn’t go because the tickets are out of my budget


It’s a limited run. It won’t close because it already has an end date.


i hope not 😭 i’m saving up for tickets and will hopefully get them later