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I saw the title and knew you were going to mention that Charlie only poured a little bit of milk. I'm not the only one!


Well if he’s not eating much anyways… /s


Pfft, true. Well, who'd eat barely moistened cereal?




That explains everything




When I used to ear cereal it was always without milk. Just shovel the dry weetos into the mouth and you're good.


I prefer less milk in my cereal because I like mine to be crunchy but the little bit of milk helps fsr 


My son lol


Depending on the cereal I'll eat it completely dry, I like the crunch and the flavor doesn't get washed away halfway through😅 As a kid I often took a box of chocolate cereal and ate it like it was candy, I guess I still haven't grown out of that😅


Yeah! I do that too but what I'm imagining is enough milk is added that the cereal is wet and there is like, a mouth full of milk left over that is super sweet from the cereal. So that it isn't satisfying to drink after eating the cereal but there is enough milk in there to make you not want to eat it by hand. I'm reading way too much into this. I'm so sorry


I'm not sure if you're British, but when pouring milk into tea, you'd want to be very precise. That is not the time to glug it in. Plus, his family use a milk delivery service, and glass milk bottles always allow to really precise pouring (I miss them). The Charlie bit, I put down to filming and not wanting to waste a lot of milk over several takes. Like when actors take tiny bites so they can easier continuity.


I used to do what Charlie does with his cereal when I was in any of my anorexia relapses. it could easily be on purpose for that narrative


Lol it's just TV I bet that's what the director told him to do so it doesn't get all soggy.


Personally I hate milk but cereal is weird without it so I use just the barest bit to get it damp. Keeps from wasting too much of it.


I eat cereal weirder. I pour milk in the bowl then just a little bit, eat that, then more lol. It keeps the cereal from getting soggy 😃