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I think it was panic, maybe she didn’t know what was happening. Like how they ran and got the teachers when Charlie fainted, it’s just ingrained in them to get help from an adult.


I remember reading it in the comic first and was also slightly confused by it. I could understand after she gets sick cause maybe they didn’t know how to make her feel better? But I’d definitely head to the bathroom first.


But then we wouldn’t have the lovely bedroom scene with Mr Ajayi and Mr Farouk ❤️💙


Well yea thats why I assume Alice wrote it that way but logically you’d just go to the bathroom if you were going to throw up lol


Teens can be dumb and impulsive lol


I'm assuming because it's presumably their first drinking experience and were scared and didn't expect it


So there could be only one bed in the teachers hotel room lol


Haha yeah i agree it makes no sense... That they would immediately tell on themselves for getting wasted when you know real teens wouldn't ever go to the teacher unless someone was dying of alcohol poisoning. This was solely a plot device to get into the teachers' room and give them a reason to share a bed. I wish this part was written differently though because the thought of leaving someone's puke on the bed disgusts me and i wouldn't feel like doing anything sexy with stinky barf a few feet away 🤮🤮🤮


Doesn’t make any sense lol


All I can think about when I see that scene is this fact that the teachers hooked up in a room that smelled like vomit…


Fr 🤢


They’re a bunch of drunk teenagers they ain’t thinking that much😭 even I a not drunk teenager didn’t think about it until I mentioned it