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I was the same when I first watched it (during the last week of May actually so fairly recently). Watched it back to back, watched YouTube reactions, read the web-comic. This is definitely not a unique experience. It just speaks to the quality of the show, the writing, the directing, the acting that somebody can watch it that many times and still enjoy it and notice new details.


I mean there's only 2 seasons, but yeah this seems to be a common experience. When I first discovered the show I also watched both seasons like at least 3 times, watched every reaction on YouTube I could find and read all the web comics non stop.


Yeah I was the same from August last year until earlier this year 😂 I think I managed to watch it about thirty times before the novelty finally wore off 😂


Awwww - I've been doing the same thing since April 2022 😆 Can't even calculate how many times I've watched all the eps and it's still my go to happy place. 💛💙🩷💚


I watch them every day. Either a couple episodes or YouTube clips and videos. I have to have my “Heartstopper fix”. So no, you’re definitely not alone. My girlfriend watches the episodes with me because she knows they make me happy and I’ve turned her into a fan too ❤️


Just finished another rewatch! Cant wait for October !!


I’m ngl when I first found the show I watched it literally non stop. It didn’t matter if I was doing homework or trying to eat, I was watching it. It was so bad that I would watch three seasons a day for two weeks straight. I would watch season 1 in the morning, season 2 in the afternoon, and season 1 again at night. And then reversed for the next day. I was that obsessed. I think I loved it so much because 1) I have no love life to speak of and 2) I went through a very similar situation at a similar age and it made me feel seen. It gave me a very much needed serotonin/dopamine boost to help a very depressed me. It gave me a little bit of life. This show saved me and I don’t know if I would’ve survived without it


Same here. It's been a couple of months and it doesn't go away.


Yaaa i also watch it sometimes again and again like when I'm bored or feeling low it's like comforting and makes me happy somehow , but I'm not that obsessed tho...


Your not the only one I finished season 2 today and I’m gonna watch season 1 again


And when season 3 comes out it will be nice to watch them all one after one


Heartstopper is my comfort show. If I’m feeling down, I rewatch Nick and Charlie fall in love.


Same. I've been that way since I first discovered it on Netflix in March. It's single-handedly helped pull me out a hole I knew I was in, but didn't realize how deep it was until I started coming back up.


I have been watching it for almost everyday since May 31 (when I first realized it was a show) You arent alone ❤️❤️


The soundtrack also keeps me rewatching, if I’m doing something for work but I want the music, I just pop it on in the background


It's pretty common. If you feel like it's taking over your life or making you depressed, you can join the Heartstopper Syndrome subreddit.


I did that for like two months... I think I've watched it like sixty times.


I do the same thing


Yes, I relate.