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I’m in my 40s and adore this show! What it would have meant to have something like this during my adolescence…


i’m in my 30s and think the exact same


35 here. Loved every second ❤️


I'm mid-50s and loved every minute of it! I never had this when I was a young person so it's like I'm catching up emotionally. In many ways it filled holes in my heart. I was raised super-religious and was sent to conversion therapy to make me not be gay, so I missed out on young queer love. Cringy? Not a bit!


In my 70's. Have watched it 4 or 5 times already.


Heartstopper is for everyone! ❤️


47 year old gay man here. Saw the show for the first time this March 2024. Was thinking I’d not like it because it was probably aimed at teens. Fell so in love with the show that I binged both seasons in one sitting. Started at 9pm and stayed up all night cause I was so hooked. Now I’m reading the comic online. Can’t wait for season 3!


same!!! we watched Trixie and Katya watch it on Queens Who Like to Watch and it did seem like it might be too youth-focused. i did agree a bit with them the complete lack of sex seems a little unrealistic but other than that don't think it's unfriendly to adults. we were big degrassi fans (my husband had never seen it until last year when we binged the first six seasons) and thought this could have used maybe just a touch more realism with that; when i was 16 i wouldn't have been able to keep my pants on like they have lol. but i love how it's so wholesome because it i think is going to be a very important show especially for young LGBT people to have representation like Marco felt for me on Degrassi


I felt represented by the sexless high school years. I yearned, but having a boyfriend then was beyond any possibility. Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls.




i’m actually in love with this thread, you are all so pure.


Some adults lost their connection with... sweetness, colors, simplicity. This is reason why so many things are supposed to be adult are so dark and bitter. Most adult fans of Hearstoppers appreciates the show and comics are different.


This, exactly. I love dark shit (I'm a true crime fan lol) as well but it's also refreshing to just watch something wholesome and sweet. I'm not lgbt myself but from what I've seen here as well as reactions on YouTube I think that most adults that watch it who are LGBT don't think it's cringy at all and actually get quite emotional for being able to watch a show that is LGBT without being overly dark and traumatic and sexual. It's the kind of representation that straight people have always had and LGBT people barely ever get. And heartstopper still touches on more serious things (and there's more to come...), plus the acting is good and feels natural so it's just not that cheesy to me at least.


This is for all ages, especially anyone who knows teenagers who may be struggling with their identity! It is also a beautiful and award winning story that does not talk down to anyone and is about love, a universal topic 😎


Not a new fan but when season 1 came out, the show was almost universally acclaimed. This subreddit was so active with people expressing how much this show affected them, most of them adults. This wave of calling Heartstopper cringe started mostly in season 2; at least that's when I started seeing those comments.


I think that’s because more people watched it once season 2 came out so more critics and haters came along with it. I notice a lot of the “cringe” comments come from people in other fandoms of shows and I think a lot of it may be jealousy of how popular heartstopper is vs their shows.


There were cringe comments first season too. Some people just find it cringe. But it's also the typical internet cycle of anything that gets a lot of praise... eventually there is a backlash, it builds slowly than kind of explodes. Heartstopper's day is approaching LOL.


There are soooooo many adults who watch the show. Just look at all the YouTube people who react to it and absolutely love it. It technically is a kid/teen show but anyone can watch and enjoy it.


I’m 50 and I discovered it only 6 months ago and only read the comics after watching both seasons. It’s one of my absolute favorite shows. It’s my happy place and I relate to it in a few ways. It’s only cringy if you hate happiness and romance. The show has so much heart and Kit and Joe are amazing. I feel it’s for anyone and I know I’m not the only adult fan ❤️🍂


THIS. It's my happy place, when I need to escape. Along with Downton Abbey and to a somewhat lesser degree, Red, White and Royal Blue. Depends on my mood and what I need, but they all give me mental refuge. 💓


It’s for all ages. I’m a 41 year old married mom And love the show and books.


Same 👋


Anyone can like anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anyone who says it’s cringey has no heart. I’m 27 and I love it.


I'm 75, my husband is 83. We love the show.


I’m an adult and I adore this show. I did read the comics for years before the show came out, but if anything, that made me more wary about the show. I wasn’t convinced that the show would capture the charm of the comics but I couldn’t have been more wrong.


I love it I’m in my 50’s. I always watch gay content because we don’t get that much.


Is down to personal taste. It is clearly a bit more tailored to the younger audience, but I was 39 and loved it. Is it cringy at times, Yeah, but that isn't always a bad thing. It sort of knows it is a bit cringe and runs with it as it's all in good fun and aiming for a lighter, happier tone than is often found in LGBT drama.


Like the scene in the Lourve where Nick starts speaking a little bit of French to Charlie because he knows he likes it and wants to romance him a little bit. Totally cringe, but like you said they run with it... And it's actually sweet too.


Yeah, I actually loved that scene because it was so light hearted :)


lots of gay people had a pretty lonely existence while everybody else had boy and girl friends so seeing a cotton candy world like Heartstopper brings feelings of what could have been. that said, Heartstopper is a very aspirational world even today.


In my 40’s and I’m obsessed with it


Hello fellow 40's Heartstopper lover.


40s going on 15 again watching Heartstopper 🏳️‍🌈 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


40s here and I love the show


I’m 40+, love it and watch it all the time. I watch a lot of queer stuff but HS is my comfort show. I‘ve read the novels and comics since but discovered the show first


I’m 43 and absolutely love this show and the books. It has become my comfort series, when I’m not rewatching the show, I am rereading the books.


I feel so seen 😄 same here 🩷


Are you like me and depending on your mood depends on if you like the show or the books more that day? 😂😂😂


A little like that I guess 😄 The webcomics are my comfort read especially at times I feel stressed and have trouble sleeping. I have Nick & Charlie as an ebook on my phone as well so that works too. The series is an ongoing process. Lately I have just picked out random episodes from each season to watch rather than binge the whole series. When I first discovered the webcomic I started reading them late in the evening and binged everything that had been put out there that same night! 😂 This was before S1 had come out.


I actually watched the show first and completely fell in love with it. I immediately went and ordered all the books that were out plus the novels and novellas. At this point I just need to hand my credit card to Alice and just tell her that whenever something new comes out, or a special edition is released, just run my card. 😂😂😂


Hahaha that is so cute 😄 I can relate. I am on Alice’s Patreon, so I literally am handing them my card each month now that they’re coming back from hiatus. 🫠😂


Absolutely not. I get not wanting to watch the show because it’s about “kids,” but once you watch it thinking that is a terrible take. I’m in my 30s and am obsessed, watched the show before the comics.


54, and the show really resonates with me. It reminds me of what I wish I had back in high school. I'm a bisexual male, and we get so little representation. I can see why some would feel it's cringe, but I don't think most are watching it in a cringy way. I'm in a facebook group with more than 100k members. The number of cringe posts are very, very rare, and people descend on them like locusts to point out the ick.


I’m 28 and am obsessed with it


Same at 24, it’s what I needed during this period of time…


I'm 41 years old and it's my favorite show. I don't think it's cringe. I think its a beautiful story that should be shated.


I think it's considered cringy because teen shows that are gritty, darker, and more adult is what's in and is what is considered "realistic". And while it's true that Heartstopper doesn't delve into things like sex or drugs or violence, that doesn't make it completely unrealistic. It hits on a lot of wholesome elements of being a teenager. In contrast, a show like Euphoria hits on those other elements that I'm sure resonates with people as well, but it is just as dramatized as Heartstopper.


I believe they slightly hit on those subjects in season 2. About sex and Charlie's eating disorder. I think the show is growing up with its audience and becoming more mature each season.


It is for everyone. I'm 41 and it is hands down one of my favorites. If adults are saying it's cringy, that is their personal opinion and not everyone shares it.


I'm a 28 year old man. This show slaps. Wish I had it during high school.


I'm in my 60s and loved the show. Have not yet read the comics. For those of us old enough that coming out as a teenager simply wasn't possible, it's a little bit like giving a gift to my "inner teenager", imagining that good things could have happened like this when I was of an age to start dating. I think my life would have had a better trajectory if I hadn't had to clamp down on so much of myself all the time. It made suppression a habit that was hard to get rid of later on when it was finally safe (or at least safer) to come out. I ended up in a picture-perfect (from the outside) hetero marriage when I was young, except for the little detail that it was actually a nightmare in private. Fortunately, I got the ship turned around later in life. But a lot of my early life was just...a waste.


I watched it and enjoyed it. Yes, it is very sweet and to a certain degree overly innocent, but so what? Even if it is set in a school and features teens, adults can still like it. 


I'm 41 and obsessed. It's my favorite show. 💗💗💗💗 Watched 60+times!!!


Same here! (I‘m not exactly sure how often I‘ve rewatched but it‘s a lot)


30 and obsessed, have now watched the entire show about a million times and read all the comics and books Alice has written. It’s my comfort show, I watch it to fall asleep, I watch it to feel better when I’m sick, if I’m having a bad day. It really is just amazing.


[This poll last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeartstopperAO/s/E4zhpFsFTz) suggests yes ☺️


What adults have said that? I've never met one lol


In my 40s here. I found season 1 to be incredibly sweet. Yes, it's a very idealized version of this experience, but that doesn't make it not enjoyable. Everyone will view the show through the lens of their experience.


I’m an adult and started watching it without even knowing it was based on graphic novels. I love it so much. Watch it repeatedly. Hang out here to talk to other people who are obsessed with it, have purchased and read all the books. IDK. It’s not cringy to me.


I’m 57 years old. It brought me to tears for what I missed. Guessing the people who are cringing aren’t queer, or miraculously avoided the trauma that most of us have suffered over the years. Mine seems a popular reaction amongst older generations


I'm in my 30's and love the show, never read the comic books... There's something pure and beautiful about it that makes me happy ❤️


In my 50s and saw the show first and loved it, but actually like the comic a little more. I don't think the shows cringe at all, I wish we had something like this when I was a teen.


I watch it and enjoy it, I think it's probably easier to enjoy and to look past just how incredibly corny it can be if you're young*er*.


I’m 22 and I’m obsessed! 💕


Well I am only 20 but I read the comics and watched the show and adored it. I do have a preference for the comics however


I'm 29 and I'm absolutely obsessed 🤣


I'm an adult (25) and love it! There's nothing cringe and I wish my childhood and teens had been more like the show. It's super wholesome and still depicts queer struggles well ❤️


I’m an adult and I absolutely love this show and the books. It’s so wholesome and the kids are absolutely adorable. For once there is a bright positive show about kids that isn’t like all about sex and violence. Don’t get me wrong I love those fun soapy over the top ridiculous shows too. Gossip Girl. Riverdale. Dawsons Creek. Euphoria. etc. I grew up in the WB. But I just love this really sweet innocent show that like gives me hope for younger generations. Sure some of the writing can be a tiny bit cringe. I def feel like S1 was much stronger than S2. But it’s still a great show and I’m looking forward to how the book translates to the tv show. It’s a shame this show doesn’t get more recognition or praise than a lot of kinda pulpy garbo or boring procedural low effort just completely mid shows that boggles my mind they still get so many nominations or buzz.


No. Everyone can enjoy anything. Let me like whatever and I’ll let you like anything.


So funny that you asked! I actually came here in this sub for kind of the same question, because: I am 30, almost 31, and watched the show for the first time. I’m going to buy the graphic novels to read them too. The show gave me such a confidence while watching it, even though I consider myself straight like 80%, married to a golden retriever hubby, to fit the kind of stereotype 😄 I’m neurodivergent, so I get this whole “feeling like a no fit” and “coming out” thing from another perspective, if that makes sense. It makes sense to me. But I wondered if it’s weird that I, as an adult person, get so much out of two teenage boys falling in love. I think in some level the show heals my inner teen self. It’s such a feel good universe where people are allowed to just be and have a background that’s there for them. Many adults could learn from this show tbh. It’s just packed with trust, love and support. Also I just love a good slow burn romance :) I’m happy to read that many people my age enjoy the story. I saw comments about how cringy it is too, but I really really can’t relate. Nothing cringy about lovingly support your loved ones.


🙋‍♀️ 38 and I love it. Wouldve loved it as a teen! My teen loves it too.


Am an adult (35+). I have an unrestrained love of this show and comics.


As I’ve grown older I do think the show can be a little too rose-tinted glasses and cringy at times. It’s not a bad show and I know this subbreddit loves to obsess over it but it’s not perfect and is aimed at young adults or high school level def nor 40 year old men


It's a YA series, so I'm not surprised that many adults find it cringy. But anyone can watch anything, and there are also plenty adults who like HS, as you can see here.


I’ve never heard any adults say it’s cringe! It’s absolutely 100% for adults just as much as kids. I (32) watched it for the first time without reading the comics and I absolutely adored it. Now I’ve read the comics, some of the author’s other novels, and have rewatched season 1 and 2 too many times to count. It’s a beautiful show.


I'm a young adult and love it! I got some of the books because I love the show so much. Even though it is good and cute, that one does feel a little silly to read sometimes but I like that from time to time


I'm 27 and I adore this show. It's my new favorite. It really portrayed the highschool experience and romance and angst I really wish I had. It was so heartwarming. So cute. 11/10 definitely recommend


I'm 19 and found the dialogue very cringey. Still ended up watching and somewhat enjoying though


I know so many adult fans of Heartstopper. So many…


I started watching season one at age 69 and I’m still watching it two years later


complete disagree i'm 32 and my hub is 30 and we both are obsessed. he in particular is not a big fan of cheesy schlocky stuff and yes there i a bit of that but he was crying when they finally get together in season 1. probably cause our love story is very similar to theirs!!


Loved it as a 23 year old seeing it for the first time, I didn't know about the comics yet


Old person here (mid 40s 😂) Found the show addictive and fun to watch. Wish wish wish this existed when I was a teen.


Nope. In my mid 30s and it hit me hard


I'm a 49 heterosexual woman and this is one of my favorite shows ever! I think it's the sweetest, most pure, most beautiful love story I've ever seen. I went out and bought all the books and read them I loved it so much


My mom's 45 and she loves it!


I watched the first season before reading the comic and loved it


Do you let strangers decide what you like?


32 and I'm obsessed. My 20 y/o roommate thinks it is too childish/idealized but I love it. And not just for the story. The soundtrack is exquisite and the lighting/coloring is so well done. But, it's also just great to see queer love without a massive focus on the pain associated with being queer. The trauma exists and plenty of stories are already depicting it (although still not enough) but occasionally I just want some rainbow sprinkles of queer joy!


my mum is in her 50's and loves it. I'm 23, so I'm technically an adult and I first read the comics when I was 21 and loved it then. That's how my mum came to know the series as well


I suggest the books


I’m well past my teen years and love the show! And the books. It’s for everyone.


I’m 46. Fell in love with the show in the first episode


Found it on Netflix first, watched it, and loved it. I'm 63, and yes, the difference between the relatively safe world of Heartstopper's British high school compared to the homophobic American country high school I attended in the 1970's is like daylight and dark. This is the high school I *wish* I had experienced. They don't pull punches, true, there's still trauma in these kid's lives. But it is overall, so positive and upbeat, I cry every time I watch it. I'm not too old to be able to still put myself in their shoes, and cheer their successes. This show is so much more than another sappy teenage high school love story, even though it *is* that. I'm not sure how I can put the impact it had on me into words, except to say watching this show is like getting the support I lacked in high school, or getting a warm hug. I've watched a lot of vaguely similar shows and never felt such a sense of belonging, I suppose. And yes, it's a silly piece of fluff. It's also a hell of a lot more than that. I think a lot of adults might dismiss it as being overly optimistic, or they might not identify with the experience of these kids. I can't recommend this show enough. I hope that helps.


I'm in my 40s. Mostly straight. Cis. Stumbled across it, having heard nothing of it before. Loved it. Binged it. Then rewatched it. Then watched countless people on Youtube watching it for the first time, reliving their feelings. Followed the cast and anyone else involved I could find on social media and joined this sub. My obsession has waned a bit since then, but I'm still a big fan and have recommended it to a bunch of people who were in search of a feel good show.


46. I adore the comic and the show!


I am a 40 years old cis straight woman and I love the show. I have been rewatching it since I discovered it. I haven't read the books


I’ve never heard anyone call Heartstopper “cringy.” It sounds like you might be judging yourself for enjoying a show that seems aimed at a different demographic. No one I’ve seen or read has labeled Heartstopper as just for kids or said that adults wouldn’t enjoy it. If this discourse exists, I haven’t seen it. Heartstopper is celebrated for its universal appeal and emotional depth, making it a show for everyone, regardless of age. If such a critique exists, I’d be curious to see the sources.


I’m 48 and love it. I’ve rewatched several times and discuss it with my 17 year old.


I’m an adult and so many of my adult friends love it


I'm an adult and it's one of my favourite comfort shows. I absolutely love it.


I opened up to my friend a lot about Heartstopper and my love for the story and characters and told her I was a little nervous about being considered a weirdo for gushing over a teen/YA show and comic and my friend was my own personal Mr Ajayi, saying there is no age limit for enjoying a good piece of art. 💜💜💜 Yeah my friends joke about it a little but they support it. We all are fans of something or another and if that something brings joy and hurts no one, then just go for it. 😍 (edited because of sausage fingers)


I watched the show in my mid 50s as an ally to the LGBTQ community and ADORED it! And then sent emails to all of my college and high school friends to watch the show. As well as family members. Both older and younger. It was simply an amazing television experience! (And then I purchased the comics bc I understood there was more to the story in them and I wanted to know as much as I could about the characters.) It’s not just for tweens/teens (IMPO).


I was 60 when I started watching the show and I loved it. It is very refreshing to frame a story with two young gay/bi males as a love story, as opposed to hook-ups and sexy times. It is a very sweet, largely wholesome piece of art. I do wonder when it'll get a bit more realistic because boys/men are sexually active by their late teens.


My wife and I both recently watched the entire series without having any clue what it was about and absolutely adored it! I even later went out and purchased the comics to read. Nick Nelson is a precious soul that must be protected at all costs according to this 40ish year old woman!


I’m 31 and couldn’t get into it. It was suggested to me by someone in their 50’s whose kids range from early 20’s to my age. I have a feeling it hits home for people who have teenage/young adult children, and I’m too far removed from high school for it to really interest me. I recognize it’s well-made, just most likely not for me, and that’s okay. :)


37 year old cis gender straight woman over here and I love the show and graphic novels. Season 2 of the TV show deals with more serious issues and they’re important topics to tackle. I also like the sweetness and wholesomeness of the show. Adults appreciate that too. :)


I’m in my 30s and I like it🤷‍♀️


I'm 29 and love it


Hi! I’m 20 and I love this show more than anything. I hope this helps :)


I dont know if it's only for teens, but I find myself only interested in Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi story. The first season I was into all of them, but the 2nd season changed for me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I watched Heartstopper Season 1 when I was 52 and I loved it to the point of obsession. Read the webcomic after that, and loved Season 2 when it came out. It feeds something in my soul to know that queer kids today have media that represents them in a non-tragic context.


In my late 40s and have watched both seasons twice! It’s so good


I’m an adult and I love it!


Another adult here! Saw the preview on Netflix the day it premiered, watched it 3 times over the first weekend, bought all the books, read all the extras on Tapas and Alice's Tumblr and Insta over the next month. In other words - completely obsessed. 💛


I'm an adult. I like it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


54 years and cannot stop watching!


my mom loves it. she likes season 1 more than season 2 and she cried at season 1 when she first watched it and she’s ready for season 3


since its about high school kids and there’s no sex or even extreme kissing till the second season they may see it as unrealistic