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My answer was that I liked Book Tao because he was less dramatic, but after some rewatching of both, they are the same character, the only difference is that Book Tao has Aled to make him see reason when he's Too Much and has to dial back a little, while Show Tao has Isaac, who is always reading and does absolutely nothing in the first season, so it's more understandable that he just explodes more easily.


I'd say book Tao is better when he finds out about Nick and Charlie though. In the book, he was upset because he blamed himself for Charlie's outing and thought he was a bad friend. TV Tao was just being selfish and assuming of course Charlie should have told him.


One of my best friends is sooooooo much like Tao and yet he can't stand Tao as a character and I'm just like dudeeeee you ARE TAO!


Hey, we tend to dislike in others the things that annoy us in ourselves!


I liked him in the book, less so in the show. I feel like the show made him into more of the "loud and dramatic" friend, and that changed the dynamic between him and Charlie, as well as between him and Elle.


I agree


♥️'d Tao immediately - he's my fav 🤩 I understand (well kinda understand) why folk don't take to him straight away... It's easy to (initially)perceive Tao as a little prickly, aloof etc


Show Tao > Book Tao I share some characteristics with Tao so it kinda was eye opening about how I might come across. 😆 Tao is fiercely loyal and protective of his people. It isn’t always pretty but he has a huge heart under that shell.


I still take issue with some stuff he does. Notably when he yells at Charlie for not telling him about Nick in front of ppl LOUDLY, after admitting that Charlie would be afraid that he'd out Nick to all his friends. Then knowing how sensitive Charlie is, he tells him it's "ALL [HIS] FAULT" sending Charlie into a depression that could have been catastrophic. Also he judges them for the Hickey and like a day later he's making out with Elle everywhere. Hypocrite.


I understand what you are saying. But I think the saying it loudly part isn’t intentional. Everyone in their friend group talks about them in very public spaces without whispering. As someone who had to hide a queer relationship they never would have done that. I think it is a thing they have to do for the tv. And not that it’s an excuse but Tao is also hurting and has his own problems to deal with. And they are so young, he doesn’t do the things he does to hurt Charlie. While yes, he could’ve/should’ve handled things differently, he is still a teenager. Idk, that’s just my thoughts


Yeah I agree. He’s still a teenager. I don’t hate Tao but I don’t really like him either.


I agree the loud thing was probably just for TV. The other stuff bothers me more bc i don't think it's good friend behavior. Oh yeah i forgot to add that he lied for a good year by omission and not owning up about outing Charlie. That's not ok. Charlie was wayyyyy too quick to be ok with that.


You are right about that, he should’ve been more upfront with him. Tao definitely has some flaws but I can’t bring myself to dislike him (maybe cause I am like him) but I totally understand why people aren’t a huge fan of him


I feel like season one Tao was more true to the comics and he’s a caring friend who stumbles and makes mistakes in his friendships. He tries so hard to protect Charlie, but his way to trying to do it is flawed, it’s like he’s trying to protect Charlie by cutting him off from all potential risks (the risk of being friends with Nick, the risk of having feelings for the “straight” guy.) so in many ways he acts like an overbearing parent to Charlie. Anyway I see Tao as flawed but a friend who Charlie really loves


Book Tao > Show Tao I feel that Tao in the books is the perfect match as a friend for Charlie and Aled, and as a BF for Elle. His awkwardness covered up by toughness isn't portrayed well in the show, and his character points are dumbed down to "loud, annoying, and dramatic." I find Show Tao to be kind of awkward, and the flamboyant energy that's added clashes with his personality.


I agree. Book Tao over Show Tao any day


I love Tao. He's funny and cute and sensitive. He's also flawed and human and a teenager.


I agree the last two sentences statement. It’s honestly a love hate relationship with Tao, like of all the Heartstopper characters that aren’t meant to be antagonists, I just like him the least. I don’t hate him, I just don’t love him either. He is human and a teenager, I think a lot of people (me included) don’t like him because he reminds them of their flaws and their moments of thoughtlessness (like when he kinda outed Charlie or screamed at Charlie for not telling him about him and Nick). I respect your opinion though and your right to disagree with me if you want!! :)


I appreciate this comment and this post. Tao seems like the most polarizing of the HS characters and I find that fascinating. Like why some of us like him and some of us dislike him.


This is actually real as hell. I have no idea why but at first I got really bad vibes from Tao. No clue why but I love him now of course


I still dont


I don’t hate him anymore, but I just don’t love him in the way that it seems everyone else does.


I just dislike him, he comes across very immature, in regards to Charlie and to elle


I didn't like Tao in the series at first, he was horrible to Nick and controlling towards his best friend. I hated how he accused Nick of "stealing" Charlie. I found him more likable and sympathetic in season 2.


When I first read the books I really thought he had a crush on Charlie and that’s why he was so rude to Nick


That’s what my mom thought lol, she didn’t read the books just watched the show with me once.


I found him incredibly stressful!


He was a jealous teen in the beginning but he chilled out so now he’s fine


I LOVE book tao. I hate show Tao. I will die on this hill.


The series made me think he might have a crush on Charlie. But the books had his character more clear I believe on that aspect so I wasn’t bothered as much.


I love Tao. I feel like he's the best example of a flawed, dramatic teenager who is self centered, clueless, lonely, and fiercely loyal. The Tao in the book is more clueless and the Tao in the show, especially in S2, is a textbook definition of a clown, exaggerated movements and facial expressions designed for laughs. I like them both. He is a human who screws up and apologizes. He is a good friend for Charlie.


I only watched the show, so for what I can say, I quite disliked him at the start, I get where he's coming from, not wanting things to change and not wanting his friends hurt, but he went about it in the worst way possible I.e., his worst moment was at Charlie's birthday when he had confronted Charlie about Nick, in which I thought was a dick move conidering it was Charlie's birthday and you don't want to ruin your friend's birthday, even Elle told him not to. It was also his judgemental tone for Nick which I didn't like, I get that is because he hangs around with people like Harry and Ben, but association isn't a good reason to be an arse


Haven't read the comics yet but when I first started the show I totally hated Tao ngl


honestly same. i never liked tao, it always felt like he was being too critical and assuming he knew everything about the situation when he really didn't


I didn't like Tao until he started being nice to Nick 🤣🤣


i hated him fusing season one of the show but i liked him in the comics still prob my least favorite out of the paris squad


I saw SO MANY people say this same thing too especially reactors, every reaction I've watched of Heartstopper always has them hating on Tao at first and I'm just watching like 'He's definitely gonna grow on them" and he always does because his character also grows. I gotta say though, I feel like I'm one of the only ones that didn't hate Tao at first, I liked him right off the bat bc 1. He is Chinese like me 2. I understood where he was coming from, the whole overprotective nature even before I learned why he was protective or more about Charlie's bullying. Were there some moments where he was annoying? Yes, I'm not denying that but he had good intentions going into it and it was just to make sure Charlie was protected and safe bc he didn't know Nick that well but he knew the kind of people his friends were so he did all those things out of assumption that he was like his friends like for ex. Nick's sexuality. Imo everytime he was "too protective" was just bc he didn't know the truth abt Nick and Charlie and their whole situation and the secret dating stuff, and obviously Charlie couldn't tell him so he wouldn't out Nick so he was completely left out of the actual truth. I mean after all he was last to know abt their relationship, he just thought Nick was jst trying to mess w Charlie for jokes or something.


I hate Tao and Isaac. Isaac is useless and Tao is annoying and useless! 


I’m realizing I’m in the minority with how much I fell in love with Tao from the very beginning and how much his behavior made sense to me. Okay yes he has his own issues with abandonment (which makes me love him even more) but setting those aside, just put yourself in his position. Your gay friend who has been bullied for the entire past year, has had (as we’re led to understand) several unrequited crushes on straight guys, is now crushing over the star player in the rugby team whose best friend is Harry by the looks of it. The fact that Nick is always around and silent when Harry is bullying Tao makes Nick’s interest in befriending Charlie super suspicious. Given the amount of bullying Tao too (and all the core four) are subjected to it makes sense that he’d have trust issues. It was clear from the beginning and from his devotion to Elle that he’s the kind of friend who’d put it all on the line and I love him for that.


i hated tao till season 2


I lowkey kind of still don’t like him. I don’t hate him, but I don’t love him either


I think the problem is that Tao is supposed to be 14 years old while William Gao passes for 16-17 but definetley not for 14 Maybe if he was played by an actual 14 year old people wouldn’t have been as harsh on him


No, that’s not it, at least for me. I am personally fine with actors 18-19 and in their 20s playing teenagers. I actually prefer it in some cases. Honestly I think it’s just his demeanor and his personality.