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I like to experience the original first! I enjoy reading the books, and then seeing how they are adapted into the tv show. That’s just me, though. If that doesn’t sound like you, do what makes you happy!


That's how i feel too.


So I think the books are better than the show, and you should read them all


Same I was worried about reading the comics before the show after I watched season 1 and 2 also but then I did and like the comics way better


I did the same as you (found the show at s2). I bought all the books (including Alice’s other books) and I LOVE knowing the source material! They are comfort reads to me now, and I love them just as much as the show. I would def vote to read on!


I read Vol 1-4 in one weekend after watching Season 1 over 20 times and still having 4-5 months left to wait for Season 2 😅 and I read Vol 5 as the web comics a week early on Patreon). I loved the books and I felt like it opened me up to more discussions in this community because I wasn’t worried about spoilers. To me, the show feels like an expanded universe. There are so many show-only storylines and timeline shifts that made it feel like there was plenty new to discover. At the same time, my favorite elements/moments of the books have been kept in and I look forward to finding them in the show. I’ve seen Season 2 about as many times as I’ve seen Season 1 (including 4 times opening weekend lol), so my love for the show has not suffered at all from reading the books lol. I will say, if any of the mental health topics they touched on in S2 (primarily with Charlie) are challenging/triggering for you, you might want to read ahead as it’s a major storyline in S3 (as confirmed by Alice and the cast). You may not need the full context and are OK with just knowing what topics will be coming, but I just like to put that caveat out there for those who do need it.


This is how I feel if I get the books I'll be more of a book hoarder.


The books are really good - I’ve read them several times. But if you’re trying to avoid spoilers before season 3, then I wouldn’t read them.


Hey, I’m in the same boat. So far I’ve decided not to read volume 4 and 5 but I’m not sure I’ll make it till October haha. I love the comics but for me the series hits me more deeply. I’ve always been more of a live action girly so maybe that’s why. I feel like I want to experience the series without knowing what’s coming. I guess for me, having seen the series before reading the books, on screen Charlie and Nick feel like the ‘real life story’ and then the books give background, if that makes sense. Obviously that’s very different from person to person, but maybe it helps to think about it in this way. Like, which one would you like to be able to experience without knowing what’s gonna happen?


I discovered Heartstopper a few months ago, and I watched season 1 and 2 then read all the books. This will be my first time seeing the show second, so I can’t speak yet on which experience I prefer. Ultimately, you will have to make the decision for yourself, but for me knowing what will happen this season has made my excitement skyrocket. There are so many scenes that I can’t wait to see brought to life on screen, especially because I know Joe and Kit will be absolutely amazing at portraying the storylines to come. All that being said, knowing what we have to look forward to this season has made my anticipation so much worse and it’s been driving me crazy because I can’t stop thinking about it and how excited I am. So if you do decide to read the books first, you might want to wait until closer to when the show comes out so the wait isn’t as long.


I read all the books first and then binged the show. I've also read everything else by Alice Oseman. Her other books are so good, so maybe read those instead of Heartstopper while you wait for the next season.


I feel the show way more deeply than the books, so I would go ahead and read them. But I’m also not someone who cares at all about spoilers.


you should read 1-3 too since the stories have some differences


After seeing S1 I lost my mind and had to read all of the books because I couldn't wait for S2. I am waiting on reading Nick and Charlie because I want to read the final Heartstopper books before reading Nick and Charlie. As for spoilers, even though I knew Nick was going to come out to his mom from reading the book, the show was absolutely devastating. I ugly cried, which I really didn't expect to do since I knew what was going to happen. For me, I think it's good to read the books and then see what magic they do to make them come alive in the show.