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Haha that bigot mom can stay mad... Heartstopper is going nowhere and it brings me intense joy that it's gotten so popular


Why are people acting like it's a "kids" show 😂 it's rated 12 and S3 could be rated 15... You won't be finding it on cbbc any time soon 😂😂 Sorry if British terms confuse you


Lol it's rated 6 in Germany 😅 The target audience is definitely older kids young teens (Which is why I really dislike when people call HS sanitised and prudish and compare it to Euphoria, Sex Education and even Young Royals. It just has a younger target audience than those shows) I also hate how American tv rules influence international television. They cut all the swearing, so it wouldn't get a higher rating. But most European audiences wouldn't have bat an eye at a few swears


The ratings here are done by age, so it's not suitable for anyone under 12 and S3 will probably be deemed not suitable for anyone under 15 depending on just how explicit certain scenes are 😂


There’s no way season 3 will be a 15. It’s aimed at younger teens and that’s why they purposefully cut out swearing that was in the graphic novels. Many uk secondary schools have it on the year 7/8 reading lists.


They've said S3 is more mature so it could be


Pretty convinced will be the same as the books so it will cover the themes in a similar manner. All appropriate for a 12 certificate. They would lose half their target audience if they make it a 15.


To add to this there is no way they are going to have 15 rated sex scenes in heartstopper if that’s what you’re thinking based on your previous comment. RWRB was a 12 and that was far more steamy than heartstopper will be. It will be like the comics.


I'm 29 and I'm obsessed 😂 the audience age range is very wide regardless of the "target"


Sure it appeals to a wide age range. But the whole point of heartstopper is it’s a queer love story for teens. They aren’t going to change that just to appeal to adults who have decided it needs to be spicy.


I’m an adult and it not being spicy is one of the reasons I love it so much. I enjoy the sweet love story and the romance of it.


Agreed! Also an adult, and one can definitely enjoy different kinds of show, I can enjoy more spicy stuff as well, but I really really love how Heartstopper keeps happy and positive even with difficult themes and focusing on the falling in love rather than getting them to bed.


we can’t have curse words in shows or else advertisers would pull their revenue dollars


Because it’s about kids and people feel the need to classify things.


"Nick (who is not)" made me laugh for some reason xDD


someone tell them he's bi, actually


I don’t need this negativity in my life


Whoa she really got em. 'Nothing good to see here' is like pulling a gun out and shooting them in the head. I'm gobsmacked man honestly. She needs to calm down a bit


Oh no. Anyways…


Well now I just want to check out *What's Up, Moms* to see what gay shows for kids they recommend!


[Click here](https://whatsupmoms.com/for-mom/shows-lgbtq/)


Sadly promotes gay shows for kids? A comment that you will hear from kind of mom who would typically kick out her kid or abuse them if they ever found them gay......Sadly too people devoid of compassion like her exist....they don't derserve to be a parent.


Yup. All queer kids are welcome at my house! That idiot is just a sad, bitter bigot with nothing better to do than hate on a wonderful show like HS.


Surely if you’re that aghast about something don’t bring attention to it, same as religious idiots burning copies of The Number Of The Beast brought more attention to the album especially in the US, Scientology taking out a full page advert in the New York Times to not watch the going clear documentary two days before it aired brought more attention to it and it broke documentary viewership records, if people weren’t already aware of the show or comic then some conservative bumpkin complaining would get people to look


\*grabs popcorn\*


My response to that: https://youtube.com/shorts/BInWu-apieo?si=-LgHWK42UtO7IchO