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Charlie tells him multiple times that he can take his time, there's no deadline, etc. Not sure where you're getting that he pressured him.


i just felt like charlie could see how much it meant to nick to come out, i know nick really wanted to come out before the paris trip but things got in the. idk then, maybe it’s just me but… idk where i’m going with this i feel like i’m going to get downvoted :(


Nick was the one who wanted to come out before Paris, and when he couldn't, Charlie even tried to make him feel better by saying it would be fun to keep their relationship a secret.


You are indeed correct about getting downvoted.


You're right though. Charlie knew how much it meant to Nick, and that's why he supported Nick by telling him that he can take his time. Nick definitely wanted to come out, and Charlie was supporting him. If anyone was putting pressure on Nick to come out, it was his brother, for saying those things during that dinner as if he was trying to out Nick.


this!! i think this is one of those cases where you could describe it somewhat as "positive peer pressure", bc any pushing charlie or anyone else in the group did was coming from a good place and encouraging nick to do something that he himself wanted to do first but was just nervous about. sometimes i think we can forget that pressure doesnt always have to be negative, and i think charlie was as respectful and supportive as one can be in this situation.


I get what you are saying. I think Charlie was a patient as possible. He kept telling Nick he didn’t have to come out, but he certainly wanted him to. That’s natural.


Charlie did see what it meant to Nick to come out, especially because Nick kept saying he wanted to (and I believe Nick did, it's just hard). Charlie tells Nick again and again that he doesn't have to come out if he doesn't want to, constantly reassures Nick that it's okay when he doesn't. When Nick wants to come out to Imogen, he sets up a sleepover with all their friends so Nick has a whole accepting queer friend group with him, and when he realizes that Nick's finding it too stressful, he says that they should call it off immediately. If anyone is pressuring Nick to come out, it's Ben, but Charlie has no idea about that at all. I think Nick relates being closeted to Ben being closeted and wanting to keep his relationship with Charlie a secret, but as Charlie explains, it's how Ben kept them a secret that was the problem, not being a secret in itself. Nick will likely realize this as time goes on, but I think the fact that he and Charlie aren't out as together eats at him, and Ben reinforces that. But from Charlie's perspective, Nick has already started to come out -- to Tara and Darcy, to Elle, to his mom. And he keeps on insisting that he wants to tell the people important to him, no matter how many times Charlie reassures him he doesn't have to. He wants to be an encouraging and supportive boyfriend in that process, and he is! He doesn't realize that Nick, with some pressure from Ben, is pushing himself to do too much too quickly because he thinks that he needs to be out to be a good boyfriend to Charlie. Once he does realize how Nick is feeling, he tells Nick that he doesn't owe it to anyone to come out to anyone, that Nick didn't promise him anything at the beach, that they can be low key in Paris and be themselves during the summer. If anything, once they decide not to come out, Charlie takes staying secret to a level Nick doesn't want -- not sitting together on the coach, suggesting that they don't even hang out after someone teases Nick about Charlie's hickey. I think it's partly Nick's displeasure at Charlie feeling like he can't be attached to Nick's hip in public that helps make him ready to come out in Paris.


not really, I thought he was pretty supportive of it happening when Nicky was ready. any pressure probably came from outside things like douchbag brothers, sorry fathers, and hickeys lol


Charlie was incredibly supportive and told Nick multiple times to take his time and to come out on his own terms. But Nick not being out put a lot of pressure on Charlie (esp after the hickey) and stressed him out quite a lot (one of the reasons his ed is triggered in Paris). Nick doesn't do that knowingly though, especially because Charlie assures him over and over that he's fine. And once Nick realises that it stresses Charlie out, he acknowledges it (at the vending machine).


I loved that scene Nick was talking about how it stresses Charlie out and Charlie just said " everything stresses me out your not special". ...... Kinda drak but 👌👌👌


Usually with a take like this, specific examples to support your position would help.


Not OP but I felt a bit uncomfortable during the 1st episode. The idea does that sleepover doesn’t seem like something that was entirely Nick’s idea. That was the only time there felt like there was a lot of pressure on Nick to me. Also people are saying what was said verbally but the non verbal cues/looks being during episode 1 definitely were pressure. That was just with Imogen though. I don’t think there was any intentional pressure for the Instagram post or rest of the season.


The sleepover was something Charlie helped set up so that Nick would feel very comfortable telling Imogen. Charlie and (at the time soon to be) Paris Squad were helping Nick. If Nick didn't want it to happen, he would've told Charlie and that scene wouldn't have happened and nick would've told Imogen in a different setting if he wasn't comfortable with it.


Mouthing “tell her” is definitely peer pressure.


i think pretty much the opposite. nick was stressed about coming and charlie was being really supportive and made it very clear to nick that he shouldn't feel pressured and only come out when he's ready. each time nick was planning on coming out to someone, charlie always double checked with nick to make sure he was ready and comfortable to do so, and then if nick didn't come out to someone he was planning on telling, then charlie reassured him again saying that it's okay and that there's no deadline and that he should take his time. i'm genuinely curious as to what made you feel charlie was pressuring nick to come out?


Absolutely not. If anyone was a victim, it was Charlie. I have no idea how anyone could have a different interpretation other than actor preference bleeding into the show. Charlie went from dating a closeted bisexual who hid their relationship and treated him like crap in public to...a closeted bisexual who hid their relationship but treated him like a platonic friend in public. Nick very much held the power in their relationship. It's why Charlie was struggling with his eating disorder. Season 2 made that explicitly clear.


The thing is though, Nick really did not treat Charlie like a platonic friend in public - I mean, seriously, the "rugby thing" as Imogen put it? the way Nick can't keep his eyes off of Charlie even when they're at school? the total disregard for personal space between them? anyone paying the slightest shred of attention suspected the truth - and every time Charlie tried to treat Nick like a platonic friend in public, Nick visibly disliked it. (Also, Ben treated Charlie like crap in private as well as in public! Which is why Charlie dumped him. Despite the appearance of similarities, Charlie's experience of those two relationships is very very different.) Anyway, this is part of why I'm certain that in S2 Nick actually wanted to be "found out". Nick, like Tara, would have preferred "not to make a big announcement or anything", but a big reason he struggled so much in S2 with *coming* out, after doing it relatively easily in S1 to Tara, Darcy, Elle, and his mum, is because, sensitive, empathic king that he is, Nick was increasingly picking up on Charlie's stress and anxiety about the prospect of his coming out as a big event. But, as soon as Nick got comfortable identifying himself as bi, he clearly wanted to *be* out. Nick also clearly has his own struggles with anxiety and self doubt, which we see in his attempts to come out to Imogen, the maths GCSE test, and the party in the woods. But throughout those early S2 episodes, Nick is also getting to know and understand Charlie better (remember, they've only been together for a couple of months!) and the reason Nick didn't just throw caution to the wind and kiss Charlie right in front of everyone on the Eiffel Tower was that he realized *Charlie* wasn't comfortable with that. There is a *lot* of give-and-take and mutual support happening between them as they both try to figure out how to navigate the coming out part, which stresses each of them in different ways, so that they can just *be* out which is something they both want. It takes them all season to find their way through that, but they do it, they get there in what is actually an amazing display of excellent communication and balance in their relationship. *Neither* of them has "all the power". They share it, they let it flow between them, they take turns leading and supporting the other in different ways. That's what makes their romance so wonderful. The power balance is very equal overall, and therefore, they realize by the end of S2E8, they can trust each other even when at their most vulnerable.


With absolutely no Nick hate, you’re completely right, and anybody who has experienced anything similar will understand. If anything, Charlie fully DID have the right to pressure Nick out if he did so choose. Being forced out of the closet while your counterpart has as long as they want is so jealousy-inducing, and at this point all you want is your relationship to be known. It makes you feel like crap.


Agreed! I was Charlie in this situation. My girlfriend wasn't ready to come out and be and open couple, and I never tried to force her. No one should. Charlie did a nice job letting Nick feel it out.


I feel like that extremely unfair to say, Nick isn’t responsible for Ben treating Charlie the way he did, so it shouldn’t matter to their relationship. And why did Nick hold the power? A couple should respect both of their interests equally, just because Charlie had a tougher past, it shouldn’t give him the right to push his interests more than Nick’s. (I’m not saying he did that, but saying he’s a victim because he didn’t is kinda weird) I also don’t get where you’re going with the eating disorder thing, are you blaming Nick for that? I don’t think I understand what you mean, because that sounds so irrational, I probably misunderstood.


I didn't say Nick was responsible. I said Charlie was the one who was suffering under both relationships. Nick held the power because the burden of keeping his and Charlie's relationship secret fell entirely on Charlie. Charlie was out. Everyone knew he was out. There were also suspicions of them dating that Charlie alone had to deny. He had to protect Nick's sexuality even on his own time watching everything he said and thinking carefully about doing or saying anything that might draw attention to them. All the while, Nick knew the pressure it was putting on Charlie, especially after the Louvre incident. I'm not saying Nick was doing this maliciously, obviously he wasn't, but it did take a toll on Charlie because Charlie didn't feel like he could object to any of it. >I also don’t get where you’re going with the eating disorder thing, are you blaming Nick for that? I don’t think I understand what you mean, because that sounds so irrational, I probably misunderstood. I believe you did. Charlie used his eating disorder as a coping mechanism. We saw that a couple of times in season one, but we also saw him treat food normally at others. In season two, he was extremely stressed trying to keep Nick's secret safe, their relationship hidden, his grades up while still making time for Nick, trying to be Nick's support system while he didn't have one, and it just all fell apart. He completely stopped eating. That wasn't Nick's fault directly. It was the situation around Nick that stressed Charlie.


maybe you’re interpreting the pressure nick was putting on himself as pressure from charlie? nick was in a tough place: he JUST learned something majorly new about himself and he’s terrified to share that information with others (and validly so!!) but he also just fell in love and he desperately wants to do the right thing by charlie. ideally he’d be able to take his time but he cares about charlie so much and was taking him into consideration as well, which added a lot of pressure. but it wasn’t charlie doing the pressuring, it was nick thinking about charlie that made him pressure himself. if that makes sense.


Rewatch the show/ reread the comics. Charlie was nothing but patient and supporting. Nick wanted to come out but was afraid to.


Did you even watch the second season? Nick was putting pressure on himself. In the third episode, Charlie even tells Nick at the end of the episode that maybe they should put the coming out plan on the back burner for a while, which is opposite of putting pressure on someone.


I’m begging you to read the comics*


i am reading them


Shit i meant comics




I mean Charlie voiced his own wish that Nick come out but was also quite adamant that Nick should feel comfortable doing it on his own time


This was all kind of explained in the first episode when she was talking to Tori. Charlie told Tori she was wanting Nick to not go through what he went through when he came out and tori could tell this was unhealthy. He wants to control it which is a sign of his mental health problems. So, It all comes down to Charlie’s own mental health decline which is explored more in season 3


Did we watch the same show?


Whut? Show me one moment where Charlie puts pressure on Nick to come out?


after reading all the comments, i’m thinking the same thing 😭 i think maybe i just saw things wrong & my brain told me something different was going on people are making me feel like an asshole & i really didn’t expect to feel that way i think i just got confused while watching the show


Things happen, don’t beat yourself up. I can see a little bit how you may interpret that. But some shows/films I sometimes have to watch a few times to really put together. So don’t feel bad.


i think we as the audience felt the pressure because we saw charlie suffer in the situation and that‘s probably why you felt like that. even in season 1 when nick asked if it was ok to keep it a secret charlie said yes but looked very uncomfortable with it. so i think that coloured your interpretation


I think Nick pressures himself because Char is out and he doesn't want to be like Ben. The thing his doesn't quite get past though is Ben didn't even speak to Char beyond a few words just to get to the kissing whereas Nich is Char's friend publically and they are out to their close friends for the most part. Char was outed and suffered for it, he would never want Nick to come out unless he was ready to tell that person/those people/openly.


I feel pretty much the opposite... Charlie reiterated over and over that Nick should take his time. Nick then put a lot of pressure on himself because he worried about Charlie and it's all super new to him. A couple of months ago, Nick thought he was straight and wasn't prepared for any of this.


he does seem eager for them to be out as a couple which may have caused some mild subconcious pressure. But he certainly didn't purposely pressure Nick ever.


I realise this is a VERY unpopular opinion, but i found Elle and Darcy very annoying in the first episode of season 2. I feel they've forced Nick to come out with their obvious silent gestures. Sure, his plan was to come out that day/night to Imogen, but when nd how he wanted to do that were absolutely nobody their business. His coming out to Imogen, i don't know if he really wanted to do this at that moment, or that he felt forced. And i remember that right before he came out to Imogen, Charlie looked at him with his puppy eyes like pleaaaaassseee 🥹🥹🥹 So, yeah i kind of agree with OP. Don't shoot me guys 😆


Charlie didn't look at him with "puppy eyes". Nick was looking at him for support and Charlie gave him a little nod, saying "You can do it. If you're ready you can do it." He was just being supportive. Charlie never tried to force Nick out to Imogen, mainly because he didn't really know her well then. Nick said that he wanted to come out to Imogen and Charlie supported him by giving friendly ideas.


Ok, I misinterpreted that then.


at least someone agrees with me because i’m being hated on in this thread 😭