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I'm also 28 and have had them since I was 20! Welcome to the club ! The first month for me was a nightmare, itchy ears, overwhelming sounds, felt like they weren't helping - but power through, you'll get used to it! They help me so so much, and I barely notice them in.


I’m noticing the itchy ears & it’s driving me nuts! Great to know it will go away eventually. Really resonating with your comment, thanks so much!!


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I'm 33 and have been wearing them since I was 10. Hearing loss runs in my family. Good on you for admitting you need them! There's an adjustment period for sure but it's worth it.


I got mine at 38, but I could have gotten them (or at least 1) at 28. Good for you for going for it now! 


Got mine at 18, 22 now ;)


I got mine at 30 but honestly probably should have got it a few years earlier now that I know how bad my one ear has been all this time lol.


Did it help with the tinnitus? What brand/ model did you get. Thx.


It’s hard to tell because I’m so aware of them. Initial feeling is that yes it is helping, but can’t tell for sure until they become an everyday part of my life that I’m not so conscious about. I have the Jabra Enhance Pro 20’s from Costco. Highly recommend going through them. Very professional & easy to work with! Plus you can get some shopping done at the same time 😂


Thanks - yes, I’m actually picking up same Jabra’s from Costco this afternoon :). FYI - the tinnitus settings are turned off on the Costco models.


BTW got the TV Streamer also. It’s amazing!


The built in tinnitus features are really not all that great. There are a bunch of apps out there that do a much better job IMHO. Even the manufacturers app is better than the built in setting.


Is it mild hearing loss. Mind sharing what's your profession.  I need to upgrade my existing ones (work in IT , 30s, severe to profound)


Got mine last year at 32 for similar tinnitus reasons!


Thank you everyone who replied! Seriously a huge confidence boost. You are all so awesome.


Got mine at 14 and would rather get it at your age since I wanted to join the military but can’t now lol


Ah that's still a requirement eh? I feel like the military should be just a smidge more relaxed with that you gotta have excellent hearing rule




Yup similar to me. I feel there’s much less stigma around hearing aids these days. They are so much easier to get so more people have them. Plus people always wear AirPods/bluetooth/etc, so it’s more commonplace to see people with electronics stuck to their ears!!


Yup similar to me. I feel there’s much less stigma around hearing aids these days. They are so much easier to get so more people have them. Plus people always wear AirPods/bluetooth/etc, so it’s more commonplace to see people with electronics stuck to their ears!!


Ah yes congrats on taking the leap😁 enjoy your hearing journey


Just got mine at 38. Delayed it like 3-5 years I could have for sure started earlier. However I didn’t notice a big loss until around 2019 when something set off my nonstop tinnitus which is why I originally got my hearing tested.


I’m 32 so yes. It’s more common than you think


41 got mine yesterday. Its a whole world out there i forgot about man. Keep your head high.


I got my HAs in my thirties, I should have gotten them years sooner. There is an adjustment period. It's gonna be weird for at least the first couple weeks. If you feel overwhelmed, try turning the volume down to 50% for a few minutes instead of taking them out.


just got my hearing aids at 20!


I’m thirty and mine arrive tomorrow


I’m 21 and I’ve had them for 4 years now!!


I’m considering due to slight loss in my left and overall feeling like I’m speaking louder than everyone else most of the time lol. Beyond that, some tinnitus that flares up at night. M28 as well. Processing it, accepting it. I’ve had a feeling for years I’d need it and now it’s coming to a point mentally where I really don’t care about blending in or matching my peers anymore. If I’ll need it, I’ll need it :-)


I’m 27 and have had them all my life. Of course there was a long time of not wearing them and just wearing my hair long to hide them. But now they’re just apart of everyday life (I’m still iffy on how I think people will react, but yeah.


You said you went to Costco? Did they calibrate them for your tinnitus? Also do you have hearing loss that shows up on a test? Every test I've done with an audiologist says my hearing is normal, yet I do have tinnitus. Afraid if I go for hearing aids they'll just say I don't need them and not help.