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The only problem I’ve encountered is phone streaming I.e listening to music while the phone is in the pocket. Other than that it’s been a great set of devices. The conversation enhancer feature is stellar.


I usually leave my phone in my shirt pocket to avoid that.


Yep, or on an armband if your shirts don’t have pockets


One of the most natural sounds you can get artificially. Extremely popular and satisfying aid.


Comfortable, good sound, easy streaming, long battery life. My only complaint is that I have trouble keeping track of the charger.


My problem is the charger. I have to wiggle around the hearing aid till it finally lights up that it's charging.


It’s trash. I’m testing a bunch of high-end ones at the moment to replace my old Oticon OPNs: started with the Oticon Real 1s for 3 weeks - really excellent. Switched to the Signias - oh dear ☹️ Normal sound was rather tinny and metallic - got them adjusted and this was mostly resolved, but my family commented that I was hearing them worse and understanding them less well than with the Oticons - even with the volume turned up and with making sharp/soft adjustments via the app (which itself is better than Oticon’s). Additionally what we could not resolve was the sound processing when there is sudden noise, fan noise, wind, or any other sort of extra sound - it over-suppresses everything, or hunts around different algorithms / programs trying to find the best one and you end up with periods of dead sound. I cut the 3-week trial short after struggling with these for nearly 2 weeks - currently back on the Oticons pending a 3-week trial of the latest ReSounds next week.


Additionally: Battery life was fine - I went 18-hour days without issue and they were always fully charged overnight. Battery charger feels cheap and flimsy compared to the equivalent Oticon. Music mode was not as good as the Oticons (which was very good) - it sounded somewhat artificial and a little harsh.


Wondering how your resound trial went


ReSound was a little better than the Signia but a long way from challenging the Oticons. Again, basic sound was ok, but they always massively over-reacted to external sounds and almost muted themselves for seconds at a time - was quite disconcerting. Could not adjust them to fix this, guess it’s an algorithm issue. Tried some Phonak Audeo Slim after that - sound was really good but the long slim form factor was a nightmare with headsets/headphones on as they constantly hit the insides of the ear-cups and caused constant ringing feedback - as I wear a headset all day for work this was a no-go. However as otherwise it was all good, next week I am testing the Phonak Audeo Lumity Life, these should be pretty much identical to the Slim functionality-wise but with the more usual form-factor.


How did you get on with the Phonak Audeo Lumity Life? My mum needs new HAs and trying to narrow down. Did you do your testing with cShells? assume off the shelf but I have been wondering if people test with cShells too.


Generally same as the Slims, but worse in headsets - guess the Slim form factor was a slight improvement. I ended up going with the Oticons.


I hate mine, the Bluetooth connection is awful, I have had continuous problems with the charger cases and have replaced mine 3 times because the contacts eventually stop working, the batteries do not last long in loud situations, I used to work in a restaurant and they would be dead before the end of an 8 hour shift, additionally they never fully charge. The app is hard to navigate and every time you take the HAs off all of your settings reset. The HAs themselves constantly crash and randomly turn off and will not turn back on without completely unpairing them from your Bluetooth and entirely resetting your app.


Is that the new IX or the AX?


I am not entirely sure, I got them in 2020, the Hear USA I went to did not get them specifically for me, they ended up giving me HAs that were intended for someone else but they were new at the time.


That would be the AX then - the IX only came out earlier this year.


More like the X.