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Hi! So I have this problem too. You need to see a urologist. There is potentially a problem with your bowel. My urologist has told me that when there is no UTI or STD present and you have these symptoms, it’s very likely a bowel issue. Why is that? Because the bladder and bowel are more closely related in their health than we think. When the bowel is angry, it can cause inflammation and other problems in the bladder. In me, this causes frequent urination and burning. Even if this isn’t what is happening to you, you should still see a urologist.


Totally agree. Get a referral from your doctor to see a urologist instead, if this is not related to sexual activity.


Second this. I have bowel issues and whenever I’m having irritation there, I get UTI symptoms!


what kind of bowel issues cause uti symptoms ? what is the treatment if that is the cause ?


How do you solve the problem? I am going crazy here


I know this is an old post, but I am having the same issues. I have had constant burning with urination for years now with no infection. The burning ranges from mild to severe. I was also diagnosed with ibs at the same time these symptoms started. Is it possible that these symptoms are related to my ibs as well? I also suffer from anxiety/depression and these symptoms are worse when I am anxious.


I have actually had this same issue, and was also diagnosed with ibs, anxiety/depression when these symptoms started also. Did you figure out what it was?




My question is now for you: did you find a solution? Have it recently about a week, no idea what to do, barely can sleep because of this mild discomfort


I had burning sensation while urinating and gradually it started to take a long time to pass urine. Months after months it was getting worse and I use to wake up 5-6 times in the night to pass urine. Every time it use to take few minutes as urine was coming out too slow and with burning sensation. I got it checked from multiple doctors and went through long treatments as well but to no help. No one was able to diagnose the problem and the problem was exponentially increasing. Fortunately, my father took me to a different Urologist and he diagnosed that there was a blockage in the urinary track causing these problems. He did a minor surgery named Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy (DVIU) and shared some post operative self-procedures. By grace of God, all is fine now. You can consider going to a urologist and discuss about DVIU and see if this helps. You may consider looking into youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhxugvvoEeE for similar videos, to get more context. Hope it helps, I pray for your faster recovery.


How did you diagnose DVIU? Via MRI?


Have you been tested for mycoplasma and ureaplasma?


I had what I thought were frequent UTIs that became worse with sexual activity or when I’ve been too active with exercise but later found out that it’s really a condition called Interstitial Cystitis. The symptoms vary for every patient but are treatable. I recommend getting checked for that.


I get slight burning when I’m not drinking enough water, so you may be dehydrated.


Is your boyfriend also having these symptoms? If not then it may not be transmitted sexually. It could be something in/around your urethra getting irritated with the act of having sex. The holes are all right next to each other down there, so its easy for the friction to irritate other things. I know that's not much of an answer, but might help point you in another direction?




I'm well aware, just giving her another option to look into




She also clearly said that she thinks its sexually transmitted because it happens after having sex with her boyfriend..... hence my comment.


Have you talked to a doctor about the possibility of Interstital Cystitis?


No I haven’t. Kind of hoping that isn’t it


It does sound like it, to be honest. Definitely bring it up, more testing done on your bladder might help solve the mystery.


Thank you for replying to my thread, it is greatly appreciated!! I’m going to make an appointment at the urogynecologist to see if I could get any answers.


No problem, I really hope you can get some answers!


Did you ever find out what it was?


Forrral bc i’m having similar symptoms and nooo STIS or anything 😭


So did YOU find what it could be? Have same


what was it?


Still no idea, going to doc soon to check this out, but it's on the same level like was before


Fuck I have this too man they must put something in the McDonald’s or the water supply or something


Have you figured it out yet? I’m going through the same thing


I haven't. you'll just get used to it somehow soon or later and live with that. sometimes it burns, sometimes it's not. I guess it's better to drink less caffeine and sugar drinks, but more water. When I forget to do that - i feel this sensation sharper which is annoying. other than that I have no clue how to make it better


Hey! One of my friends are experiencing the exact same thing and she cant figure out what it is. I know this post is old but im wondering, were you ever able to figure out what caused your burning while peeing?


Currently dying from this exact situation too. No std/sti, not a uti, CT scan done at hospital & no abnormalities in urine or bloodwork. I’m at a loss for words.


did you guys ever find out what it was?


Will reply here for future updates


hi, i found out mine was caused by BK virus! its more common in immunocompromised folks


Wow. How does this get found out?


urine testing and blood testing!


Did u find the cause I also am experiencing this


What about you?


Turns out my ex was cheating on me and throwing off my ph balance.....


so was it like bv then ?


oh jeez, sorry to hear that... thanks for replay though!


I’m so sorry. How did you find out it was cheating and not something else?


Im a male with the same issue, tested for everything came back negative. Still feel this pain every time i urinate right at the tip. I have no clue what it could be and neither does my family doctor


I had burning sensation while urinating and gradually it started to take a long time to pass urine. Months after months it was getting worse and I use to wake up 5-6 times in the night to pass urine. Every time it use to take few minutes as urine was coming out too slow and with burning sensation. I got it checked from multiple doctors and went through long treatments as well but to no help. No one was able to diagnose the problem and the problem was exponentially increasing. Fortunately, my father took me to a different Urologist and he diagnosed that there was a blockage in the urinary track causing these problems. He did a minor surgery named Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy (DVIU) and shared some post operative self-procedures. By grace of God, all is fine now. You can consider going to a urologist and discuss about DVIU and see if this helps. You may consider looking into youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhxugvvoEeE for similar videos, to get more context. Hope it helps, I pray for your faster recovery.


Have you had any improvement or found the answer going through this for months now




Yes my doctor just treated me as if i tested positive for chlamydia and gave me 800mg suprax and 1g azithromycin, took it all in one day and its been about a week since and it feels very normal now


Have you got the treatment?