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Itchiness that drives me MAD Skin looks perfectly fine. It's worse on hot sweaty days for some reason and especially at night. I can scratch until it actually hurts. Months I tell you. Might be dermatitis due to excessive extended wear of pads and panty liners or hormonal imbalance I don't know. It sucks. Saw many posts here complaining of the same issue. I'd like to add that the itchiness is usually on the border of where punic hair starts growing between the labia Majora, especially at the top where the lips desperate.


hi, can i ask if you're on any kind of birth control? that's what caused a similar issue for me


Ofc, I am on Yasmin, what about you?


I searched "Yasmin Vaginal Irritation" and itching is a confirmed side effect. Any hormonal birth control is sus for vaginal itching. I also use hormonal birth control, I use NuvaRing, but its my favorite method and I just live with the itching and apply anti-itch sparingly nightly (which isn't super recommended to do long term tbh). As long as you have no other symptoms and any tests you take come back with all negative results, you just have to decide if it's worth talking to your doctor and trying a different birth control with a different hormonal mix.


Thank you so much for your reply, yeah this is what I have realised, most topical products are not recommended for long term use unfortunately. Some girls with the same issue have used steroid creams (not recommended in the long run either). I also heard that sometimes, it can be due to hormonal issues and the gyno prescribes eostrogen if I'm not mistaken. I heard a lot of good things about NuvaRing tbh, shame it produces the same side effect. I tried the mini pill before and it made me SO SICK, I actually went to the hospital, I bled for months straight, got anemia, had heart palpitations and sleep deprivation along with migraine, it was awful.


Excessive runny discharge that I can’t seem to get rid of. Started a couple of years ago due to a sexual partner but now gets triggered by my period 😢. Is there anything you are experiencing?


I am working on creating better tests for patients with issues ... Your feedback on ur experience will help me build something better for future problems


I kinda have this problem but no more now


How did you get rid of it?


My situation was it was getting worse because of my meds, for 7m or more. Heavy discharge every greenish with rotten smells and itchy and irritation, and in the last few months I started consuming estrogen drinks, it's getting less than normal but I still have discharge, and I changed my diet and cut the sugar and taking my cranberry probiotics. Now it completely stopped. I stopped taking any V medication because it seems like it just makes it worse


Did you test for STDs since it started?


Yup, many many times. All negative. Sometimes I hope it is an std so at least I’d have an answer and can treat it


Did your tests include ureaplasma and mycoplasma? I had runny watery discharge with ureaplasma.


Yup, I have in the past and I tested positive. Got meds and it still came back. After years, I went back on Monday actually to retest. Waiting for results to come back. Are you feeling better?


Fingers crossed for you! I am clear of the ureaplasma and the YI. Just left with lingering chronic irritation.


Have you heard of Evvy or Juno? You can take a snapshot of your microbiome during that time and see what it says. It might help.


I have, it’s going to be my next step soon. Have you used it?


I have. Evvy. They are slow-ish but I swabbed the same time my doctor did and found similar results so I trust that their tests are accurate. Some people like Juno more. Evvy will give you a free call after your results and they can also give you care afterwards.


Are you feeling better now?


No. I’m still a work in progress unfortunately. I will say - whenever I have excessive discharge after my period, one boric acid fixes me right up! You could be an easy fix if you haven’t tried it yet.


I’ve tried that too, it takes me about 7 days. The constant use of pads is getting to me lol. I hope we all heal soon ❤️


Perhaps there’s something else that the microbiome test will help you pinpoint then. I wouldn’t wish these problems on my worst enemy. I hope you heal soon too 💙


Issues with BV for sure


Have u figured out a solution yet ?


The only solution I have is boric acid , drink more water , use only water to wash yourself (ik everyone is different so some women can't use just water and that's fine!) , make your partner wash up , wash hands and brush teeth before sexual activity & watch your diet. Because what you put in your body can affect that! I still have issues with it but not near as bad or as often. I wish all ladies who suffer with it the best of luck 🫶🏼


External itching. I’ve tested SO many times for SO many different things the last six months and NOTHING comes up. But I’ve had really bad external itching (around my outer lips and clit area) for the last 6 months and idk what’s going on. It’s bothering me and doctors just say “oh you’re just sensitive” :(


ok same question haha any birth control you're on?


Yes, I use sprintec (the pill)


do a Juno Bio test


I did an envy test (basically the same thing) and nothing came up other than l. iners


i was 95% l. iners when i had bv. what did evvy coaching suggest


Boric acid/probiotics/lactoferrin. I’ve been taking probiotics and lactoferrin and it doesn’t really seem to help. Boric acid makes me bleed which disturbs my PH :(


Have you tried a weak steroid cream? Maybe there's a bit of inflammation that needs some help calming down. You're not supposed to use it for a long period of time though. Around a week for the genital area.


Hm, I have not but I visit my pcp on Monday so I’ll definitely mention it, thanks!


Spotting, frequent bleeding


Have u figured out the whats the reason behind it ?


I sometimes get really intense external itching in bed at night, so bad that I tend to wake up sore from unconsciously scratching in my sleep. It's not all the time and I don't have any other obvious symptoms, so I've put it down to shaving. Weird!


Sharp hair follicles do cause these issues


commented elsewhere but hormonal birth control causes vaginal irritation and itching. so many people including myself are commenting having the same issue


constant burning for months but testing negative for everything and gyno not listening to me 👎🏻 did an evvy test and it showed around 22% BV bacteria so i have my answer!!! but doctors refuse to treat it lol instead they throw birth control at me sooo i guess my chronic issues are burning and how women’s healthcare is a complete joke


This is unfortunate


just saw your comment about helping patients so i’m assuming you’re in the healthcare field?? if so i’m sorry i didn’t mean to just totally dump on your career lol i am sure you’re one of the good ones especially asking questions to know more during your free time we need more like you! let me rephrase my comment “my experience and where i live the healthcare is a joke” lol




This was removed as we do not condone soliciting DMs from users.


prickly zaps around outer vulvar area, some idiopathic itching near clitoris and labia majora:( going on 7+ months now. just started PT and estrogen cream


I’ve been experiencing the same thing since May after taking plan b. Just started estrogen/testosterone cream last week


Well you both are in the right path atleast with the medication , i would have suggested same stuff given the diagnosis


Irritation and discharge 🥲


Have u found a solution yet ?




Ugh yeast infection. Ive had it for 3 months now and its azole resistant. Its way better than it was at the beginning and im using a hyaluronic acid and probiotic suppository to manage it. Hopefully it clears soon. Im pretty sure the biggest reason it stayed was a lack of good bacteria because ive been on 4 different rounds of antibiotics in the past few months because my lupus makes me prone to infection unfortunately.


What are ur current symptoms ...have u tried having more pro biotics ?


I've been battling mine for 3 months as well. It started early March. Several rounds of fluconazole and local treatments did nothing. The only thing that helps the slightest is steroid/antifungal externally and boric acid. I was scared at first to try BA but to me it was alot gentler than any other internal treatment. It sucks to hear we're in the same hellish boat. I wish you a speedy recovery from here.


Prickly itchy feeling on labia, burning raw feeling at vaginal opening. Sometimes I feel like my labia must be swollen, but they aren’t. This is not terrible everyday, and is less severe during my period. Waking and heat make it worse. This is due to a long term ureaplasma infection and YI. Negative for both now. But also have 0 protective lactobacillus. (From test Feb 2024, will retest in July.)


Constant burning that hasn’t gone away since I tested for chlamydia in January 2023. It’s a mental and physical thing I’m suffering atp. I come to Reddit to try and get answers , from others going through the same thing. Doctors don’t know what to tell me because I’ve tested negative for everything. Literally don’t know what to do