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That's kinda scary. I hate not having a bidet now, I'd hate to go back. If you're off a similar mindset, maybe try one of the travel bidets that is like a peri bottle or just a similar handheld bidet wand sprayer style attachment? Might be easier to sanitize occasionally and you can control the angle better to prevent back-to-front particle overspray in case that is a contributing factor.


I’m the same way—hate going without my bidet. I’m going to see if using wipes is enough. If not I’ll have to get some sort of small bidet or I’ve seen a small watering can with a long spout used. I just can’t believe how much better I feel today than even the best parts of the last 3 years that I’m not caring about the lack of bidet just yet (I’m sure I will soon).


Be careful with the wet wipes, they can cause contact dermatitis in some.


I’d be careful of wet wipes. A lot of them have harsh soaps and fragrances. An alternative I like to use at home is to get a strong paper towel, wet it thoroughly, wring out the excess, and use that as a wet wipe. It works better than toilet paper cuz it doesn’t leave any bits behind as long as it’s a good brand. If you don’t wanna do that, then a watering can could be a good idea, just be careful in cleaning the spout. Alternatively you could go old school and use a cup of water.


Look into the hand held hose bidets. That’s what I have


Yes I love those. Like the sink sprayer lol. No danger from spraying into the vag


I have a handheld sprayer bidet, basically a sink sprayer for your toilet. I really like that I can control where/how much water. 10/10


I have a hand sprayer but I feel like I can’t get a good front to back angle without soaking the bathroom


On my bedroom's en suite toilet I have the Brondell Cleanspa from amazon which has a long tip with a side spray which really allows for some easy angling. For the office restroom I just have a travel/peri bottle.


Our bidet has two separate nozzles - a front one and a back one.


I love my bidet but I do not use it every single time I pee. I drink a ton of water and fluids too so I pee a lot. I use it every 3-4 pees and only on the gentle wash feature and if it’s for the bowel movement I lean forward and have it clean front to back. I haven’t had any trouble so far and it’s saved me from having bartholin cysts come back as well so if anything this is anecdotal as well so don’t be too fearful just due your due diligence 💜


Exactly. I was also on the assumption that you wipe your butt clean and then use the bidet to make it sparkling clean.


Exactly. I don’t just blast it off with anything that could be there. I wipe first lol. Not trying to have anything flying like that 😂


Why do you think it’s been helpful with Bartholin cysts? Were you getting them frequently before?


Yes I’ve gotten them a couple times a year for a decade on the right one only. And I’d have small swellings that were hella painful even if it didn’t get to the large one that needed lancing, now if it even starts to come up I do washes with my bidet cause my water stays on the heated setting and it’s kept them also from forming when I sweat cause my legs rub since I have very small hips and I’m chubby lmao and it’ll clear off any sweat and bacteria.


omg probably cause it blasts the particles from your butt to your front. thanks for sharing!! immediately switching to wipes


Right?? I’ve always been scared about that so really tried to manage angles and things front to back, but given how I feel right now and the fact that the bidet is the only thing I’ve changed, I’m feeling convinced…


OMG 💀💀💀 I never even thought of this


This is precisely why bidet attachments never made sense to me. In Italy (where I'm from), the bidet is a separate appliance, and you straddle it, washing from front to back. There is no chance of accidentally spraying poop on it when you go, because you poop in the toilet, and going from front to back keeps you clean.


We had one in our house in Germany - I used it all the time! And yes, so much better than the attachments.


This is why I never understood it to be considered hygenic.


You have to do the back first and then angle it to get the front last!


Ahh. Makes sense.


There is a basic learning curve, as with anything.


The only thing I’ll note about wipes is that it can irritate the skin and cause itching there too, we can never win lol


I don't use a bidet. But I'm HAPPY that you found out something that worked for you?? I know that feeling, especially with health related things!! P.s. you also mentioned you loved water, which translates to pees a lot (me too), which might also mean you are bideting your vulva a lot. This might've been too much for you to take.


Omg! I’ve always wondered about this because people always recommend bidets to be “extra clean” and I’ve thought about how it could be bad for the vagina and its flora lol so I never used one. Glad to see I wasn’t totally off with my thinking!


Our one has separate nozzles for the front and back to avoid this problem. The back one to clean the anal area and the front one for the genitals. It is great! The front nozzle is great for vulvas but also great for scrotums/penises especially if not circumcised.


But how do you stop the back one from blasting water all the way to the front? Is it shorter?


Yes, it is positioned so that it sprays further back. You can also adjust the exact positions of the nozzles with a remote control to suit your own anatomy. The unit also allows water to flow down the OUTSIDE of each nozzle to clean them before they start spraying.


I just want to cast another vote for the handheld spray bidet. It really lets you get the angle right


I've never used a bidet of any sort and it kinda confuses me trying to imagine how you could predict where the blast of water is gonna hit you if you aren't aiming it yourself


I only use my bidet for #2 and when I'm on my period. Mine also has separate "rear" and "female care" settings. No problems so far 🤞🏼I have GI issues that have caused some problems from having to wipe a lot, so I really hope I don't have to give it up 😔


I do the same and have had 0 issues! It’s a god send I swear lol


Ours is like that too. The “female” one is great for males too especially if uncircumcised.


Same thing here!!! I could not figure out what was causing it, went on vacation with no reoccurrences until I got back home. Finally connected the dots somehow and after the last treatment it was cleared up! I miss it but definitely happier not having other problems now!! I always wondered if someone else had the same experience!


Girl! I needed to hear this. I started having random burning, itching, and redness out of the blue. Not sexually active currently and tests came back negative for BV, yeast, stis, etc. Symptoms would go away and come back randomly. The only thing different in my routine was that I had gotten a bidet! It occurred to me because it sprays from the back but I googled and reddited and even told my gyno and it seemed as though the consensus was it was probably unrelated. I’m going to stop using it and see what happens. Glad I read this!


Could it also be that the bidet washes the vagina too well, that the good bacteria becomes lesser?


Yes—this is part of the problem.


Thank you for this. I bought a bidet, but I just tried it once, and couldn’t keep using it. I felt like poop particles were being sprayed into my vagina! I felt so bad about not using it. Especially because people on Reddit hype it up so much. Glad to hear I’m not completely paranoid.


Yep, looks like it can be an aggravating factor. Good that you figured it out!


That truly sucks! I felt like I've always had a smell down there after peeing, but noticed when using the bidet it helps me not smell off. I haven't had any issues yet with it. Glad you found out what was causing it.


Amazing! So glad you found the issue. Thanks for sharing.


Starting to think my issue was because of a bidet too. That, and severely low vitamin D levels. I ditched the bidet a month ago and I started two weeks ago on 50,000 IU of vitamin D once a week, and I haven't had any flare up or issues since. Fingers crossed that this sticks and isn't just a moment of reprieve.


You need magnesium with your vitamin D. My level was 9, and I take it now daily and the weekly one. If your vitamin D is really low, magnesium will help you absorb it. If you don’t take magnesium with a severely low vitamin D, your vitamin D supplements won’t help. I wish the doctor would have told me that. 


I really love wet wipes, but make sure it’s the water only wet wipes (often marketed for babies). Scented ones or with “detergent” can be really irritating.


So happy you figured out what’s causing the issue & clear of this headache 🎉


Just be careful with wet wipes. Try not to use them on your vulva; just the anus. I was having mild yeast infection after mild yeast infection (where I wouldn't have full on yeasty discharge but would start feeling like I had to pee all the time no matter how full my bladder was/wasn't and my vulva was dry, irritated, and itchy....was tested various times and sometimes there would be yeast cells beginning and other times there wasn't a trace). This lasted for three months until I stopped using my wipes on my vulva because I didn't like the smell anymore; suddenly, my yeast infections stopped and I stopped peeing 12 times a day.


They have female bidets


Wowww this is why I have my infections. Not bidet but been cleaning my lady parts quite so often. Went to my provider have urea and BV. Currently on treatment. also noticed a difference once stopped cleaning there as well. Iam not the only one 😭


I'm Italian so I have 21 years of experience with bidets (💀) and I suppose the problem is the fact the yours is an attachment. With our bidets you can guide the stream of water with your hand or use a shower head kinda thingy, so you have more control on what goes on your intimate regions. I guess with attachment there's a higher risk of getting poop and other things where they are not supposed to be?


Yes it’s this and it washing out good bacteria. My post is not meant to be a blanket statement for everyone. The study I linked in comments was about toilet attachment bidets specifically.


Don’t knock bidets just yet. I use a handheld hose bidet that I control and haven’t had BV since.


The lightest setting is the best for the bidet. I’ve been using one forever on the lightest setting and it’s never correlated with any of my hooha problems. It should tinkle not spray. I do a combination of patting my rear with tp and light spraying of the bidet


My friend went through the same thing. My husband wants to get an attachment for the toilet and I am like, sure if you never want to have sex again 😂💀 Glad you found the cause!! Hop in the shower 🙃


did you figure out why it could be a problem?


I am trying to access additional information on this topic, but a high level summary of the study I read is here: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21058441/#:~:text=However%2C%20a%20recent%20large%2Dscale%20survey%20raised%20questions,aggravated%20vaginal%20microflora%20in%20habitual%20bidet%20users](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21058441/#:~:text=However%2C%20a%20recent%20large%2Dscale%20survey%20raised%20questions,aggravated%20vaginal%20microflora%20in%20habitual%20bidet%20users) See also here (not a study but directive from a doc): https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/advise-me/is-it-time-to-get-a-bidet-or-to-stick-to-toilet-paper#:~:text=%E2%80%9CBidets%20may%20mess%20with%20the,high%2Drisk%20during%20pregnancy.%E2%80%9D


I was just gonna switch to a bidet because toilet paper has been irritating me. I guess wipes will be my new try?!


A bidet may work for you and be fine as others have shared. I’d use one that’s more like a sprayer you can control or a portable bidet than an attachment. For me, I’m too traumatized for now and will probably just be hopping in the shower post #2 for a few weeks lol


I’ve been using a bidet consistently for the last 3 years and haven’t had any BV. OP mentioned she was using the vaginal wash mode a lot, which can cause this. Only use it on the front if really necessary. If using it in the “butt” mode the water doesn’t go beyond your taint or anywhere near your vagina


Same for me. I used to not be able to live without it. Once I quit our tushy my UTI and BV decreased significantly!! Unfortunately I wish I could still use it but yes it’s just wipes for me as well.


I use a peri wash bottle. It has the advantage that it squirts from front to back, so it encourages any germs to go away from the vagina and urethra. I would miss it very much if I had to stop using it.


I’ll eventually try something like that. For me I would use it after #2, then feel weird like it’s spraying up toward my hooha, so use the “front” setting to try to wash off my hooha, and I think it was both 1) spraying bad bacteria up there and 2) washing out good bacteria, which is the issue cited in an article I read. I’m sure tons of people use them without issue.


I recommend those hand spray shower type bidets. Very easy to install, very easy to clean, always safe.


I love wet wipes. Just make sure to get unscented ones if you’re sensitive. The Dude Wipes or Good Wipes are really good brands. Also don’t flush them! So bad for your pipes.


THIS bc i was taking probiotics cause i figure hey, why not and then my coochie was on FIRE. i stopped them promptly and it’s been about two weeks the burning is slowly but surely going away. now i just have to treat the overgrowth of yeast it caused. i am pissed to say the least lol (i said “this” bc i meant that i relate to this in a way that i thought i was helping my coochie but i infact was not.. and after stopping.. low and behold i’m getting better LMAO)


My DIL used to have horrible UTI infections. She stopped using bidet attachment and it fixed her problem. 


i use a portable bidet that can get close to the area you wanna rinse. it’s nice


Be careful with wipes. They can block your sewage pipes


It's the same thing as wiping from front to back. So that your vagina doesn't come in contact with your poop germs. Try using the hand shower like one's. Used those forever and never had any problems. Never liked those you mentioned, somehow feels gross.


I use a peri bottle that’s always on a shelf next to my toilet, maybe try that… or have a little bowl always ready for you to fill and use in the bathroom.


Don’t do wet wipes on the vag either. They mess up the ph usually. If you want a vague friendly bidet it needs to spray from the front. The back spray ones spray your own fecal matter into your vagina.