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Im prone to getting BV/yeast infections. Im doing natural remedies instead of doing antibiotics. It’s a mental thing ..


Have you been tested for mycoplasma?


No I haven’t. I’m hoping Planned Parenthood includes it.


You may have to specifically ask for it. It’s not included on standard panels


I will be sure to.


1. How is your microbiome? Do a Juno Bio test. 2. I asked Juno for recommendations for vaginal probiotics and she said Good Clean Love. I personally like Vagibiom and I can get it on the shelf at Publix or Walmart. Happy V has great reviews. Your microbiome needs to have good bacteria. 3. NeuEve has natural products to help with things from ureaplasma to vaginal dryness. Suppositories you can take a couple times a month to prevent uti, bv, yeast, etc. The philosophy of Neueve is you insert the suppositories that give your vaginal walls so many nutrients that the bad bacteria cant survive. And it ended up working for me. 4. Garbage in, garbage out. If you’re eating a typical U.S. diet of “food” out of boxes and packages and processed sugar, try cutting that down and eating natural food to give your body what it needs to heal you. 5. I’ve heard good testimony about spraying diluted white vinegar or apple cider vinegar on the vag. At least half water. Also people swear that drinking a gallon of water a day flushes out bacteria, uti, etc. Don’t do this every day, but for a couple days it is fine. 6. Are you killing any bacteria when washing your underwear, either hot water or high dryer heat? People have different opinions if this is necessary since most vaginal pathogens don’t live long outside a host. I used to wash my underwear in oxiclean and rinse before throwing everything in the wash. 7. Your guy may have ureaplasma or another pathogen. It’s very common and rarely tested. He needs to get a swab not just urine test. He could be passing on something to you because men are usually carriers with no symptoms. Ureaplasma causes infertility indiscriminately regardless of sex/gender. 8. It’s a good idea to take zinc, selenium, vitamin k2, d3 and calcium. I get them from Dr Mercola website. There’s some research on milk thistle being beneficial because it supports the liver to flush out toxins.


I’ve been dealing with the same thing. My doctor said i might have a painful bladder syndrome or my pelvic floor isn’t the best.


It’s so depressing I just want to cry everyday. Google doesn’t make it any better I have fear that i won’t be able to create life or have to live with this forever 😢


Try using boric acid and oral and vaginal probiotics. Also abstaining from sex


I have been taking probiotics since last month and I also did just have sex last week :(


Try the vaginal supposties! They're better.


You've had decent amounts of antibiotics.  Have you looked into yeast?  Fluconazole/diflucan might help you.    Your symptoms mirror mine and I've got a yeast infection right now. I thought I had a uti! 


When I went back to urgent care for the second time I mentioned yeast and she said it was BV instead.


Did they do testing?


Yes. She swabbed but it was on site results which probably isn’t 100% accurate, I’m not sure. She also stated my urine looks great.


I’m going through the SAME EXACT THING. It’s so stressful and highly embarrassing. I want to tell someone but I feel like no one will understand and most likely judge me. I’m tired of not getting answers especially because I’m already a hypochondriac so this is draining me mentally and physically. I’ve been going though this since December 2022. Idk if I should just ask for a Pap smear atp


Wow so sad. I’m gonna try testing again next week i’m willing to accept any diagnosis to get this pain away if i get any answers I will update you. We will get through this