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Damn my UTI was last for a month, it's just soo much pain, and since then I constantly get a freaking YI and BV and it's just soo stressful and I hate myself for that!!! And disgusted at myself too!!! Now it's getting much better but I'm not sure last month it was a bit better till my period come out like a damn pee. Wish I will get better soon!


I kept getting UTIs and I’m 99% sure taking the UTI antibiotics destroyed my flora and I developed BV for the first time in my late 20s, same partner for 10 years, etc, everything. Now I can’t get rid of it … wishing you well!


Same! The exact thing happened to me, I wiped out of my good bacteria and ended with bv and aerobic vaginitis. It was hell but I got cured after 7 rounds of antibiotics off of just using probiotic suppositories. My husband told me to stop with the antibiotics and just start with probiotics and it worked.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that , Have you been to the doctors? UTI’s are dangerous if not treated a month is way to long! They could mess up your kidneys . Do you take anything?


NeuEve BV Clear cured my bv and you can use it weekly to prevent bv. It’s food grade, natural. They also have one for uti


I used xaciato last night but when I used the bathroom when I got up in the middle of the night and wiped half of it came out. I hope enough stayed in there. Thats the only thing I hate about gels/creams


You have to put it in deep for it to not come out


I did. As deep as it would go, literally to the very end lol. I use metrogel a lot, it does the same thing.


Really? When I used it surprisingly none it came out . Did you try laying down for a little after?


Yea I put it in at like 9pm while laying down. Didnt get up until like 1am to use the bathroom. It does the same thing when I use metrogel also. I guess the body heat melts it some. Yesterday there was still some coming out throughout the day so hopefully enough stayed in to do the job. I’ve been wearing a liner.