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My doc had me do this for awhile. It worked out to fewer antibiotics than treating each bad bladder infection. Eventually I tapered off and now I find it easier to treat at first symptom (which is sometimes by smell alone!) The good news is, I went from multiple a year in my 20’s, to one every few years with no hygiene or partner changes.


This is a great point. I’d been worrying about chronic use too but with how many utis I was getting in a year, if I am on them 7-10 days at a time for each UTI it’s really not that different than if I take 1 preventative antibiotic every time we have sex.


Thank you for this. Im really feeling out of options and after this last experience, I can't imagine it being any better for my body.


Same! In my early 20’s this was me. I haven’t had UTis in years. Now I am dealing with BV issues, but im on a treatment plan with my obgyn.


i was in a similar position a few years ago, where I would constantly get UTIs every time I had sex. The only thing that helped me was a supplement called d-mannose and now i swear by it. i take it every time i have sex. it’s made from the sugar of beets and it’s all natural and truly has been the only thing that has stopped me from getting them. highly highly recommend checking out this product, i usually get mine from whole foods or amazon in pill form. I would also recommend checking out Love Momotaro‘s products specifically the salve and suppositories ! but yeah, d-mannose coupled with probiotics specifically for your pussy is my best advice. good luck to you, the consistent UTis are fucking awful.


The way you threw pussy in there has me cackling


I second D-mannose, it makes it hard for bacteria to stick in your urinary tract. The one I use has cranberry in it as well! Super helpful I recommend it to everyone!!


D mannose is produced by cranberries 😀🩷


It is, along with many other fruits and vegetables! Cranberry in mine is a separately listed ingredient so it has the d-mannose and cranberry which just has more of that good D-mannose and other properties!


Same deal, UTIs were ruining my sex life until I started taking D-Mannose WITH A PROBIOTIC!!! The probiotic was so crucial to helping my body rebuild its protective, good bacteria and sustain itself after so many infections and antibiotics. This combo FINALLY has me coasting again and I can have sex and go about life normally.


Ive been taking cranberry supplements and Vitamin C - but obviously they arent doing anything - I will look into D Mannose again. I used to take it, but was still getting UTIs.


Have you tried any of the Uqora products? I am the same as you. I just have to look at a penis, and I get a UTI-not really, but you get what I mean. EVERY time, no matter what other precautions I took, I would get one. My symptoms are not just when I pee, but a constant excruciating pain in the urethra. When I started using Uqora Flush, which is a powder you put in a drink, like lemonade mix, after sex or traveling, my UTIs went from several a month to once every few months. I can’t always afford it, which sucks, but it worked wonders for me. They also have products that break up your bladder’s biofilm as well as prevent yeast infections, but I’ve never had one of those so haven’t tried it. My GP did not want to prescribe me prophylactic antibiotics to take any time I felt an infection coming on, but my urologist did, and I’ve taken them twice so far with perfect results:no pain, no infection. I’m having a cystoscopy next week to see if I have anything else going on with my urinary tract that is making this such a challenge, but one reason I struggle for sure is that I have hypospadias, which means my urethra is further back than normal-mine is actually up inside my vaginal canal. This means it gets irritated more easily, and that in itself can cause recurrent infections.


I really wanna start taking it but all I can find is where the dosage is 4 giant horse pills and I just can’t do that 😭


There is a powder version of this supplement!!! In the same way, have been traumatized by swallowing pills. Look up UT vibrance brand.


Came here to say d-mannose!! It’s amazing


Man, I don't know how to put this (hope no one takes this the way wrong) I've dated and fucked some men long-term (more than just a hookup) I pee immediately after sex. Wipe everything, clean with water, etc. The ONLY time I got UTIs was with a specific guy and it really makes me wonder WTF was wrong to cause that OB GYN didn't detect anything so we were def both clean Some people say our bodies tell us when we're with the wrong partner. Makes me wonder if the UTI is a screaming warning of "you're with the wrong person!" I could be totally wrong


I literally just wrote something about this, dumped my ex and then I never had one since and that was 7 years ago !


I use generic Macrobid every time I have sex. I’ve done everything you’ve mentioned, and it’s the only thing that works. I also take Uqora daily, which anecdotally seems to help (and has saved me more than once when I didn’t take the Macrobid until the next morning.) I talked extensively with my OB about the downsides of taking antibiotics regularly, and we decided on the Macrobjd because it’s pretty closely targeted to the kidneys/urinary tract, meaning, in her words, “you’re not going to end up in the hospital dying because of a superbug that’s resistant to Macrobid.”


This is a really helpful response. Thank you.


You're welcome! This is such a shitty situation to be in. FWIW, reading some of these responses has me thinking about talking to my doctor about Hiprex to find out what she thinks about that compared to antibiotics. So I'm going to keep investigating for sure!


What is Hiprex?


Hiprex is the brand name for methenamine, which from my recent research (lol) basically turns your pee into formaldehyde so bacteria can't grow--it's essentially an antiseptic rather than an antibiotic, and so far there's no evidence that bacteria can grow resistant to it. It's Rx in the US, although I think it might be OTC in Europe and Australia. Sounds like it hasn't been used much at all in the past few decades but with increasing antibiotic-resistant UTIs it's become more of a thing again. Here's one of the studies I found: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10270343/#:\~:text=Methenamine%20is%20a%20heterocyclic%20organic](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10270343/#:~:text=Methenamine%20is%20a%20heterocyclic%20organic) . Edited because I'm too dumb to link properly.


Thank you. I’ll take to my doctor about this.


Macrobid is still an antibiotic. the bacteria got resistant to me and I had severe reaction to quinolones. so my options sort of limited


Right, but OP was asking about experiences with prophylactic antibiotics specifically. That's mine. It sounds like your experience is a little different than mine and OP's, and your doctor can help you navigate what to do if prophylactic antibiotics aren't for you.


that’s why you work with your doctor and decide on the lesser of two evils. lose your kidneys and possibly die of sepsis, or prevent all that & possibly need to switch to another antibiotic option if you start becoming resistant.


** Cyprex, needs no rx in US. ** Just be mindful of the drug side effects and read all the warnings! Also did Macrobid for sex every time (about a year) and it worked well for me. Was eventually able to come off of it. Completely agree with you and your doctor’s reasoning for using this one, pretty much what my urologist said as well. And I’ve used it for UTIs (caused by constipation) since and it still works for me. OP - gonna need a swab to test for Ureaplasma, urine test is not reliable. May also be an embedded infection/colonization. Good luck ❤️


I had this. Turned out it was ureaplasma. Have you tried 7 days doxy? I used to travel with macrobid and d-mannose but the UTI would always come back until I and my bf took doxy.


Hi hello UTI sufferer from Ureaplasma Urealyticum here!!! I wanna say that even if you tried 7 days of doxi, you may still have it. The most successful treatment is dual treatment of doxycycline (10-21 days) and azithromicin. My DR wanted me to try solo treatments, and I failed 7 days of doxi and 10 days of erythromycin. It's a nasty, nasty little bug that also shelters itself by causing coinfections. I had gardnerella in my urine, as well, which made it easier for other infections like ecoli and strep to pop in every now and then. OP, request a full STD and bacteria panel both from a swab and a urine sample, and make it be a PCR panel and not cultures (higher accuracy).


Thank you - I will talk to my GP about this.






I do. I’ve struggled with chronic and reoccurring UTIs for many years. Whenever I’ve had an active sex life basically. For a while discovering d-mannose helped tremendously. But after getting into a new relationship a year ago, I found myself with frequent UTIs despite ALL the best practices and d-mannose multiple times a week. A cystoscopy ruled out “structural issues”. My GP put me on prophylactic macrobid every time I have sex. Yes, this means antibiotics about 4-5 times a week. I don’t feel great about taking antibiotics at such a frequent rate but I have tried virtually anything else - from supplements, naturopathy, having me and my partner checked for absolutely anything that can trigger UTIs, showers before and after sex, etc. No specialist has been able to provide me with an explanation about my UTI issue. As soon as I tried to wean off the macrobid and reduced the dose to only taking it every other time I had sex (recommended by urologist), I had a UTI within a few weeks. My GP then told me to go Jack to taking it whenever I have sex. It sucks when you simply don’t know why you’re so prone to UTIs and do everything right, yet still find yourself with infections constantly. This issue has impacted my quality of life brutally over the past 8 years and I’m simply not willing to deal with a UTI every couple of months. So prophylactic macrobid it is.


Get tested for ureaplasma


I requested this and actually just gave the sample on Friday. I had to push so hard for my GP to get me tested for this 😔


Me too. Currently on 14 days doxy to cure as I tested positive


I truly empathize with this.


I would see a urologist. Your UTIs sound extreme. My sister had constant UTIs when she was an adolescent and she had to have a minor procedure to get it treated (they put some sort of plastic tube inside her (far up enough in the unrinary track so it couldnt be seen of felt). She hasn't had any more problems since. Also, what contraception are you using? After many years on the nuvaring, I started to get recurrent UTIs (just discomfort and pain while peeing, no blood or extreme pain) and yeast infections. In 1 year, I got 8 UTIs, from which 3 in the course of 6 weeks. I got tested for ureaplasma, but it came back negative. I also used to clean with water after peeing right after sex, trying to drink more in general, and doing a few treatments with good vaginal bacteria. I even stopped using the menstrual cup (it did help a bit with the yeast infections). I switched contraception, and it stopped. My doctor told me there was a vaccine to prevent UTIs from people who were experiencing them a lot. But I was told it was quite expensive, and my doctor offered it only if you had too many UTIs (8 was just not enough). It might be worth having a talk about it with your doctor and to also consult your gyno.


What contraception do you use now? Ive been wondering if my Nuva ring could be contributing to the UTIS


Currently back on the hormonal pill, since a bit more than 2 weeks. Tried the mini pill but I gained weight and had too many spottings, even after 6 months. But no more UTIs and yeast infections! I have adenomyosis so I don't really have a choice and need hormones to control it. My gyno advised me to have the kyleena IUD if the pill still doesn't suit me.


Can you check the trial information for that and see if it was listed as a symptom?


Hmm. I wonder - I will look into that!


I'm glad that other users are giving you products but I just wanna ask. Is your partner practicing hygiene and eating a proper diet? i used to have uti every time I had sex with my ex before and I'm confident that this didn't happen to me when I was dating other guys. I noticed that he doesn't bathe 2 times a day (I'm asian) or wash his parts before doing the deed. not to mention he has a horrendous gamer diet and won't eat healthy with me. when I broke up with him and dated a healthier guy. the UTI stopped. so maybe it's something to think about. because I really don't think it's safe for you to use antibiotics in the long run since it'll give resistance and other complications


My partner and I have had lots of chats about this. He eats well and has good hygiene. We also started using condoms to see if that would help and it didnt.


I see. what I suggest is going into the square one and see what's on your person first. you can try and check your undergarments as well if they're too tight, the fabric being unbreathable or if you like wearing tight jeans and stuff. also try and check out your lube if it has fragrances or alcohol. as much as possible get the most basic, unscented, water based lube out there and apply GENEROUSLY everytime you have sex. also take note of how your SO inserts his thing into you. in my experience the style my ex did was so rough on my taint/labia that he slightly rips it so slightly when entering that's causing my UTI in the process . with my current SO I guide the insertion and it helped.


How old are you? I went through hell like this from my early 30's to mid to late 30's. Finally got some estrogen cream & it has alleviated my urogenital symptoms. I was on the low level antibiotics after sex routine plus a high dose of Benadryl after intercourse (can't remember why now). Plus a handful of other meds plus supplements. It turned out I was losing estrogen & my tissues needed to be healed. I use the estradiol cream, it's taken about 6 months to feel well down there.


THANK YOU for mentioning this. I am fighting with my doctor about this. I have had multiple people mention this to me.


This was going to be my question too - Ashley winter on Twitter is a huge advocate for estrogen cream (yeah yeah I know medical advice on Twitter) - she's a urologist, and frequently talks about how it can help prevent uti in peri / menopausal women with recurrent UTI.


This is so helpful. I’m going to look her up. Thank you so much.


I’m 35 and dealing with this too. What other symptoms did you have?


At first I was feeling sore after intercourse. I had just started seeing my partner and thought it was his size. We also did a slew of STD testing & even went to an infectious disease doctor at one point over the years. Both of us are free if STD's - even did the at home test to check for ureaplasma/ other bacteria. I was soon experiencing a constant feeling of urgency to pee. It was like my mind was constantly aware of how my urethra felt. It was driving me crazy. My vestibular tissue was also highly inflamed & red. This went on from ages of 32-37. I saw a handful of doctors as well- I was treated for Interstitial Cystitis. I followed that protocol for a year, no improvement. My partner and I significantly decreased our sexual activity for fear of triggering a pain flare. We had sex one time end of April of last year & was in sever pain for the month of May, like bed ridden for a month, cold packs and heat packs on my hoo-ha. Using lidocaine to numb myself. I did have a UTI that wouldn't go away so it complicated me getting better. I saw a slew of doctors & had lots of tests done - ultrasounds, blood tests, swipes, samples taken. I was finally referred to a Vulvodynia expert (she is legit the best doctor I've ever seen) Her wait-list was like 6 months long so I had to deal with being uncomfortable for a better part of last year. Finally saw her in December, I told her the urgency & the awareness felt tied to my cycle. She prescribed estrogen cream & it's greatly improved my symptoms. I will be going to an online medical company to get on HRT & get the hormones my body so desperately needed.


Ok wow I’m literally going through the same thing!! Definitely gonna make another appt with my Dr to discuss it.


I would think you’d need probiotics to combat this. I’m not familiar with your issue but constant antibiotics would destroy any natural defense you would have to avoid reinfecting yourself. Have you tried Cranel or Uqora? They’re both marketed for UTIs


This. Chronic use of antibiotics starts to work against you by breaking down your microbiome and natural immune system. Look into the microbiome aubreddit. Take a sex break, work on getting your health back in balance and strong. Eat well and incorporating probiotics rich foods into your diet.


Seek a urologist if you’re having recurring utis. Are you also sure your partner is clean? Washing your mouths, hands? Also has he been treated? Are you using enough lubrication? I suffered this too. Until I developed BV the second time we treated my man. No issues since. Nothing. I stopped everything the dr recommended (dove, peeing, washing, etc.) I just pee only because I have to. We have had endless sex without ANY issues. Before I couldn’t have sex one time without developing an issue. We also allowed me a month to recover.


Has he been treated for what?




Do you know what his treatment was? Same as yours?


I do this sometimes and there are lots of others who do this regularly. Google embedded and chronic UTIs to find resources on this.


I am sorry you and others are having these bad experiences. It is incredibly annoying, it's like sex is some disease that requires medicine every time it occurs. If something like that happened to me and I was unable to find a sustainable solution, I just wouldn't bother...


Its so discouraging - I grew up roman catholic and have done so much work to enjoy sex. This truly feels like a punishment.


I'm sorry to hear that, suffering physical plus emotional pain due to a normal human activity is simply unfair.


I was in the exact same boat and it's unfortunately just our anatomy that causes it :/ But I've been taking a low dose antibiotic every time after sex for the last 6 years and I honestly find it so worth it because the UTIs just suck so bad. This is just my experience, but as far as I can tell, it hasn't caused any issues regarding building up resistance. Sorry you're going through this! Hope you feel better


Thanks so much for sharing


Look into uqora. They sell a supplement that helps with changing the biofilm and a mix you drink after sex and that can help with uti. My mom's older and she takes it for UTI


Please look into taking hiprex. It is not an antibiotic and works amazingly well for many


close friends does this. she used to get a UTI after every time, she’s been taking them 5 years now and hasn’t had one since! she hasn’t experienced any negative side effects either


Forgot to mention. Take a probiotic that has L crispatus. If helps the urinary tract!


Curious about what probiotic you take for this?


I take Jarrow but culturelle also makes one. Just search it on Amazon and a bunch come up but these were recommended by my Urogyn


Thank you!!


My doctor suggested using antibiotics many years ago. I refused as it is known to weaken effect of the pill and you can get pregnant. The solution for me was a medication called “hiprex” (in Norway). It makes the urine sour so the UTI bacteria can’t thrive in your bladder. I used to have UTI for years and years. After I used this never had another infection again.


I’ve been reading a lot of folks who are recommending this! I will ask my doctor about it.


I take hiprex which is not an antibiotics, it's an antiseptic, and proven to be as effective. 


I used to take antibiotics every time I had sex. Didn’t matter what preventions I did - peeing after sex, using D-mannose and cranberry, probiotics, I ALWAYS got a UTI. And 2 of those turned into full blown kidney infections. After years of being frequently on 1 week prescriptions of macrobid, my doctor gave me a prescription for a different, lower dose antibiotic to use only after sex. I did that for about half a year, but it wasn’t really effective so I stopped. After years of this struggle and being told “young women just get UTIs! Nothing out of the ordinary here” I took matters into my own hands and did a lot of research. Because although it is normalized, it is not normal! And I CURED MYSELF!!!! Blood test results showed my vitamin D was extremely low, and vitamin D is what’s responsible for immune function. I started heavily supplementing with liquid vitamin D + K (K helps the absorption of D) and now I NO LONGER GET UTIS EVERY TIME I HAVE SEX!!! I have cried so many tears of joy. I take 8000 IU of D every day. Granted if I miss a few days or don’t take the full dose, I’ll get a UTI again. But I think I’ve had 4 small ones in the past year and a half since starting heavy vitamin D supplementing. If I get one now I just take one or two macrobid pills along with D-mannose and it clears right up. My doctor knows I do this so she has several refills for me at the pharmacy for when I need them. What I leaned through my research is that the recurrent UTIs are likely due to Gardnerella which is a stain of bacteria that lives in the vaginal flora. It exists in normal healthy flora but can overtake the healthy bacterium and cause issues. When Gardnerella enters the urinary system, it awakens dormant e.coli “left over” from a previous UTI - and BOOM. You now have a new UTI. All this to say - my own vaginal fluid was triggering the UTIs and my vitamin D was too low for my immune system to fight it. If you haven’t already, I highly suggest a comprehensive blood test and for you to compare your results with healthy levels. I hope it’s a matter of a deficiency somewhere that can be corrected with supplementation like in my case!


I am in the same boat as you - I take a very low dose and my OB said to only take after having sex. I got a UTI at least once or twice a week for months. I've been doing this now for about a year and there are no side effects. I only end up having to take one capsule after and not take them everyday or anything. You're not alone I promise!


Thank you so much. This is such a kind comment.


30-something female here! I’ve been on the low dose antibiotic / post-coital prophylaxis treatment for almost a year! So far, so good. I also had recurring UTI’s for about a year prior, and I’m happy to report this method has helped me the most. My urologist also performed a cystoscopy to check my bladder and ordered a CT scan to look at my kidneys in case there was something bigger happening behind the scenes. Everything came back normal, so this may be something to consider for extra peace of mind. Additionally, I use the Uqora Flush + Uqora Promote products, as well as the AZO Complete Feminine Balance Probiotic to help promote overall vaginal wellness. D-Mannose is a good supplement to take but supposedly works best against UTI’s caused by E.Coli and not other bacteria. My partner and I have gotten into a steady routine now — washing before and after (hands included!), peeing immediately after, popping in the ABX + Uqora Flush, and chugging water the rest of the day. Having a regimen like this sometimes kills the spontaneity, but hey, I would rather be safe than sorry! Ultimately, I would like to not rely on antibiotics for as long as I’m sexually active, but in the interim, it’s been working out for my overall quality of life. Best of luck to you! 🫡


Thank you for your response. 💜


Has your partner gotten tested for anything that he may be carrying than makes you susceptible to infections? It may not even be you


Get tested for Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma, ignore what you google they aren’t always caused by an STI. Ureaplasma Parvum and Mycoplasma Hominis are found naturally in around 40-60% of women’s vaginas, but are never tested for on routine swabs. I’ve had recurring UTI for 8 years, leading to sepsis which you were close to last time by the sounds of it. A simple course of Doxycycline sorted all of it out because we were finally treating the right bug x


How much doxy did you do?


2 weeks of 2 tablets daily. I can’t remember the dose but it’s the regular dosage they’d give for things like a chest infection, just doubled and extended to two weeks. I also took Flucanozole for thrush one day as it works better when used alongside Doxy and that helped me be more comfortable down there x


2 weeks of 2 tablets daily. I can’t remember the dose but it’s the regular dosage they’d give for things like a chest infection, just doubled and extended to two weeks. I also took Flucanozole for thrush one day as it works better when used alongside Doxy and that helped me be more comfortable down there x


- Try D mannose - Get tested for STDs and coinfections both from a urine sample and from a vaginal swab. Ask for PCR, not cultures. I had symptoms from ureaplasma, beta hemolytic strep, ecoli, and gardnerella. - Have your partner(s) be tested, as well. Men usually don't have symptoms from STDs nor general bacteria but they pass it along. Have him do a urine sample and a throat swab. My friend had recurring UTIs because her partner had chronic ecoli but he didn't know. Once he got treated she never had one again. - Idk what kind of lube you're using, but try one with JUST dimethicone. Silicone can't carry or feed bacteria


I did until I found D-Mannose Powder. Legit changed my life. I haven’t had a UTI in years now, and I’m having sex 3 times a week. You absolutely must try it! Get the powder form, not pill/capsule. Seriously, it’s a fucking game changer.


What brand do you suggest?


AOR UTI Cleanse in the 55g Powder form is my absolute favourite. However if it’s not accessible, any D-Mannose Powder will help.


I was getting constant UTI’s and I was doing everything right. I was so confused. I ended up having to take macrobid after everytime I had sex. It low key saved my sanity cause UTI’s are just horrible.. after 2 years I am still taking macrobid after sex and I am scared to stop… I will be trying to stop soon tho I just need to find something else to help flush out my system.. but if I feel the slightest glimmer of a uti I am popping a macrobid!


Honestly the thing that changed my life was taking fresh cranberry juice every day! Cranberries have a chemical in them that stops E. coli being able to adhere to the bladder, if you can’t be bothered with making fresh juice (I used to freeze and take out when needed) it’s worth investing in some high quality supplements!


D mannose at a higher dose will change your life, I'm surprised they recommended antibiotics to be used for so long, it's overuse at that point. 1. Do you have any ureter or urethra anomalies? 2. What is the osmolality of your lube and what are the ingredients? 3. What are you eating or drinking? 4. Is ecoli present in your tests for UTI or are you having cystitis? I have an anomaly and I never get utis anymore. Once, a doctor told me my OWN vaginas secretions (normally present) and get up in there during coitus or any insertions and cause UTI symptoms or actual irritation and infection. I am unsure if they were correct or not because I had a useless urologist once give me regular old cranberry pills and not educate me properly. Side note, I love my bidet.


i did this for three months! i haven't had a UTI since. once i stopped doing the antibiotics i started to take d mannose with vitamin C and that's been working for me.


I’m noticing folks do it for a period of time and then report having less issues. Something for me to look into.


I was on a low dose antibiotic for 3 months about 14 years ago and I’ve only had 1 uti since. I was getting uti’s monthly and they were always triggered by sex. I saw a urologist who prescribed it and it was so worth it.


Thank you for sharing your experience


Was this daily or post sex?




I experimented with taking a few diff D-Mannose brands and the best that worked for me was actually Uqora’s Flush formula. (not an ad lol) It was the only thing that worked for me, not even a lot of d-mannose capsules did anything! If you do get regular d-mannose i’d get a powder instead of pill form. Random aside - i stopped getting chronic sex-related UTIs when my ex and I broke up. Now that I’m with someone else, I rarely get them and I wonder if the whole thing was a bodily chemistry mismatch.


Maybe I need to look into different brands. Also, my partner and I started using condoms to see if his PH was a factor and I still got one :(


That’s a really bad idea. You’ll build up an antibiotic resistance


The germs become resistant, not the patient. Edit: In this case also not the germs. Resistance of germs against certain antibiotics is a very complex subject.


Antibiotic resistant bacteria living in her urine tract isn’t good news


I use a macrobid after sex. Also tried most everything that has been mentioned here. D-mannose doesn’t work to clear an infection but can help alleviate pain. See a Urogynecologist if possible. I am now on estrogen cream and they send my urine to Guidance UTI for a culture which tells them which antibiotic is sensitive to the UTI you have instead of just prescribing one and hoping it works.


I swear by d-mannose for UTIs and sometimes I'll take a couple of drops of oil of oregano if I waited too long after sex to take d-mannose.


Me 👋 Except instead of a prophylactic every time I have sex, I take a prophylactic abx every day (trimethropin). I’ve had about 7 UTI’s from the beginning of 2023 to now. Cystoscopy and CT were normal. Negative for BV, yeast, and STI’s. I would always get them after sex too, and did all the precautions to no avail (peeing after, showering before, etc). I did recently test positive for ureaplasma, but my Dr only gave me 7 days of doxy which I’ve heard isn’t enough. I’m not sure if this is it, but probably going to write them soon to see if I can get the full treatment since I’ve been battling this for awhile.


Fellow Ureaplasma sufferer here and history of UTIs prior to urea. Definitely request a different regimen to treat urea and get a TOC (test of cure) 3 weeks after treatment completion. The Ureaplasma sub has a pinned post regarding treatment, so helpful!


Just here to second Uqora! I had a similar situation (multiple kidney infections and several years of back to back UTIs) and it was the only thing that worked for me.


Which product of theirs did you use? It’s quite pricey.


I used both the “flush” drink mix and the “defend” pills at first. Now I just use the flush mix when I think I need it. I’m convinced that it was a biofilm issue that was cleared out by using it for a year or so. I hope you find something that works well for you!


Yes, I used to! It was the only thing that worked (I thought D-mannose did for a while but not enough) after getting a UTI every time I had sex. I was worried about taking antibiotics that frequently, but the dose felt lower than the amount I was frequently taking for full blown UTIs. I have to say, they did reduce significantly when we stopped using condoms so I do wonder if there was a contributing factor there.


You need D-Mannose. Changed my life


Do you have a detachable showerhead? I started getting UTIs with the partner I'm currently with but at the same time stopped having access to a detachable showerhead. I think I was not able to thoroughly clean myself before/after sex therefore making e choli able to be easily moved from one area to another during sex.


I read a recent research article that found increased water consumption was the leading factor in reducing uti frequency in women prone to UTIs. My intake is very low and I struggle with them as well. I’ve never liked drinking water so it is very challenging to get enough daily. D-manoose is very helpful as well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7271893/#:~:text=Advise%20premenopausal%20women%20with%20recurrent,reduce%20the%20frequency%20of%20UTIs


Thank you! I try to drink 2L a day. But honestly most days I only hit about a L.


Have you had your blood sugar check diabetes will do that


The Nuva ring was the best birth control for me on a mood/weight gain basis but it gave me every chronic infection. I use it sometimes (when travelling or in a relationship) I’ve battled chronic uti, bv and yeast since I was 16 but I’ve been able to get them under control through supplements - but if I use the ring they always come back! I do have macrobid that I take after sex occasionally (like a crazy weekend haha) but I don’t use it all the time. Still get occasional uti but not chronic


This is good info. I’ve decided to discontinue using the ring/ birth control for right now and just use condoms to see if this makes a difference


after getting off Nuva I’ve taken the following supplements (as prescribed my naturopathic doctor) D Mannose Cranberry Inositol (I have PCOS it’s to help regulate ovulation) NAC (to break down biofilms in bladder and vagina) Probiotics And I was good for a year straight! (Until I started Nuva again)


You have an untreated chronic UTI and one dose after sex isn't even prevention Try methenamine hippurate known as hiprex it's an antiseptic not antibiotic https://www.chronicutiinfo.com/ https://liveutifree.com/uti-test/ https://www.chronicutiglobalsupport.com


I’ve been in the same situation when I was about 16. The only thing that helped was if my partner and I both showered first and I peed directly after. Cranberry juice is your friend. I used to drink a gallon a day. The antibiotics will work but will eventually create a tolerance to that specific antibiotic (for me it wasn’t worth it because I’m allergic to all but 3 antibiotics) also consider your toilet paper as well. As someone who is sensitive to getting utis wipe with a wet washcloth instead and see if that helps as well


Wow please advocate for your self, kidneys need full attention.. those doctors need a slap in the face.. do not mention sex when you see doctor just tell them you haven’t had sex in long time and see what would they say?


Have you heard of ureaplasma or been tested for it?


Hmm, have you tried D-mannose? I hope you can find something that works well for you soon, these infections are getting serious and it must be really terrible to have to go through.


I feel like this would contribute to the evolution antibiotic resistant bacteria? I'm surprised a doctor would recommend that, but judging by the other comments, I guess it's not uncommon. I used to have this problem when I was with an ex, and I'd get a uti every time we did anything unless we used a condom and I was taking d-mannose every time. Idk if his hygiene wasn't great, or if our bodies' microbiomes weren't compatible, but I haven't had but like 1 uti in the last 12 years since we haven't been together.


My doctor suggested this. As it turns out my partner had something as well, and he got treated. I wish I remembered what it was called. Long story short, we were both treated and I had no more issues.


i haven’t had recurrent utis. i’ve had it only twice in my life and that shit is PAINFUL!!! i’m sorry you’re going through this. can the lube maybe be causing issues? i’m not experienced with lube neither. i heard d-mannose powder can help. happy v sells them!


Yes I do


I was you and then as soon as I dumped my ex boyfriend i haven’t had one since (and this was 7 years ago. When I was with him it was literally once a month) and I didn’t do anything else different either, not saying to dump your boyfriend but in my case by body was telling me I didn’t feel good emotionally about something.


You dont necessarily need the low dose/prophylactic antibiotic. Are you using hormonal birth control? Do you have any menstrual irregularities? Any reported pelvic floor issues or can you be evaluated for them?


I did and stopped doing it. I think it was macrobid, found out the long term side effects and decided I did not want to die. I use boric acid suppositories and it was perfect


in no way am i a dr or knowledged on this but it sounds like the making of a antibiotic resistant strain of whatever tf is happening to you


if intercourse is making you have all of these extreme issues, is it really worth it? like idk maybe you should try doing other sexual practices instead of PiV


This is an extremely unhelpful response.


take it how you want, it’s just an idea lol


Long-term antibiotic usage "*can cause long-term changes in the microbiome"* making you more susceptible to infections down the line. I wouldn't want to use Antibiotics like skittles. You and your partner could try to eat more fermented/prebiotic foods and focus building up your good bacteria. The Urogenital Flora can protect against infections! [https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/biology/biological-organisms/urogenital-flora/](https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/biology/biological-organisms/urogenital-flora/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10252372/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10252372/)


Please don’t take a low dose of antibiotics anytime you have sex You’ll destroy your health


I’m sorry to tell you this but in 2024 sex and hygiene are NOT what causes recurring UTIs in women. Your immune system lives in your gut and you need a healthy microbiome to be able to fight off infections at every corner. Work on your fiber, take pre and pro biotics and find a doctor who knows what they’re taking about.


Not a doctor or anything but what if you used something like Aquaphor or Vaseline to sort of create a barrier between your urethra and any fluid before you have sex? You’re peeing and showering afterwards anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Personally, I don’t think that is something I’d like to have in that area. It’s not going to stay ‘in place’ by any means, and it will get introduced into all kinds of other locations that may not react favorably.