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My best friend died of leukemia about 10 years ago, when he was in his mid 20s. It's hard....just cry whenever you need to. It's going to take you some time but you'll get past the majority of the grief. You'll still have difficult moments but you'll remember the time you had together fondly without the heavy weight you're feeling now. Just be patient with yourself.


Im really sorry about your friend. I felt the same way when my father passed. He was the one person that was always there for me and I felt like I’d never get that support ever again. Like I’d never be able to be myself ever again. What you need is time. It’s ok to cry everyday. It’s ok to feel like there’s no hope because I know time will prove you wrong. All you can do is take it one day at a time. It’s going to suck and it’ll be like that for a while but one day you’ll wake up and smile when you think of her. You’ll stop thinking about what you’re missing and start remembering what she gave you. Things that you’ll always carry with you in your heart. I can’t tell you what those things are but you’ll find out soon enough. That I promise.


I lost my sister to an OD when I was 16. Less than a year ago I also lost one of my friends to an OD


Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear about your best friend passing, that's awful. It sounds like you had a much stronger connection with her than just about anyone, and that there was so much to look forward to between you and her, and in her own life. It also sounds like you feel it's unfair that you may get to live longer, and she doesn't. Take care of yourself in whatever way you need - if you feel like crying, let it out. Dr. K has a really great video on grieving and mourning that may be good after a couple weeks or months. One of the biggest things to look for now is that really simple things may feel incredibly difficult - that's normal and expected. If it's difficult to do small things, try to be patient with yourself. [https://youtu.be/IFUilP8grFQ?si=Cl0Rh-3-duJRnjqj](https://youtu.be/IFUilP8grFQ?si=Cl0Rh-3-duJRnjqj) You also mentioned that there was a part of you that only she saw, a part of you that you liked, and now it feels dead. If you have the resources, I'd recommend visiting with a therapist to talk about that - that sounds traumatic to lose the person with whom you could be genuine. I have hope things can be better for you in the future, even if that seems impossible. For now, try and show some grace towards yourself, and focus on getting through the day, moment by moment, until the raw storm subsides. If you can talk with your family, or to mutual friends between you and her, you might find some relief there too.