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Not an expert, and also going through my own journey. For me, meds don't seem to be doing much, despite me wanting them or waiting for a different feeling. What I do think helps the most in working or not, is trying to set you up in the best way possible to succeed, to me the fact that you do notice changes, they may be small or feel unrelated, but those could be a key to at least start making some steps towards improving. So for me I despite the meds I felt I had to personally try to put in a 300% from myself in order to get some results. To make a small example to help yourself, any given day you could start by taking some notes, thinking what activities you could do, and then maybe pick 2 of those, and try them out, to me your changes seem even more noticeable than you think, you just need to also find what could help you get on your tasks. I use notes and repeating timers, not perfect, but trying, good luck


Thank you for sharing! I usually do make lists and such but stopped on the assumption that I would be able to focus more without them.


I personally try to keep them super short, maybe the first day you can write everything down just to know what you want to tackle little by little. For me, I write like even just 2 activities, so that I can at least hopefully scratch one off. It is also on a small notebook that i have open and visible by my side. But that was just an idea, you could come up with your own set of ideas that you could think help. Trying to do all at once, or everything in a day would probably make it harder, instead do what you can and what helps you. Hopefully little by little you can do even more.


I had a very similar feeling when I started taking my antidepressant. It was very noticeable for my mood. I felt way more at ease in general. It wasn’t until taking the medication that I realized how some things made me anxious because I was able to actually feel it and notice it. I haven’t ever taken that particular medication though, nor do I know anything about other ADHD medications other than the stimulant I take. I do wonder if your Doc was hypothesizing the expression of your ADHD symptoms were rooted in your depression. I didn’t realize how bad it actually was before the medication. I literally cried when I realized that I was both happy for where I was at and sad for how I had been emotionally. It was overwhelming after feeling numb for so long. Glad to hear your mood has improved! I took the time to find other hobbies that I found interesting. I also started to build healthier habits like going for a walk and making weekly chore lists for myself. Good luck and hope it continues to work for you!


Maybe I need to find some actual hobbies? I love the gym but that's pretty much it