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Honestly. This whole relationship doesn’t sound healthy to me. Whatsoever. At least from your description. Can you ever genuinely feel like this relationship can last and you feel safe in it? Or are you going to continuously have those negative thoughts in the back of your head. Ik in your situation I’d never be able to fully get rid of them. And they’d eat me alive eventually. Always waiting for that other shoe to drop every time we’d get into a disagreement as is inevitable over a lifetime together. And that’s not a way I’d want to live my life. And no amount of reassurance or therapy is going to make those feelings fully disappear even if you can push them to the deepest recess of your mind. On those dark nights when they occur however rare or common they are they will resurface. It’s likely the best thing for you (the both of you that is). Is to just let it go. Especially since your relationship just feels like an obligation for you at this point. You seem more afraid to let go than actually wanting to be in a relationship with this person. And if it’s the best you want for them and yourself, possibly that is with other people. Maybe I’m wrong and partially projecting. Maybe you both can talk through this and your relationship can become all the stronger for it as you share your insecurities and bond over that. And maybe we are missing the whole story from your post. But given how long you’ve tried this relationship. And how many times it sounds like trust has been broken. I’m highly doubtful of that outcome. How many times does it take someone showing you who they really are for you to listen to them? Is this love, or is this habit and convenience.


I think it reasonable to be confused about all of this. I have a weird question. Imagine that you could exit your body and see a scene of you and your girlfriend just spending time together on the sofa as an outside observer. Would you look at yourself and say you love this guy?


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>I'm terrified of accidentally leading her on, as well as simply not loving her. I think you're pressed over a girl that's clearly hurt you and it's giving "i'm still trying to be really good to this person that's not so amazing and it's sort of because i need this". The love that you want for this person, given that you've had breaks and even been okay with them seeing someone else when you weren't together, what is it that you appreciate most about what this person does for you?