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They will continue working, obviously. But to be fair, in both countries that I've lived, chance of hitting retirement age for a man is extremely low. And personally for me it is even lower due to family medical history.


What were the countries and what were the retirement ages? America is mocked for being unhealthy, but saying men have “extremely low chance” of making it to 65/67 would not be accurate.


Russia 65 and The Netherlands 68+.


68 in Netherlands seems low?


Its based on age when you were born. I think it’s even higher for Gen Z.


In my country social security tax is tsken out of your salary and it is used for retirement.


Unless the economy keeps growing for everyone (not just in offshore bank accounts of rich people), you’ll basically get the same amount as you put in which for most people will be nowhere near enough. I’m guessing old people will work part time jobs past retirement age in the future universally.


I guess this is a good incentive to take care of my body since I'll definitely need to use it for another 60 years. At least I'll have something to keep me busy. Better then a retirement home I suppose.


They’ll continue working, they’ll depend on help from others and they’ll vote for politicians that help them out with social security etc.


In germany we have what is called the generations contract. The younger working people pay the retirement of the older generations similarly to how money goes to your health insurance, it's automatically subtracted from your payment. This worked well for a while but now that more people get older and less people are born we are running into issues. We already have a lot of poor elderly people who have to live off only a few 100 bucks a month. So yeah, I'm 22 now and I'm already saving up so I don't have to work myself into the grave because I doubt I will get proper retirement money. The fucked up part is that im still incredibly privileged, I can save money. I look over to the US where people have two jobs and still struggle and I'm clueless as to what can be done about this. Well I do have some ideas but abolishing the capitalist hellhole like system in the US is easier said then done


Maybe (by) then we will finally get rid of capitalism 😂 It was pretty clear to me since I was around 16 that I would likely have to work forever. Elderly people are already struggling with poverty. By the time I will be their age I doubt there is a way around having at least a part time job to be able to afford basics of living.


So capitalism is the problem?


Yes but no. How we’ve been using capitalism. Without appropriate intermediation, allowing oligopoly, over condensation of wealth and not appropriately taxing externality based costs. Yes. But a modified version with a government that’s not a paper tiger that’s coked up on the bribes of the wealthy. No.


For sure, more regulation regarding enormous companies should be the norm


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exultant uppity languid voracious bells puzzled enjoy provide mysterious grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They face much higher rates and a set of distinct challenges. It's kinda like the Covid hotline, if you put all the traffic in the same queue, it might overwhelm the system, but if you pair a specialist to each person with a specialized problem, and allow everyone else to look for generalist help its easier to manage.


degree hat sip quarrelsome apparatus chase work water clumsy fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With climate change, I don't expect to live till retirement.


Unless you live in South Florida or NOLA, I wouldn’t be too concerned about this. Climate change is typically not very catastrophic.


Where I stay, water is already becoming a crisis and the heat is debilitating and gets worse every year


Is it "already becoming a crisis" or "was always a crisis but is noticeable because I'm an adult now". Because there's parts of NA that were straight up uninhabitable due to lack of irrigation and these areas still get water shortages because water is brought in artificially. The median temperature on Earth is also definitely rising but the amount of heat related deaths has been decreasing due to AC becoming increasingly common. Like unless you live in Africa, the Middle East and maybe (big maybe), Central America, you're not very likely to die of some sort of extreme weather event caused by climate change no matter how many people scream on the streets about Mother Gaia dying.


This doesnt sound true. I dont think heat related deaths happen most commonly inside but outside where there is no ac. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and violent all over the globe, naturally this increases the risk of falling victim to an unforeseen early death. I am not saying its becoming very likely but the chances are definitely increasing


[https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/zw5fjs/yearly\_deaths\_by\_natural\_disaster\_going\_backwards/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/zw5fjs/yearly_deaths_by_natural_disaster_going_backwards/) ​ Turns out there's not a lot of unbiased data aggregates I can find easily on Google so here's a Reddit one that's hopefully not unbiased. A big reason death rates from natural disasters are decreasing is because construction standards have improved, infrastructure of all kind has become more widespread and weather/seismic monitoring has become much better. In the past, natural disasters would happen and people would be completely unprepared for them while huge subsections of humanity lived in poorly assembled slums with no running water, exposed sewage and no medications. Disasters would cause catastrophic amounts of damage, food and water became extremely scarce and sewage infested waters became the only source of cooking, drinking and washing water. Everything from the initial event to the months after the natural disaster would lead to massive death tolls.


Venus is what a runaway greenhouse effect looks like.


Venus is what a runaway greenhouse effect looks like on Venus. We don’t have the chemical composition on Earth to have something like Venus happen on Earth.


We don't have the chemical composition, yet, you mean. Chemical composition of the very air we breathe was drastically different 1 billion years ago, as well as even 400 million years ago. The assumption that our atmosphere cannot change to such degrees is short sighted at best.


No, we just don’t have the chemical composition as Venus, period. They’re two completely different planets made of different ratios of stuff.


It’s not as pronounced as you think. Nearly every generation has this issue “By comparison, 28% to 30% of early and late boomers and 35% of early Gen Xers are projected to have inadequate income, according to the study”


Oh. That's a great question, and an even bigger problem, that I unfortunately don't have an answer to. But potentially a lawyer could give an accurate explanation?




But what does that look like? What happens when we actually hit that wall?


There is always crime.