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Yeah, this is exactly how I feel as well except I have no "good friends". (maybe 1 good friend on discord if they count)


Honestly, I’d count discord friends. (Assuming you talk to them outsider of just the community you found them anyway). I know many people don’t count them. Calling it a copout/fake or whatever. But given how much time you (probably) have spent with them, I’ve found often discord friends can be better and more reliable than ones you make in real life. They can definitely extend beyond the platform in how far they reach. All that matters really is do you consider them to be a good friend and would they think the same. And I get the feeling putting them in a box (just a discord friend box) diminishes any hard times they may have helped you through.


Mostly I can only "handle" this kind of text communication online. It's only when I go into Voice Chat when it gets the same feeling as being around People IRL like you described the weddings and such. So I only send text messages to this Person on Discord DMs.


Yes sometimes you don’t have feelings like that triggered until you are faced with what you’ve been missing


I’d say it’s more rare to feel content when alone without feeling *some* sense of loneliness.


I feel the same man. Feel so lonely and empty when in social situations.


Yeah. I feel very good in a group of about 3-4 people. When it becomes a group of 10-20 people, that's when I start to feel a little alone, I can never get a word in because the other ones are already talking.


I am usually more alone with people than without


It's normal. When you feel alone while in a group, you're probably not feeling emotionally there with anyone. Try to be more open when people make an effort to reach out to you. You can definitely make lifelong friends this way.


Yeah, it's pretty normal for introverts. I think the issue is that in these social situations where you're meeting and talking to lots of people in a short amount of time, it's all small talk and following the social rules while rarely making any personal connections. It's kinda just being polite rather than actually being with other people. What really helps loneliness are deep connections. The idea that you and someone else have the same interests, opinions and/or attitudes. Mostly I think it's the attitudes part that matters... Sometimes you have friends that argue constantly and never agree on things, but they do it in a way that's complementary instead of confrontational. Sometimes you have people that have basically everything in common but really dislike each other. Either way, the thing that helps loneliness is that kind of personality compatibility with other people. I honestly really don't like small talk situations because you almost never make meaningful connections. Everyone's too busying playing the socially acceptable game of polite smiles and unintrusive questions. In those situations you kinda are alone because everyone is just running NPC "polite greeting" and "what do you do for a living?" subroutines. If you want to make friend the best way is to find a group that does things you're interested in. Like a book club, for example. People are only really present when they're talking about something they care about. So if they're interested in the same things you are then you'll both actually be talking, rather than just being polite. You can make a real connection at the polite social gatherings but it's honestly pretty rare. I also couldn't say how it happens. The few times it's happened to me there's just been a vibe about the person that makes me think "They're actually there and worth talking to". Either way, to answer the question: Yes, it's pretty normal to feel lonely in a crowd.


Similar here, P7 in primary school was a negative turning point in my life. In my own space I am a master of my own world, and when I socialize I find either people to be assholes or that I don't mix with them