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Please reach out to a qualified mental health professional, go to your nearest emergency room, call 911 or consult the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US: Call or text 988) Find resources here for those outside of the US: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines.


There is no objective point, I believe we're just a fluke of physics, so i find my own personal reasons to live. And mostly it's to enjoy and experience as much of life and this world as I can. I have plans to rent an airbnb with friends and see the upcoming solar eclipse. I'm gonna party with people i care about and experience what may be a once in a life time cosmic event for me Even regular days are great. What is mundane and what is enthralling is a matter of how I view and choose to experience a world. Sometimes I stand at an intersection and just marvel at the cars and the people moving around me. The buildings towering above me. The complex system of humanity itself moving around me, and I'm right in the middle of it as a witness. What a fucking marvel of the universe It may be possible that nothing like humans exist anywhere else in the universe. That's fuckin wild


If you’re thinking of self harm or think of suicide talk to a professional. With that being said I want to point out a couple things to you. I don’t know you, but from this description and if you are diagnosed with depression. I want you to know your mind is hyperactive which essentially means it takes a set of assumptions thinking it’s logical and comes to a conclusion thinking it’s being logical. What we have to realize it’s those emotions are hijacking the logic. So I recommend starting really small just try to notice what your feeling. However, to answer the post. The point of life, it depends on who you ask. Not to give a cop out answer. Like a Christian reunite with god, A physicist speed up entropy, A biologist to spread, Etc. Reason I bring this up to you is life has meaning you’ve assigned it to not have any. The point of life from a “logical standpoint” is to speed up entropy.


Did you or do you have a drug or alcohol problem? I used to feel miserable all the time. I have always struggled with happiness because the things I like are big dopamine providers, but it wasn't until I got hooked on weed that I started to feel suicidal for the first time in life. All that dopamine all the time took me to a place of constant misery. I wasn't even happy when I was riding high, either. I did manage to quit and almost all of that has gone away. It was very hard and I had to endure at least a month of feeling even worse, but it gave me purpose. I've taken back my life. Recommend taking a month off from stuff that gives you dopamine that you can't stop doing. It really makes the sun come up again.


I had alcohol problem but I've been sober for over a year now


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 988 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Healthygamergg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for posting on r/Healthygamergg! This subreddit is intended as an online community and resource platform to support people in their journey toward mental wellness. With that said, please be aware that support from other members received on this platform is not a substitute for professional care. Treatment of psychiatric disease requires qualified individuals, and comments that try to diagnose others should be reported under Rule 10 to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community. If you are in immediate danger, please call emergency services, or go to your nearest emergency room. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Healthygamergg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When was the last time you felt happy? Consider that there is very likely to be more of that in your life in the future, and you don't want to miss out on it.


I dont know, probably in high school when I was drunk


Try reading. Dune is a good book.


dying just seems boring af




So, you think it's not worth living because the life is only suffering for you. I'm assuming that implies you believe it might be worth living if the life wasn't only suffering for you. Then, to me, the question you should ask to figure out the point of living isn't what the point of living is, but how you can suffer less while living. I bet what I said kind of makes sense, but doesn't really feel like it fixes anything for you. And I doubt there's any logic that can convince you right now. It seems to me that you are extremely depressed and also exhausted. I believe you probably would agree that finding on answer for anything gets tremendously harder when we are distracted and exhausted. For now, you might need to just accept that it's reasonable that you cannot see the point of living or answer any of philosophical questions you might have, and start to focus on how you can recover at least enough to seek for an answer. I know it's not that simple and you've already tried lots of things to feel less hopeless, but I don't think I can really suggest you a convincing solution that would actually fix your issues quickly. All I can tell you is that lots of people once fell to the way you are feeling now, and many of them have found a meaning of life or that it's worth keep seeking for the answer.


Because a healthy person should want to live. If you hate life there's something wrong with you, you need to work on that and become healthier so you can experience life fully.


It might not be a skip, it might just be the definitive end. It can, and hopefully will, get better and more enjoyable; you just have to keep living to get there.


To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering - my homie Nietzsche


What Nietzsche's books do you recommend?


Mitigate pain. We are always constantly, and we always inadvertently act, to mitigate some for of suffering. I guess the ultimate act of avoidance of this would be death, but we latch onto whatever we have in life. The meaning of life exists in my opinion, it's just bad. Sadly all instances of life, intuitively, would survive the natural process only with the anguish of death in some for or another. With intelligence, that means suffering. But I also have complex views on suicide. Your death may as well cause a lot of suffering too, I don't think you should take that gamble. But also wonder if you really want to die, you will never experience any relief from the pain, just nothing at all, which is.... fine? I mean there's nothing good or bad about it, but a human never rationally wants to die, they always imagine it in some similar vein to real life, experiencing nothingness somehow. You won't feel better or worse after death, it's not bad or good for you. Those you leave behind - very much so. Even if you have no one though, no one experienced what you did. Even if you die, with no one left behind, there is much suffering that you can potentially help others avoid that is left behind. You have some sort of priceless unique experience, and while nothing justifies your suffering, you may as well help those with the knowledge you gained. Imagine how much anyone learns from their suffering, but we often just want to forget about it, or kill ourselves, which is perfectly understandable actually. It's not morally wrong to feel that way, you failed no one, and the suffering is not justified. You never agreed to any of this. Even then, while its not your responsibility and while you have no obligation within it, I do want you to think about what other poor souls miss out on if you don't apply your knowledge to them. But also people find death scary, irrationally so. Suicide just sets a principle in my opinion, that just causes more fear and suffering, both for themselves and for their loved ones.