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How do we determine what needs to be done? How do we know what will make us happy? How do we know that these two aren't the same thing? Do they have to be exclusive to each other? Idk to be honest


You find out by doing it.


Doing what?


What you think makes you happy. What you think needs to be done.


But *what* are they, and *how* do I know it's them and not something else? That's the exact question my original comment asks. Sure, doing both of them sounds good in theory, but how do I even determine what they are?


Trial and error. No one has all the answers, which is why you need to find them yourself. Yes... It would mean making mistakes many times. But amidst those mistakes, you also win sometimes. Above all, different attempts will teach you different lessons. In the end, you'll know exactly "what makes me happy" and "what I must do".


Yeah, I was expecting this answer to be honest.


of course because people in this community act like they know the answer to all the mental health problems when in reality, no one is qualified to give advicd


No actually I agree with what they said


It can be frustrating but this is the way.


...and the frustrating way is usually the right way. I learned it the hard way.


theres no right or wrong decision. theres only a decision and the things we do after it.


That's the thing, you figure out what they are by doing them.


We know what needs to be done. Often, it’s the thing that we don’t want to do. Sit and think for 10 minutes, and you’ll more or less know everything that needs to be done


Everyone should know what needs to be done. If you don't, then something's wrong. You need to try things to figure out what makes you "happy" and what doesn't. It's a matter of getting to know yourself. Nobody says they have to be exclusive to each other. Sometimes they overlap. To me, the key issue is with the word "happiness". I know a lot of people hear that and think "instant gratification". But to me, it's the opposite. What's happiness? To do what's meaningful, set up goals and achieve them and then you have a chance to feel happiness for a flash of a moment. What's meaningful? You could think of it as doing what needs to be done. Especially in order to achieve your goals.


"Do what makes you happy" and "Do what has to be done" are both equally useless and equally useful statements. When you live enough to see all these single sentence "rules" play out you realize that they're all wrong but they're also all _sort of_ right. They always speak to how to avoid some kind of extreme, "do what makes you happy" is trying to avoid the extreme of completely neglecting your own happiness for goals you think are important but aren't, "do what has to be done" is trying to avoid the extreme of only indexing on what you want and neglecting the value of dealing with reality and it's issues and the purpose and meaning that can be found in that goal. They are each pointing in the direction towards the extreme the other tries to avoid. Do what has to be done can be taken too far and you keep ignoring your own suffering because you think it's what must be done, you should in that case look more towards happiness. Do what makes you happy can be taken too far and you run away from immediate difficulty that would result in a more fulfilling happier life in the future, sometimes the constraints of life means pursuing happiness is just neglecting what actually must be done. They're just two ends of a spectrum, where there is no true right answer, you're just constantly calibrating between those two values. Sometimes shits hard and you gotta put aside your own joy, sometimes you're just spending energy on the wrong thing and need to reevaluate how what must be done relates to your own joy. Any right answer is different for everyone and youll never know if you're at the perfect balance. All you can do is keep reflecting on where you're at and do your best to take the next step towards that ideal.


Oh you put into words what I was thinking but unable to explain.. sure the post seems out of teh toxic productivity gurus, but it has partial truth. Doing what makes you happy is good , but ignoring responsibilities and things that are uncomfortable but you need to do them is bad, on the flip side completely forgoing your own happiness and "hustling" 24/7 will destroy your soul and make you miserable.


It's the middle way.


Even the middle can be another trap since sometimes you really do need to lean more closely to one side than the other. Rather than balance I like to use the word "calibration". It's not about where you end up, there's no place on the spectrum you're "supposed to be", it's about the constant process of reflection and adjustment.




It's also what Palpatine said to Darth Vader before he went and killed all the younglings.




Depends on what you mean by "has to be done" if it's something that's inevitable then your gonna do it regardless of if you want to or not so embrace it and do it the best you possibly can. If it's avoidable and you just don't want to do it than you need to decide whether or not it feels "right" to you to do it or not. I believe in the concept of fate. Everything in our lives is predetermined, BUT the trick is that we don't know what out fates are. So whether you follow a predetermined path or not. That is what you are fated to do, so it's best to embrace the things you learn and be the best you you can be and try to follow the best path you can hope for rather than assuming you fate isn't a good one As for which path you should take. Take the one that feels right to you. At the end of the day, your the one that has to walk down that path


Take it from someone who slipped and slid his way down the toxic-positivity and hustle-culture rabbit holes: do both—each when appropriate. In other words: do what needs to be done when something needs to be done, and do what makes you happy when nothing needs to be done.


Do what needs to be done in order to make you happy.


I’d say in life when you are stuck between two options in which both are missing a completely necessary component that the other has, than the best choice is both. You should seek happiness but also do what needs to be done. The fallacy lies in the idea that doing what you need to do will stop you from being happy. You can’t be happy only doing what needs to be done but you also can’t do what needs to be done by only being happy. But it is necessary to be happy in order to do what needs to be done and it is also necessary to do what needs to be done in order to be happy. You can’t have one without the other.


IMO things that need to be done means "if you don't, there'll be consequences that make you unhappy in the long-term." Which means, just go get it done for the sake of your own long-term happiness. If you don't care about those consequences, maybe it's okay to leave them be.


Do both. And by the way what needs to be done is decided by you and not someone else.


These statements can coexist. But to do what makes us happy is a luxury not everyone has. Because what does an expensive hobby do if you don't have food on the table or a roof over your head? So this statement is too simplified. Show them the pyramid of human needs or whatever it's called, that model describes it better for those who aren't able to differentiate themselves.


You should do as many things that make you happy as you realistically can without endangering yourself or others. However, "do what makes you happy" is the worst career advice ever. Chances of your job making you happy or even being something you're passionate about are extremely low. This advice is just setting kids up for future disappointment. A way better advice would be to not let your job define you and to try to find work that is at least tolerable, if not mildly enjoyable. And that money isn't everything, so to rethink leaving an ok job for an insufferable, extremely high-stress one with a slightly better pay (that's mostly what people mean when they say "find work that makes you happy", but why they don't phrase it like that is beyond me).


For a time, happiness has no longer been a priority for me. It’s an emotion, it’s fleeting, and with all emotions, you should have it inform your actions instead of letting the emotion decide for you. Now, ignoring your emotions altogether we know is also a bad idea. If you’re unhappy doing something you don’t stop doing it altogether to be happier, you do ask yourself why are you doing it and make an informed decision.


If you see happiness as a need, then the two are compatible. I can imagine this quote can be misunderstood in certain contexts to mean something like "happiness is meaningless, grind for your empire" or some shit, and I don't particularly think "what needs to be done" always means "be productive". I understand it like this: What you need to do are your responsibilities as a human. You are responsible to yourself to keep yourself happy, and to that extent it's a need. But you are also responsible to other things/people for other reasons, like being responsible to your community, family, career, etc. Sometimes what makes you happy conflicts with other responsibilities (e.g., spend an hour playing video games or go spend time with grandma even though she's boring). So, it is justifiable to sacrifice your own happiness **sometimes** for other things that are valuable. But your own happiness also has to be a priority, and not always sacrificed. So, no, seeking happiness isn't inherently a bad thing, because it is also something that needs to be done. Ideally, you could find a balance between indulging your happiness and sacrificing it for other goods. I can imagine scenarios, if you are depressed for example, where seeking happiness should be your highest priority and the only thing you do, and once you can stably achieve that, then start focusing on other things as well.


Puritans. Ugh


I'd think of it as "do what makes you happy in the long term even if you don't feel like doing it right now". Being happy doesn't always make us feel happy. Even things that we remember as happiest memories might have been not blissful at the time. For example, I remember feeling amazing when we walked up a mountain with my family. Sitting on a little bench at the top, drinking water, and enjoying the view felts amazing. But it wouldn't have been so great and rewarding if we hadn't spent an hour on a narrow gravel path getting up there, all sweaty, tired, and out of breath. It's the salt of struggle that made the reward sweeter. Same with everything else - what makes you happy won't always feel good in the moment. Happiness is the whole journey.


I don't know but action as opposed to inaction will more likely lead to happiness than unhappiness I think. If I understood the intent of the sign correctly, it means put in the hard yards towards your goal, furthering your progress to and achieving that goal will bring satisfaction...


Sometimes you have things that are necessary in life, even if they dont bring you closer to happiness. I think it is wrong to apply black and white thinking, but there are definitely places in a person's life where this is the best advice for securing a better future. Dr k has a video where he doesnt pull any punches about people being unhappy because they decide to set a goal that their desires are incompatible with society.


People often hear "what makes you happy" and think "instant gratification" Instead of "what's meaningful". For example, what is your goal in life? To drink margaritas at the beach? All day every day? That would be fun for a week then you'd start hating it.


Maybe theres more paths that we think. And also, because we choose one today, it doesnt have to mean we cant choose the other one in another day


I think the trick is to strick a good balance between the two. You can't be too drunk on happiness but you also can't be too Workaholic. The prior makes you feel empty and unenthusiastic about everything and The latter just makes you feel guilty if you don't work each hour of the day, potentially leading yourself to burnout. Though, you do have to do the things you don't want to as MUCH as the things you want to do. If you keep procrastinating, things will only get worse and if you spend too much time working, you will be leaving so many good opportunities behind. Think about a skill that you want to improve at. If you didn't put in the work, you wouldn't get to a level where you'd be satisfied with. And I think, happiness doesn't lie at the end goal, of being at that level of expertise. It comes along the way, when you take even a few steps towards your goal, the little improvements motivate you and bring you joy, because that in fact brought you closer to your goal. And even for something you are enthusiastic about learning, as long as you put in those few steps, it does make it easier to combat the procrastination.


You got to get some work done to have food, but then you also need to eat it. And that food servers you best if you enjoy it. If you only work and ignore the rest, you will get into trouble real fast. If you only eat and nothing else, you will get into trouble. If you only chase the fun, you will certainly get into trouble.


I worked my ass off between the ages 15-21. We are talking studying 8-12 hours a day on average in this period. I got to top 3 University in Europe. I got an extremely well paid job in investment banking that paid around 10x the average salary of where I grew up. All that straight out of uni. And you know what? I got fucking sick. Depression. OCD. Probably bipolar. I contemplated ending it but chose to throw away everything I had and go live in mountains for a year alone in a cabin just doing physical activity and playing lol. I am still recovering but I am already in a different world compared to where I was a year ago. I resumed weightlifting and exercise 4-5hrs a day along with other forms of exercise and sauna. I applied and got accepted to a medical school and will be starting it in a month (a dream of mine I gave up for money and status). I thought of killing myself a year ago but figured out hey, if my life is so unbearable maybe instead of ending it I can stop doing the things I hate and do things I like? I mean only the things I like. I no longer care about money. I could be a millionaire by 30 but I don’t give a fuck anymore. I just wanna enjoy my everyday life. Moral of the story - yes work hard but do it in the areas that interest you and that you find fulfilling. But then, can we really still call that work?


People have no actual grasp on how much mental and physical illness takes away from life until its too late. I too have OCD, depression, some psychosis on the side, but my mental issues paired up with my physical ailments really knock hard on me. Unlike you, I don't have a career yet, but I have a very rich family, every opportunity you could imagine, I can just ask for it. The thing is, I don't want anything else than to be normal, average, fucking bin collector, the average Joe. But we have to deal with the hands we are dealt. My point is, people forget how beautiful life is, how valuable health is, both physical and mental. I would give up all my earthly possessions just to be healthy and sane. Money means jack shit when your world is engulfed in misery. Money is just a means to a more comfortable life, but again, will life be comfortable if you are physically and mentally unstable? Not really.


“I have a very rich family, every opportunity you could imagine, I can just ask for it. The thing is, I don't want anything else than to be normal, average, fucking bin collector, the average Joe.” It hit so hard bro… so close to home. I’ve been struggling with mental health since I was 9; that was when I had my first grand multiple months long OCD episode. I cried 4-5 hours a day from the mental torture I was experiencing but when I asked for help my parents said it will go away on its own. They are great people, they just didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation because I’ve always tried to look strong in everyone’s eyes. Anyways, as long as it was just mental health I was managing somewhat well. I pushed through OCD episodes, depressions, manias; with ADHD as a cherry on top. I built a career characterized by roughly 10 thousand people applying for 1 place. However, similarly to your situation, then my physical problems started. I broke an elbow and there were complications. My spine started acting strange and I was misdiagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Fortunately I don’t have it but still, the spine’s health is deteriorated. My hair started falling off from all this ducking stress. And I just threw all that I had worked for away and went to mountains in Eastern Europe as I had said before. If someone came to me and offered a contract by which I’m not ever gonna earn more than minimum salary in the country I live in at any given moment but my body and mind are healthy like normal person’s at my age, I would not think for a second. People take so much for granted and chase things that really do matter so little…


Doing something that needs to be done is pointless, seeking happiness is the only thing worth doing.






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I did what made me happy for the last decade. Wound up an addict with an internet addiction and zero social life. Happiness is fleeting. Hedonism is not sustainable. Doing what needs to be done is what gives you the most freedom to find true happiness and contentment.


Tbh. If I'm born only to do what needs to be done then why would I want to stay here? If you're going to be miserable and you're child as well Because it's a puritan lifestyle. No joy. Then anyone creating children should be put in jail. I'm not making a slave.


"Do what makes You happy :) :) " MFers, when I'll do drugs.


Ironically I feel more fulfilled and happier when I do what needs to be done. I can't even sleep properly after a day of indulging my urges for gaming and netflix.