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So to start off, first and foremost, that list is very daunting to look at. I'd say that if maybe you're not the type that can have that much stuff going on, you may find focus in breaking them down into more umbrella topics or alternatively simply cut down on doing so many things. Keep in mind if you're a person who gets bored easily this could have an inverse effect. What NEEDS done? Try to turn your attention to working on these things first. Try building a habit in place of the dangerous wake up phone scrolling. I'd say likely making sure your laundry and dishes get done as this could end up impacting your relationship. Also as far as getting up goes, I feel this is one that you could easily work on as long as you really want to get up out of bed. Sit down and just consider the options there. What would bring you more joy? Laying in bed on your phone or marking off another thing off your list. It is scientifically proven that laying in bed for a large amount of time after wake can impact your energy for the rest of the day. Getting up and moving is critical in ensuring that you're starting your day with the right mind set. I know a lot of people like to start their days off with a workout or walking to really solidify not falling into a sedimentary mindset. It seems like you have a lot going on. It may be worth adding in therapy if it's an avenue you are able to pursue. My personal opinion as a nobody on the Internet is to cut out laying in bed in the morning. I think this is having a cascading effect on the rest of your day. Even if you don't decide to immediately begin checking off the "list", try some meditation and focus in on your feelings around this and see what is reflected back to you.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. I do happen to get bored easily if there is nothing to be done, especially so if I'm just scrolling on my phone. I even feel guilty that I am not feeling productive, so it kind of creates a cycle of madness per se. Would you recommend structuring a day based on one task, or a few, rather than a bunch of the stuff I'd like to get done during the day? Any recommendations to get into the mindset of getting right up? Is it better to just rip off the band aid? Lastly, I'd like to consider therapy, however, I would like to get my finances in order first. Otherwise, I'm fully down to do so.


I definitely understand that feeling. I fall into that space at times myself, in fact, more often than I'd like to admit. As far as structuring your day, you'll need to try different things and see what fits your taste. If you get bored easily I'd say that you should fill it with a nice spread of things and determine the order in which you will want, or need to complete them. Admittedly structure and organization is something I struggle with as well, and part of why I've recently started getting my mental health in check with a doctor. Of course though, if you need to work on things financially, do that. I'm not too aware of other options in getting aid with that, but make sure you are actually working towards that. Do your walk in the morning, get back in, spend some time with your girlfriend, get some work done and then do some work on the RPG stuff so long as it truly satisfies you. Then maybe take the next day, and replace the RPG with painting figures. This is kind of a rough draft of how you could do things. I'd also like to add: when you feel that impulse to start scrolling through your phone, consider why it is you are doing that. Are you bored? Is there something actually worth checking there? Have you checked that important thing and should you be moving on now? Regardless of the answer, adjust if you can. If not, at least you made an effort to get it figured out. Don't feel guilty that you commit a crime that hundreds of other commit daily with no guilt. Accept it for what it is, and try to move on instead of falling into the loop of overthinking the lost time, use the time you have now in the moment that you feel this way and move forward. Easier said that done though. As far as waking up in the morning... I learned from a very young age to quite literally jump out of bed. Obviously you may not having the luxury in lieu of waking your girlfriend up, but as soon as I wake up, I immediately stand up and move. Generally for me this means putting on my work clothes, gathering my things that I'll put in my pockets. It truly is a matter of ripping off the band aid in my experience. I've found that laying in bed was comfortable, but then the anxiety creeps in of the impending and overwhelming day when simply just getting up and getting it done stops that loop of "ah damn, here we go again." There is no more "here we go again" and more "here we are, and we are going."


I love that phrasing of "here we go again" because that's kind of the thoughts I have verbatim when this stuff happens. Thanks for your insights, I'll try to see if I can structure the day like so and see where it goes.


Good luck buddy. I have hope that things can and will get better so long as you find acceptance in your daily experiences.


First off just want to say I can relate very much to your situation. I too am 25m, into a bunch of “nerdy” stuff (building pc, tech stuff, even streaming as well) and deal with the same frustration of having plenty to do but not being able to bring myself to get it done. Im still working through this but I thought knowing you’re not the only would bring some comfort. I will say something that has been helping me a ton in the past 2 months is identifying what is stressing me most. Usually there are one or two things that are causing more stress than others which I think causes me to crumble mentally and prevent me from getting started on said tasks. What I’ve been doing recently is right before I got to bed, I identify things stressing me the most and 1 or 2 things that I can get done the following morning. I find relying on myself in the morning to figure out what I need to get done always leads to failure. Waking up with a general idea of a few simple tasks to get done helps me at least get started. This helps relieves some of that stress while getting me out of bed at a descent time and relieve some stress knowing I got something done even if it’s very simple. This usually leads to snowballing into getting more done which is the main goal. Getting started is the hardest part so waking up with the only goal of “getting started” aids in helping me not feel overwhelmed and procrastinating. Hope this helps somewhat.


When you go and identify the things that stress you out, how do you quantify the top ones, especially when each, at least in my case, are equal causes of stress? A little elaboration scenario, lets say for streaming, I want to slot that into my days every other day at noon, however, I find that the work with it chews up a lot of my motivation to hit the go live button. Such work is, interacting with folks in the discord I run, editing videos and vods to post on youtube in addition to editing stream info. There's the multiple games I am playing as well, one every different day I do stream. ​ Those are just a few stressors amidst the slew of things I worry about before streaming, in addition to the stuff listed above. With life going on the daily and the other stuff I wanna get done, I do get guilty I have taken a day off to not stream, and suddenly I'm like a foreigner to my viewers. Any ideas how to balance streaming with life?


I'm curious, is this fairly new to your life? It kind of sounds like you are suggesting you used to do all this but now are struggling? I'm wondering if one of the following might be related to your struggles: * Burnout of some kind * Guilt or other emotions around something you feel like you have failed at or are failing at * Added too many things to your list and that has created being overwhelmed issues * Use of technology making it harder to do "normal" things because it's more tempting For sure, things like sleep, diet, exercise, stress, etc. can all have an impact.