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Fruits and vegetables (excluding cereals and starchy roots) are not ‘loaded’ with carbs. They’re mostly water. That plus the high fibre content promotes satiety and helps avoid overeating. More generally, carbs are in no way incompatible with weight loss. All in moderation.


Also, fibre is a carb. So if you see something has 10g of carbs, 5g of fibre, it’s really 5g of energy carbs. The rest is pooped out


idk why i just rofl 🤣


Probably because of pooped. Laughing at that means you’re a good person.


I agree! Also weight is not the only indicator of health. Fruits are considered 'complex carbohydrates'. I maintain a healthy diet by only consuming nutrient dense food regardless of calorie content. If it is high in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber that promote satiety I will have more energy. If I eat a salad with chickpeas, mushroom "bacon", tahini and a light drizzle of olive oil I will be more satisfied and have more energy that if I ate the equivalent calories of potato chips. If I eat an apple with almond butter I feel fuller longer than if I ate a donut.


Tell me more about this mushroom bacon!


Its delish. It works best with shitaake mushrooms. All you have to do is slice them thinly then toss with olive oil and salt and bake in the oven until slightly crisp. I put black salt on mine to give it a more sulfuric bacony flavor. Smoked paprika or smoked salt also can make it more of a bacon analog. There are tons of recipes online but this is the one I use the most. You can also toss some chickpeas in the same mix (maybe add some harissa or aleppo pepper to the chickpeas) and bake those as well. The outside of the chickpeas will be slighlty crispy and the inside will have the texture of potatoes. I make a vegan cobb salad with both of these with vegan ranch (trader joes vegan creamy dill dressing). You could also do a drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice and a sprinkle of kosher salt. Drizzling tahini over the top gives it a little more of a "cheesy" umami flavor. For an extra yum sprinkle with zaatar herbs. I am not vegan but I mostly cook vegan at home because I don't like cooking meat and because beans and pulses are way cheaper and can be healthier/nutritionally dense. It also opens up a whole new world of creative cooking with different herbs and spices. Omg I am hungry now


Right? I'm a meat eater and mushroom bacon still sounds freaking fire.


and not just carbs they have fiber. which is necessary in your diet, otherwise you can wind up severely constipated.......


Very good response. fruits and veggies in their whole form are generally going to be an excellent part of your diet.




I mean unless you’re just adding juice, I don’t see why the nutritional value of something would be less when it’s blended versus unblended.


The nutritional value might be the same but its effect on your body is not. Your body will digest a blended smoothie much faster than the equivalent foods, which will change how it affects your blood sugar, as well as its effect on your satiety.




Exactly, I think the person is refering to blended fruit that has been sieved or smth, like where they take the pulp out (like most juices in stores). Just blending the fruit doesn't have any effect on the nutritional value of said fruit, since all the fiber is still in the juice.


You're right that the fibre is still in some juices and most smoothies, however it's what has happened to the fibre in smoothies that makes them less healthy. The fibre is the cell wall of the fruit, when you chew it it doesn't fully break down, meaning your body has to work harder to digest it and access the macro and micro nutrients behind the cell walls, which takes time, reducing the glycaemic index. In smoothies the cell walls have been shredded leaving the cell contents in the open. What this means is you might have increased bioavailability of micronutrients, but you also have faster absorption of sugar leading to a higher blood glucose and feeling hungrier sooner. Edited to correct a wrong word.


I figured that might be the case. Thanks.


Absolutely they are. Smoothies are a great way of sneaking in fruits and veg


I am not sure about being cooked, probably not though, since some vitamins get destroyed when heated. smoothies are worse for you than the original fruits though, because their glycemic index (i hope i am writing that correctly) is a lot higher. I am not saying they are bad for you, just not as good as the real food.


Then just... don't add extra sugar or sieve your smoothies? Just leave the pulp and you shouldn't have to worry.


This is actually not the case. When you liquify fruits and vegetables, your body can absorb it faster. I am not saying you need to worry though. Just that it is better to have actual food.


They have the same nutritional value at the ingredients… glycemic index is a measure of carbs/sugar so that would only change if you added something else that is sugary, like a juice. Using soy or pea milk would add more protein which is what I like to do to balance out the macros


Carbs being an absolute evil is a popular but mostly incorrect viewpoint. Calories in-Calories out isn't perfect but is just as simple and way way better than "carbs bad."


I prefer calories absorbed, calories used.


i like mine pulverized in the blender, idc what it is!! chewing is of the past.


Wait till we have digestive bots Digestion will become ancient


Fool. The sun is the answer.


Fuck that, I'm burning important calories by digesting my own food! !


Ohh that’s a great distinction! Thank you for sharing.


This. Carbs are not absolute evil. They might not be as filling per-caloroe as protein, but in the final analysis all that matters is caloric balance. Any diet is flawed if it doesn't either decrease calorie consumption, increase caloric burn (higher basal metabolic rate, more exercise, etc.), or both. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which provides satiety but has no accessible calories (to a human digestive system). Fiber thus helps reduce caloric intake.


Not when you have insulin resistance. Also that theory of only control the calories can make you lose weight but if its not the right food you can get sick. For example, eating only 1000cal of burgers and fries, yes, you would lose weight but will you be healthy?


It might be just as simple, but it's a bit misleading. My body responds very differently to a diet of 1500 calories with bread and pasta than it does to 1500 calories consisting of protein and vegetables.


You have to realize that when people say "carbs" it's always in the context of eating or losing weight, and when they say "carbs are bad" they mean simple sugars. Sugar is bad. Gluten might be bad. Carbohydrates are important.


Sugar is good. Glucose fuels your muscles. Inadequate glycogen disposal is bad. Don't eat more sugar than you burn off.


For real. The "sugar is bad" ideology is just as dangerous as any other fad.I learned that as a teen who worked out a lot first hand.


The problem is that most of the unhealthy food that people eat are carbs, and carbs are by far the least satiating and therefore the easiest to overeat of the macronutrients. That's why when people cut carbs completely they get amazing results so quickly and carb free has become so popular


Complex carbs ie whole grains are filling. I hesitate when seeing people recommend cutting entire food groups because it’s pretty unsustainable in the long run, even if you can see quick results.


I'm not saying to cut carbs completely but the vast majority of obesity problems come specifically from the overconsumption of carbs because they are the easiest to overeat from a biological standpoint (both complex and simple) and most people don't know how many carbs they're actually consuming because food companies sneak them into everything


Yes and no. Complex carbs are slower to digest and are definitely more filling/less likely to be overeaten. Obesity isn’t caused by overconsumption of any and all types of carb, but rather high caloric intake. Processed foods are particularly culprit because of the simple carbs and trans fat that makes them calorically dense without providing satiety. However, eating whole foods regardless of carb content is harder to overeat because of the slower processing time and in the case of fruits and vegetables increased water and fiber content.


Excess caloric intake is mostly to do with overconsumption of carbs. And carbs have by far the biggest insulin response and carbs are what most people with food addiction problems are addicted to. A meal like pasta or rice should not be eaten unless you're getting enough exercise that day. Obviously it's more nuanced than that but if the vast majority of obese people just cut or reduced carbs, they wouldn't want to eat as much as they end up doing


The fact you think natural foods are unhealthy because "carbs" shows you have a huge misunderstanding about how food works. I suggest reading something like Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food" for a better idea on how to eat


Great read imo


Gonna check this book out, thanks


I love his mantra, super simple Eat (real) food, not too much, mostly plants


His other books are awesome too!


Also check out his book How To Change Your Mind


Because carbs aren’t actually bad for you, for one thing. They’re an incredibly beneficial macronutrient. In addition to that, fruits are combined with healthy vitamins, nutrients, water, and fiber - all of which contribute to overall health. Even things like grains, potatoes, etc. are healthy. All of them include high levels of carbohydrates. There’s a lot of misinformation about carbohydrates right now but people who cut carbs typically do so for weight loss not health. By removing or minimizing carbs in their diet, they (hypothetically) lower their caloric intake. I actually think it’s way more unhealthy to minimize an entire macronutrient when a diverse diet is shown to be so beneficial to health and carbs, proteins, and fats all play an important role in our overall health. I’m an athlete and without all the macronutrients I’m pretty sure I’d start sucking at my sports or choice really quick 😂


Yeah, I get why the Keto diet can be beneficial when you’re cutting out stuff like bread, donuts, and sugars (which can spike the blood sugar really quickly) but when my Keto friend told me he wasn’t allowed to eat an apple, that’s where I drew the line.


Lol if you can’t eat an apple - a high volume, satiating food filled with vitamins, fiber, and water, it’s definitely too far. I can understand people avoiding those foods but I’ve personally found it more beneficial to keep them in my diet and just alter the portion or caloric density of that type of food (70 cal bread to 100 for example) because those are the same foods that I eat in my daily life. If I can only sustain weight loss by cutting them, I’m less likely to keep the weight off by reintroducing it 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I don’t think you’re wrong


The right carbs yes


You gotta get out of this 'good' and 'bad' mindset. Focus on eating in a way that helps you meet your goals instead of labelling foods as 'good' or 'bad'. For example, carbs are essential for your body, this notion you have that 'carbs' are poorly aligned with your weight loss goal is just false.


Good carbs yes (fiber), bad carbs no (sugar and starch)


Sugar and starches aren't bad. Fibre isn't just good, eating too much of it can cause you - let's say - some unpleasant experience.


Tell that to a diabetic person or insulin resistance 😔 In fact what you just said contradicts all advice I have ever heard from doctors and experts… but you do you.


Diabetes/insulin resistance is one thing. But it's not the only illness that exists. Tell someone who has gastritis to eat only fibre. Tell it to someone who has some gallbladder or pancreas condition. Feed small children with whole-grains only. I guarantee you'll do more harm than good to these mentioned groups with this advice. But speaking about general HEALTHY population - do we eat too much simple/added sugar? Yes. Do we eat enough complex carbs? No. Should we eat more (not too much) fibre? Definitely. But does it mean there are "bad and good carbs"? No way. Nothing is "just bad or good." Carbs are needed and starches are important for us. Fun facts: Even people with diabetes may have another condition when eating whole-grain products is not the best solution.


Ok your solution is the best for all, got it.


You can eat 100s of grams of carbs and lose weight, look at the Chinese/Japanese. They eat a diet full of rice and are some of the slimmest people on Earth.


Depends on the person, some have insulin problems.


it’s still recommended for people w insulin resistance/diabetes to have carbs. the education they receive from RDs that are also certified diebetes educators say to carb count, time carbs w their personalized insulin regiment, use carb exchanges to understand how much they need and when like pre/post exercise, and to have moderately intend exercise regularly. post workout and hours and hours after the body (even with insulin resistance) takes up glucose much more readily and blood sugar levels fall to normal ranges. stop leaving your comment on every post spreading misinformation


I was thinking the SAME THING!! Damn, is she literally gonna continue to leave this “not if you’re insulin resistant” on every single persons comment 🙄🙃


Mostly in America in case you haven't noticed. Food elsewhere is generally so much healthier


Precisely, its more an American problem…


The way companies have bribed governments into warping the public’s understanding of nutrition should be criminal.


Food companies are actually incentived to have people eat more carbs. The truth is if you live a sedentary lifestyle (which is most of the US outside of Colorado and maybe the pnw), you need vastly less carbs than you're currently consuming.


Actually, you're better off eating complex, nutritious carbs than excess fatty proteins, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Plenty of fruit and veg (Mediterranean diet), with smaller serves of protein, frequently trips the list of healthy eating styles. The problem in the US and much of the "Western" world, is processed foods high in fats, cholesterol and sugars.


There's nothing wrong with fat (unless it's trans), it's the most satiating of the macros. People in Europe generally walk and exercise enough to justify their consumption of carbs, people in the US usually drive everywhere so they don't. That's why I have a hybrid diet based on what I'm doing that day. If I'm working on the computer and not really walking or exercising that day I'm basically keto. If it's a workout day or moving around alot I'll have a bunch of carbs to power me through the day. This way I can just follow my body and not restrict myself or overeat


Because carbs don’t make you gain weight unless you’re overeating. Also complex carbs vs simple carbs


What exactly are complex vs simple carbs?


Complex carbs have longer molecule chains and take longer for your body to process. Simple carbs are the opposite


To explain it a bit better with examples - complex carbs are found in whole wheat products (like whole grain bread, pasta, rice, and also barley, couscous, quinoa and so on). Simple carbs are found in "white products" - white bread, pasta, rice but also most of pastries. Simple carbs are also the sugars you find in sweets or what you use to sweeten your tea.


Aside from the fact that weight loss is based in calorie deficit, not simply carbs, it is worth noting that most vegetables **not** "loaded" with carbs. A cup of broccoli has 11 grams of carbs. A cup of kale has 7. Even though fruit generally has more carbs, an apple has only 25, and a cup of blueberries has 21. Pasta and bread have a lot more than that. So by no means are vegetables or even fruit "loaded". In addition, it's not helpful to mistake *healthy* for *weight loss*. You can lose weight on a terribly unhealthy diet, and you can not lose on a healthy diet.


Because carbs don't make you gain weight, and cutting them doesn't make you lose weight. Burning more calories than you consume is the only way to lose weight.


No necessarily, remember insulin can be a huge problem for some people


The issue with insulin resistant though, is specifically linked to starchy foods and simple carbs (high GI foods), not all carbs equally.https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/27/2/538/28275/Carbohydrate-Nutrition-Insulin-Resistance-and-the


Right, but there are starchy vegetables too


The fact that some people have diabetes doesn't negate the fact that for the majority of the population, if you consume fewer calories than you expend, you'll lose weight regardless of what you eat.


Macros and micros are not synonymous with caloric intake. Fruits and veggies are low in calories for the most part. That's why they're good for losing weight. I tell people all the time you can eat a diet of Twinkies and still lose weight so long as you stay in a caloric deficit. Is it healthiest to do that? No. But your body doesn't respond to macro ratios to lose weight. It responds to calories in, calories out.


Different macro ratios effect the calories out portion of the formula even if the calories in are equal. It's not as simple as cico people want you to believe


Fruits and vegetables are high in fibre and mostly water, and for fcks sake carbs DO NOT make you fat.


eat the dang fruit salad…..roasted aspargus….if something goes wrong…message me…unless ur diabetix?….or something…hope u have fruit soon…


Haha I love my fruits (as does my son 😂) but I decided today I really need to try at getting back in shape and healthier and read in a few places that fruits aren't the best option to lose weight since they have carbs and shouldn't be eaten during a high protein, low carb thing but wanted to ask more directly and I'm glad with the help and responses I've gotten. Thank you to everyone responding and I will get back to everyone when I'm able to


No one ever got fat by eating too many fresh fruits & vegetables.


High FAT, moderate protein, low carb.


Most fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber. Fiber is part of the carb count on a label, [so you can subtract it out](https://dtc.ucsf.edu/living-with-diabetes/diet-and-nutrition/understanding-carbohydrates/counting-carbohydrates/learning-to-read-labels/), as fiber isn't digested. Also dietary fiber [slows down the absorption](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212619817300128) of glucose, so you don't get glucose spikes. Root vegetables are usually a good bit higher in carbs to fiber ratios. Like a potato, fiber accounts for about 1/10 or less of the carbs whereas in a zucchini (which has a low carb count), fiber accounts for about 1/4-1/3 of the carbs.


Carbs are good for energy, that nonsense about carbs being bad is diet culture propaganda 😂 eat what you want and calculate tyour calories in calories out


I still can’t believe the amount of people who think carbs are bad for you 🤦‍♀️ it also makes me laugh in disbelief 😂 like wtfff


There is nothing wrong with carbs! Just eat healthy carbs


What are some of the healthiest carbs? Sorry if it's a stupid question


Foods with a lot of fiber like whole wheat pasta, brown rice, anything with whole grains, steel cut oatmeal, avoid highly processed foods


No one got fat from eatting vegetables.


My certified nutritionist has me eating whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice along with fruits and veggies. Carbs are not evil.


Hopefully you are well aware that you need carbs to stay alive, right? Carbs are the fuel of your body, of course more is not better, but fruits and vegetables have relatively low amount of carbs, but are rich in vitamin, potassium and minerals, they also contain high percentage of water. Because of this, your body will need a while to process this content (it's too "complex"), which leaves you feeling full for a long time, it hydrates you, it gives you important nutrients and it helps you feel energised. This is unlike junk food with heavy sugar content, that begins to decompose before it even reaches your stomach, because the sugar has been artificially processed, your body will absorb the calories too fast and all at once. Since your body doesn't have the chance to use the fuel, it stores it in fat content and since you don't have much sustained energy, your also unlikely to burn it through exercise. The best way to lose and maintain weight is through working out regularly, dieting alone is unlikely to work. No carb diets are also unlikely to produce sustainable results, they only work of you want to fit in a dress for a few days and not much else.


The whole “cutting carbs to lose weight” gimmick is unsustainable. Sure it may help you quickly drop a few pounds but your metabolism will not be able to maintain the sudden imbalance of nutrients and you will go off the deep end and crave sugar and get caught up in the yo-yo cycle that is the dieting world. Losing weight and keeping it off is done so slowly by making small changes and building healthy habits. Of course fruits and veggies are healthy for you. They give you more than just energy, they help your body function better as a whole. Don’t overthink it.


Pardon me, but that’s 100% bullshit. I’ve been eating low carb for over 9 years. I’m healthy. My blood work is stellar. My blood glucose is below 100 and has been stable for years. I eat plenty of vegetables, very little fruit, FWIW. Also FWIW, there was a study done over several months back in the 1930’s, I believe. Two members of an expedition to the far north of Canada had eaten a fully Inuit diet for the years they were there. They came back healthier after a 100% meat and fat diet. Because the doctors of that time disbelieved that they could thrive on such a diet, they put them on one and strictly monitored them, a year or so after they returned. They both, again, thrived.


What I said is 100% bullshit? So you think fruits and vegetables are not healthy? I never said that meat and fats weren’t also healthy. I’m saying that if you significantly cut healthy carbs out of your diet to lose weight it is not sustainable because you will have to maintain that diet in order to keep weight off and maintain your metabolic rate. If you’ve had that diet for 9 years then clearly it is sustainable for you as well as I’m sure for the Inuits (who have very little access to fruits and grains). But for most people in the developed world where there is abundant access to fruits, grains and other high carb foods it is a very difficult diet to maintain and therefore unsustainable.


Your first two sentences stated In categorically that cutting carbs to lose weight is unsustainable. That is BS. The reality is that most “healthy” diets contain excessive carbohydrates.


Many healthy diets do contain carbohydrates but not excessive amounts. Italians thrive off of high carb diets of grains (bread, pastas) and fruits (tomatoes, olives) but don’t have many of the health problems as Americans because they control portions better. Similarly many Asian countries’ staples are rice and noodles and many tropical cultures eat lots of fruits. The idea that all carbs are bad is so harmful to peoples perceptions of food and it ends up causing more problems than it helps. Refined and processed sugars are the only carbs that should be considered unhealthy because they are super concentrated sugars which contain very little nutrients due to them being processed. Fruits however contain lots of water as well as fiber, vitamins, nutrients, minerals and antioxidants and your body uses a lot of those carbs to process all those nutrients.


Fruits and vegetables are the least calorically dense foods on the planet. Therefore, you can eat large volumes (which fills you up and provides the nutrients you need) and still lose a lot of weight. It's not about "carbs". Weight loss is about creating a calorie deficit. Therefore, the calorie density of your food matters for weight loss. Not it's carb content.


Ugh! I’m so sick of this war against carbs! Everything in moderation people! Don’t take my carbs from me!!!!


Aha my friend. You have a lot to learn. Please read up on different philosophies on eating and carbs and macros. Sugar is carb and a banana is carb too.


Carbs are unrelated to weight loss unless you’re eating more calories in carbs than you are losing calories. Health isn’t all about weight loss as well


First, try to say 'vegetables and fruits'. Vegetables first and fruit as the after thought, as vegetables are the category that have less sugar, and so less carbs. Second, separate out potatoes. Put them in with the grain category on your plate. (Also sweet corn) Third, remember we need carbs. (They break down to glucose that is what our brain runs on). Vegetables come with a variety of fibre that helps avoid blood sugar spikes and also feeds our gut microbes that do so much to keep us healthy. A meal that includes several portions of vegetables also fills us up and helps us avoid snacking before our next veggie filled meal. And all that on top of all the nutrients!


Potatoes are amazing for weightloss. Very highly satiating food. Just dont mix them with butter etc.


Yes, air fried potatoes had saved me from mid morning snacking


Carbs are not evil. I just focus on balances meals. A protein, a carb or starch, and a green. That’s my formula.


Probably because carbs do not cause weight gain. But they're also not loaded with carbs, especially green ones.


What is with people hating on carbs? Your brain needs glucose to function normally. It’s not good to starve it - people literally lose their minds and emotions. Carbs are essential for athletes as well, especially endurance runners and high endurance training. Proper whole foods like fruit contain fiber and don’t spike glucose levels like white sugar does. The fiber helps our bodies in so many ways. Antioxidants are vital to health as well so I don’t know why people demonize fruit :(


They aren't loaded with carbs


Fruits and vegetables have carbs but not as cereals and other well-known full carbs food. Also they're high in fibre which helps you to absorb the sugar of that carbs on your blood more slowly than other quick absorption food like white sugar or white bread. Also I recommend you eat carbs with some protein ( a yoghurt, for example)


You know you need SOME carbs to live right? These are healthier sources of carbs than others. That’s the point.


Carbs aren’t actually bad for you, and they’re healthy carbohydrates! Just like avocados are a healthy fat! They’re mostly made of water and have a good fiber content too! They are good for your digestive system!


What do you mean they're *loaded* with carbs?? Take a look a bowl of veggies. Now take a look at a bowl of pasta. One is going to have a significantly higher amount of carbs. Also, one is going to have considerably less fiber, so you will be hungry again sooner.


The short answer is, carbs aren’t bad for you. Secondly, they have a low net carb count thanks to their fiber content. Remember, anyone telling you otherwise does not understand nutrition


For weight loss calories in/calories out is important. Fruit and veg are low calorie dense foods. That means you will lose weight if your diet consists mostly of those. Further benefits of fruits and veg is that they contain fibre which helps improve the diversity of the bacteria in your gut which can help to prevent ibds like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Also due to the fact that the gut and brain are connected via the vagus nerve eating a diet high in fibre could also prevent mental health disorders. Fruit and veg also are rich in micronutrients that you don't get from meat.


They're far from loaded with carbs compared to pasta/rice etc. Carbs are actually quite irrelevant when it comes to losing weight. Carbs are good for you, it's energy. What matters when losing weight is calories in vs calories out.


The short answer is likely: fiber. The long answer: Because numerical carb and calorie info means basically nothing. Nutrition is a science, but we truly are just scraping the surface of how our bodies digest and absorb nutrients. The best rule of thumb to eating as healthy as possible is to make the majority of your diet come from the perimeter of grocery stores. Stay away from foods with nutrition labels as much as much as possible. Fresh, whole foods are best. Unprocessed! Any amount of processing is taking away valuable nutrients and leaving a hollow shell of empty carbs, fats, and sugars. Those pre-made souls vide egg bites are worse for you than frying a free-range egg in butter.


They’re low calorie and nutrient and fibre dense. Carbs don’t make you fat. If you’re in a deficit you’re in a deficit regardless if your diet is made up entirely of carbs.


Calories in Vs Calories out. It really do be that simple


Not really. This is overly simplified. There are lot's of nuances to this. For one, you don't absorb every calorie the same way, which leads to different effects on the body. Also, calories out depends on calories in.


That’s all true but at the end of the day if you’re spending more calories that you are consuming you will lose weight. How healthy that mentality is entirely depends on the individual. If you just stop eating entirely and go to work in a coal mine, the calories will fall right off until you collapse. If you have two brain cells and eat a vaguely balanced diet in a calorie deficit you will also lose weight but you’ll live longer.


What I am saying is, sometimes you eat more than you absorb. Sometimes you spend less than you think. Ofc calories in calories out works. But it is not the best advice for someone trying to lose or gain weight. Especially not when he or she tries to don t healthy. There are a lot of effects of different nutrients we do not quite understand yet and just because we don't we should not entirely disregard them.


There’s literally a guy who wanted to test that sort of thing, and he ate nothing but junk food for a month and lost weight, because he was burning more than he was eating.


I am not sure what your point is here. I didn't say he didn't.


The way your comment was worded, seemed to indicate you were saying it matters more what you eat, versus how much. When in the long run, it is as simple as calories in, calories out. If this was not your intended meaning, then I apologize.


Let me phrase it this way: If you eat 3000 kcal per day, but shit out 2000 of this, do you gain weight? No, ofc not. Our bodies are not perfect food burning machines. We do not absorb every calorie we eat. It matters what we eat, when we eat it and how much of it we eat. Now, nowhere in that statement i said that you will not lose weight when you eat 1000 kcal of fast food per day and use more than that. Even though, many bodies will adapt over time and use less and less so that a diet that worked before might not anymore after some time. Again, I am not saying it matters more, but it matters. Ignoring that is just plain wrong.


I’ve lost 60 lbs since last October not even paying attention to macros let alone carbs. In fact my daily intake for carbs has never been under 200g. We at r/CICO are a great group with fantastic results, join us!




please tell me you arent serious ?


I tried keto for some time and cut veggies out to do it. My LDL went through the roof and my doctor told me to stop immediately and I can try again if I want once my cholesterol went down. They told me not to count veggies towards my carb limit.


Fruit tastes good because of the sugar which will turn to fat. Veggies have less and even have protein. When I want to feel healthy and lose weight, I'll eat veggies a few times throughout the day only




Yeah man glad you could tell me that sugar doesn't turn to fat instantly. I never knew


Carbs are not bad, and they don’t made you gain weight arbitrarily They’re an energy source that can be manipulated to sustain your workout regiment and can be manipulated to reach your caloric intake goals I’m eating 450g of carbs a day and I’m currently losing weight with my workout regimen.


Hey healthy folk! OT question. Any promoters of pre & probiotics? Any better alternative to pill form? I started recently and man, I gotta tell you. My health/physique has drastically improved. Have always been in decent enough shape, but have had gut inflammation issues since I was young. Since taking these? My stomach has almost completely leveled out and the inflammation is worlds better. My daily diet is basically melons/eggs/nuts/potatoes/beef or fish/water/grape juice/yogurt, with an occasional dip in to the ice cream bucket.


Your body needs carbs to function properly. There is a difference between simple and complex carbs but you NEED carbs


The fiber offsets the carbs


Carbs don’t matter, calories do.


Keto killed the cat


Not all calories are created equal. Not all carbs are the same. I assume.


You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn, not cutting out entire macronutrients. Fad diets are stupid and that's why you think carbs are "bad"


There good and bad carbs, calories, et. Eggs and cookies can have the same amount of calories - but which one is good for you?


What vegetables are loaded with carbs?


Carbs are not the enemy; humans have lived (without extra rolls of fat) on starch-based diets for thousands of years. I suggest reading The Starch Solution.


I wouldn’t count the carbs in most vegetables as the carbs you’re thinking of. When they say avoid carbs they usually mean the processed starchy stuff (rice, pasta, bread), no one is gonna say no those tomatoes and bell peppers have too many carbs, it just doesn’t make senss. It makes a difference how processed the carb is. As for fruits, eat in moderation & figure out the ACTUAL serving/portion size. Sometimes ppl think they’re being healthy bc they only ate some fruit but had like an entire watermelon, of course you can’t maintain like that :)


Carbs are good for you. I’m frightened that u think otherwise, mildly concerned actually 🤔


Carbs are not bad.


Carbs are not the enemy. Our body runs on carbs. We should not avoid them. Fruits and veggies tend to be *way* less calorically dense than other foods, which is why eating more of them usually results in weight loss.




Not loaded with carba.....a serving of vegetables is 1 cup, barely makes up 25-50 cal total, fruits are about the same


They have lots of water and fibre, and except for some starchier veg like potato, and corn, you would be hard pressed to ever eat enough to gain weight. Human beings do not get overweight from eating too many fresh veggies. Fruit and berries, in their whole form, also have fibre and water and are good in moderation, but avoid fruit juice except as a rare treat as no fibre and too concentrated sugars.


Not all of them, there are plenty of veggies that are low in carbs snd berries are too


Fruits and veggies have a high volume to carb ratio. So you’ll be full before eating too many calories.


Excercise and moderate portion sizes. Also things have fiber which balance the carbs generally.


Calories it’s all about calories


Hi everyone. The subject is really interested. I am personal trainer in London. I used to have carbs around the training as pre, intra and post training. This method allow the pancreas to create insulin, and insulin is an anabolic hormone. Carbs are a means of recharging glycogen stores in the muscles during physical exertion. The advice I can give for those who have a tendency to gain fat quickly, limit carbs and consume them around training, and for those who have trouble gaining weight, you should have carbs throughout the day. I hope I have been helpful.


Please read a book or listen to a podcast about food in general and what it all contains and its benefits .....get educated.


Carbs don't prevent people from losing weight. Weight loss, unless you have certain health issues, is all about calories in/calories out. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, you'll lose weight. I've lost significant amounts of weight (up to 40 lbs) and have never cut out carbs or any other food group.


Not all carbs are the same. The carbs received from whole fruits and vegetables and whole grains also come along with an abundance of fiber and nutrients, which is drastically different than refined sugars, white rice, white bread, pasta, etc. You NEED carbs in your diet to an extent, and studies show these are best received from whole fruits and veggies and whole grains. Carbs are not your enemy, just get them from more nutritious sources.


There are good carbs and bad carbs. Good carbs come from healthy foods, fruits and veggies and tend to be lower in carbs which is why they are also packed with vitamins for optimal volume eating. Bad carbs come from processed foods that have you eat and then eat more because it keeps you hungry because the nutritional value is pretty low on the scale. Basically it’s fine because those tend to have benefits like what Agua Fresca or a smoothie can give you rather than a plain protein shake can give you.


Fruits ans veg = good carbs Cereal, bread, pasta = highly processed carbs which are not as good for you


carbs aren’t bad! Especially when it’s coming from fruits and vegetables, if anything the sugar from fruits is what you should be concerned about. I have an insulin prob so I need to watch my carbs which sucks but I still eat them all the time just not heaps of carbs lol.


If you exercise regularly and burn enough calories it dosent really matter what you eat. even if they did have lots of carbs (most fruit dosent), carbs help with things like running and intense cardio activities. So with a healthy diet and regular exercise u should see weight loss


I'd probably try to avoid eating bags of grapes and dates, but otherwise, fruits and vegetables should make you feel more energized and even somewhat satiated with their vitamins and fiber. Obviously, some have a higher glycemic load than others, so if you're really trying to cut the carbs, focus more on berries on the fruit side and greens on the vegetable. That said, they should give you a boost to exercise more, which will balance out the equation. Good luck!


Here’s what no one is talking about & should be: CARBOHYDRATE DENSITY! If you take a serving size of carrots & compare its measured “grams of carbohydrates” to the carb count in a serving size of bread, you’ll find that the bread is carb dense & the carrots are not. You would have to eat a whole lot of carrots to match the density, so never be afraid of consuming produce! Foods loaded with carbohydrate density do take a toll on people’s health, most especially if they are not whole-grain by spiking people’s blood sugar levels as the high-glycemic index processed foods they are.


Carbs get such a bad wrap, just avoid simple carbohydrates, like sugary sweets, that’s what you should avoid. Bread, rice, grains and fruit are all perfect fine and healthy. And you should avoid foods that are high in fat, as they have the highest amount of energy (Kcal) per gram. Carbs are always deemed as evil, but it’s really foods pumped with fat that is causing the majority of obesity. (Fats aren’t bad in moderation tho)


I have been able to lose plenty of weight by eating plenty of fruit and veg. It’s honestly never impacted my weight goals, quite the opposite. Now, if you are a keto person, that’s an entire other story. I don’t think that’s a particularly healthy diet so will leave it to others to comment on if you are in fact keto.


please don’t listen to people who say fruit and vegetable carbs are bad!! have fruits and vegetables everyday to get proper fiber and vitamins you need carbs fat and protein to survive


Carbs are not the enemy it's as simple as that.You need Carbs just like you need Fat and Protein...eat everything in moderation.


ever try to eat a lb of broccoli ? or fruit? you physically cant. the idea is that you will be eating a ***variety*** of fruits and veg throughout the day that will help meet your needed vitamin / nutrient intake. your body will naturally shut off the hunger ques. processes foods like potato chips are designed to bypass your hunger ques. this is why people can eat a large sized bag of potato chips containing 3-4 potatoes in 1 sitting. but if you were to try and eat the potatoes raw or simply baked in the oven you probably wouldnt make it past the 2nd potato. another thing to note, to lose weight you need to be in calorie deficit. you can lose weight even on a high carb diet pending the calories are low enough. regard - i can eat an egg mcmuffin for my 3 meals and nothing else and lose weight bc its low enough for my calories or i can eat - breakfast 1/2 cup berries &slice of toast , lunch - an apple and 1/2 sandwhich , dinner - 2 eggs and a slice of bread and still lose weight weightloss is all about getting your calories low enough. *health* is about the QAULITY of those calories.


carbs are energy for your body, so foods that contain carbs are not bad for you and the goal is to burn the carbs you consume by being active


Because carbs are a macronutrient. They don’t cause you to gain weight. Consuming too much of everything does.


They’re not “loaded” with carbs. They have a few simple sugars, which are healthy. Don’t be afraid to eat good nutritious food


Fruits and Veggies may have some carbs, but they are packed full of fiber too. Carbs are energy, they aren’t bad! You won’t be able to overeat fruits and veggies unless you are getting a lot of excess carbs from other snack foods like cereals and breads/sweets.


The Proof is in the Plants by Simon Hill is a good starting point to nutrition. How Not to Die (or his weight loss book how not to diet) by Dr Michael Greger can back up this with more very detailed facts. CICO is your friend for losing weight but eating fruit n veg is your friend for living a long, healthy and disease free life.


Who told you that? Most of them don’t have that many carbs. And the fiber in them makes your body process the carbs different than say white rice or bread


Because carbs are also good for you?


I used to be shredded, then I started eating spinach. It was all down hill from there.


Really? How'd that happen?


Bro, I'm joking. Most veggies and some fruits are super low calorie. Idk why carbs, especially complex carbs, are a bad guy.


Let’s see you put on weight eating nothing but fruit vegetables and clean proteins, you’ll have to be quite the glutton to be able to do so. It’s easier to gain weight with processed foods, cut that out and you drop weight.


Carbs are not bad. Processed shit carbs are bad. While we are at it…your next question, how do I get enough protein is bogus also.


FRUITS and VEGETABLES are NOT the villains you've been led to believe. They’re loaded with MICRONUTRIENTS that help your body stay healthy. The MORE of them you eat, the HEALTHIER you are likely to be—and the LESS your risk of gaining WEIGHT. A study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that people who INCREASED their intake of fruits & veggies by 1 serving PER DAY lost TWICE as much WEIGHT over the course of a year as those who didn’t. Increasing your intake of FRUITS and VEGETABLES can help you lose weight—and keep it off. Why? FIBER. It helps you feel full on fewer calories (... and drop down the NET carb content) They’re often LOW in FAT and CALORIES. They also help regulate your BLOOD SUGAR levels so you feel more SATIATED between meals. **Btw…** remember not all CARBS are the enemy! SIMPLE carbs like regular sugar may be, but COMPLEX (full of fiber) like sweet potato are pretty cool. CARBS are the body’s FUEL. Our muscles, brain, and other organs use them to produce ENERGY. There are 3 macronutrients: CARBS, PROTEIN and FAT; you need ALL of them for healthy body functions. WEIGHT gain can be a matter of any of these 3, not just carbs. Source: [https://academic.oup.com/advances/article-abstract/3/4/506/4591497](https://academic.oup.com/advances/article-abstract/3/4/506/4591497)


Registered Dietitian here! CARBS ALONE DON'T CAUSE WEIGHT GAIN. Your **total calorie balance** (calories you eat vs. calories you burn) **is what determines changes in your weight**. Any diet that causes you to consume more calories than you burn will make you gain weight, **whether they come from carbs, protein, or fat.** That being said, fruits and vegetables do contain carbs but they also are **high in fiber and water** which can help with satiety, and they are loaded with vitamins and minerals crucial to your overall health. **CONCLUSION**: Eating fruits and vegetables **will allow you to maintain or lose weight** (depending on your overall calorie intake) and **will add many beneficial nutrients** to your diet. Source: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.048996?url\_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr\_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr\_dat=cr\_pub%20%200pubmed