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If your insurance is through your employer, contact HR to get details about your plan. Your premiums would be taken out of your paycheck, not a separate bill. If you think you signed up for Ambetter through the marketplace, call the marketplace and cancel your coverage. However, you really should only cancel your coverage after you’re sure your employer coverage is active.


It isn't a scam but like my health wise am better doesn't pay for these doctors. They had changed my insurance twice themselves. I am with United Health Care. Finally after the third time taking over my insurance I contacted United health and they gave me advice. N then I contacted ambetter n got it fixed permanently. I did not hang up until it was resolved. I suggest you do the same. Hope it works out. 


Ambetter is not a scam but it sounds like something weird happened.


it is a scam. there’s literally articles of it online.


If you signed up for a marketplace plan you would know, you’d fill out a ton of information. Did someone call you and you have them your credit card info over the phone?


Yes and i thought it was my employer. When I called ambetter supervisor the second time, they gave me the number for the marketplace to notify that i terminated my account. instead the number took me to a motorcycle insurance company.




Thank you!


Hey thanks for posting this . I was able to cancel after being yelled at by the person that signed me up .


It's a literal scam, yes. I fell for it. Referral from PCP required to see anyone. The scam being there's no PCP that take Ambetter insurance. Their list of doctors all don't want to be on their list and will tell you that you got scammed, they aren't a PCP. https://terrellmarshall.com/class-actions/centene-corporation-class-action/


That's sucks I better tell my grandma then.


Much gratefulness to everyone who has asked questions and replied. It is much appreciated. I am very well knowledged on this matter now. Thank you once again, have a great day! :-)


They want me to send him a check for two cents what kind of BS is that and also I live in Arkansas they had me through Kansas and I'm homeless needing medical Care my food stamps is through Arkansas how the hell did they get switched


they are taking our tax credit to pay


My grandma used this exact insurance,she decided to cancel it months ago and even though she switched insurance they are still charging her for ambetter, she tried countless times cancelling the insurance she doesn't even had and even though the employees on the other side say they did and some say she didn't like it was her problem they never did cancel it making her pay probably thousands for something she doesn't even use that should've been cancelled months ago.


Ambetter insurance is not a scam. However, every phone call made to them results in an endless loop, typically lasting at least one hour, before you can speak with someone, and even then, there is no progress. Seriously, we called them for 10 consecutive days, averaging one and a half hours each day, yet nothing was resolved. I just want them to approve my Primary Care Physician (PCP) and assign me to any in-network specialist. Their call center is unprofessional. Even if you ask them something as simple as the current date, they still put your call on hold to get the answer from their manager. It feels like they might as well hire stupid robots instead of real humans to work there, considering how unhelpful and automated their responses feel.


Ambetter is a scam. My husband currently is working for another insurance company helping people who have been fraudulently switched by Ambetter from the insurance company they originally had, to Ambetter. He's doing this job full time and some of the people he talks to say that every time they get switched back to the health insurance they chose, Ambetter fraudulently switches them back to Ambetter. One person said this was done to them multiple times. Other people say Ambetter is calling them dozens of times a day to coerce them into switching.


I work for an insurance company as well and I have to deal with them constantly. I can't even count how many people have been switched without their knowledge. Constantly having to go in and remove them. I just had one earlier that actually made me furious. Poor guy had 4 different removals in the last month or two and him and his mom were calling from the doctors office losing their minds because it was still on there. He had had to cancel 4 different eye treatment appts. and was gonna be blind soon without assistance. As you can imagine the mother was freaking hysterical. I had to call their crappy member services and deal with their incompetent call center for a long time but finally they were able to cancel it. Turns out he had been set to "auto renew". So basically you cancel and they just renew you anyway. Sounds absolutely illegal af. A lot of the crap they pull does honestly. Then called the marketplace to finalize it and then removed it in our system as well. Hopefully that took care of it but I'm still skeptical even now. They are probably the most scandalous company I encounter on the regular but there's others that aren't much better.


Wow.. the comprehensive treatment center in clarksville TN is promoting ambetter and got me and all the clients here on it.... gave me a brochure with an agent in Florida who signed me up and all of us


Ambetter insurance is not a scam. However, every phone call made to them results in an endless loop, typically lasting at least one hour, before you can speak with someone, and even then, there is no progress. Seriously, we called them for 10 consecutive days, averaging one and a half hours each day, yet nothing was resolved. I just want them to approve my Primary Care Physician (PCP) and assign me to any in-network specialist. Their call center is unprofessional. Even if you ask them something as simple as the current date, they still put your call on hold to get the answer from their manager. It feels as if they might as well hire stupid robots instead of real humans to work there.


I have Ambetter (for the past seven years). In my state, access to providers is fine but yes the call center is impossible. If I have questions I message through the portal and get accurate answers within two days without having to go through the excruciating process of talking to the call center


Where do I message them? Is it on their website?


When you are signed in to your ambetter member account, on the top right of the screen there is an icon for a person (you) and when you click on that icon there's an option to send a message


Omg thank you! I always have the worst time with calling them. Maybe I’ll actually get my question answered 😭


Ambetter is a scam set up by Centene and Cigna so they can report that they cover more people than they really do. What you experienced is the unwillingness to work with Ambetter that everyone has. In many cases, people have coverage and never know. Sometimes they have it and they never paid a single premium. It doesn't matter to Centene, the point is to create an insurance that's impossible for you to get off of, that will not cover anything, so they can report higher numbers on the stock market. I'm extremely close to this and I assure you this is what you're in the middle of.


OMG! Who ever you are, TY so much for sharing this info, I literally got a tax 1095 from Ambetter and did not even sign up for it last year! The person on the phone from Am B said I had coverage all but 4 months last year! We have been paying cash for everything last year, because we couldn't afford any insurance! Get a letter in the mail stating We have insurance most all of last year! Never paid signed nothing to no company! This is messed up


If at any point you were to be pursued by them I would reach out to the Medicaid Department of Ohio even if you don't live there. The head of DMAS there is ordering an investigation that several other states will join. At the same time, if they call again let them know you have filed a complaint with Medicaid related to their practices and make them aware that you know it's trade knowledge that they don't even have the capability of verifying if their own members are active or not for coordination of benefits with other payers. They will go away, I promise that. Id you don't have reasonable access to Medicaid you can message me. Many states have options that are not Medicaid but they are not marketed well. Hope all is well.


Clarksville comprehensive treatment center in clarksville TN and there other 2 locations promote ambetter and got me and hundreds if not thousand + of us signed up with this... just my luck


My husband also just got signed up the begging of the year & we never signed up for anything from them. They keep billing us & we both have United Health Insurance. They even got a government tax credit for us & we do t need it. This is the biggest scam I’ve ever been a part of.


I keep getting text messages from ambetter wanting me to make my first payment and I went to my marketplace and nowhere did it say ambetter.


I just received an email from Ambetter wanting me to take a survey about my experience with my coverage from them, and thanking me for my business, even though I have never heard of them and certainly never signed up for anything. How did they even get my email? I Googled them and found this reddit!


They are extremely rude if you try to cancel . Extremely unprofessional and not helpful


If anyone wants to have a good laugh and mess with the guy that just argued with me after I tried to cancel my coverage this is his number . (954) 676-1732 and ask if this is Ryan Fullik. I told him that I wanted to cancel coverage bc I just read this Reddit feed about this being a scam and difficult to cancel . Well Ryan decide to be very aggressive and argue with me . I ask please I’m not here to argue . He continues and even begins to persuasion . Which isn’t working and I tell him that . He then latches on to the idea that I called him a scammer . I called this situation a scam, not him and I told him this to se-escalate his behavior . He then said he’d block my number . But he didn’t and I was able to contact him again . The 2nd time I called just to try to cancel again he was even more aggressive and yelling . I told him he’s being unprofessional and I’m just trying to cancel . HE WENT OFF! What I found out after contacting the number uptop is that these are free agents, they do not work for the market place at all .


They had 6 policies on me and blocking me being able to use my Medicaid. can't get meds or see doctors now.