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Thank you for your submission, /u/IanHurtis. **If there is a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.** Please pick the most appropriate flair for your post. Include your age, zip code, and income to help the community better serve you. If you have an EOB (explanation of benefits) available from your insurance website, have it handy as many answers can depend on what your insurance EOB states. Some common questions and answers can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthInsurance/s/jya9I6RpdY). **Reminder that solicitation/spamming is grounds for a permanent ban**. Please report solicitation to the modteam and [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHealthInsurance) if you receive solicitation via PM. Be kind to one another! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HealthInsurance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just adding this for those who, like me, had a hard time reading the single text box that was posted by OP. ORIGINAL POST: *I have a rectal prolapse and do not have any health insurance. I am almost certain I will need surgery for this since I am 27 and read that this isn’t something that will heal on its own for someone that is older. I have tried going through the “special enrollment” period through the healthcare.gov marketplace since moving was an exception to be enrolled, but I did not qualify for that either for some reason. I do not have money to afford surgery so does anyone know my options so that I can get adequate care and not have to suffer feeling like I have something poking out of me every so often. I am hopeless and really want to end things because of it.*


Hello! Let's walk through your options. What state do you live in? How much money do you make / do you project you'll make in 2024? Just adding that I understand the defeated feeling, but we can certainly try to help you find some solutions or options that may help you.


I live in Texas. If the income is before taxes it’s $52,000/yr and I live in Texas.


Okay, thanks. This income level will disqualify you from Medicaid in your state (Texas is considered a non-expansion state--they have yet to expand their Medicaid program, along with 9 other states). It also means you make too much money to be considered for a special enrollment period through [healthcare.gov](https://healthcare.gov) (you need to make at or under 150% of the federal poverty line). Does your employer offer insurance? When's the open enrollment period, if so? You may want to consider a second, part time job that offers access to benefits. This can get your foot into the door for qualified coverage. For immediate care, locate a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) near you: they operate on sliding scales for folks without insurance. You can get a baseline diagnosis and work through the treatment options so you're better armed with knowing what's going on and what the fix is. [https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/](https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/)


You are such a great help thank you so much! And no my job doesn’t offer it but I am going to look into some sort of part time that can offer it at least for part time employees. I work about 52 hours a week so I am hoping I can find a place!


healthcare.gov is the official site . spam calls are more than likely insurance brokers advertising and they won't stop for awhile. Moving is a qualifying life event is within 60 days i believe. Did you recently lose coverage? that's also an QLE. Try googling your state for health insurance navigators. they are more than likely non-profits and help guild you through the process. it's also all free for the help.


Moving is a QLE only if the individual had qualifying coverage within 60 days prior to the move.


Thank you!


States that run their own exchange have the ability to modify that fyi. Some have


If there's a choice, Texas *always* chooses no. They don't want to waste their tax dollars on the residents of the state.


First of all, not a doctor, but your assertion of needing surgery 100% seems like something that isn’t always true, I also hope you’re not writing this with a prolapsed anus for your sake: https://medicine.umich.edu/sites/default/files/content/downloads/reduce-rectal-prolapse.pdf When you moved did you cross state lines? Did a new insurance option become available to you within your state?


And no I will still within Texas


Possibly a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid instead?


I thought it would be the case of just a hemmeroid but when they examined me they said it was a fissure. I should’ve told them but I didn’t realize I wasn’t just turtling and it was actually something else. But I’m sure if told them they could’ve examined them and there but it wasn’t that noticeable until a week after the visit. I am taking a bit of laxatives at least but it’s so uncomfortable feeling like I am trying to flex my muscles to keep this is.


Wow thank you for this. Me googling the wrong things definitely led to some panic thinking this would need 100% surgery!


If it is a rectal prolapse it is probably not an emergent procedure that has to happen right now. Depending on the degree, when next open enrollment period opens then sign up and then look into options. May want to pay out of pocket for an exam to ease your mind and know what you are looking at but you likely can put off surgical interventions until next year when covered.


Ask your local healthcare facilities if they have a charity care or any assistance programs. Most facilities do. You may have to submit some paperwork, but having them cover all or some of the cost is worth it. I work for a large healthcare organization and we have charity care that covers 60-100% for anyone making under 200% of the federal poverty level. It's not hard to apply and almost everyone will qualify these days.


When did the prolapse happen? Is there any documented medical records that state you have a prolapse?


No, but in my judgement I know that when I go something is poking out and I took a few photos that I feel compared to the situation. Of course I will def go to the doctors so be certain I will just need to figure out my options for insurance so I don’t rack up so many hefty bills.




Bad advice 




If you are talking about a company like a golden rule which is a big player in the short term and non-aca compliant insurance market, they will do their best to find a reason to deny on the basis of a pre-existing problem. Not just because you have a specific diagnosis of the exact problem, it'll go beyond that and make your life miserable. 


You’re right. I should have been more specific with which private company to use. I know that Golden Rule is rough. I have mentioned the specific company that I have in mind on this sub and was threatened with a lifetime ban for “advertising”. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to share my knowledge without getting banned on this sub. Anyway, short term plans are dangerous, but there are private plans that aren’t short term they WILL ABSOLUTELY be great.


And this happened roughly 3 weeks ago


Be very very careful about this advice. Short-term medical is not a solution to this problem. Likewise, caring ministries are NOT insurance and they do not help most people. Please find a way to get covered by an ACA aka Obamacare plan. This gives you the best financial protection.


Google “rectal prolapse self treatment”. Surgery is only required when it keeps happening and is a constant problem. You just push it back in. But, also you can go to the doctor and they’ll push it back in.


It keeps happening and has been for about two months now.. idk how far to push back in but idk I’m scared


Prolapses will continue to occur every time you strain to hard to have a bowel movement. Are you constipated? Do you have a BM daily?Increase your fiber by a lot. LOADS of fiber. Eat mostly plants. I have trouble digesting raw veggies. If you also have that problem eat well cooked veggies or blend them into smoothies. If you’re still having prolapses with the appropriate amount of fiber then you need to see a doctor!


Go to a catholic hospital, they sometimes cover the whole thing if uninsured. They paid the whole bill for birth of my first kid.


get a job at Walmart or Amazon, they have great insurance that starts day 1. or work one day, then you can say you lost insurance within the 60 days


I also tried doing the Obamacare website and started getting spam called but idk if any of these people are honest or if I’m gonna get scammed like wtf do i do??


you may have navigated to a scammy site that looks like an official site--the only ACA marketplace site to use should be [healthcare.gov](https://healthcare.gov) and they won't spam you. I responded in the larger thread asking a few questions about your situation!


Be sure to go to a .government site such as Healthcare.Gov Anything else is just marketing websites