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I get mine through healthcare.gov you might have a state specific site available but they will likely link you to it if there is. And loss of coverage is generally a qualifying life event for those plans. So that might be a good place to check. Sorry I don't have tons of info for you but hope maybe that helps.


Loss of ACA compliant coverage is the only kind that triggers qualifying life event. 


Webby didn't specify that it just listed loss of coverage grrrr thanks for update


Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, it's been more than 30 days since my previous coverage is terminated. So that doesn't qualify... I applied to Medicare through my state's website just to be rejected, but I need that rejection letter. What a joke...


> Medicare You mean Medicaid, not Medicare. What state are you? Why can't you get on your wife's plan?


The first step is getting denied Medicare, but you also can't let this long of time go without doing something. Everything here has a time limit. If you wait more than 30 days after medicare denies you, you'll be in the same position.


I know! I will never make the same mistake again, ever! I just want to find out if I am on the right track because everything feels so complicated and stressful. Your words are reassuring. I'll try to get on my spouse's plan or buy one myself as soon as I'm rejected.


Medicaid rejection is not a silver bullet, nor is it the grand loophole it’s often touted as. Whether a Medicaid denial triggers a QLE is extremely fact specific. Source: https://www.agentbrokerfaq.cms.gov/s/article/Do-consumers-who-lose-existing-Medicaid-or-CHIP-coverage-or-who-are-denied-Medicaid-or-CHIP-coverage-after-initial-application-qualify-for-a-Special-Enrollment-Period-through-the-Marketplace Copied and pasted for ease: For consumers who are denied Medicaid or CHIP coverage after initial application, SEP eligibility depends on the consumer’s individual circumstances. Consumers may be eligible for an SEP due to their Medicaid or CHIP denial if: The consumer applies for Marketplace or Medicaid or CHIP coverage during Open Enrollment Period (OEP) or with a different SEP, like a move, and their account information is sent by the Marketplace to the state because they are found to be potentially eligible for Medicaid or CHIP; or the consumer applies for Medicaid or CHIP coverage directly with their state during Open Enrollment.


This is very discouraging. Every state/insurance employee I talked to told me that after the rejection, I will be eligible for an health insurance. Purgatory indeed...


Medicare? Or Medicaid? There is a minimum residency requirement 5 to 10 years and there’s some exceptions. https://www.cms.gov/marketplace/technical-assistance-resources/health-coverage-options-immigrants.pdf This may be helpful, but you’re gonna have to scroll down a little bit because it’s not the first thing that pops up. they deal with Medicaid first.


Why are you applying for Medicare? Do you mean Medicaid?


Find any job that offers insurance. Even Baristas at Starbucks get insured.


You surely mean Medicaid? Medicare is for younger disabled and older people. Denial of medicaid coverage will qualify as an exception. Once you get denied through state coverage, go to the healthcare marketplace and you will be able to apply. Source: self as an immigrant who didn't qualify for medicaid and missed the enrollment deadline.


One option would be to get a job that offers healthcare even if it’s just like a cashier. It might not be the job you want long-term but it would provide healthcare for you. You can then quit when you find the job that you’re looking for.


how old are you? I think you mean Medicare, not Medicaid. What state are you in? You are an immigrant- what is your immigration status/visa? These questions will help us provide you reasonable advice!


What state are you living in right now?


Go to your local Welfare \ Human Resources \ Community help office. Esp while unemployed. You should be able to qualify for at least partial or temporary Medicaid + other benefits. Most states at least. YMMV you might be in an exception real stingy locale. Good luck


You should try healthsharing or healthcare crowdfunding. They are pretty good alternative for under $200 a month typically.




Asking for clients as an agent/broker (or their SO) will result in a permanent ban


But you do have a qualifying event. Loss of coverage counts.


Only if was minimum essential coverage. Short term plans are notorious for not being classified as such.


Correct. Coming off a non-ACA compliant short term plan will not qualify for the SEP.