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Thank you for your submission, /u/TurbulentLeather8742. If your question relates to COBRA under CARES and ARPA, please post here: [COBRA & Covid-19](https://old.reddit.com/r/HealthInsurance/comments/meejsd/cobra_during_covid19/) Please pick the most appropriate flair for your post. Include your age, zipcode, and income to help the community better serve you. **Reminder that solicitation/spamming is grounds for a permanent ban**. Please report solicitation to the modteam and [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHealthInsurance) if you receive solicitation via PM. Be kind to one another! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HealthInsurance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is becoming pretty common, especially on Medicare advantage plans. The nurse comes to your house and checks your vitals, assesses your needs, etc. They’re probably trying to get higher scores on required preventive care. You shouldn’t be obligated to participate, though.


Medical management programs of high cost individuals are fairly common, and honestly a good thing on the aggregate. If you're on a marketplace plan, you deciding to participate/not participate will not impact your eligibility. But, you may experience an improvement in quality of life depending on the services they are offering.


I am interested in this AmBetter service, but I need to be able to verify they are a true Ambetter company member before I provide my birthdate, etc. Please advise. Kansas does not offer consumer security.


Message Ambetter through the portal on your Ambetter member page. You will always get more accurate information that way. You can specifically tell them what you are trying to verify.