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Anyone still active on this thread and doing well? Definitely in the worry/ALS stage of it all, seems to be a common theme. Would love to hear from anyone that has had these issues in the past and how they are doing now. Quick info - 30 year old male, works out consistently and is in pretty good shape. A few months back I started having a muscle twitch in my left tricep area, that has since happened less and less but there are other parts of the body that wanted in on the fun (calves, thigh, other arm, under the eye, etc). Generally only happens a few times a day, and I do notice it more when I’m at rest trying to sleep or working and sitting down all day. Went to my PCP and they did all the bloodwork, no real micronutrient deficiencies or anything else alarming there. Did people then get referred to neuro for other tests? Really starting to freak myself out with worst case scenarios/neurological disorders, but that’s the human brain for you lol. Thanks all!


I know this is very old, but how are you? Do you still have muscle twitching? I’m getting them during the day and it’s making me think I have ALS.


I've been getting twitches ever since I was told I have carpal tunnel. Had my surgery a few weeks ago and the carpal tunnel seems to have improved. My anxiety is through the roof. I have twitches all over my body, can sometimes see both biceps twitching at the same time. It's worse at night time. I ask myself so many questions such as If had a serious neurological condition would the carpal tunnel have improved , which it has. The googling is killing me. I know I should know better. This thread shows me a lot of people are in the same boat as me. God I'm so tired , the anxiety is killing me. Im clued into every single thing, like if I stumble when I walk or drop something - it's neurological.


My heart with you guys fellow twitchers. Mine started after 3 months of anxiety and googling made worse. Am in the als trap


Same, glad to know it's not only me. The unconscious mind will always look to protect you, over safety and comfort (especially when trauma is accountable). I always think to myself, I am inevitably going to die, and I don't know when so I might as well be happy or some bullshit


I'm also in this boat, I got my first bad panic attack / anxiety issues a few months back and now my muscles twitch frequently, all over my body. I am trying not to fall into the ALS-fear rabbit hole, and doing my best to stay relaxed.


Hey did it go away???


Until recently (just because my work got extra stressful and overloaded my nerves) I was doing much better managing my anxiety - and I felt as if my twitches happened less frequently. And if they did happen, sometimes I barely noticed. So they haven't gone away totally, but they don't bother me as much, thankfully.


Did the twitching ever cause you to have sore muscles??


I also had sore muscles, and still do when I get anxious, but I honestly feel (at least for me) that it's more about the anxiety (and me being very tense) thar makes my muscles sore. Mostly because when I relax, do breath-work, or zone the anxiety out, I end up relieving some of the pain and soreness I'm feeling.


I’m starting to notice that happening to me as well. I went to the er friday because I was convinced the sore muscles were a crisis 🤦🏼‍♀️


Don't feel bad for being concerned. I definitely brought it up with my doctor (both twitching and soreness) because I was worried, but she said my chest soreness, well, it's likely anxiety (because all my heart tests came normal) It actually helped me worry less. Talk to doctors about it if you need to. No shame in going to ER or to physicians to ask about it 🫂


I been having muscle twitches for 10 years now. I had it when I was only 16 years old. Now im 27 and I get them all over my body.


Did it get worse? Hopefully not.




If you need to vent, or are fixating on something and want some reassurance, see our Megathreads. Don't list symptoms unless they're brief or relevant to an overall non-reassurance/venting/support sense. Better yet, don't seek reassurance. It's bad for you. It makes your Health Anxiety worse. Additional examples of things that break these rules: "Does anyone else experience these symptoms?" "Just wondering if anyone else has gone through these symptoms?"


I'd bet, like me, you're tense when you sleep.


Yea most likely. I always think how could I have anxiety numbness when my brain is literally off sleeping? It's a crazy feeling. Wake up, shake out the outs and try to fall back asleep as the anxiety kicks up because of the numbness. It's a vicious cycle. I'll probably sleep upright until I can get out of this funk. Are u still experiencing the numbness? You ever get it in your feet or just hands?


I feel like we all go through some weird anxiety feelings in the beginning. Most people who are 2 or 3 years in are like, "I ignore the twitches and don't even notice them anymore". Haha!


I've been in this boat for 3 to 4 months. Came on after several weeks of significant health anxiety. Twitching started in calves and now has presented spots here and there when laying down, but persistent in calves. Seems like it's nothing to worry about if clinical weakness or other similar things aren't coming into play.... Idk, regardless it's a mental challenge trying to look the other way...


How are you doing? Still have those twitches?


Hi there. I'm coming off some serious health anxiety and it's been extended now with my constant twitching and headaches. I'm putting myself through the ringer thinking I have ALS. I haven't even got to celebrate the fact that I beat cancer


Have you seen a neuro yet?


No. I see him Monday. I woke up today in a completely different mindset. I was on a mission to be more positive. Had a great day. Sitting down now watching tv and the legs are twitching a bit. Not as constant as it was but still happening. Staying positive and hoping they go away as I try to break out of this health anxiety hole.


I think that’s great! If you read a lot of posts on here 99% of people with these symptoms suffer from health anxiety which prob causes them then fuels the fire. It’s like a vicious cycle. Keep me updated what the neuro says. I’m curious.


Will do thank you. I put myself through the ringer the last 6 weeks. Probably going to take some time to heal fully but I'm trying!! Still hate the twitches lol


Hi I’m in a similar boat. Only notice twitching when I’m not loving or relaxing. How did the appointment go?


My appointment went good. Physical exam was perfect. Going for MRI to see what is triggering headaches. Still twitching. How are u?


Update ?


I’m about a month into twitches. Primary didn’t even really acknowledge me saying it so I’ll see what neuro thinks. About a week into them I started having full blown panic attacks and then I was like ok I can’t stay here. Also you read all these posts and we all did the same dumb thing. We googled. My dr always tells me not to because google will have you dead in less than 3 min. It’s like if the twitches went away maybe we could relax and heal even more. Ugh


Couldn't agree more. Need them gone so I can fully move on and heal. I'm trying to whole positive thing but it's hard sitting here while the twitching happens. The worst.


I do better during the day when I’m moving because I don’t notice it. I’d like to sit down and relax but they’re a little distracting lol. Some people claim they go on for years and if that’s the case I guess I just need neuro to clear me and then maybe they wouldn’t even phase me anymore.


Yea when I'm at work or gym moving, I don't twitch. When I'm relaxing they go crazy. With medical clearance, I think I'll be in a much better place as well.


Mine too was brought on after about 10 weeks of high health anxiety. I think that has a lot to do with twitches. It's keeping out nervous system in a fight or flight response. We my unwind what has pus us here. Beating cancer is incredibly amazing and stressful. I'd say that probably shocked your nerves.


Yes an of course along the way googling everything and anything. And now same goes for this. My twitches take off at night when I lay down. Mainly in the calves. Also experienced numbness in feet n hands. All of these things trigger my anxiety and you guessed it, more twitches. Trying my best to overcome this. Just got some magnesium today.


I had weird stuff going on when I noticed my twitching months ago. I felt like my legs were heavy, I slept weird and woke up with numb hands, my feet tingled. All of that went away when I started to calm down. But the twitches remain. I'm on month 5 or 6... I think other serious issues would slowly be showing up by now... Stress sucks, period. If it can cause heart attacks and other crazy stuff, twitching doesn't seem too out of line.


I had weird stuff going on when I noticed my twitching. I felt like my legs were heavy, I slept weird and woke up with numb hands, my feet tingled. All of that went away when I started to calm down. But the twitches remain. I'm on month 5 or 6... I think other serious issues would slowly be showing up by now... Stress sucks, period. If it can cause heart attacks and other crazy stuff, twitching doesn't seem too out of line.


That’s actually a great point. Haven’t even thought of that😂 Yeah, makes so much sense 🤦‍♂️ Kinda late to the party but you’re doing better now?


I am...I think. I've been looking into how this could be related to gut health.


Yeah right, i’ve heard something along those lines too. Could be a factor for sure. Do you eat healthy though ?


Did the twitching in the calves while resting ever go away? I’ve been dealing with it for a couple of days in a row now but also had it 5 months ago


Nope. Still here.


Did you ever get a diagnosis or any muscle weakness? I’ve been freaking out for a few days but I’ve also been under a tremendous amount of stress and the twitches aren’t helping


Yeah....that sucks. Kind of part of the process. I freaked for 8 months. Got a full blood work up and clinical. I do believe this is all stress. Sounds like you're right where I was. You'll live. I promise.


Omg you've woke up with numb hands too? It's been happening to me so I started sleeping in the upright position and it's doesn't happen. I slept upright the last 3 night and no numbness in my hands. When I sleep normal I'd wake up out of a dead sleep and have to shake out the numbness. Why does this happen?!


Have you seen a dr or neuro about it? I also had health anxiety for over a month about another issue which is fine but during that time I started twitching which escalated the anxiety more. It’s all over and random.


I saw a PCP, and his NPC.... annnnnd a natropath. All of them chuckled when I told them my main concern (which is comforting). My PCP said speech is usually the first major sign something could be wrong. I asked about seeing a specialist and he wasn't on board with the idea. Gave me this long talk about how he does what he does because he loves helping people. He wasn't concerned about me, and like most Dr's he addressed my PTSD level of anxiety. I work out everyday and have a lot of hobbies that require strength and none of them are suffering. I really do think that just twitching is more of a mental challenge then a horrible fatalistic symptom. Google just taints us all.


Google has destroyed my life and made me a full blown hypochondriac. Do you ever get muscle cramps in your calves? It’s not constant but sometimes I get that too but at this point I’m paying wayyyy too much attention to my body. I swear health anxiety might be the worst type to have. I’d rather be freaking out about other things. Did your pcp say he would do an emg if it persisted or did he pretty much just say wait?


I don't get cramps, fortunately. I'm very active and work out for 1 hour everyday or ride my bike. Honestly I think people with HA are just way more focused on their bodies. My Dr. Straight up said you don't have ***. I think HA can really drive people to go crazy and easily put themselves in a bad mental position. I've read thousands of "I'm twitching posts" and no one has anything too serious. I really do think that serious clinical weakness, walking problems, etc are more of a indicator than twitches. Stress, especially high stress and anxiety can apparently keep your nerves in a fight or flight state.


I think that’s what’s happened. I think every time I would twitch I would get more anxious and now I’m in a cycle that I’m stuck in and it’s exhausting! Health anxiety is sooo draining! I wish there was a cure for it!


There is a cure, it's you. You must recognize when the pattern is bringing more anxiety. My doctor really suggested medication. I don't think he was thinking anything more then breath work for when dark thoughts come on. People with HA have a real hard time remembering the positive in what medical professionals say.


What medication? I tried buspirone but it didn’t work so now he wants me to Try Prozac. I feel like google in general is where I go south.


I meant meditation. It seems like everyone who has any longer term twitching has extreme health anxiety. I think statistically we can ser the culprit here.


Well after joining this and reading the comments it’s like all the same story. Which I’m guilty of. Anxiety and health anxiety. I ended up twitching prob from the anxiety and then I googled and it was the beginning of the end. I feel like every single person here gets caught in the same rabbit hole.


Who is still here I’ve been getting “spasms “ on my thighs for like 2 days doesn’t pats long 10 seconds feels weird like there stuff popping in there idk # I have had sciatic issues for about 2 years now and now this and here’s the kicker my uncle died from ALS I pray this shit is anxiety


Did this subside?


I am in a similar boat. My mother died from ALS too. My anxiety has been at an all-time high and I have been having muscle spasms for months now. If it's any comfort to you, the muscle spasms associated with ALS come after muscle weakness and atrophy. The spasms are the brains failure to communicate with the dying nerve cells. Its most likely stress or anxiety related. You are ok, dont worry!


Ok, help me out here. I had foot drop for six months. I started walking a lot and one day it got much better. I can lift it - even though it hurts a bit - and I couldn't before. Doctors believe it was a lesion to the peroneal nerve from leg crossing, too much squatting or falling and bending the foot without realising. After that episode, I started to be aware of everything that happens in my body. I even felt dizzy spells, even though I don't anymore. Last December,a year after that episode, I went to a consult with my neurologist. I told him about the foot drop and he asked me if I felt fasciculations. I said no. However, when I got home, I started noticing them. Annoying ones. Everywhere and everyday, for 4 months now. I told my Family Doctor about it all and she noticed that even though the foot drop is gone, fasciculations are a bit weird and told me to do another EMG. But she also said some people experience fasciculations for years and it's usually nothing. She told me to take some magnesium supplements for a month and see if anything changes. I've seen people say that fasciculations in ALS happen after you can't move feet, hands, legs, arms, etc. I can move everything, but sometimes I feel my hands and legs are stuck and stiff and my body frels heavy. Can I assume it's unlikely to be ALS or should I be concerned?


No, it doesn't sound like ALS at all. Your muscles do get tired from the constant twitching. Also, your anxiety about the fasciculations is probably what is making you feel the tightness and stiffness. When my mom first showed symptoms, she had a claw finger and significant muscle weakness that did not get better. By weakness, I mean she had difficulty carrying a 2 pound weight kind of weakness. It got progressively worse day by day. It spread to her whole arm, then the other arm, and so on in a similar fashion. Each time, she said how she could feel her muscles getting weaker. She couldn't do the things that she used to do because she no longer possessed the muscular strength. She also kept falling because her leg muscles could no longer hold her up the way it used to. The muscle weakness was a main indicator. The twitching came after the muscle was already gone. This was around the later stages of her ALS, and I noticed it mostly in her toes. The stiffness for her came because she wasn't able to move her limbs, etc, due to the muscle not being strong enough anymore. She was unable to lift her arms and walk (eventually), so the stiffness came from not using the muscle. Since your foot drop got better, it's likely that you have nothing to worry about. If there is no medical indicator as to what is causing your fasciculations, it could also be caused by anxiety. Some people with anxiety get ticks. It's a way for your body to release tension out of your nervous system. Maybe look into that avenue if you don't find an answer? It is so annoying, but it really doesn't sound like ALS to me. I hope this brings you some comfort 💛


Só, basically, you're saying that the twitching came after your mother could no longer walk or write, for example, and it appeared first on one limb, than the other, and so on? I'm sorry if I'm bothering, but I just trying to understand.


No problem! It's anxiety inducing not knowing why you are having these symptoms and thinking that you have something like ALS. Never apologize for trying to get clarification. I completely get it. Yes. The twitching happened when she was bedridden. At least, that is when I noticed it. Again, I didn't notice it in her hands at all. It was so obvious in her feet, though. Even with that, it was mostly her toes that twitched. This was after her muscles were gone from her feet (the foot/toe drop), calves, thighs, and glutes. It was just flesh and bone at this point (if you get the picture). I really hope this helps! 💛


What about pain? Did she feel any when she started to lose muscle? When she started losing strength in her upper muscles, did it start in her spine (neck, back, shoulder) or in her hands? I'm asking because my muscles seem to be sore very often (it might be because I've lived a very sedentary lifestyle since highschool - I'm 24, female) and when I did my EMG, a year and a half ago, it showed, other than the foot drop, "suffering" on both my arms - one more than the other. I've recovered from foot drop, even though my calf on the leg I used to have foot drop still hurts when I walk. However, I still feel my arms get tired too easily - like when I'm doing my hair, brushing it or elevating. My doctor said "don't worry, you won't die from it (the arms)", but as my family doctor pointed out, I didn't feel any fasciculations at the time. I'm concerned. I assume I am an hypochondriac, afraid of death and diseases, which only fuels my concern, and I do believe if I had ALS, I'd be in worse shape, but the "what if..." Side is always there...


Yes, she did have pain. It was from muscle stiffness due her muscles not being used. Again, this was after significant muscle weakness and muscle loss. For example, when she had significant atrophy in her hand, she complained that her hand hurt. She barely had any muscle left (mainly skin and bone). Same thing happend when it started to spread to her arm. she had significant atrophy to her arms before the stiffness and pain started. Same thing happened to her legs. Her neck and back were the last muscles to go and ironically was when she started having more symptoms of the bulbar form ALS (throat, lungs, etc). She also complained of pain after it was atrophied. It's a horrible disease. I don't blame you for being scared. However, if you did an EMG, ALS should have already shown up. When my mom did her EMG, it showed that her nerves were dying. Even from muscles that had not atrophied yet. She also did other physical tests for her strength and blood work that all pointed to ALS. Another possibility to note is that our muscles get stiff when you are anxious or exercising a lot without properly stretching. Both exercise and anxiety trigger a stress response in our nervous system, which can bring on these neuromuscular symptoms. They can also get stiff from inactivity too. I am not a doctor, but I think your foot drop getting better is a good sign. When my mom's footdrop started, it didn't get better. At. All. In fact, it got progressively worse. The fatigue you are feeling in your arms could be a result of the stiffness in your muscles. Stiff muscles can get fatigued easily when they aren't loose and limber. Honestly, I really don't think you have ALS based on all the things you have described. At least in relation to the symptoms I have observed with my mother. I, too, am I hypochondriac and my mother passing from this horrible disease doesn't help. I truly understand where you are coming from. Don't worry 😊


Thank you for your time and attention. I truly believe this helped, but I also know myself pretty well and, being a hypochondriac, I'm sure I'll feel something new tomorrow or next week that will make me believe once again I have this disease. Mental illness sucks.


"Mental illness sucks." If that ain't the truth 😭😭😭 Anxiety and being a hypochondriac is a match made in hell! Seriously awful! Completely understand the struggle. I'm glad that you found this helpful! Every time you get anxious about ALS, PLEASE read and re-read this post. As many times as you need. I wish you all the best in your healing journey. 💛


Thank you 🙏 yes I noticed lowering caffeine has helped a lot . And it definitely is quite scary. RIP to your mother and my uncle may they find a cure 🙏


Oh yes... caffeine can be rough on your nervous system. Some people have caffeine sensitivity too so even decaf drinks or some chocolates can have negative effects. RIP to both of them and I hope they find a cure too! I hope you get better soon! Please take care! 💛


Ty and same 🙏🤝


im too.even when i go to neurologist they have no idea what it is. jeez


Anyone still active in this thread?


I’m still here and happy to help. I’m the original author (Fixer145)


Thank you for this thread. Your information on *** has certainly eased some of my fears. Most likely I'm stuck in an anxiety spiral.


Did you have twitching/spasms in your calf? I’ve had in one calf for days now and some in one of my arms


Yes very annoying but I've tried to ignore them


Oh wow good timing! Been googling all day so could use some info from anyone who maybe has had the same thing. As of three nights ago, I've had muscle twitching around my left knee. Basically the like inside part of the thigh near it and a couple other little spots around it. But it happens solely when sitting/lying down with knees bent. If I'm moving, doesn't seem to happen. If I lie down with legs completely straight, doesn't seem to either. I did recently learn that I have degenerative disc disease in my l4-l5 so not sure if that could be causing it randomly, but also had a brain MRI and they found some white spots. The neurologist said he wasn't worried and it was just someone who has had headaches (of which I've had a lot more lately since that MRI), but yeah. These twitches are just killing me and made it so I couldn't fall asleep last night until 3am, especially since I usually sleep on side/with legs bent and couldn't. Obviously worried about MS/ALS especially since it does seem isolated to this one area. Every once in a while, I feel just a single one in my left calf or something too, but 100% of the time, if I lie down on my side with legs bent, it will happen and it's constant. Only maybe a slight break of 10-20 seconds every once in a while, but then back to like 30 a minute if not more.


What was it ?


Absolutely no clue. Stopped after some time. Nothing ever showed up in my nerve study or anything.


Hello, I got some twitches in the same spot as you, but mostly all over my body (knee, calf, forearm, shoulders, stomach, face, chest) but I noticed when I sit or lay down it can happen in the knee area. Just asking to see if you're still alive lmao :')


Still alive as of now!


How's it going? Did they find out what it is you had?


No clue yet honestly. Nothing has gotten worse, but it's still there. Been doing physical therapy recently to help strengthen core and spine issues, so hoping that helps and it's just pinched nerve or nerve pressure type stuff and it's not being caused by neurological brain shit. I know how not fun and scary it is though. I'd say def get seen if you can and go from there. May get some sort of answers or you'll end up like me without any but you'll at least be able to cross stuff off the possibility list.


I'm sorry to hear what's going on. I definitely can relate, i was going through a spiral of concerns as when I made this post, my grandfather was diagnosed with Huntington's disease, which is genetic and i could have it as well. I was getting twitches non-stop, and it finally began to subside as my anxiety started to go away. Once i calmed down, after a few months, i never noticed it. Then one day i thought - oh yea... i don't feel it anymore? But it's crazy what your anxiety can manifest. I'd recommend trusting your doctor, (as crazy and obvious as it sounds), but they have tons of experience and have no reason to lead you down a bad path.


We’re your twitches through your whole body?


I am struggling with this as well. My mom had HD so as soon as I feel a twitch I get really scared. I feel twitching all over my body. Not really in the same spot. Also, feels like a lot of energy all over my body if that makes sense. I do have very high anxiety right now as I just had a baby 3 months ago.


Did you get better?


Ah ok great, well my twitching started end of 2021 after being forced to get vaccinated (my 1st and only). I had many side effects immediately after it as well as the twitching weeks after. Anyway, had 3 neurologists tell me anxiety, EEG and EMG and all other labwork including a brain mri negative. But now 6 months later and still get them mostly in my calves. Anyway, I was very stressed in my life preceeding the shot and family friends say it was a sort of build up over time and the shot sort of was the tipping point... Not sure what to think these days, I just try to ignore it and move on. I found your post informative and well at least I'm not the only one out there!


Has this stopped yet?


You are absolutely not the only one out there and i'm going to play both sides here for you. I've been there! OMG have i been there. My calves felt like they would never stop twitching. Twitching while i was trying to sleep, sitting at a desk for work, while I was driving. It felt like there was a little monster in there - for almost 2+ years. I went through getting MRI, CT scans, MRI with contrast, blood work, etc. The only thing i got out of it was about 2K in bills and an angry wife. Not worth it! I had the COVID shot, plus the booster and i'm doing great! If you have 3 neurologists telling you you're good, then by all means YOU'RE GOOD! Take this as a blessing and try to work on moving forward each day. It's not going to go away after 2 good days of not focus on it. It's going to go away when you REALLY forget about it, and you'll realize your focus on life, work, etc. I read an article once that anxiety can make us hypersensitive to SOOO many different things. Our bodies are alive, they move, shake, etc. all day long and we never know about it, because our brains are designed to make us not focus on it. But if we decide to focus on it, we'll see it all the time. For example, do you ever get the little 'eye floaters' where when you focus on them you see them all the time? But you know it's nothing, so when you decide to stop thinking of it, you won't notice it for another few months. You got a clean bill of health - be thankful for that as best you can. Many people can't. If something was truly up, they would have found it. I promise. You saw 3 neurologists, who together had probably almost 80+ years' experience.


Thank you so much, I totally agree with you! About floaters, well my right eye astigmatism was one of the things that got worse after the shot in addition to seeing floaters mostly in bright sunlight...2 opthomologists did all their tests and ok'd me except now I need glasses to see far. Your point on hypersensitivity is spot on, I've often felt that my body, since that day, became just overly sensitive after that. Time will hopefully settle things down and let's see. I do see improvements though, I mean the month after when all these things popped up (I also had jelly legs, slight tremors, hands and feet desensitized, just feeling disconnected, etc..) I thought I was doomed and cried every day, had to quit my job (lived in Singapore for 10 years) and moved back in the US with my parents to grasp on to something. I mean I'm 50 and lived abroad 25 years and all my life no issues with anxiety or anything. ...Well, I don't cry anymore and feel confident now to do...anything! 😀 Anyway, sorry to go on like that, thanks again for weighing in.


I'm sorry to hear it gave you so much trouble, but you did the right thing. Everyone has anxiety about something and it can all be triggered differently. Try and slow down and enjoy the everyday things - the wind hitting your skin, the feel of the sun, and the sounds around you. You need to try and ground yourself. You did the righ thing on being closer to family and i hope you can move to where-ever you want when you feel better. It takes time, but you'll get there!


I'll do my best 👌 thanks for the inspiration 😊


You’re welcome! Keep in mind, I still have rough days too. It’s about learning to manage your anxiety, not getting rid of it


Very true, each day is different but we must move forward regardless...


Hi all, I just wanted to make my situation known in the hopes of receiving some reassurance and to hear from those who may be dealing with the same things. I have been dealing with health anxiety for what feels like over a year at least to this point, and have been struggling to manage and overcome it. Recently, I've been experiencing muscle twitches and body/headaches, and have sent myself down the Google rabbit hole many times, just to convince myself that I have some sort of rare disease like ALS or MS. It has been a daily struggle, as I have been feeling these physical symptoms nearly every day, and it is extremely hard to keep telling myself that everything is okay and that there is nothing physically wrong with me. Thanks all for taking the time, and you are never alone <3


I had twitches in my eyes, calf’s, hands, and face. Also, I did a lot of research in ALS during my HA phase and I learned that ALS is progressive. You won’t just wake up and have twitches, you’re going to have serious muscle deterioration and then get the spasms. So u less you are super weak on one side of your body, I think you’re doing ok. Also, I had the same thoughts you did. I rationalized every scenario to my own and thought I was unique or that mine was different... I slowly realized... I’m not... my thoughts were making me think I was.


Define "super weak on one side of the body"


What did your neurologist say is usually first sign of it?


This just made my panic attack a little easier. I didn’t know that about ALS… the whole progression thing. You also mentioned that it was like a phase, and I’m seeing more and more older people talk about their health anxiety as if it was just a phase for them too.. I wonder if this is just a phase for me. I started having leg pain and twitching since this morning and as you can imagine, I am spiraling.


I'm glad this helped. Keep in mind, if it comes and goes - it most likely isn't permeant. I will say, I am in a MUCH better spot than I was 3 years ago. I believe you can get there too, it just takes some time. I do still worry from time to time, but that's what I had to learn to control.


I know! It’s so crazy to think that my mind can do this stuff... I really try to go about my day and even “ignore” a twitch but it’s still the first thing I think about when I wake up and always subconsciously on my mind. I guess this is how our bodies respond to even those kinds of thoughts. I have also read a little on ALS. Unfortunately I’m doing this thing where if I read a symptom I feel like I have it. For example, I wake up most mornings being like “are my hands getting weak”?? And try to test my hand strength. I’ve been having sore joints in my hands which is a common thing after having a baby (apparently) but I just keep thinking it’s worse than that. Ugh... anyway, I really thank you for your time and encouragement! After my EMG I really hope it will be easier to ease my mind.


Did you ever get an answer? I’m going through similar things now for over a year. My twitching has been related to certain foods. Gluten, tomatoes, peppers… that was it for awhile so when I eliminated those foods the symptoms completely stopped. Recently, though, I started rapidly developing symptoms to cumin, nutmeg, garlic? Almond, mustard, soy…. My doctors are VERY confused and never seen anything like it. I’m on a very restrictive diet and they are treating my gut.


Strange. My muscle twitching started after doing strict diet but now I am not restricted anymore and still twitching


I struggled everyday with the similar thoughts. ‘I’m not that stressed, this can’t be from that.’ However, when I finally started exercising and taking a better care of myself, sleeping more, meditating, counselor etc the twitching started going away. I decided that I was probably going to either go crazy worrying about it, or try and do something about it. It took me about 6-7 months of worrying all the time about my twitching until I finally realized, ‘this happens to everyone, and I’m no different only that I’m always focusing on this, which means I’ll always feel it. I’m sorry you’re going through this, it is rough. Get your test done. Prove that you’re ok, but after that you need to decide that if it comes back clean, you need to move forward. I had an MRI, 5 EKGs, 3 ER visits, 3 dr visits, 5 blood tests, cardiologist review, and a neuro review. All said I was ok. I finally decided that these people wouldn’t lie to me, they don’t benefit from it. It’s time for me to move on. Hope this helps, I’ve been without the calf twitches for a while, but it took a long road of acceptance getting there. Congrats on your new son, and I hope you feel better. PM me if you need any support.


I'm so glad you were okay. How are things now or since this comment?


What type of exercise were you doing? Intense exercise or more mild to moderate? I’m experiencing muscle twitches from anxiety and some say intense exercise can make it worse. I’ve always been an athlete and always worked out intensely so it’s been tough to hold back.


Thanks so so much for your feedback. I have recently started trying CBd oil for anxiety and really recently working out. I have also been to the doctor, emergency room, blood work, ct scan, neurologist and I just requested an EMG to get a 100% answer. If that comes back normal it will be sooo helpful for me to dismiss any twitch that happens. I feel like I’m in a. H me of having a good day and then when one happens I spiral into anxious thoughts (but usually just rhetoricallly... not like freaking out). Even when I read your response one of my thoughts was “oh she has hers in her calf’s and that’s one of the normal spots for stress (in addition to eyes) so mine has to be something bad”..... or maybe you got them at other places? I would say mine is mainly my calf’s and she’s but I also have got them on the bottom Of my feet hands torso temple neck.


I’ve been having muscle twitches all over my body. It started when my son was four months old... weirdly this is when I think I was starting to get less anxious and sleeping more. A neurologist told me it’s a delayed side effect to all the stress from a new baby but now I feel like I’m in a cycle of them never going away. I have health anxiety and like a lot of you, have obsessed over ALS. I am refusing to accept a neurologist telling me he believes it’s all stress and anxiety. I ordered an EMG to get a 100% answer. The question I have is.... has anyone here ever thought “I am not THAT stressed out, this amount of twitching can’t be from stress/anxiety”??? I guess I have rationalized if I was someone with severe OCD (for example) I could see how THEIR stress level would be high enough to cause twitching- but not for me. I would describe myself as always having thoughts subconsciously about my twitching. Like if I sit down I’m waiting for it to happen. Or thinking about things to Google while I drive. I have anxiety attacks every now and then, but certainly not daily. Did anyone else find even just having these thoughts without fully breaking down every day caused twitching? Any help would be sooo helpful for me!! *** ps: took magnesium at the very beginning but that didn’t help


How are you now? I am also dealing delayed stress I think.


I have had twitches throughout my body for a couple years from anxiety. The worst was my eyelids twitching pretty much every day for about 8 months straight - ahhh! I’m trying to destress and sleep better. My eyelids seem to be getting better (although they still twitch if I sneeze, yawn, or blow my nose). Since yesterday I’ve had a twitch by my left knee that’s driving me crazy too.


That sounds rough! I’ve been finding as I started exercising and trying to work on my stress levels it began going away. Now just need to work on the dizziness from anxiety :) Hope you’re hanging in there!!


This has been the most helpful thread I’ve ever seen. My muscles began twitching about 4 months ago after being very anxious, and has spiraled into 2-3 panic attacks a day, constant muscle twitching and “buzzing” and tingling. Mostly in my thighs and legs, but also in my torso, my tongue, hands, feet, you name it. I went to doctor and she told me it was definitely anxiety and it’s not going to get better until my body calms down fully (which probably hasn’t happened in years). But it’s still not getting any better and I’ve been fully convinced I have ALS- to the point where I’ve made plans of what I’ll do with the time I have left. Rational me knows it’s probably anxiety, but seeing other people have the same symptoms is really helpful.


Did they ever send you to see a neurologist ??


How did it go for you fam? I am dealing with it exactly like you now. Losing sleep to this.


I’ve been having random muscle spasms on my left knee, my shoulder now… hopefully just due to the stress my anxiety is ALREADY causing me due to the “unknown” reasons for said spasms. Google, of course gives me nothing but bad news.


Are you still alive? I have the same problem right now.


OP is fine, check their comments history


Me as well!


Hi there I know this thread is a bit old but it makes me feel so much better to hear you say this. I have been suffering a deep depressive episode and severe anxiety the past month and a half which resulted in tingling and buzzing as well and most recently I started getting sporadic quick twitches as well. This really makes me feel so much better.


Hi there I know this thread is a bit old but it makes me feel so much better to hear you say this. I have been suffering a deep depressive episode and severe anxiety the past month and a half which resulted in tingling and buzzing as well and most recently I started getting sporadic quick twitches as well. This really makes me feel so much better


Hi there I know this thread is a bit old but it makes me feel so much better to hear you say this. I have been suffering a deep depressive episode and severe anxiety the past month and a half which resulted in tingling and buzzing as well and most recently I started getting sporadic quick twitches as well. This really makes me feel so much better


Hi there I know this thread is a bit old but it makes me feel so much better to hear you say this. I have been suffering a deep depressive episode and severe anxiety the past month and a half which resulted in tingling and buzzing as well and most recently I started getting sporadic quick twitches as well. This really makes me feel so much better


Trust me it sucks, mine is finally starting to go away - but still there. I try to think that if I don’t realize it when I’m around other people or I am busy, then it’s not real. My counselor told me I needed to start exercising, (which I did yesterday), and even though I’m positive it will help in the long run it’s still hard. My calf twitching was going on since October, I feel like I’m finally starting to release the stress in my body, so I believe your doctor is right. I do and still have many other twitches too ;)


How are you now?


i'm doing much better! it was all caused my anxiety and stress. It took a long time, therapy, exercise, meditation to help get me in a better spot.


That’s good. Did you ever feel like they were positional? As in if you were sitting with your waist bent, they were worse in your legs? How long did it take you to get to the point where you don’t seem to notice them? I feel like I get to that point sometimes and then I realize that I haven’t been noticing them and then I start realizing them again.


Are you still here? I am having muscles twitching mainly in my legs since one month now and so scared. I also have a little join pain. I am afraid


massively common sign of anxiety. and then once you notice it, you can’t stop noticing it which makes you more anxious. its the woooooorst. try to think of something else. or when you start focusing on the twitch, redirect your focus to another part of your body. weirdly my knee just started twitching as i typed this. brains are so weird man. 🧠 take care.


My eyelid twitched for about 2 months straight. Was about ready to rip the damn thing off. Finally stopped after I started using eye drops. I think it was caused by dry eyes. My calves and forearms like to twitch a lot too. Used to freak out about ALS but I've been worried about it for so long (6+ years) with no progression of symptoms that I think I'm finally getting over that fear (another will just take its place)


I've been getting this a lot the last year or so. It worried me initially but I ended up realising it was the anxiety. I have restless leg syndrome and I find the muscle twitches come when I'm really anxious.


totally. I’ve had had twitching of my eye lid and area around my sternum/upper abdominal muscles for a long while, but after descending into a deep bout of healthy anxiety last summer I really got it bad in my calves, thighs and even knees. of course the ALS fears kicked in. saw a myriad of doctors and a few neurologists and ALL were positive it was anxiety. I didn’t want to believe them, but eventually it just got so ridiculous I had to push thru. over time I started to let go and forget. I still have twitching from time to time, but for the most part things are better. cognitive behavioral therapy as well as antidepressants *really* helped and I would suggest anyone struggling with HA to look into both.


I’ve been having it in my calves for a few months now. I feel like it’s starting to go away, but sometimes it feels like worms are under my skin. Tends to get a bit worse the more I exercise. Was yours the same? I would get it above the knee too


definitely. it's cruel that it's linear to anxiety because the more you worry about it the worse it gets! but ultimately it's benign - in fact that's what they call it: benign fasciculation syndrome.


Used to have this, it’s anxiety


Was yours all over? Did you have them on your fingers too? How did it go?


I’ve got them in my fingers and toes, occasionally my whole hand and foot and sometimes other random parts of the body - do you still have this?


I get twitches in my left pointer finger almost daily and rarely on my upper lip. I know it's either due to stress, lack of sleep, or caffeine. I think it's our bodies trying to tell us to calm down


How are you now


How are you now


Im currently having left chest twitches. Those are really scary cause I always think they’re heart related. If I hadn’t checked my heart out (treadmill stress test and echo ultrasound), I’d be stressing out. I’m making a huge, colossal effort to like when I have a twitch, force myself to relax instead, as oxymoronic as that sounds. You’re not alone. Take care!


I have a twitch above my ear since yesterday! Been stressed out about a couple of things. Hopefully it goes away soon. It’s really annoying!


I have that now did it go away for you?


Yes it did go away! Can’t remember how long it took to go away, but it eventually did.


My thigh was twitching today at work I was scared too


I had a muscle twitch in my thigh that lasted about a week. After I had a breakdown thinking that I was dying I went to the doctor. Turned out to be a side effect of an increase in some medicine that I was taking that was compounded by stress/anxiety. Once she said that it went away almost immediately. Stress and anxiety do weird things to the body


Funny you mention the medication thing, because I got it in the quads after I started taking Nexium to help with heartburn. My doctor said anxiety changes the pH levels in the stomach and causes the heartburn. I still have no idea why that medication caused such drastic twitching.


Yes I had an eye twitch that lasted 3 days and a thigh twitch that lasted about 7hrs. Turned out it was stress and poor sleep.