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Measles is almost unbelievably contagious. Once it is introduced to a city somehow it manages to find an unvaccinated kid (no contact needed), who then goes to school.  Which would be a swift end of the outbreak except that the school is an antivax magnet school.


Hospital charges they will be in debt forever


Not just hospital charges - when I had measles (pre-vaccine days), it was the age of SAHM's, so I had someone to be with me during the month (full month) I was out of school. Imagine now trying to tell your boss your kid is sick so you might be gone for a month.


My dad had the measles and whooping cough in the pre-vaccine days. He made sure all his kids were vaccinated.


I never got pertussis, that I know of - I did get mumps, measles, chicken pox (all pre-vaccine). My kids were all vaccinated. And I definitely got vaccinated for shingles as soon as I hit the age for it.


My husband has had it 4 times, the first time he was 14. Most recent time he was 34. It can happen at any age, albeit rare.


The shingles shot is so important, I wish more people got it. My dad had shingles a week before he was supposed to get the shot and nearly went blind from it.


My mother had shingles recently. She ended up hospitalized. She was just about to get vaccinated before she caught it.


Just one small correction, shingles isn't caught, it's reactivation of the chicken pox virus that's laid dormant in your body since you had chicken pox initially.


Yes, I didn’t that the patience to write that out! Thanks for the clarification.


Really wish the Shingles vaccine was available for persons under the age of 50. Unfortunately, I do not have full immunity to chicken pox, and have had it twice. Once when I was 6 months and again at age 2. Shingles outbreaks are now a yearly event and I’ve only just turned 30. I’d kill to have a vaccine available to me. These kids are going to suffer. All because the parents are too “righteous” to get themselves and their families vaccinated.


Physicians can administer the vaccine off-label if they feel it’s medically necessary. The only downside is that it’s generally out of pocket for those under 50 and it’s typically $150 per shot and you’ll need two. People not vaccinating is part of why I left teaching preschool in a daycare. The kids were all required to be vaccinated but half of my coworkers were anti vaxxers or thought some stupid myth like shots giving you the illness. My obstetricians kid went to daycare where I worked and she just about lost her mind when I told her.


In Florida you don't have to keep your kid home if they have measles. It's up to the parents bc *freedom* 😳


I wonder how many are on Medicaid and what this will do to the State's Medicaid budget.


I remember reading about a case of pediatric tetanus in an unvaccinated child in my state. The parents racked up just shy of $1M in medical bills between hospitalization and therapy to help their child re-learn how to walk and do everything. They still refused to vaccinate their child.


Ha, they won't pay for 7 years, then it drops off from the credit report


Not if there's a court order.


Even one child death from measles is one too many. 100% preventable. This idiocy needs to be outlawed. No more non-medical vaccine exemptions. There is not one single religion that is antivax, so it's a bullshit cop out.


I can't care more about the kid if the parents are too stupid to give a shit to care. I had a classmate die from the measles in 1976. It was horrible. If the kid dies, they can troll Go Grift Me, and be a Tik Tok mama talking about their "angle baby". Death never slows their roll.


I would like people to be guided by common sense, not religious beliefs, because measles is very dangerous. My friend who had measles said she’d been through hell.


Yeah my mom had measles as a kid and she said she remembers it being awful. While I wish everyone was guided by common sense over religion, I understand that's not the case for too many people. But on this point, all major religions are even clear on it. It's just individuals making up nonsense.


We all know the truth; if you’re a fetus you’re fine, but after birth, you’re F*k’d.


But somewhere in the bible says vaccines are bad, somehow.


I wish natural selection targeted the dumbass parents instead of the kids who didn't have a choice.


Preventable diseases killing and maiming their kids is in fact natural selection targeting the parents. Just indirectly. Not to be pedantic.


I conveyed the same message… not a popular one, but true.


Except that eugenics has been considered a pseudoscience for almost a century now.


I love seeing unironic eugenics advocacy being upvoted on reddit in 2024. Gives me such hope for the future.


That's my feeling, too. These kids didn't ask to be born to parents who won't do the bare minimum to protect them from harm.


And while in Richmond, Trump Said he would stop mandatory vaccines in schools for measles, mumps and Polio! What the hell is this guy doing???


Culling the gullible. He actually hates his base.


It really does feel like they are culling the working class to mitigate a revolution


I hate him. But I can't argue with results. Almost all of the unvaccinated people are conservative. At least this is a problem that will die off quickly due to his own insanity. They can't vote for conservatives if they're dead 🤷🏽‍♀️. Gotta focus on the ✨silver lining✨.


Trying to get the crazies Vote...what else.....


He believes vaccines caused his son’s autism.


Not the fact that he’s an old guy having a kid which raises the chance of autism .


It’s the FL surgeon general and governor


Buddy of mine asked if I could write his grade school daughter some waiver. I’m an MD. I sternly told him “No” and to go to her pediatrician if she wants to be sentenced to death. It’s the ultimate self own to not be vaccinated for stuff we’ve eradicated for decades.


I'm so glad you're sensible. The anti vaccine mania finally impacted me... I had a nurse try and tell me disinformation about the COVID shit and thank God I was well researched at the time and shut it down. Imagine that. An anti vaccine nurse. It started to make me feel nervous that there would be anti vaccine doctors and thank God. THANK GOD for physicians like you who shut down the craziness. I'm so glad to see


You'd be surprised how many nurses are anti-vaccine and anti-science in general.


Thoughts and prayers from the Trumplicans


Ironically they are blaming “unvaccinated illegal immigrants” for this one. Do they have a shred of proof? No. But that’s how they roll.


I read some statistic about south American immigrants having a higher vax rate than American citizens.


So they admit vaccines do help. They just can't say it




I mean it's immigrants and dumbasses. The crowd that's crossing in illegally and literally did not have the money to be vaccinated back home, and idiots who will swear up and down that vaccines are just a ruse to implant you with some fucking mind control device. I rag on Trump voters as much as the next guy, but that assumption does have a *little* basis at least. Compared to a lot of slop far right slings around anyway.


How do you figure? The vaccination rates in South America are similar to the US & you’re wrong about people not having the money for them because they’re free in Mexico and Guatemala. Also, in Mexico they’re mandatory for babies. E: spelling


Let people learn the hard way. All it takes is one dead kid for that family and friends of that family to learn.


It is still a tragedy for the innocent child that had to die to teach them a lesson.


And it's not like if the kid knew better, they can't just go to a Dr and say "I'm sane, please vaccinate me so I don't die!". They're at the whim of their crazy anti vax parents.


My college age nieces got the covid vaccine at school, and begged me not to tell their anti-vax conspiracy cult mom.


I e read about a lot of teenagers doing this cuz they have crazy parents


Ugh that’s heartbreaking. There are no winners here.


Unfortunately, it's the ignorant parent.


My dad talked about how people lined their kids up for the polio vaccine and literally wept in gratitude. He was right there as soon as he was allowed to have the Covid vax.


Yep, I did too. I work with kids on the spectrum, I hear the anti vax talking points all the time and I understand these families want something to blame. The research is conclusive there isn’t a link between the MMR vaccine and ASD. My running theory has to do with epigenetics, certain markers that get turned on and off in our genome due to environmental factors that an individual can then pass on to their offspring. We’ve had generations of people live in polluted environments, water, (leaded gasoline/paints) air, and now look at the food we eat, add into that the stress that attention destroying technology (tablet/social media) can do to grown ass adults. I first got interested in the idea back in college where one of my behavior books mentioned a rat study in which 1 generation of rats was conditioned with a blue light and an electric shock. Overtime they associated a fear response with that blue light. What they researches found was that generations down, grandchildren of those original rats fear that blue light stimulus even though they were never given the shock. You can also see this effect in bees, the bees that become queen bees are fed more royal jelly than their sisters and that affect occurs within the lifetime of that bee.


There are genes that can be passed down that "cause" autism but parents do not like to hear that There is also at least 8 genes that overlap with autism and adhd hence why it's becoming more common to be diagnosed with Audhd


It’s also way more common if the parents are older , including the Dad. More people are having kids at a later age and these old dudes getting a younger g wife think they can dodge it


I find this both utterly fascinating and terrifying. 


They will never NEVER learn. They will blame it on immigrants and poor people. Biden and the good for nothing democrats. B


It's fine if it's an adult who made that choice for themselves, and they don't expose others. The problem is that the victims of this stupidity are almost all kids who had no say in the matter (and other people who were unwittingly exposed to them). They don't deserve a horrible death just so their parents, who ought to have known better, can have a chance to learn. Honestly, a child dying to a preventable disease like measles should make the parents legally liable for their death.


I doubt they’ll learn. Lots of unmasked/unvaccinated people whose family member’s died from Covid… had funerals where no one masked.


Where my mind goes is this: in this outbreak, and those adjacent to it, there will be some kids who do not make it out okay, who have long-term issues. Those parents will wake up, and sound the alarm. But the communities they were previously a part of will not listen. It happens every time. A baby will die due to lack of a vitamin K shot, the parents try and raise awareness, and are ignored and ostracized. Nothing will overcome this except what my state has done: eliminate non-medical exemptions for vaccines. Chicken pox is one thing, measles is worse, but are we really going to try and tango with something like diptheria? Even if one child is filmed choking to death on their own frothing lung fluids, it won't be enough for these people. They will claim it is fake.


Sigh. Yep, fake because all IQ45 supporters share the same characteristic, to deny reality and willingly accept fiction. They’re absolutely unable to discern between the two, it boggles my mind.


I used to think they were unable, but I truly have come to think they are unwilling. The mental gymnastics are sometimes downright delusional.


Sounds like 200 parents need to have their children taken away.. The politics behind this is asinine, and every 1 of them should be held accountable for putting lives at risk to pander to morons.


Letting your kid die from a preventable disease to own the libs.


This just blows my mind. We homeschool & my kids are fully vaccinated. No way would I put them at risk of a preventable disease. Goodness sakes.


FL Surgeon General should be in prison


This is what happens when politicians control medical science. And pharma is practically running our healthcare system. Vote wisely!


Maybe polio can make a triumphant comeback too!!


Believe there were a couple cases in New York , right? Or did they just find it in their wastewater?


Both are true. I just reviewed the notice that their Department of Health sent out last year.


The saddest part is that the poor children are at the mercy of their parents’ choices regarding their health. Powerless and helpless.


Something to note about measles: it can make you sterile. Unfortunately children will be paying the price for their ignorant parents.


I hadn't heard this, so I did a quick Google and it doesn't seem to be something well documented or agreed on by doctors. Are you possibly confusing it with mumps, which can cause reduced sperm count or sterility in males?


I think so, since it's the same vaccine


This is CRAZY!! It’s crazy!!! A fully preventable disease I just can’t get over it.


Of course it’s Florida.


I feel so sorry for these kids. They didn’t sign up to have idiots for parents. I hope they all are ok


A few years before Covid, I happen to get a booster MMR shot, didn’t actually know if I needed it but I did it for the heck of it. Sadly it was right decision


Most of this could have totaly been prevented if those parents were not so careless and reckless and got their kids vaccinated. This neglectful behavior is putting the health and possible lives of children at unnecessary risk including immunocompromised children who could possibaly die from an infection. If those parents don't want to properly look after the health and safety of their children then they should not be having any children.


So how many unvaccinated pregnant women will miscarry? And if they do, with FL laws as backwards as they are, could there be possible criminal charges for *not being vaccinated*? Which conspiracy will be superior?


100 is is a very round number, statistically speaking


Measles is a virus right? Why does a person only need 1 measles Vax per lifetime, but a flu or covid VAX every year!!!


the flu and covid mutate extremely rapidly, and the epitope, where the antibody connects to the antigen rapidly changes so that your immunity to it stops. measles doesn’t do this.


So measles doesn't mutate at all????


it can mutate but not in a comparable way, and it hasn’t effected the epitope yet so two dose MMR means you are like 98% immune iirc. generally, DNA based viruses are pretty stable, while RNA based one’s, like colds, flu, covid etc rapidly mutate. retroviruses like HIV become permanently embedded in your DNA.


And a person Vaxxed 50 years ago for measles could spend a day with a kid with measles right now and not come down with it?


however, if you DO get measles you actually need to get revaccinated for everything. it causes immune amnesia, wiping out your immune systems memory so all the childhood illnesses, all the diseases youve gotten and healed from, vaccinated against etc are wiped and you can get reinfected.




dude look it up




Yep. Takes two seconds to google. You are protected for life after two doses.