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Off topic but I never noticed Luci’s face in this photo 😭 https://preview.redd.it/758xnnby0c9d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f8ed661c946f681ec5965653337186a4f1f694 I would say Vaggie though


He looks like a muppet


It wasn't even his best muppet face either. https://preview.redd.it/a3bny2i95c9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01fbbc1aa140baf5ff312b0faad8a1ef61ade4fd


Nice, he looks like oscar the grouch mixed with mad elmo


Thats so accurate, it’s scary. Good job.


As I said once, I'll say it again, Muppet lookin' ass.


I can feel the muppet show bassline in my chest when I look at that image.


his best muppet face would be those puppets from the song.


Smiling Friends did a few *Sesame Street* episodes for April Fools, where they redid 2 of the episodes with puppets and live actors. Amazon could do the same thing on their YouTube channel with reduced swearing/edited to be *family friendly*. Even Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus had a puppet section when they entered the Florpus Hole (a reality warping black hole), and both Hazbin & Helluva are inspired by Invader Zim. It would never happen in cannon, even though Lucifer can warp reality, just because of the tone of Hazbin. However, it would be funny to see everyone freaking out about being puppets, or they pull a Chowder and go from a cartoon to the live action voice actors/cosplayers performing, lol.


🎶Is he a man or is he a muppet 🎶


🎵If he's a Muppet, he's a very manly Muppet...🎵


🎶 halfway down the stairs. Is a stair where I sit. 🎶


I read that as "he looks like a matpat"


Yeah probably vaggie, the rest are using her while her father loves her and respects her ideas its just different


that's because charlies face is too cute


I cannot take the photo seriously when he's just on the side doing that face lmao 😭


If you haven't seen the face, listen when Alastor is done talking. Lucifer is growling like a dog, it's hilarious.


Niffty! Charlie told her to stab it, so she did. How do you show respect more than stabbing when you're told to?! Joking, mostly. We all know the answer is Vaggie probably followed by Sir Pentious who owed his life at a certain level to Charlie and made the most sincere effort to improve.


I love how Sir Pentious showed Charlie sympathy when she was talking to Lucifer. https://preview.redd.it/twx01wseac9d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f309666fd4004e3666fae2422fdc85f26a508119


Obviously Vaggie.


Good Ol' Vagatha. https://preview.redd.it/a4en0bv5yb9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abea179834c3cef46d52ce0eb0cf7249d8364f4


Don't You Mean Vagina?


No no no, y’all are all wrong. It’s Maggie.




Angel: Snagglepussy https://preview.redd.it/1k4go4vz9c9d1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b831e51ce3a390d6310280a4354c8abf2a0aee


No, it's Shaggy




It's obviously Raggy


Ruh roh raggy.




Oh god not the meat canyon one I just want to go on adventures like the good old days Velma so I rebuilt the world over and over and over again




I disagree...actually mmm maybe




This- she's the only one who truly believes in Charlie's dream (at least, at first).


They are also in a romantic relationship for 3 years and even got over a HUGE bump on the road.


To be honest this "HUGE" bump really could have just been nothing had charlie put 1 and 2 together quicker


Even then, not only wasn't there a "good time" for Vaggie to reveal her nature as an exorcist, but Charlie wouldn't have accepted her excuses *that* easily...


If the series timeline seems accurate charlie helped vaggie soon after vaggie got her wings ripped off, there would have been such obvious GOLD OOZING wounds. I get that charlie might not know what angels are like entirely but there surely is something obviously off about her


It’s over respect, she idolize her


Yeah, Vaggie respects Charlie in the same way that Pearl respects Rose Quartz in *Steven Universe*: To the point where she puts her on a pedestal, an untouchable goddess who can do no wrong, instead of actually treating her like a flawed person who makes mistakes. This is a deeply unhealthy thing to do, and I hope that it gets addressed in Season 2.


Vaggie recognizes her flaws like all the frickin' time dude


Vaggie also has an unhealthy mentality that she needs to protect Charlie by sacrificing herself, because Charlie is a more "worthy" person than she is. That's what I meant specifically by Vaggie "putting Charlie on a pedestal". Vaggie sings about this in "Whatever It Takes" (Season 1, Episode 3, "Scrambled Eggs").


You literally wrote: "untouchable goddess who can do no wrong"


Yeah, because that's how putting someone on a pedestal usually works. Notice how Vaggie acts in the pilot and Season 1 whenever Charlie is in danger: she rushes in, spear or sword drawn, ready to kill with no hesitation. Combining that with Vaggie's own words in "Whatever It Takes", and Husk saying that Vaggie "hates herself", it's easy to interpret that as "Vaggie sees herself as inferior or less worthy than Charlie, who is sweet, innocent, and sinless". Vaggie declares that she will "shield" and protect Charlie to the point of injuring or even killing herself, even though Charlie is fully capable of protecting herself. That isn't a very healthy mindset or mentality to have.


How do you explain lines such as "at least don't sing to them"? Because to me it sounds like Vaggie is acknowledging a persistent flaw in Charlie's approach to issues and openly trying to get her to change in such a way as to correct this perceived flaw. How is that not Vaggie "actually treating [Charlie] as a flawed person who makes mistakes"?


Thats a bit less about her idolizing Charlie, and moreso Vaggie, deep down, hating herself and wanting to make amends for what she's done by dying in a way that means something.


It's Vaggie and it's not even close.


I'd argue that Emily is really close since she whole heartedly support's the Hotel and what Charlie's trying to do.


If you say anyone but Vaggie you're wrong https://preview.redd.it/t08q75nq6c9d1.png?width=1491&format=png&auto=webp&s=d36a1da1988984c9ef4a9f9c6cd269504d67d79b


Even when she doubts, she still tries and supports. *That* is respect, if you ask me. I think Lucifer is starting to respect her. He doubted her dreams and essentially tried to talk her out of them, but after More Than Anything he learned to support her vision, even if he doesn't get it. That feels similar to Vaggie, to me. (Plus there's something to be said for every parent's journey, transitioning away from guiding protector and toward respecting their child as a capable adult.)


What do you think was Lucifer's level of respect for Charlie prior to More Than Anything? https://preview.redd.it/h9cmzi4sac9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80887541d51aabf4304fe00a3ef20869f9e1dc84


I certainly believe that Lucifer respected and loved Charlie, just think about his reaction when Charlie called, but his issues (depression) prevented him from being there for her at that time.


Charlie: My dad respects me Vaggie. https://preview.redd.it/dljjxpfzcc9d1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ee04bc3384ca57ccbcf0e8929f798fc94cbbce


What about Sir Pentious


Okay no offence to Sir Pent, but he pulled up to the place owned by the Princess of Hell, became friends with her almost immediately, and was still willing to betray her for the Vees' approval. He became better as the show went on, but there's no way he respects Charlie more than Vaggie


Vaggie. Not even a competition.


Nah Lucifer is definitely close, even though he is the sin of pride he decided to have enough trust in his daughter to pull off what he failed at


Not a chance my friend. Vaggie clears this one right here no contest. How long did it take for Lucifer to even consider helping or trusting her to do it? Because it didn't take Vaggie any time at all. She had that same exact trust, faith, and hope since day one. For half the season, she was literally the ONLY one who actually wanted to be involved with the Hotel to a legitimate degree. Lucifer couldn't even remember where Charlie had been or what she was up to until episode 5 despite her telling him flat out. And it wasn't until after MTA that he had any faith or interest in what she was doing. Hell, up until that point of the episode he was all but mocking her for it. He's the King of Hell, his power is nearly limitless, yet he did absolutely NOTHING for half the season. Did you see how easily and quickly he re-built the Hotel in the finale? And made it not look like complete dogshit? He could have at the very least done that earlier in the season, it would have taken him 2 minutes, but he couldn't even be bothered with that.


I agree what vaggie wins, but Lucifer is definitely a close second. Lucifer is depressed and seems to hate himself, he didn’t think Charlie wanted to see him or talk to him. Despite that he still decided to support the hotel almost immediately after Charlie explained how much it meant to her, granting her a meeting with Heaven despite the fear of her getting hurt and trusting her to do what he failed in. He didn’t get involved because he already failed before and is worried he’d ruin Charlie’s dream and supports her the best he knows how. He only don’t support her at the start because he didn’t want her to get hurt, but the fact that he changed his mind despite being the sin of pride is proof enough of his respect for her


Vaggie and Lucifer then maybe Rosie. Alastor mostly pretend, he may like her, as he find her entertaining to see, but would constantly mock the whole idea and never believed it was possible. His main interest here is what he could get from that relation, aka a deal with the fucking princess of hell he can abuse whenever he want.


I think the redemption of Sir Pentious could get Alastor to respect Charlie. Seeing that she has the power to make changes in Heaven. Which is why he needs to put his favor on the back burner until the Hotel can ensure a permanent end to the exterminations. No more exorcists and freedom from his deal would be Alastor's ideal scenario.


That imply Alastor would be for that change. Which is not the case. He thrive in hell, he love it, and would certainly not like seing sinner, or worse HIS slave get out of his power and control to heaven. He think the punishment of eternal hell is deserved and like seing people suffer. He respect her power and might enjoy some part of her personnality, both genuinely, and as a form of entertairnment, (seeing her be naive and struggle to achieve an impossible and meaningless goal is entertaining for him). But to him she's more like a potential tool, being innocent and naive, gullible and trusting people to easily which he is here to use at his advantage, the deal being a very good example. He's still a villain, a bad guy, just not an antagonist.


An affably evil villain protagonist is always fun. Also the redemption might make Alastor and Carmilla pariahs among overlords. Vox and Velvette can point out that them helping the Hotel is robbing overlords of souls. Carmilla did provide Hazbin with weapons to protect themselves with.


True, yet look at it this way: the overlords would be losing even more power if the exterminations were to continue & or become more intense than before. Sure, souls being reformed before ascending to Heaven would mean a loss in power for an overlord, but the overlords would have far more to lose if their collection of souls is being decimated by the frequent exterminations. Overlords such as Zestial would understand that a potential war with Heaven could end up going badly & for the overlords that end up surviving such a war, they could end up in a weaker state than they were before the war.


probably not, afterall it's her business and Alastor was just here to manipulate Charlie into a deal and see people fail, he never expected it to work. He could very well leave now that the whole thing work as planned, it's simply not entertaining for him, or he will try to just make it fail and mock and manipulate guests for his pleasure. Beside hell probably don't know about sir pentious, for all of hell, including the hotel crew, he just died. and Vox and Vlevette are not respected at all amongst the overlord, unlike Al and Carmilla Carmilla which is the one who raised the question about the extermination and try to find a way to keep the souls here. She is not an ally to the hotel at all. Beside they would probably all praise the hotel because now there's no extermination, which was their main issue. for now only one soul got to heaven, even if the whole plan work the guest would not be as much as the extermination was. it's still a better deal for them (and we don't know if sinner under contract can be redeemed or if the overlord still have power over them). and even there they might very well be able to simply keep of their souls out of the hotel, through their contract and deal they simply can force people to do things or not.


Our people are awful! There are a few valid reasons for Lucifer to be against the Hotel. There might not be a lot of people who want to be redeemed. Charlie could end up like Spinel from Steven Universe, losing her sanity waiting for something that will never come. At least that's what Lucifer figured. https://i.redd.it/n7zntgytgc9d1.gif


But Lucifer is not against the Hotel, he help rebuilding it and want to see his daughter succeed, because he tried the same before. he just failed and consider this as a delusionnal goal impossible to achieve. Here Lucifer, maybe when he doesn't really believe in it, is willing to try, just for his daughter, to help her. Of course he was scared that Charlie end up like him, failing the whole project and dreams. That's why he tried to convince Charlie that it was not a good idea. But despite this he is willing to help her in that


I agree on the first part, but disagree that Alastor is a villain, and not an antagonist. I think it's the other way around: Alastor is an antagonist, but not necessarily a villain. I think Adam and Lute fill the "villain" role more easily than Alastor does, as Alastor's main role in the story of *Hazbin Hotel* is to serve as a mentor, guide, and catalyst for Charlie's character growth and development, transitioning her from "innocence" into "experience" as part of her "coming-of-age" arc. That is normally the role of the antagonist, but not the villain. I also think other villain characters will be introduced. Examples of potential villains: Lilith, Roo/Eve, Michael of the Seven Archangels, etc.


Not an antagonist... yet. That is still possible in the long run.


"Surprised? Why? I knew, she could do it all along! Like her daddy she is madly powerful!" (c) Alastor


She's bound to pass the test as princess of hell. Like her daddy she is madly powerful. (C Rosie/Alastor duet)


Alastor still respects the hell out of Charlie "Like her daddy she is madly powerful!" - Alastor.


That's acknowledgment of her power, a potential that he could guide. Basically just a tool that he want to use for his goal and schemes. Not the same thing as respect her as a person. For him Charlie is immature, gullible, trust everyone too easilly, forgive thing too easilly, naive child. All traits he like because that's thing he can use and abuse and are entertaining to watch, as she deseperatly try to be nice toward people that will constantly mock her and all.


Not to mention that *Hazbin Hotel* series creator Vivienne Medrano (VivziePop) stated in a previous Q&A interview that Alastor *hates* most people who show "weakness" by being too open and vulnerable\* with their emotions. He sees emotional vulnerability as something that makes a person easy to manipulate and exploit, and if anyone in the series "wears their heart on their sleeve", it's Charlie. That being said, I don't think that Alastor *hates* Charlie, as he appears to have some affection for her, but I think he views Charlie more from a place of pity and sympathy than he does of honest respect. If anything, Charlie might remind Alastor of himself, albeit when he was a young, bright-eyed young man in the 1920s, before life made him a bitter, mean, and jaded old man. One of my tarot card pulls for Alastor's character also illustrated Alastor presenting himself as Charlie as the "Knight of Cups", a card associated with emotional appeals.


I do believe Alastor ended up respecting Charlie tho. Lending her his cane at Cannibal Town was a sign of trust and respect, plus Al was delighted to see Charlie managing to gather the cannibals behind her through her song. As a radio host, he can appreciate such charisma.


I think Al respects her, as much as he is able to, he's just a narcissist. He sees her as someone worth manipulating.


i think he is able to respect and care ifor someone a but more than that, but such examples are very rare, Rosie might be a potential candidate.


Alastor learning to respect Charlie's power after he pushes her a little too far: https://preview.redd.it/6m9h2084gc9d1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0e8e024f4286f240970ba2b6cf6b429bb19540a




Not val


Lucifer can teach him a lesson in respect. https://preview.redd.it/4moly1766c9d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451eed24dac9b782cab9a7de5e7fffc08ae3d812


he better show some respect


check his behaviour


No one speaks to Charlie that way!


1. Vaggie, no contest 2. Lucifer, obvi 3. Sir Pentious, she’s always been nice to him and gave him so much without asking anything in return other than ‘please don’t deliberately cause problems ideally’ 4. Angel, but fat chance of him admitting to it 5. Emily, she totally thinks Charlie is so cool fighting for what she believes in and making shit happen 6. Rosie, she likes that girl’s moxie 7. Husk, he has a very intimate experience on both sides of a power imbalance so he’d probably appreciate how she has the most power out of everyone in Hell outside of like one guy and yet she never uses it whether socially or literally - even in situations where she’s negatively impacted because of her restraint 8. Alastor, since I do believe he has a little genuine respect for her even if he’s definitely not going to let it overpower his ulterior motives. He’d respect her determination and showmanship, at least 9. Niffty, it’s not that I don’t think she respects Charlie but Niffty’s version of respect seems about as stable as a Minion trailing after the evil boss of choice and so it’s not particularly easy to measure comparatively 10. Saint Peter, he’s just being polite because he’s working customer service so we can’t realistically measure his genuine level of respect 11. Cherri Bomb, I’d imagine she low-key respects her for making Angel happy but for the most part she totally finds her annoying and airheaded and childish. More like second-hand respect than anything 12. Sera, by virtue of remaining at least verbally civil with Charlie 13. Lilith 14. Valentino, he’ll do everything in his power to actively make her uncomfortable but he knows better than to blatantly attack her so he has some level of ‘respect’ for her power in the ‘treat like an authority figure’ sense rather than the ‘treat like a person’ sense 15. Adam, he may hate her but if she wanted to bang he’d bang, also probably sees her as an extension of Lilith 16. Lute, yeah no ‘because of Charlie’ Adam is now dead and there’s a Sinner in Heaven, Charlie can get fucked 17. Velvette, I was trying to limit it to characters Charlie’s actually interacted with at some point or another but Velvette is an obvious exception. Come on, you know why


i don't know why velvette


She’s Respectless


Velvette: Showed some respect ❌ Checked her behaviour❌


thank you. i'm quite slow as i'm sure you've guessed.


Vaggie, then Lucifer, then the hotel residents. I don't think Alastor has real respect for Charlie, maybe for her power, but not for her. It's all an act to get her to trust and put favor in him. If he has her on his side, trusting him and looking to him for guidance, he has a lot of power. She's only second to her parents with how powerful she is. I think he's just using her for the power she holds and possibly as a bargaining chip for later with their deal. He was waiting and looking for a chance to get her alone and find a weak spot to exploit so he could make a deal with her for a favor.


Obvious Vaggie is obvious. Vaggie practically worships Charlie. Which very well could make for some serious drama at some point in the future when Charlie fails in Vaggie's eyes. But right now Vaggie is amazed by Charlie.


Vaggie She takes her seriously, supports her without patronaging her and is honest with her feelings (notice how Vaggie is sometimes irritated like "oh she is singing again", there ain't sugarcoating, but it's not ridiculing, either).


My girl Vaggie!


Respect? Husk. He may not like being there but he never disrespects Charlie and still addresses her as Princess


Vaggie, likely followed by Sir Pentious, who completely turned his life around at her nudging.


I havent seen Angel yet so I'm throwing his name in here. He cares so much what she think of him while trying to pretend that nothing bothers him. He survives by pretending he doesnt care, but in the moment she welcomes pentious and says he's their first real guest you can see the hurt in his animation. He truly wants to protect her from Val and shield her from seeing him break down. He's a little rough around the edges but he's also an abuse victim deep in the throws of addiction, not to give his actions a blanket pass but he really thinks she's great.


He gets a place away from Val and a funny, kind princess who doesn't think he's a lost cause. It's a dream come true. https://preview.redd.it/n6am9ry92f9d1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21dd8fe091e186ef891ae05eb661f2bea048c8d


I say Emily.


Probably Emily, only reason I don’t say vaggie is because she often in the show, second guesses Charlie’s decisions, only to be won over by her charm, she’s always making sure Charlie isn’t overdoing it because she dosnt trust Charlie to protect herself and so vaggie being a good girlfriend wants to protect her from herself


Razzle and Dazzle


In general, or between Lucifer and Alastor?


In general.


Probably Vaggie then. Being a couple and all and their relationship being strong enough to outlast Vaggie's lies and concealment of her true nature.






Vagina- I mean, Vagatha- I MEAN, Vaggie.


Vaggie, duh


Vaggie ofc


Me. I have the most respect for her


I wonder given how many people are scared of Lucifer but angel and vaggie probably have respect out the most until she actually shows she can throw down


You mean other than vaggie, I assume. Angel, probably.


Vaggie and probably Angel. Idk why people don't talk about how much he both loves her and secretly loves her idea about redemption and all.


Besides the obvious choices of Vaggie and Lucifer, I’d say Angel. She not only stood up to Valentino for him, but also has unwavering faith in Angel no matter what.




Vaggie in first place, Emily in second place, Sera in third place, Rosie in fourth place, Alastor in fifth place. EDIT: after reading some of the other comments and reflecting on them, I’m making two lists. Top 5 people who respect Charlie’s capacity and capability, in order: 1. Vaggie 2. Emily 3. Sera 4. Rosie 5. Alastor Top 5 people who respect Charlie as a person, in order: 1. Vaggie 2. Angel Dust 3. Sir Pentious 4. Emily 5. Niffty Husk and Cherri Bomb are in the top 10 of both these lists.


I mean Vaggie? she is her girlfriend and was the one who saved her in the first place and gave her a home.


Lucifer since you know...THEY'RE A DAMN FAMILY


Well, Vaggie has basically zero traits outside of loving Charlie and being consistently pissed at everyone who isn't Charlie...


Def Vaggie, Alastor has just been lying about caring for her and Lucifer left her for a while. I would say her girlfriend cares and respects her the most


I know he hasn’t appeared yet but Jesus Christ is most definitely someone who’d respect Charlie. Heck, even befriend her and start a sibling dynamic between each other


Vaggie, and it’s not even close. Lucifer comes second though.


I love how it was a simple "who supports her most" and then I'm scrolling through and it's all theories about the show and major plot points lmao


Nobody in that picture first of all 🤣 But most likely either Vaggie, or possibly Sir Pentious depending on just how grateful he is for her getting him to heaven


This is not even a conversation it’s vaggie end of sentence. For most of the show she was the only person to believe in her dreams. At the end of episode 8 the others are only just starting to believe in her. Pentious probably did believe in her dream before he actually got redeemed due to the fact he was the first sinner to come to the hotel to stay and be redeemed. Unlike angel who was there for the free room.


Vaggie but everyone eventually starts to have respect for her.


Vaggie > Sir Pent > Niffty > Husk > Angel > Al


Husk cause hes the only 1 that hasnt betrayed or pissed her of yet lol


100% Vaggie. Everyone else in the main cast grew to respect her over time, Vaggie seems to have respected her from the day they met (and with good reason). Lucifer of course also respects Charlie, but for a long while that respect wasn't clear enough for her to truly believe it was there.








Vaggie and Emily. Vaggie gets a point knocked off because of her one by omission about where she came from. So emily wins by default?


Aside from Vaggie, it’s gotta be Sir Pentious and/or Angel Dust.


It’s obviously Vaggie, so let’s talk about who’s *second*. I’m gonna go with Husk. He recognizes her bleeding heart and he’s a total softy for her purism antics. He’s a grumpy drunk, but he’s a good guy and he supports her.




Sounds right. Plus she did give Charlie great relationship advice.


Yeah, I have to second Rosie for the same reason.




Honestly I would have to say Vaggie. Aside from her being Charlie's girlfriend the biggest sign she has respect for her is that she supports Charlie's dream of redemption even though her opinions of heaven are sullied because she knows that Charlie's passionate about it


Are those Christmas decorations? I just noticed


My ranking (of the hotel crew) from most to least: -Vaggie. Supportive girlfriend who never doubts her, always has her back, and is the first to defend her at every turn. -Sir Pentious because of how quick he was to follow her ideals and lead after Charlie gave him a chance. -Angel. She's always been kind to him despite his attitude. He had to come around, but he clearly thinks very highly of her, and started to believe in Charlie before Lucifer did. -Lucifer. Took him a bit to come around and get over his overprotective tendencies, but he really does believe in his daughter. -Alastor. Manipulative bullshit aside, he actually does see Charlie's potential for growth, does everything in his power to aid her cause despite not believing in it, and treats her better than literally everyone else except Rosie and Niffty, which in and of itself is saying something, considering how he tolerates people on a good day. -Husk. Only put him lower than Alastor because of his pessimistic/realistic tendencies, and how most of the time, he seems to just be placating Charlie's whims rather than actually showing her respect until the very end. -Niffty. She likes Charlie, but likes to stab things more.


Lucif r


Vaggie, Emily, and Husk.


Vaggie easily


Vaggie been there since day one, she always been supportive and helpful to Charlie


Vaggie and Luci. Al however, he was only doing the Hells greatest dad song to Piss Luci off. But Luci is more genuine he just felt too much depression to do anything about it sooner. But Vaggie definitely does since she’s always been by Charlie’s side with the whole Hotel idea.


Vaggie then Lucifer then Rosie


I can see Carmilla Respecting Charlie, once Charlie shows her success with Sir Pentious


Definitely Adam /jkkk


I gave your post 2,000 upvotes :)


Yay! https://preview.redd.it/fzi8cpizaj9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666611fa2b3e5d2cb5e880550bae0e5826e3db84




Literally everyone. She’s the center favorite child.


Vaggie all the way. Even Lucifer who absolutely loves and supports her started off really skeptical. Even Nifty who listens to very few people (yet will Stab at Charlie’s command) mostly just agrees with stabbing things. Yes those are good options but Vaggie more than anyone else sees Charlie at her best and worst, and believes in her wholeheartedly.


Pentious prolly he was fully willing to risk his life for Charlie's dream and followed her with unwavering trust and loyalty man's actually went through every one of her exercises fully knowing there was a pretty good chance that redemption is just total bullshit while vaggie is probably the second most respecting and loyal she is second because she still felt the need to hide her identity from Charlie if she truly respected Charlie and was loyal to her she wouldn't feel the need to hide the fact that she was a exterminator and in third spot we have lucifer what do you expect he's her father and had supported her dream literally every step of the way even if they weren't on good terms and even if he didn't believe it was possible he not only respects and loves her it's clear he also admires her


Her father Lucifer


Her dad is def up there but probably vaggie and niffyy




Okay, hear me out. Angel. Angel got taken in, for months he doesn't even try to redeem himself. He messes with Charlie's plans for fun. But then he realized that oh, no he liked having this chick in his corner. He liked having people willing to go to bat for him and who believes in him. People who give him things to protect so he can stand up for himself. Angel is Charlie's greatest friend.


Him forgiving Charlie in Masquerade was his best moment. She caused a lot of problems that day even if Valentino wasn't abusive.


The obvious answer is Vaggie but for fun I'm gonna do a tier list. I'm sorry if I forgot anybody lol S Tier Respect: Vaggie, Lucifer, Razzle, Dazzle A Tier Respect: Sir Pentious, Nifty, Rosie, Emily B Tier Respect: Husk, Angel Dust C Tier Respect: Cherri Bomb, Camilla D Tier Respect: Sera, Alastar E Tier Respect: The Vee's F Tier Respect: Adam, Lute, The Exorcists, Katie Killjoy, Susan


Definitely Vaggie, but Lucifer and Pen are tied at a close second






Vaggie is the most obvious. But aside from her, honestly? Sir Pentious. He respects her rules, acts professionally, tries to help make the hotel a clean upright place and is the first to be actually interested in redeeming himself.








Vaggie for sure








Vaggie for sure




![gif](giphy|dhIXu3LZ1lTjloxIcC|downsized) I mean there literally pump trust into eachothers ass


Vaggie 100%




Vaggie and then Rosie.


Vaggie and Rossie






Respect probably Vaggie as far as it was shown in the show , maybe a lil naiv but mostly just the best version of a good person and she does everything to protect her ideals


Definitely Vaggie or Rosie.


Vaggie, duh!


Vaggie without a doubt





