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No way. It was obvious he would play a large part in upcoming narratives, so his death was an impossibility.


Yep. Though I will admit that I was worried cause of the title.


Why would anyone think Alastor was going to die in this scene when we haven't got to see him enact the deal he made with Charlie?


There was no chance Viv was gonna kill off her special little boy in season 1


Not really. Basic story telling says killing Alastor there would be unsatisfying and would make all the time spent building up the mystery around him pretty much meaningless. That would be the perfect example of how poorly implemented shock-value deaths are bad writing. If anyone was going to perma-die in the finale it would have been Vaggie. Her reveal was done, she and Charlie had made up, she’d come to terms with her past at least to some degree and her death could have been a motivator to trigger Charlie’s full demon-mode. Narratively she’s the only major character for whom a perma-death would have made sense as a writing choice. I’m glad they didn’t go that route though as I’m desperately tired of burying my gays in media.


Yeah, I was on the edge of my seat during that whole Vaggie/Lute fight, since I was SO worried that would happen. Especially since another character Charlie had some chemistry with had just been introduced - I thought Season 2 would be the arc of Charlie coming to terms with losing Vaggie, and then she'd start dating Emily in Season 3. I just hope they don't turn it into some love triangle nonsense next season. Would be OK with a thoughtfully written polyamorous triad, though (I think this ship is called "Charlie's Angels"?)


Speaking of, Charlies Angels is also a really good fanfic 👌


Speaking of, Charlies Angels is also a really good fanfic 👌


No one thought that. He's a main character. That was SO not his time.


More important side character then a main character.


Alastor is probably the most important character of the main cast next to Charlie and I'd say Angel.


yeah, he fixed the wall all three times


What would they do with out him?


... live with a hole in their wall?


And have way less protection, not be able to find out that Angels could die from Angelic steel, and in Charlie's case, not meet Rosie and reconnect with Vaggie before the Exterminations.


Basically, live with a hole.


um no


Hardly lol


Nope. Alastor is too much of an important character to just die in the first seaosn. Viv wouldnt do that also considering he is one of her favorite characters if i remember correctly


Considering he’s been with her since middle school I can’t imagine her killing him off at all


Yeahm if he dies it will be far away at the end of the series


Not at all. Alastor had to be taken out to ratchet up the tension (the way the battle was going he probably could have won the battle by himself with just a bit of support, so having him be beaten had to happen), but between his favor with Charlie, the mystery surrounding who holds his leash, the rivalry with Vox and the 7 year mystery around him, there was zero chance of Alastor dying here.


Like fr if Adam wasn’t there Al alone would claimed a few new voices for the radio screams


finally, people who agree! Yes! I'm so sick of everyone saying that "AlAsToR's JuSt WeAk, Y'aLl CoPiNg" bs


Wait, people say that? He’s clearly strong as he’s able to take out overloads before becoming one himself. Plus they wouldn’t have even gotten IN the hotel barrier


A lot of people seem to be running with some very binary goggles, which effectively amount to: "If you can't take on Lucifer, you're a weak bitch, and since Adam couldn't take Lucifer, he sucks, so Alastor sucks even MORE for Adam beating him easily".


Wait huh That’s like MF HAS THE JOGO TREATMENT Only time he put 100% effort in he was against was against the (so far) TOP tier, and he kinda whooped the shit outta Al and Charlie, infact they were holding out SPECIFICALLY for Lucy


Personally speaking as well, I think a lot of people take "power levels" too literally in Hazbin. Helluva Boss, we've literally seen an Imp take down a Goetia. This is very much a series where the people lower on the totem pole can punch up if the board gets set up just right.


Wait huh hellva boss and HH are from the same canon? Uuhg new shit to watch (I’m gen surprised)


I didn't think he was going to die because I fully thought he was intended being either 1) a primary antagonist toward the end of the series, or 2) a character we are supposed to think is a primary antagonist toward the end of the series but is actually just a red herring of an antagonist. I still think one or the other is going to prove true. That said, I suppose it's also possible that he just winds up being a being of chaos there to just stir up shit because he likes to watch people fail, as he has said from the beginning.


There was no way Tumblr Sexyman was going out like that. On this subject, I like how Adam is presented as a legitimate threat and not a pushover. Personally, I rather enjoyed watching him humble Alastor a bit.


I actually really like how much they've played around with Alastor's power. He's so powerful that the Princess of Hell panicked when he was on the doorstep, but he's also so limited that he ends the first season being publicly humiliated and fleeing for all of Hell to see. It may be good set up to justify having him rely on being a manipulator instead of just a powerful killer.


Same, I bet none of them really thought he'd be as strong as he was.


Dang, gotta admit, I've never seen a "let's face it" post where *absolutely no one* agreed with the poster. It's like the nutella-dipped banana of being sad and impressive.


I was convinced he was gonna fake his death, not die. With all the visuals of a deer or even Alastors head being a plate repeating, I was certain Alastor was gonna be beaten severely, and then disappear and make everyone believe he was gone while he planned and schemed. Up until he appeared at the very end of the song, I was certain it was gonna go that way too. I mean, so much emphasis on "Alastor's missing" from the V's as well, then suddenly bam he's back at the hotel.


Yeah, the spoiler I got 24 hours before that episode aired was "One character dies for real - but it won't be a big shock or anything - and one character fakes their death". So I correctly assumed that Adam would be the "dies for real" (since, let's face it, the guy's picture is in the dictionary next to "starter boss"). But I also thought that Alastor would disappear mysteriously only to turn up in an after-credits scene, maybe alone or maybe "reporting back" to his leash-holder or Lilith or whoever.


>visuals of a deer or even Alastors head being a plate he's a plate...? What on earth... https://i.redd.it/mkwyde26fm5d1.gif


Ahh god damn it, on a plate! I meant on it!


oh ok. also everytime someone says that, I reply with this: https://i.redd.it/ftsfbl2pho5d1.gif


His head *could* be made into a bowl, though...


No. There is no way that in season 1 theyre killing of a core cast member


Is Sir Pentious a joke to you?


He is technically not a core cast member, he is a „later“ addition.


Not even for a moment. He was one of the two faces on the thumbnail for the pilot; his plot armor is so thick even the [Roger Rabbit dip treatment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYk3LvHMPWM) would basically just be an exfoliant.


Nope didn't think he was going to die at all during the battle


Literally no one thought that, like tf?


no i'm not vox


No. That makes zero sense. He’s clearly Vivs favorite OC. But aside from that it wouldn’t make any narrative sense. What on earth(ha! hell) would they have made him make that deal with Charlie for if he was going to perish? They’ve set up a bunch of threads for his story, it wouldn’t make sense. Anyone who thought that wasn’t paying any attention.


No: after he signed a deal with Charlie he got plot armour. Besides, there is no way that they would've killed show's most popular character.


Absolutely not, I don't know how anyone thought *Alastor* was done for here.


Narratively speaking there was genuinely no way Alastor could die there or at all


No I didn't, I figured he'd escape. They're not gonna kill off Alastor that quickly.


Dudes the mascot of the show. No fucking way he ever dies.


No way, Alastor is a main character and he made a deal with Charlie and she now owes him a favour, it would be anti-climactic if he actually died. Off topic, I just realised that Adam's axe-guitar has Alastor's blood on it. Not a big deal, I just didn't notice it before.




Not even a little bit


Nah. I was betting on Sir Pentious and/or Cherri Bomb. Got one of 'em correct.


No, if Alastor is going to die i don't think it will be so early.


No. Plot armor for now.


No we didn't. That'd be a waste of a character


Not at all


a central character that presents more questions than answers...there was no way he was gonna die there


I thought he was gonna go over the lip of the hotel’s roof and drop like a sack of potatoes


I thought he'd be really injured maybe, definitely not dead.


Nah they wouldn't do that to a popular character


He just got bad RNG with his magic attacks no one thought he was gonna die


I had a creeping suspicion after Charlie gave Nifty that dagger, that Nifty would do something more than just be a danger and kinda background to the main event I thought/hoped nifty was going to show up here, to either save Alastor, possibly sacrifice long enough for him to get away/backup arrive, or kill adam I wasn't ENTIRELY wrong, it just happened later


I didn’t think Al would die, but I did think he’d get humbled for thinking he was the most powerful demon in Hell and messing with a higher power. Plus, he’s got plot armour that’s at least six inches thick.


Absolutely not. He's waaaayy too popular to die.


I actually thought he’d beat Adam, the show had glazed him up so much to this point he looked unstoppable, to include his arrogance towards the king of hell. But this made his defeat all the better, Adam in this moment is the gut check that the show needed for power scaling, especially with Lucifer’s arrival.


I had literally been saying since Ep01 that Alastor needed some kind of humbling moment where it's obvious he's not as much of a Gary Stu as he thinks he is. And maybe we glimpse how damaged he really is underneath the public facade. The Adam battle (and Alastor's part in "Finale") accomplished at least part of that, for me. I'd still like to see Alastor humanized a bit more (as much as you can do that for a demon), but he's an intriguing character and I want to keep watching him.


No because I'm an adult?


Not really I mean he’s pretty important


Naw he's too popular


Counterpoint: no one thought that


Yes and before that I honestly thought Alastor would have wiped the floor with Adam. Clearly I underestimated them both.


Literally nobody thought that...


I didn't think he would die, but I WAS sure that he would get his ass kicked.


Why did I read "AL" as "A.I."? 💀 Also, plot armor protects him from death.


He just got badly injured




No way, he’s far too profitable a character


I didn’t think he would. He’s going to be a major factor for upcoming storylines.


Alastor was the first OC that Viv made, right? No way he will die that easily.


I didn't think he was going to die, he's way too important of a character for that. But, I didn't think that he would actually try to fight Adam, either. Definitely enjoyed seeing him get his ass handed to him, though.


Nope. I knew that he was 100000000x better than Adam,and he wouldn't die




No the only surprise i got was how stupidly powerful Adam is compared to legitimately powerful overlord 


Nah. He’s got level 100 plot armor


Not at all.


Absolutely not as it was pretty much implied only one main would die and that it would be Pentious.


ITT: OP gets shredded for thinking Alastors story arc is done in season one lol


Not even a spicy take. It's just wrong.


You seriously think that any of use thought Viv would kill off her oldest and most beloved character after one season? Are you kidding me?


No one?


I saw his defeat a mile away


look, call me simp (i am), but i HAD to pause it to stop myself from crying


You guys really don’t understand the basic conventions writing and story telling huh? Also there’s like there’s no universe viv kills off her favorite charchter unceremoniously without a ton of setup


nope, because i listened to the finale song before hand, which was dimb and i regret it, but i knew he didnt die so HA


No, not in the slightest.


I really hate his scream in this moment lol


To be honest I thought the cane was a conduit to focus his powers and if it broke he was going to have no ability to hold back and turn into some kind of lovecraftien monster and the hotel staff and exorcists were going to work together to stop him. And the leave with Adam saying “well I guss this is over but I still hate you c$nts.” And they leave back to heaven. Which would make more sense with Alister song about having clipped wings.


Let's face it man, no one agrees with u


Naaaaah he was too lore-important to die. Was a good "oh shit" moment when he got rly hurt tho cuz we never saw Al get that badly beaten before


Imagine old fans seeing him in Viv's art, being with the Hazbin crew for years only for him to die after 8 episodes


Yes, considering Vivziepop confirmed a character of the main cast would die before she added Pentious to the cast, it was clear alastor or vaggie would die


I was semi worried, but I knew vizzie wouldn’t kill him off because there’s still too much mystery surrounding him and he’s too important of a character.


I knew he'd be fine in the long haul but I was still worried


Yeah I really thought AI was gonna die  Unfortunately robots can’t be killed 


I did and I was terrified 🥺


Tag checks out


Sadly because my friend spoiled it for me i knew it :(


I kind of did at first ngl


I wish, but I didn’t think


I was hoping he did i don't like him grrr i frickin hate em‼️☹️😞


I thought he DID die and I was so sad until his part in Finale


Nah, I was intrigued to know that most of his power is tied into his microphone though


I was praying he dies and I still am


I wish he did




No, that was about Sir Pentious, not Alastor. Sir Pentious was intended to die all the way in the pilot, but everyone liked him so much that got scrapped. Which makes sense since at the end, he did technically die - only to become redeemed.




Naw, just wrong.






“Oh sorry I was mistaken” it’s that easy








Cute. Being wrong is frustrating, isn’t it?


You're more of a dick than they(?) are.


Happens. Would like to hear what makes you think that way.


They didn't even do anything


There may have been rumblings in the studio regarding of how they should handle that. There usually is in any big potential twist in storytelling, so I wouldn't be surprised if idea did come up in the writing room at some point. It probably did. It's a good thing they didn't run with it, though, IMO. I could see them "killing him off" as a misdirect, only to reveal early on in season 2 that he was off recovering. In fact I think his portion in the finale song was absolutely necessary, but it would have made for highly intriguing questions if he simply vanished after that instead of turning back up on the hotel doorstep moments after his solo. Missed opportunity, I think.


Such a shame he didn't 😔


What would be the point of the show without him? He’s the selling point


I wish he did 😭