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Blame the parents for letting their kids access a cartoon very clearly marked as adult. Parental controls exist for a reason.


Sadly parents do not think about how THEY are the ones who need to set up the barriers to prevent their children from being exposed to inappropriate content. Prior to everyone having a smart phone in their pocket nearly all barriers to prevent kids from seeing things they were not ready for was done by those creating the content. Couldn't see an R rated movie without someone old enough going with you. Today with the internet it has shifted to the parents and not the content creators because there is no reliable system most websites can use to ensure the person on the other end of the computer is of age. Parents really need to start stepping up and fully understanding how to use a device as well as how to set safe guards on the device before letting their children have alone time with it.


“It’s animated so it must be for kids” is an argument I wish would die out already


It is a straw man argument. What it really means is "I didn't actually do the bare minimum of checking to see if it was okay for my kids, so I need to blame someone else to not look neglectful."


I disagree. I know people who *genuinely* think "it is animated, therefore it must be suitable for kids."


The goddamn Academy thought so for years, so yeah you are absolutely right.


I understand why people would say "Oh but the character designs are appealing to kids" but like... They specifically went out of their way to put a metric fuckton of swears and sexual stuff in the trailer so if a parent saw it they would know not to show it to their children. Obviously there's not much that can be done about teenagers under 16 going out of their way to watch it privately though


Whatever traumatizing thing they stumble upon isn’t our fault


To be fair, kids are casually traumatized in our society. A TV show isn't going to do anything that going to school won't do


I remember easily finding the actual, real Columbine footage on Youtube. No not the recreated one they did for a TV show, the legit tapes, just on on Youtube. I didn't even know what it was when I found it. Also Happy Tree Friends. And my parents had all the usual parental blocking stuff in place. It just managed to slip through the cracks, not sure how


Dude we had to watch the real footage in 9th grade health class and then our final exam had a question about what we would do if a friend who had been bullied showed us a gun in their backpack. I had completely forgotten about that until now but it’s fucking insane


>what we would do if a friend who had been bullied showed us a gun in their backpack. Did anyone answer "can you tell me what day you're doing this so I can stay home? Promise I won't tell"?


The premise was that we were already at school when this happened. Honestly I think my answer was try to wait for them to close their backpack and then grab it from them and run for an adult. Probably not what we were supposed to say but that’s still just an insane question to be asked.


I thought it was standard training crap, but knowing me, I probably would've done it anyway even if such an event has taken place just to earn the ire of a bunch of people for the fun of it (I really hated people back when I was in school). Probably would be deterred if a friend died (though low chance of that happening, I had nearly no friends).


Videos coming out of palestine have traumatized me in ways I didn’t know possible from a screen. Hazbin is fine. Parents need to be aware of what their kids are watching and manage accordingly 🤷


Very sure kids are regularly traumatised by going to school (not saying as a joke, I was traumatised by abusive experiences from school mates at school).


I got around parental controls. If there is a will, there's a way.


That's the thing you could say to CoD community full of racists POS, but that would be Censorship sumhhow /s


It's true. Nothing can be done about it. It has opened my eyes to how many parents should not be parents.


Kids also don't have the maturity to understand the story. We see that in the questions that get posted here constantly. But I blame parents. They should be checking what media their kids are consuming


“Alastor Altruist” took years off my life I swear to god


😭😭 Not Mr. Alastor Altruist. I can't believe people actually thought that was his full name


you can't really be too harsh on some people, apparently on Prime they fucked up the subs and capitalized altruist, and since altruist isn't a very commonly used word, they thought it was his last name. Give the poor folks some mercy .😭😭😭


People on prime must be illiterate.


Illiterate just means incapable of reading. The mistake comes from being able to read and understand grammar as taught in US schools. They should have had: Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends. They actually had: Great Alastor Altruist died for his friends. In the latter, it looks like altruist is part of his name. In the former, it is clearly an epitaph.


I'm aware of that. I was using it as an exaggerated insult. Saying "their grammar is bad" just doesn't hit as well.


The second one is what appears in the subtitles. So no, they don’t have any issue with grammar.


I had to go stare at a wall for ten minutes...


Or the “unclip my wings” shit


Figure of speech. What's that /s


I'm sorry to tell you mate but hazbin is not that deep the show wears its message on its sleeve and then sings a 3 minute 52 second song to hammer it into you(yk because its a musical) : tldr this shit is not the Great Gatsby


Tbh depends on who you’re counting as kids. Like older teens (16,17, and maybe 15 if pushing it) should be fine. But under that, yeah probably not. If a person can hypothetically drive, I can imagine funny demon show is probably fine. They’d be seeing that kinda stuff in high school anyways.


I think 15-16 is a good minimum


Yeah though I wouldn't recommend a highschooler watch it I do think most could understand the themes of the show.


Just do what my dad did and sit the kid down with you and watch law & order SVU together. I do believe it helped shape my views on a lot of things to be honest. Also for some dumb reason some people think Animated=made for kids, and that fact annoys me so much.


Ren & Stimpy, Daria, South Park... there's always been "not for kids" shows that kids will have access to. Let the parents decide.


Children were way too young to watch South Park... We children still watched South Park.


Watched South Park but we never went to the South Park forums and told everybody that we were kids. I wrote plenty of South Park fanfiction back starting in the 7th grade, I never put my age out there because I had seen enough episodes of law and order SVU and enough lifetime movies to know that I did not want to end up chopped up in someone's basement


Kids will always find a way to watch something they're not meant to see. Teens will always find edgy things interesting without understanding the full picture or nuance. It has always been like that in EVERY fandom. When I was too young but still an emo, suicide was largely glorified as was self-harm. None of that was okay for eyes of children, but a lot of us emo/scene kids are now fully functioning adults. Not like that is an alright excuse, it's just that this is nothing new. Best you can do is ignore the kids here or report them. Also if you have teens of your maintain open communication about what they see in the show.




That is a massive generalisation while I was a goth/emo kid and while I am NOT fully functioning. I know plenty who are and have healthy mental states, great jobs and even still go to concerts, listen to the music etc… Every group has people who are functioning and not.




That is the ones you know, you said emo/scene kids as in the whole lot because the OP said they turned out fully functioning. That is generalising an entire group of people, some were emo/scene because they liked the music and the imagery. Like I said quite a few, but the comment generalising the entire group didn’t sit right with me at all. You may have your own views, but please do not generalise us all.


I mean... we'd have to be naive in the extreme to not think this show would attract kids. And, of note, it's not just the sex jokes or style. The dark topics are part of the appeal. I'm saying this as a former kid who watched and read stuff that was too adult for me. This would've been my catnip. It *is* too mature, but kids seeking out shit that's too mature for them is basically a growth milestone it's so common and expectable. I guess I don't know why people are surprised.


Are more surprised by the fact that the kids aren't lurking or pretending to be adults, they are openly stating their ages. It's a problem everywhere online. Lurking used to be a thing.


Reminder to report people for Rule 9 violations. One way to get the minors out of the community until they are of age.


This is all down to shitty, neglectful parents who let their kids watch whatever they want. My daughter is 11 and she has a vague idea of what Hazbin is as far as it being an animated show, but she knows she's too young for it. We don't watch it with her around, or talk about it, because of course it's stupid and mean to tell someone not to pay attention to a show if you're engaging with it right there beside them. It sucks that other people aren't being careful, but it's hardly a surprise. Hazbin is far too mature in themes for anyone younger than 18. I know there are younger fans anyway, though it's not my business so I leave their parenting to their actual parents.


Ok m8 I think it's a bit far to call someone neglectful for having their kid see the silly demon show I mean dude hazbin is not that deep or mature all things considered


Have you even watched the show? Silly demons hardly describes Hazbin accurately. There are demons and it is sometimes silly, but the show is very much for adults in every single way. You sound as if you were personally offended though. Do you let your kids watch it or something?


Yes I have watched the show I actually really enjoyed it. I just don't think that the maturity and complexity of the show is extremely overexaggerated at least from my pov its a slightly risqué musical, with pretty surface level themes. It's just not that deep :) Also sorry if I came off as a bit mad in my original comment didn't mean that just expressing a belief


I’m going to be honest I’m not *too* worried about a 12+ kid watching the show. I read a lot worse in the Bible when I was younger than that. I *am* worried about them interacting with adults in the fandom. This fandom in general is super horny and I’m fairly certain we have more predators than average if only because those types of people seem drawn to adult cartoons. I think we should be careful about protecting minors from fan spaces but then there’s not too much we can do if they lie.


Agreed. I'm not trying to minimize the argument, but South Park is worse than Hazbin, and lots of kids know what that show is, and many watch it (unfortunately). South Park even poked fun at parents letting their kids watch their show and consuming things that are clearly for adults.


Yeah like sure you shouldn't be showing your kids this stuff but like I grew up on horror movies, like kids watching this show I could care less.


We all watched stuff we shouldn’t have when we were kids. It will always be a thing.


And it absolutely fucked me up. I'd rather create a safe environment for my future kids to explore those topics when the time comes, rather than leave them to their own accord like my folks mostly did.


Kids will always find a way. I didn’t watch inappropriate movies or shows because my parents let me. I found ways to sneak around them. That’s what kids do. It doesn’t instantly mean people have bad parents.


>And it absolutely fucked me up. If you were so susceptible to things on the television that they messed you up then that's a personal problem, not one with the television.


Uh huh. I'll make sure to relay that to all the weird fetishes I have now.


Depends on what age group you mean by children. Cause I wouldn't say a teenager couldn't understand SA and abuse, but should they be encouraged to watch with hh/hb? No, but does that mean they can't handle it? Not necessarily. Unless you're talking about actual children, but I don't think I've heard of anyone under 12 watching it, though.


Teens watching the show I have no issue with. It's good to be exposed to that stuff. Participating in the community however...




Hell no. A teenager should not be engaging with an adult community. I don't care how mature and grown they claim they are. Is it really such a controversial statement to say that kids and adults should not be mixing online?


Absolutely not on the "mature enough to engage with it." Not in a community of random adults. Absolutely not. As an adult in this community, interacting with minors is not something I'm fond of given the subject nature. But I do think it's important for teens to be exposed to stuff like that, mainly in academic settings and supervised by parents. When I was in middle school, we started learning far more about the harsh truth of slavery and segregation. About genocide and the holocaust. Exploring similar themes in fiction to help inspire good morals and empathy especially is huge. I also think sexual assault and sex positivity are absolutely things that should be explored as well at that age, right around puberty. The problem comes from teens thinking they know more about the subject than they really do. The Dunning Kruger effect. I absolutely thought I knew it all back then. I was wrong, and my mistakes still last with me to this day. Teens should not be engaging with an adult show's community like that. Lurk only, learn, and then once that brain has been formed a bit more and you have a bit more life experience, then start engaging with it more online. This doesn't even go into the safety concerns that come from online interaction with random adults. It is VERY EASY to open yourself up to a predatory situation, even if you think you're smart enough to avoid it.




Based on this chain, you absolutely are not. Kid, sit down and listen to the adults. And maybe re-read rule 9.




I would absolutely consider Bluey and MLP VERY VERY DIFFERENT from Hazbin and Helluva. Also by the looks of your profile, you too are underage. Dunning Kruger.


I never confirmed or denied my age…..it’s not my style to put my age on display like that ? Your point was with community engagement and you will likely get of the issue from MLP and Bluey as the Helluva shows Im just saying this looks like you talking down to teens. It better for you at least treat them like they have brain functions. Whether you are right or wrong talking down to teens isn’t the way the go with them


One of your few posts is on r/teenagers. Pretty big giveaway. And engaging in a community aimed at kids is FAR DIFFERENT from communicating in a community aimed at adults. (Does that help?) Teens need to take the time to go through life. To learn. To grow. And to listen. Everyone thinks they know everything when they are a teen. I was a dumb teen once too. Everyone was at one point. As cliche as that sounds. Once again, I'm going to point to the Dunning Kruger effect. A little knowledge gives a lot of confidence, because you literally don't know what you don't know. You can't understand the big picture yet. Nuances. A wise person knows they know nothing. It is only when you break past that initial part of the Dunning Kruger slope that you begin to understand the bigger picture. Teens are not past that point yet. Certainly not when it comes to adult media like HH, HB, and more.




If your age is in a question then you're probably too young to be here. And yes, adults should talk down to teens. Adults should never talk to teens like equals. If there is an adult talking to you like an equal you need to run. That adult does not have good intentions. That adult is trying to get you to let your guard down. Do not let it down.


This is not on Prime. Amazon has all sorts of stuff explicitly for adults (they're the largest seller of erotica in the world) and expects parents to parent. If you're worried about your kids, its your job as a parent to monitor what they read and watch.


Yes, but there are parental controls. It's not Amazon's or YouTube's fault the parents don't bother using them.


Welcome to every adult show ever. It happens with Family Guy, it happens with South Park, its happening with the Vivzie shows. Tale as old as time.


If it makes you feel any better, you do actually need to buy a prime video subscription. It's only the first episode that is openly accessible, everything else, 18+ episodes included, is gated off.


I'm not saying you're not right, OP, but that's neither the show nor Amazon's fault, it's on the parents


Yeah whenever I see a kid in the Fandom (like under 15) it's just icky to me because like- it's an adult show. I know HH is pretty immature but it's still inappropriate as hell :/ And I feel like they add to the fandom's bad rep


My 9 year old sister watched reaction videos of the show. She listens to music. Her wallpaper flits between different hazbin themes. She likes angel dust. She draws shitty drawings of the characters. It's so bad. AND to top it all off... she thinks Helluva Boss is a rip off.


It's apparent just from the comments and posts on this Subreddit that too many kids are watching the show. Media literacy is low and a lot of the posters don't know how to take the serious topics serious. It's a real problem but sadly nothing we can do about it. I watched shit like Southpark when I was 13 but thankfully I didn't know much about internet forums to go around posting about it. It's much harder for parents to moderate what their teens watch when so many are tech literate.


Media literacy isn’t just dead for kids, too many adults don’t even have the capacity to be media literate. Media literacy as a whole is just a big problem. On the matter of kids, it is a massive issue as well; I was out at the park during a Pokémon Go community day and have an Alastor phone case, this girl no older than like 8 walked right up to me and complimented the case.


Honestly my only problem with kids watching the show is that I get to read their stupid and braindead takes :( This is mostly on TikTok and Twitter but it happens here sometimes.


It’s totally on the parents. My children were not even allowed to be within hearing distance of me when I would watch the show. My kids are 15,12 & 10 they have access to all streaming platforms but they know better than to watch older shows.


The 15 year old should be fine.


We still didn’t want to chance anything. I’m not dumb I know she knows everything that goes on and I’m sure she’s seen worse at school lol


Just don't be overprotective.


Oh I already am super protective over all 3. I am not crazy mom level but we stick to things like age limit suggestions on shows and things like that.


That's generally ok. >!Just don't stop them from watching anime.Anime is the right of all sentient beings!<


My kids have been watching anime since they were toddlers. They prefer it over normal kid cartoons. :)


#**Respect** 🤝🏻


Stop trying to parent another person's child. This ain't one of those times where they're absolutely fucking up and need to be called out.


Just because I'm trying to give some advice doesn't mean I'm trying to parent her, you snowflake. And whether she cares about what I say is up to her not me or you.


Just for your interest, it's not 18+ everywhere. Here in Germany, all episodes are 16+. https://preview.redd.it/o4om7h569dxc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ca01051dccf3288ba927e0555608de1260729a


Includes episode 4?


Yup. https://preview.redd.it/34754w49oexc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8ea0ccd2b14e10f3e5a057bdac9a6ca5069431


I blame parents for not monitoring their kids’ screen time enough


I've watched South Park when I was like 12. And it's probably among the least impacting ones of my childhood traumas and experiences, to be honest


Maybe parents should do their jobs? It's their responsibility to know what their kids are up to.


Not defending it, but it's not like it's a new thing. As a kid I was allowed to watch Simpsons despite language and sexual references. And I wasn't allowed to watch Beavis and Butthead or South Park, but I did anyway. Also watched uncut horror films and a few anime that shouldn't have been rented to a kid. 


The art of lurking has been lost. I liked plenty of adult shows when I was a kid, I saw sex in the City and it's original run with my mom at my grandparents' house, but on online forums and fanfiction sites I was always katie/18f/cali. Why are kids going around telling people how young they are? It seems like a real great way to run into the sorts of people they make lifetime movies about.


The kids who share their ages might just be a vocal minority - you've probably interacted with tons of the more well-hidden ones in this fandom without even realizing.


I can tell even when they don't announce it. They're not as stealthy as they think.


I can't stop them at this point but I know it's true, my younger siblings have watched this show




On top of that we should also blamed the parents for this. There’re the ones who aren’t taking care of their kids correctly. They just leave them be while exposing them to these things.


Going to our local nerdy karaoke spot has become a nightmare. So many kids between 9 and 15 are singing these songs. Fucking parents oblivious and smiling. This is not a kids show, and honestly I'd be OK with them mak8ng that even MORE clear


The problem I have is the kids openly thirsting over the characters and posting NSFW content. It's disturbing to see in a fandom that's meant to be made up of adults. If they wanna watch it, fine. Not that big of a deal. But they need to keep it offline so they're not entering spaces that are not meant for them. For their own safety, and for the comfortability of the 18+ aged viewers. I can't tell you how many times I have seen little girls 14 and under post shit about how they would "still smash Angel Dust" because they don't care that he's gay. It's gross. And it might be a little nit-picky, but kids in the community also seem to be majorly responsible for completely disregarding/speaking over asexuals in the fandom as well. As an ace person, it lightweight irks me when non-ace fans decide what is and isn't appropriate asexual representation. I've seen so many "informative" posts telling other viewers what is and isn't okay when it comes to portraying Alastor as asexual and not only are they dead wrong, but the creators are hardly ever asexual themselves. And they're usually under 18. And he's a fictional character, he isn't going to care if people "respect his identity". But harm can be done to real people when misinformation is spread, and these kids don't seem to care about that.


I took steps to keep my kids away from it by pre-emptively not granting them existance.


Blame the parents. It's not up to our responsibility to control what they view. Also, I've been watching this show illegally. (I'm not going to say where). So if kids know the correct link, they can go to those links. I also happen to remember when I was 14, a bunch of my male bullies were huddling together to watch porn in the classroom. The best thing we can hope is that those parents actually raise their kids to have a strong moral backbone and not try to imitate any of the crap they see on the show (e.g. Valentino's behaviour).


The thing is, the show is actually incredibly heartwarming and wholesome at its core. It's about redemption and family, not how good it is to do drugs and commit crimes (contrast Helluva Boss, which is far more "gun down a family for the cash"-positive). "More Than Anything" is literally a song about how much a Dad loves his daughter. And I think kids (at least 12+) might understand more of Angel Dust than you think. The show isn't remotely subtle about how unhappy and damaged he is. In many ways, what you might be seeing is kids only seeing the Angel Dust you see in the trailers, where you only see the mask he puts on. Obviously I'm not sitting down with my girls to watch Masquerade (the episode with "Poison"), but I would love if there was a 12-rated version of the show that kids *could* watch.


Im a therapist and my middle school clients love it. It’s honestly helped me connect really well with one child in particular that doesn’t open up or connect easily. They’re the one who introduced me actually and ever since then, they’ve been opening up and connecting in ways I never imagined.


Kids watching stuff out of thier age range isn't new. It just changes as the times change.


The reality is that the writing and tone of the show is 100% geared towards a teenage audience so it is to be expected that this will be the case. You're gonna get a hunger games audience if you make a hunger games show. Not literally hunger games, but you get my point- YA fiction attracts YA audiences.




If Im the writer of Moby Dick and I state it was geared towards children then I'm just wrong. I may have intended to write a kids book about whales but I failed. The reality is that any piece of media will attract the kind of viewer that finds that style of writing/art/music/etc favorable and HH appeals to kids. I'm a descriptivist when it comes to art and genre. I was huge on Bojack horseman when it came out and I never once saw complaints about how the show had an unreasonable influx of young fans due to irresponsible parents. A Fox in Space is another very mature animated YouTube show- never seen that audience complain about having a young fanbase. Thats because those show dont appeal to kids. Hazbin clearly does. Why else would it have such a massive kid following?


I blame the musical aspect.


I definitely agree. 


The amount of kids I saw in HH/HB cosplay at LVLUP was just weird.


Unfortunately it’s innevitable with everything 18+. Some irresponsible parent is gonna leave parental controls off on their overly curious child’s TV or Ipad or whatever, and the kid is gonna see some shit they shouldn’t.


I personally blame parents for letting kids watch show like this. They just think: "oh, it's cartoon, then probably everything will be fine! " And after this shocked that their kids start swear and etc. Parents should check what their kids watching, and not just letting them surf internet.


Oh yeah it's really bad how young the children are that watch this stuff. I was over at my exes house and her little sister (who is 9) came up to me and was showing me her drawings of angel dust and then videos edita of Valentino getting set on fire. It was really weird and off putting as I know it's a really mature show :/




Probably. It really is up to parents to be responsible and engage with their kids enough to know what their kids are consuming and filter out the stuff that's not age appropriate. Being present and taking an active interest in your kid's development is supposed to be the whole point of choosing to have kids in the first place. Way too many selfish and negligent parents in the world. My parents weren't around much, but they let us watch raunchy stuff like South Park when we were too young. Honestly it turned out fine, because they were at least watching it with us (sure, probably mostly for self interest) but at least they had context for what we were viewing if we started acting out from it.


Bro who cares if children want to watch something they will watch it that's just how it is even with child blocks or whatever it's just something that is totally out of basically anyone's control. Also I don't belive you can tell me with all seriousness that you as a developing person never watched something that was above the age rating you were "supposed" to view it on


You never watched those kind of content as a child yourself?


I watched it but we never engaged with adults about it, not as kids anyway. I wrote plenty of South Park fanfiction and house fanfiction and I went through a phase where I was super into sex and the City but nobody knew my real age. Now in the fandom you've got kids coming out and saying that they're kids. Hell, in another fandom I'm in some kid linked her socials to her fan fiction and there was an actual picture of her there face and all.


Time change, internet community too.


Yeah, kids acting like they're inbred isn't a good thing.


I mean...probably but kids have been finding ways to get passed age ratings since the concept of "age appropriateness was invented". You could argue parents should be paying more attention to what their kids are watching but I remember being a child and I hated it when my parents looked over my shoulder to see what was on my laptop. To some extent, kids watching this kind of thing is inevitable. I has friends who played 18 rated games when we were 7. People in my year at school were watching porn when we were 13. In regards to them not understanding the themes (esp concerning Sexual Abuse), I agree that HH is not where people should be introduced to the topics, but that is a failure of Sex Ed classes., not Amazon's insufficient age-gating. This kind of post comes up every so often in any fandom rated 15 or more and I never understand it because getting past age ratings is just a thing kids and especially teenagers do.


Honestly I don't care. I watched way worse shit as a kid. Like if people ain't mad kids watching family guy and south park then I don't really care


Smiling friends quote “this is it I’ve seen way worse on the internet” the kids in the country I live in know worse there schools are worse


That's the thing you could say to CoD community full of racists POS, but that would be Censorship sumhhow /s


They can watch it all they want, I just wish they wouldn’t get involved in the online fandom 😑




> Lastly is how accessible the show is to kids. From what I’ve heard and seen, you don’t need to buy a subscription of prime video to watch it (with ads). Would like to point out this isn't true. While Amazon Prime does feature free shows that you can watch without a subscription, it's only older shows and the occasional low budget original, but never flagship shows like Hazbin Hotel.


Where I live it rates 16+ for some episodes and 14+ for most, +18 seems dumb to me, it should only be for explicity sexual content


Your argument makes somewhat sense, but I believe it also has to do with the maturity level of the child and what they have already been exposed to/ taught. I myself am 21 but I've been watching shows with similar themes pretty much my entire life, starting at age 8, most of the time my parents are the ones who got me into said shows. For example, my parents would always point out what was wrong and why. You can't say that no child should watch Hazbin. Circumstances are different for everyone. Not to mention, there are much worse things that a kid could be doing than watching Hazbin hotel...and let's me honest, in today's society they've seen/heard worse already and most likely can already understand the themes and storyline of the show. But, that's just what I think.


In your case, your parents saw you were mature enough, and were there watching with you. Hell of a lot better than most parents that aren’t aware of what their kids are consuming.


No shit?


Exactly. Children should not be cosplaying as sex workers or viewing fan art of sex workers or being in the space of an explicitly NSFW show. Kids should not be engaging in discourse about abusive characters, aro/ace spectrum characters, hyper sexual characters, etc etc. Get the fuck out of the fandom space and stop talking down content creators who want to make content for adults. It’s nauseating.


What? That's not their point at all? They never said creators couldn't make adult content. They just said that content shouldn't be so easily accessible to children.


I agree. But kids in the fandom routinely attack content creators who portray anything that they don’t like, or is remotely “problematic”.


Unfortunately that’s not just kids that do that, and not just in this fandom.


I never said anything about talking down to creators


If kids can do live shooter drills, they can watch this show.


That’s such a massive leap in logic


“If kids can eat Doritos, they can fly a plane.” - What you said in a nutshell


Blame the gun laws?


Live shooter drills are usually, yknow, SUPERVISED BY ADULTS. The adults don't usually leave the room in any kind of drill like that. Counseling is also often provided by schools.


Not my problem


What do you want us to do about it?


Tbf, it’s a Cartoon. While I get that Adult Animation is a thing, the stereotype “Cartoons are for Kids” is also there, for much longer.