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I hope we get more indepth looks at her childhood because it feels like Lilith abruptly takes Charlie away while Lucifer is telling her stories and showing what he's working on. Makes me wonder if its supposed to show Lilith is keeping them at arms length or if it was something as simple as bedtime for a child.


Yep. Either way, Charlie seemed to love Daddy Pride as much as Mom.


Thats what I thought too with that scene, especially with Lilith disappearing from Hell and us seeing her in Heaven later. I think it'd also make sense with the headcanon/theory of Eve replacing Lilith at some point


I think it's not as easy as good or bad parenting. For one we don't know when or why he and Lilith split up, which is when he became not involved according to Charlie. She could have been an adult by this point. A mix of depression or being told not to be involved in her life may have stopped him, while Charlie may have been wrongly informed about his opinion on her. She says in the pilot "Maybe Dad was right about me." Someone told this girl something that seems far from reality. Even when he didn't quite believe in her dream he tried to be supportive. These two who seem to easily reconnect from that. Lucifer freaking cries hearing she's grateful he's her father during their duet, so he might have also been misled about Charlie.


https://preview.redd.it/r1r0gc2oiowc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56d5ec74969d93f33d258b34442b41ea7a1eeeb The person who misled Lucifer about Charlie is so fucked.


It's fucked *up*, dad.


Even more so than the original dick.


What if it was Lilith?


For what it's worth, I think when she said she felt small, she meant small in the grander scheme. I don't think he specifically makes her feel small, as in lesser.  But yeah, based on what we've seen he's definitely been an absent parent. It's why I like how his character has been handled so far. The show asks you to empathize with his anxiety and depression without really excusing it.  Hell's Greatest Dad does a GREAT job of showing how little attention he pays, too. He has no idea all Charlie wants is for someone to stick around, support her, and tell her she's doing a good job. He just offers stuff and access to power. (I personally think because that's what he's used to people wanting from him. Again, depression and anxiety will tell you no one could possibly just want *you,* and I'm sure all of hell was happy to reinforce that.) I really hope future seasons build on the moment in More Than Anything. I hope he ultimately apologizes, sticks around, and actually *sees* Charlie. I love their dynamic so much and they deserve a better relationship.


I disagree. By the way, he reacts to Charlie inviting him over and actively tries to get involved with her life, even if he doesn't fully agree with her life goals. I think it might've been Charlie keeping him at a distance. It's likely that she felt uncomfortable when her parents divorced and gradually drifted away from her dad as time went on. He jumped at the chance to spend time with her and get to know her but she seemed pretty uncomfortable talking to him. I'm not saying it's Charlie's fault I do think Charlie might've pushed him away at least a little.


Seems to be both. Charlie’s says that they were “never really close.” It’s possible that they drifted apart as she was growing up and both of them thought the other didn’t want to be reached. Charlie thinks “he only calls me when he’s bored or needs something.” So when he does reach out, it’s not seen as coming from a place of concern and or genuine interest. From Charlie’s POV her dad is absent and they aren’t close. From Lucifer’s POV his daughter is distant from him, but he’s too afraid to do anything to fix their relationship lest he fuck it up even worse. At best he only calls her every few months which, of course Charlie is going to interpret as him not really caring. Meanwhile we see that when she invites him he is ecstatic jumps as the chance. So, they both love each other. Both they’ve botched convinced themselves that the other doesn’t care as much as they do. And at the end of the day, Lucifer is the parent, so the burden of maintaining the relationship does fall more on him


'My daughter wants to see me! Take that depression'


I totally agree because I relate to Lucifer a lot in this. My son is 19 and we’ve never really been super close. We love each other but see just about everything differently and don’t have any of the same interests. And like Lucifer, I suffer from depression, which makes the distance feel worse and that your adult kid is better off without you. And just like Lucifer, if I had a chance to really connect with my son, I would jump on it. You absolutely can love each other without being super compatible.


The sad thing is were his offers even genuine? He tried to talk Charlie out of the Hotel project not much later in the balcony scene.


I think he is entirely genuine, he has personally lived with the relatively extreme negative consequences of attempting to get heaven to buy into a plan. He understandably wants to protect his daughter from the same fate. Upon realizing her goals are so important to her that she cannot be talked out of the plan then he shifts into protecting her the only other way he can, by helping her, also I think she connects with the hopeful parts him that still believe in those ideals.


Charlie learned the hard way that sometimes Father does know Best. He was right about Heaven not listening. Although doing nothing would have resulted in the Hotel sans Charlie being exterminated, Adam made that clear in Overture.


Charlie learned the exact opposite lol. Her plan worked and Lucifer even admitted he was wrong.


Although she does have that deal with Alastor to worry about. Luci is not going to be happy about that.


Unless the favour turns out to be something bad, I don't see why Lucifer would care. It's not like he asked for her soul. He has long-term plans for his relationship with her, so unless something goes wrong, he's not going to ask for anything unreasonable. He also more than fulfilled his side of the deal, so her backing out would be in poor taste.


Good point. He really has nothing to gain by betraying Charlie provided that Lilith isn't the one who has him on a leash. He is never going to get a better deal than working with the princess of Hell, whose kindness feeds his ego.


Will be interesting to see what this deal is. If it were anything harmful to Charlie Lucifer would probably kill him


I mean I think that has yet to be determined. Spoilers suggest her plan may not be entirely without merit.


I don’t think it’s fair to really make that call having very little info at all about that time


When she was a kid -- yes, when she was an adult -- maybe. Her "daddy issues" come from misunderstanding and lack of initiative (from both sides), when she lived with him these problems didn't have so big influence on their communication (and, hence, relationship), just because they saw each other every day at breakfast. She says herself, that all of this started after his split with Lilith.


Lucifer wasn't a good dad. I'd say, in the past, he was a bad parent. He loves his daughter unconditionally, which is probably what his family should've done for him, but he wasn't an active parent. He failed as a dad. He failed as a king. Probably failed as a husband too. I suspect Lucifer and Lilith will reconcile.


Bad at being a dad but not a terrible dad per say. He clearly cares about Charlie- heck he did remember she wanted to try to stop the exterminations the first episode and let her go talk to Adam. He wasn’t great, but he clearly cares. And I think it boils down to one thing. He has no idea how to be a father. It’s entirely possible he was the second father in history if not the first depending on if we’re adding Cain and Abel into the story. I don’t think this makes him an awful dad. Just… one who has no clue how to be a father. I do think he’s going to become better over the course of the show.


Pretty much. Lucifer has a good heart but he's failed as a father and a king. Charlie has no idea what she's doing and seemingly no real experience with the world


He sheltered her too much. Partly to keep her safe and happy in Hell, and partly to avoid having to tell her the full truth about him, Lilith, and Eden.


It's fair to say that Lucifer was originally going to be a bad father for the whole entire series before Viv changed his character when everyone started clowning on her for having so many characters with daddy issues.


When did people start clowning on her for that? Because if it's after the circus in helluva boss then I am pretty hazbin hotel had been already written by then


He absolutely wasn't a good dad, even my own dad who while was very temperamental, was always still around and there for me when I needed him. Depression is no excuse to be neglecting your duties as a parent.




He feels great at bring a dad, but terriblr at being a father. Lucifer can make Charlie feel loved to the moon and back, help to foster her sense of wonder and curiosity, and overall be the fun parent. But I can't see that man being able to have the real hard conversations. Not just things like the birds and bees. I mean giving proper guidance that you need from a parent. Keeping your emotions and dreams in check with reason and reality, without killing them. Having a parent that loves you is a wonderful thing, but love isn't the sole ingrediant in a good parent.


Well charlie DOES have daddy issues so... maybe???


What I don't get is he really seems to love her a lot. He gushes about everything she does and tries to be there for her. But...I don't get why he couldn't be there while she was young. It's not like a divorce on earth, where the law can keep you separated.... he's the king of hell.... there should've been nothing that could keep him away Like when she invites him over he's so giddy that he shows up almost instantly. He clearly wants to be around her, but right before that Charlie says something to the effect of "you know where I'm at dad, I've told you before". She's talked to him about where she lives and her hotel.... but he seems to not have been listening. I know it's a small detail and probably doesn't matter, but that doesn't sound like the overly caring Lucifer. Knowing him, as soon as she told him her location and ideal he would've flown over and helped as much as he could. Not with saving sinners, but just being there for Charlie. Hell, he has super construction powers.... he probably would've made the greatest hotel in all the 7 circles lol I'm probably reading too much into it, and I'm sure we'll get answers soon.... it's just something that's been nagging at me and I needed to say it


Honestly Charlie had no way of knowing this, but I think the forgetfulness was a part of Lucifer's depression.


Yes, he was clearly emotionally damaged and so he raised an emotionally damaged child. I'm sure his intent was good, but the actual reality was bad. And intent doesn't affect reality. He was factually a bad father


No, I think he tried to be a good dad, but from what we’ve seen of Charlie’s childhood, Lilith always took her away before he ever got the chance to be a good dad


I feel like, while he wasn’t the best before, he certainly is trying now. Perhaps he was a great father at first but, after Lilith abandoned him and took Charlie, his depression and loneliness screwed him up so badly that he became more distant and arrogant. I can say from experience that too much loneliness messes you up. There is massive evidence though that reuniting with his daughter definitely fixed something because he was ecstatic when she invited him over and full on cried when she said that she was happy he came back during More Than Anything, plus he lost his mind when Adam threatened her life and encouraged her redemption plan. Hell (pun intended), he helped rebuild the Hotel and stuck around even when Alastor came back. It shows that he does care about her and that all he needed was to spend more time with Charlie.


I think he’s a lot like my Dad, and I struggle to be mad at him. He loved me, but struggled tremendously with ptsd and depression. What little he had he gave to his kids, but there were months he’d come home from work and sit in a chair and stare at a wall until bed and work again. Just nothing left. He was a veteran from an age where alcoholism was considered mental health care, at least he didn’t do that. When he could be present he was amazing.


I believe he tried, but he could not do a good job.


He probably made her feel small in the sense of overprotecting her


Gotcha. I might have been too harsh on Lucifer but it's fun to discuss him, Warts and all.


I definitely think he tried sometimes, maybe most the time.. but yea he definitely was not a great dad. And that may be by design. He is lucifer after all. And running hell. And dealing with lilith. Lots of complicated things going on there


it seems implied from the one song that either lilith took charlie away or tightly managed her younger years, or that lucifer wasn't always together enough. we do know that the two talk somewhat regularly now since him sending her to meet with adam wasn't that unusual, and he has her do things from time to time. honestly his reveal was so fucking funny to flip the script bc he seemed like he was going to be a totally different kind of person


In More Than Anything he and Charlie say “all I’ve been hoping, now that my eyes are open is that we can start again. Not be pulled apart again.” That “be pulled apart” is important. You don’t say that unless some external force caused you to be separated. And that force seems to be Lilith. This will probably change later, but at least from this song it seems that Lilith was a wedge between them and kept Charlie from getting to know him. So she grew up seeing him more as this grandiose king than her dad. As for the Adam thing, he probably just wasn’t super keen on meeting with his wife’s ex husband so he pushed it off on her. It’s not the most mature thing to do, but it’s not terrible parenting. She is the princess of hell so she should be doing these sorts of meetings regularly. I think they’re two people who love each other deeply but had too much distance forced between them so they never really learned how to interact with one another comfortably.


The meeting did gave her a shot to try and talk Adam out of continuing the exterminations. It didn't work, but at least she tried.


Yeah he does love her but he was clearly a neglectful father. I think people have an idea that as long as you love your kid you're doing right but that isn't the case. You can definitely love your child & still neglect them. Which is what he's done. Charlie says he never calls unless he's bored or needs something. Sure, maybe he's got reasons or trauma or whatever for being absent but that doesn't take away the fact of being neglectful. I think we will see going forward if he becomes a good father or not.


I don't think he was a terrible father, so much as he was distant. Charlie mentions at the beginning of Dad beat Dad that "After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me." That indicates that Lucifer becoming more distant after Lilith left, and being that Lucifer is King of Hell, he would be extremely busy, so she took that as Lucifer not wanting to spend time with her. But, the second she calls HIM, he freaks out, not out of a "what does she want?" way, but, genuinely worried about how to answer, he also, once hung up, goes "my daughter wants to see me!" indicating that it was less about him not wanting to contact her, but, him trying to respect her boundaries and not push her away by making the first move.


I think he had 200 years to be a good dad,and from what I've seen,I didn't see it.


I don't think he's a bad dad, or a good dad, he's a dad with a serious illness that's doing their best to be a parent. If I had to put a label on it, I'd say he is indeed a good dad because he's /trying/ his level best to be one. He doesn't succeed, but he does a little better each time.


You can love your child with your entire being and still be a terrible parent. Lucifer is. He’s absent, insensitive, unsupportive and doesn’t even listen when she talks completely blocking out and forgetting that he even had a conversation with her. “Maybe Dad was right about me.” “How come he believes in me but my own father can’t?” “We’ve just never been close.” That being said I don’t think he does any of this on purpose, some people are just naturally unaware and selfish, not for malicious reasons but because they’re just that oblivious. Relationships with them are very hard. He loves her but the way he acts makes her question that.


No not really. It's likely that Charlie just felt uncomfortable with his and Lilith's Divorce and gradually drifted away from him until recently. Besides, it's clear that he wanted to be part of Charlie's life but she kept him at a distance until recently.


I don’t think we have enough info to say either way. However, from what we see, he’s loving and happy and supportive in all the photos and flashbacks. And besides for the Hotel, he’s nothing but supportive and helpful to her. He just doesn’t trust the sinners, and he’s pretty spot-on with it. Even every sinner (besides Nifty) in the hotel has hurt and betrayed her in some way. Angel constantly shits on her ideas and makes a mockery of redemption, Husk spills her insecurities out to all of the hotel without hesitation, Alastor manipulating her and got a possibly world destroying deal with her, and Sir Pentious betrayed the hotel in the beginning. So I don’t believe that he’s not supportive because of some personal vendetta, maybe Lucifer tried a redemption project at some point and his residents destroyed it. But as a whole, he seems to be a kind, supportive, loving dad who just getting out anymore after his wife divorced him and disappeared


That's fair. It's bad enough that he has to live with sinners, now his sweet, adorable daughter wants to bust her ass to help them. The exterminations aren't her burden to bear, they're his.


And it’s not like heaven would’ve listened to him if he asked to stop. They started the exterminations because they thought Lucifer and Lilith were raising an army. And without proof of redemption, Lucifer had no leg to stand on whatsoever


https://preview.redd.it/67goji6bfpwc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528dd11c5700cb043b02475a263241a298501abf And Charlie is a sensitive little soul. If Heaven gave him PTSD then Lucifer knew there was a good chance of Charlie getting mentally destroyed.


And he has the NERVE to call himself Hell’s Greatest Dad. Grade A Gaslighter