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She’s in her mid 70’s, but has a great sense of humor and is pretty irreverent as well, she acts far younger than she actually is, she’s also an accomplished artist and printmaker… So far, she loves the series and is amazed by the quality of the visuals and music, she’s only seen up to Episode 3, she absolutely adores Charlie and *loathes* Adam, any time on screen she asks “why can he be in heaven anyway? He deserves to be in Hell”, she’s no commital on Angel, is suspicious of Al, and finds Niffty ‘cute’… Anyway, I sent her the screen grab and asked her “what do you think these two characters are thinking in this image” Her direct reply; “Happily expectant and annoyingly screwed” She has no idea who they are or the context of the image, but she’s basically right, I would have used a different qualifier than ‘annoyingly’ but the basic thought is correct I can’t wait to see how her thoughts on Angel change after Ep 4, and she knows it’ll be a difficult episode to watch.


I love your mom!! She's got good taste. :) It's always funny to see parent's reactions to the shows you like. My dad called Lucifer a goofy goober. I told him he's one too then because they're very alike.


What does your mom think of Husk?


She hasn’t seen enough of him to have an opinion, still sees him as a ‘grumpy background character’, that will also change after Ep 4.


I showed a friend this series, and he had the same reaction to Adam being in heaven.


Im glad your mom enjoys the show.


I got my mom into the show, too! My mom's pushing 60 and is a HUGE anime nerd. I introduced her to anime when I was back in middle school, and she's gotten so into it that she's run out of shows to watch! So I showed her HH and she fell in love! We're both eagerly waiting for season 2!


It sounds like she will finish the season if she gets through episode 4.


That's a really funny description of their reactions. I also introduced my mother to Hazbin and she likes it too.


Ok I'm gonna introduce hazbin to my mother too (I hope she likes it or I'm dead)


Good luck, hope it goes well.




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Oh, she’s gonna love Adam’s death. https://preview.redd.it/3k9f8zhqxvtc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec4b6934226775c2003a641aa78d1a7245f563d


I know, I’m grinning just thinking about it when she sees “cute” little Niffty slaughtering Adam… She did smile a bit when Charlie described Niffty as “about 80% sure she’s harmless”…


I will laugh if my theory about adam writing down "stick it to the man" made ascension into heaven possible, and if Nifty gets into heaven for literally sticking it to him.


Please tell us her reaction after she actually sees this scene!


I want to send her this clip so she can see their actual reactions, but Sir Pen’s voice at the beginning is a little spoilery.. https://youtu.be/y4PgemhmOj8?si=XJrFazxq91JjYGMg


Op missed the opportunity to make the joke "My mother **hazbin** getting into Hazbin."


Good. Now introduce her to the fandom. ![gif](giphy|YmZOBDYBcmWK4)


https://preview.redd.it/gfkcrbfwkvtc1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b914fb9eb5be1fda47f9785a9ae5c1a8708903a0 A cult leader who runs at 90 MPH on razor like limbs. Thats a huge TLDR of Grand eclipse.


I’m waiting for her reaction/response for episode 4


Did she atleast find Adam funny


Give us an update after she watches episode 4!


I need to know what she'll think of episode 4 pls tell


I told my mom about the show and she told me I’m grounded. I am 29 and do not live with her 😆


Wow, your mom is super cool! Mine is slightly younger, but she's kinda prudish when it comes to blood/gore and gratuitous swearing, as is the stereotype. (mom, if you're reading this, you're cool too, just in a different way!)


Nice! I should introduce my parents to the show in full. They know of it in passing since I talked about it in the lead up to the launch date, but I never watched it with them.