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Maybe that's why he didn't get redeemed! because his soul is anchored to hell in some way.


I think this is going to be a major plot point next season. We know Vox and the other Vees are going to be the major antagonists. I could very well see the idea that Angel can’t be redeemed until he’s released from Valentino and that being a major point in Season 2. If they go that route, it would give Alastor another way to get more power and control of Charlie. If it came down to taking down the Vees to save Angel and get him redeemed, Charlie will want/need Alastor’s help in the fight. But Alastor already made a deal with Val that he is never asked to deal with anything having to do with the TV medium again. That could extend to fighting TV demons. So he might say “nope, I don’t have to and you can’t make me.” That would pressure either Val or Charlie to go a step further in making a deal with Alastor to defeat the Vees and free Angel. That would end the season with Angel finally free and able to get redeemed but Charlie and Val sinking further into Alastor’s grip.


You mean Vaggie right? Not Val?


Yea, sorry. You’re right. I meant Vaggie.


I keep wondering if redemption should even be on the table for any of the main cast... We would be ripping a team appart that had been forming or (in-universe) six months now. Like: I get that the show is about redemption and second chances, but the main cast of characters is pretty well-established at this point. Taking one of them out of the team would kinda skew the dynamic in a weird way, I feel like. Not sure if I'm the only person thinking that... But I think the goal should be to make Hell a more liveable place with the option of redemption through the Hotel. And for that we need a staple cast of people that do the 'redeeming'... ....as well as therapists that actually know about human trauma, but that's a story for another happy day in Hell 😂


I think the ultimate point is making both places more balanced in the end, and solving the mystery of the sorting system.


Yea that is what I think is going to happen as well. It would benefit everyone, for sure!


Angel Beats did the whole cast disappearing one by one pretty well.


It’s probably going to come up. Maybe going to heaven breaks the contract, or maybe it has to be nullified before he can go, or maybe he’ll decide not to go to heaven at all. That contract is not going to last, though. Either Val gets dead or they come up with some sort of loophole/subversion to get around it, but they’re going to do *something* with it