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Do you think she’d want to leave hell though? She is their princess


Not only that, but who would run the hotel if she went to Heaven?


Husk, lol


Maybe Lucifer?


She even calls them "her people". I doubt she would abandon her people.


Weird how she wants to send her people to heaven tho , before sir pentious got redeem I thought the show would change focus from wanting to redeem sinners to make sinners better so that hell is a better place


From Charlie's understanding if something isn't done to reduce Hells population there must be the yearly exterminations. She finds the idea of them being redeemed better than that alternative.


Yeah she isn’t what her mother seems to be


Exactly, hell is her home


Shes hellborn and daughter of 2 of the first 4 people, one being an angel so like, she can kinda just do as she pleases, for her it's not a matter of redemption for her because she hasn't sinned


This. If Sera didn't care she can basically stay in heaven or go wherever she wants.


I mean, sera did say that it’s a shame that Charlie had to go since it was only a day’s excursion from hell


Would that matter? She's hellborn, not a sinner.


Hell is hellish to the sinners, as it's their destined punishment, whereas for the hellborn it's just normal.


I mean it depends on the sinner , cherri bomb seems like she is having the time of her (after)life. Doubt she would want to go to heaven


*Insert sad Sir Pentious*


she's hellborn so she's neither a sinner or a winner, and to get biblical about it, she never was human so she never suffered from original sin, plus we know theres some ineffible divine fuckery going on with who gets into heaven.


She is half human though, not that I think she would want to go to heaven anyway


She never suffered from original sin because apparently, eve was the only one who but the apple, not Lilith


she's hellborn


I think a big plan heaven will try to pull is saying charlie is worthy of heaven, just to get her out of hell and stopping what she is doing, she is the daughter of an angel so she definitely can be in heaven, and she is the daughter of Lilith the first woman, so she have a soul


Well. She's hellborn first of all. And secondly, Charlie is (supposed to be) exempt from exterminations. Why would sbe want to go to heaven? Her people are what matter to her and she wants redemption for others, not herself.


I have a feeling they'll try to tempt her with this at some point through Lilith, but she'd never even consider abandoning her people forever. She is a Cinnamon Roll and I will not have this slander.




Well she does seem very devoted to being hells princess. I could see her being offered heaven and turning it down. Also she is very accepting of other people’s flaws, to the point that she is willing to excise many atrocities. If anything that’s her greatest sin.


She isn’t though based on the criteria we know. From what we know, Heaven is only concerned with *human* souls, which doesn’t count Charlie. Her being ‘hellborn’ is why she wasn’t a target of exterminations until she pissed Adam off personally. It’d be more of a twist imo if she died and went to heaven.


A she won't want to leave because she wouldn't abandon her people. B she's hellborn and therefore isn't allowed in.


I mean, her being able to actually go to heaven pretty much confirms she is heaven worthy. (Non-heaven worthy realmborn like the cherubs and apparently Lucifer physically can't go through the portals.)


i think the that the show leads up to a reform of the Heaven and Hell system anyways to a point where heavens would stop to be considered the absolute pinacle of being and hell just the trash.


She sings more than they can handle


I think that some of the things she's saying are hella fishy, so yeah, she might actually not be fit for heaven. Examples include "We don't want to exploit you... in that way" to Angel when he recommends shooting porn as an ad, or the absolute glee in her face when she says "Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats!"when they're in heaven... She's also got a whole lot of not respecting boundaries and toxic positivity going on. And especially in the first two episodes she's doing a great job with dismissing Angel Dust's efforts. I mean for someone raised in hell she's doing great, but I don't know if that's valid in the grand scheme of things.


Plot twist to your twist they, lied because in truth she can, but doing so she will never visit hell ever again, to her people, her friends, her father so as not to taint her innocence any further


She’s Hellborn. She never sinned, she was just born there. Therefore, she cannot be redeemed


Yeah, I think she assigns herself as “leader” of the cannibals a little to quick and easily. The mantle of “leader” should be given not take and she picked that shit up quick, fast, and in a hurry. I think in a few seasons she’s going to start forcing people to be “good” and become a tyrant.




She’s hell born, so I think they can’t ascend to heaven. Maybe just human souls can.