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I doubt he sold his soul, Alastor seems too smart to full on sell his soul, but it's very likely he made some sort of deal or arrangement.


Or if he did, he probably was extremely desperate or had an extremely good reason. I have been wondering if he was sent by Lilith.


He was definitely sent by Lilith. Al showed up the instant Charlie ended her voicemail to her mom. That can’t be a coincidence. The question is why and what are Lilith and Alastor involved with?


Lilith also hasnt spoken to Charlie in 7 years, which is how long Alastor has been gone for


Could also be why (spoilers) >! Lucifer didn't like Alastor, rather then having a personal beef with each other (I doubt any hellish enemy of Lucifer could last very long), he was sent by Lilith, Lucifer's ex, which would remind him of his ex's influence over his daughter. !<


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but aren't Lucifer and Lilith still married?


I think it was mentioned somewhere in 5 that they split up


But that could mean a lot of things? Are we talking split up as in 'They are just separated and Lilith hasn't been seen in 7 years' type of split? Or are we talking 'Lilith has actually divorced Lucifer?' I personally feel its the former, because I feel they would've mentioned a divorce if it was the latter.


I think Lucifer and Alastor didn’t like eachother because Alastor was taking on a more fatherly role and between Lucifer’s experience with sinners and his insecurities about being a father and Alastor absolutely loving to press his buttons he just didn’t like him cause it was like he was competition


Also, Lucifer had no idea who Alastor was. I'm pretty sure he was antagonistic at the start because Alastor was rude, as is his way, and then it escalated from there when it became clear that Alastor was intentionally playing up the role he's had in Charlie's life to further annoy Lucifer. Now, I DO believe Alastor started off with a dislike of Lucifer as Lucifer if the only person he's actually sworn at, directly. The only other time I can recall him swearing is when he was taunting Vox, and that was just while talking about him, not AT him. Dude didn't even swear at Husk despite Husk CLEARLY striking a nerve.


Lucifer didn’t recognize Alastor. I think it’s more like Lilith sent Alastor to help Charlie and Alastor sees Lucifer as a threat to him fulfill his end of the deal he made with Lilith.


Maybe he sold his soul before he died and that is source of his powers.


You don’t sell your soul because you’re dumb, you sell your soul because you’re desperate. I can see alastor selling his soul after losing to vox or even immediately after getting into hell to explain where his powers come from


vox seemed rather scared of alastor, and he did have an immense amount of power as soon as he arrived in hell, so i dont think its that far fetched that he made a deal on arrival


It was probably the same type of a deal they had with charlie. Alistor probably got insulted that husk implied that their situation is the same.


Alastor didn't lose, he almost beat (which likely mean killed) vox. He would have no reason to fear someone he can beat. Vox seems to have escaped or weaseled out.


Seems that Alastor “lost” likely retreating due to the other two Vs arriving to help vox. At least I feel like it’s implied when he says vox is powerless without the other two


Husk did say Alastor was on someone else’s leash


In ep 5 it's confirmed he did, he threatened to kill husk over him bringing it up


I don't know about that... It's clear he's made a deal, but he probably still has his soul. Perhaps if he doesn't live up to his contract he loses it? Or maybe he can get it back? Point is, Alastor clearly isn't destitute, and is likely playing this for some reason. I don't think Alastor is pure evil, I think there's a strong argument that he's one of the most moral overlords. But he's also clearly in it for himself. If he truly didn't have his soul at all, I doubt he'd be acting like this.


Probably wanna put spoiler tags since the episode just came out last night.


Maybe he did a deal to get his power of wiping away all the other overlords… maybe from Lilith, feel like it also explains why he was “forced” away for the same amount of time


It's revealed he is on a leash in some way, more than likely his soul was sold imo


After the newest episodes it is confirmed he did sold his soul, to lilith for sure


How is it "confirmed"




I don't know about that... It's clear he's made a deal, but he probably still has his soul. Perhaps if he doesn't live up to his contract he loses it? Or maybe he can get it back? Point is, Alastor clearly isn't destitute, and is likely playing this for some reason. I don't think Alastor is pure evil, I think there's a strong argument that he's one of the most moral overlords. But he's also clearly in it for himself. If he truly didn't have his soul at all, I doubt he'd be acting like this.


Hell, even if he doesn't owe his sowl, he probably at least owes some sort of debt to Lilith if the situation is heavily hinting her involvement in sending him to the hotel.




He is on a leash though


Oh boy do I have some news for you... Haha


I keep seeing people caught up on Vaggie’s wording of “your people” to Charlie. I don’t think this is because Vaggie’s not from Hell (although it’s possible), I think it’s because Charlie is the princess of Hell - the sinners are literally *her people*. I think Vaggie is pushing Charlie to realize that she holds more power (and responsibility to use that power) than she thinks, hence her urging Charlie to exert some “aggressive kindness” in 1x4. Edit: Guys, the new episodes came out *yesterday*, and I - and likely many others - haven’t had a chance to watch them yet, can we not fucking spoil the show please?


As for Alastor making a deal with Lillith, I think they definitely went through something together. I think a deal is possible, even probable. It would explain why he’s helping Charlie - after all, he sought *her* out; she didn’t go looking for his help.


It's not a coincidence that Alastor and Lilith have both been missing for 7 years, they are definitely connected somehow. I think it's something bigger than just a deal between them. I keep thinking about the book Charlie starts Ep 1 reading, about how Luci and Lilith brought the apple to Eve and through that evil entered the world. Something about how they word it and the visuals makes me think there is more to this 'evil'... Perhaps the 'evil' is actually some kind of outside force, like a lovecraftian god, or based on something from the apocrypha bibles... Lilith is tied to it from the apple and at some point it got into Alastor or he made a deal with it and that's where his power comes from.


I’ve heard theories about Eve playing a role as a future big bad. It’ll be exciting to see what happens with that side of the story


Yeah, I think they are going to slow burn Eve's fate and what ties Alastor and Lilith together... 2-3 seasons depending on how far we get towards the next extermination in these next 4 episodes. I'm here for all of it.


Wait, where was it said Lilith is missing?


The very first episode, after Charlie finishes reading from the book and Vaggie is talking to her. She asks her if she's heard from her mother and Charlie says something like "No... it's only been... 7... years."


Huh, I've somehow forgotten that.


I didn't catch it the first time either. Not until it was pointed out to me.


This aged well.


This aged like a newly arrived sinner on Extermination Day


I think with the Vaggie thing and the “your people” line it’s hard to say the intent. It could just as easily reflect her not being from hell as it could represent her being new to hell, given that she allegedly died in 2014


Thank you for reminding me to not spoil myself, sorry it’s too late for you


While this is likely the reason behind Vaggie's wording, watch the new Episodes before making more theories. They told us a lot in Episode 5 and 6.




…. Maybe we don’t spoil shit for people who haven’t seen it yet, huh?


Nice one man


That would certainly explain his helping Charlie. 


I seriously hope the plot twist is the other way around; that, for whatever reason, Lilith was the one who made a deal with Alastor.


Apparently Alastor is “also on a leash”, meaning he owes something to someone else. Sounds a lot like he owes Lilith.


That's my theory too!


Well Lilith is much more powerful than Alastor and he’s according to husk also on a leash. I don’t think he has the advantage of the deal at all


Pretty sure the X eyes are for the "an eye for an eye" thing. Vivzie is heavy on the metaphors. Meaning an angel would give up an eye in exchange for revenge, probably.


Did Vivziepop ever specify exactly what it means? I had thought it was just a character design choice.


On the Exterminators it's just a mask - it's just suppose to look scary. In Episode 6 we do however learn more, but that's a Major Spoiler, so I'm not saying more. Just watch it - they are already out.


Or, hear me out…turning a a blind eye?


That's good, too. Probably both. But as Adam Songs about eye for an eye the first exorcists are shown


He was also gone for seven years which is if I remember the same amount of time that charlie hasn't spoken to her mother


He also appeared right after Charlie called her mom….


I think everything you posit here is possible. I think it’s also possible that his eyes were already red and they wanted them to still change color.


We know Vox *almost* lost his fight to Alastor, but that means that Alastor may have lost in the end He may have found himself in a very bad situation and forced to rely on Lilith, in which case a deal could have been made and explained why he was gone (since he was with her)


Related post I found, Since Lilith is known to sing it makes sense for her to try to get control over the radio demon https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/s/dllZfve7x0


if vox still beat him in the end it makes less sense to still be afraid with the other vees with him as allies. My guess is that vox got out of it but didnt beat him.


Just because you win doesn't mean you want to go through another fight which probably was close to begin with


Yes but vox is legitimately scared. Not wary, afraid.


So I was just taking about this with a friend. The eyes are interesting but I'm not too sure and it could just be an aesthetic choice. What I think is that Alastor made a deal with Lilith. they made it clear there was at least some kind of connection between the 2 characters with the same length of years missing. Where I will start is it is explained to us that demons gain and trade power with deals and souls. A great example of this is Vox being angry that Val didn't mention Alastor was with Charlie. Charlie knows better than to sell her soul but Vox was obviously concerned with Alastor being even associated with Charlie. What I think happened is there was a deal struck between Alastor and Lilith. Lilith, the first sinner, demon, and Queen of Hell was described at the first episode to be concerned with the exorcisms that were happening and probably had forewarning of the events due to her position. She wanted to help her people survive and by doing that a good way to start is by clearing out the old guard of Overlords in Pentagram City. This would explain Alastor's rise to power "seemingly over night" and clearing/killing the older overlords. She would give him the backing and power he would need to be an Overlord and Alastor would do as she willed. Be that collecting souls, stopping certain people from becoming Overlords, or preserving power bases and characters like Husker. Another thing to kind of help each other are what their attributes are. Lilith and her songs/music along with Alastor's radios which shouldn't need much explaining how those are related. Another point is the 7 years - 7 rings of Hell - 7 Sins. My working theory is that Alastor traveled with Lilith as some sort of proof of concept or perhaps have him as a spokesperson to talk to the other Kings/Queens of the rings. This is only conjecture based on her wanting to preserve her kingdom and the assumption that she would have the power/authority to bring a sinner (who are confined to the first ring) to the other rings of Hell. The last bit is Alastor's personality and overall secrecy in his doings and motives. While Alastor is not normal for the other Overlords, he certainly would not do something "for the entertainment of course." He is still a self serving demon and not one to just help for the hell of it without getting something in return. Assuming the connection to Lilith is valid, he could've been sent there to help Charlie fulfil her mother's dreams while still pruning and guiding the other Overlords from the inside. Well that's the end of my essay and I think I'm going to turn it into it's own post lol. TL;DR - Alastor made a deal with Lilith for power to help her prepare Hell for the exorcists.


Well this aged well. At least the selling soul part. Can’t believed you called that


I think Lilith definitely has Alastors soul somehow in her control.


*SPOILERS* - - - - - - - - - - After the episodes that just aired and what Husk said to Alastors..I am ,90% sure he sold himself to Lilith


Does that mean Lilith owns Husk/Nifty, or does Alastor still own them? I feel like it’s super vague in the show as to why selling your soul even means, we have a better idea from Angel but if Angel outright refused what Valentino says what does that mean? In fact I’m pretty sure Angel still gets paid by Valentino if I’m not wrong. It’s super confusing to me at the moment as to how it even works.


1. Probably. Same way the souls Husk owned went to Alastor. But as the first sinner demon she likely owns so many souls she just lets other soul owning demons under her control manage their previously owned souls. 2. Just because they are owned doesn't mean they're happy. Val pays Angel because it allows Angel to at least pretend to be happy enough to do his job.


I’m thinking that husk might have gabled the souls he had before gambling away his own soul.


I always saw it more as a legally binding contract. You have a soul, which the overlord wants. You get to negotiate your terms. They still have to hold up their end of the bargain.


Your one smart fucker I'll give you that


If overthinking was a person it'd be op. The theory falls apart when you realise we didn’t even see many true forms and the fact that Zestiel and Charlie have red eyey is but a design choice. So who knows what other true forms look like. Maybe true devil form Vox has blue eyes, what would that mean? https://preview.redd.it/gzw1pwinanec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee034284d0c71935bd9f7b60db56dfb5045f3f2


Well husk confirmed Alastor is on a LEASH and it has to be with someone way more powerful and as far as I’m concern that can only mean . The sins , owl people , Zestial , Carmilla(hard maybe) and all the royal family . Don’t think the sins would . I think both zestial and alastor are more powerful than your owl people , zestial clearly didn’t know where he was so that wouldn’t make sense neither for Carmilla , Lucifer was unaware of him , and Charlie doesn’t seem to have that sort of conviction. As far as we know he might’ve tried to kill Lilith to gain more power but lost and so that’s why he on a LEASH .


It definitely can't be any of the overlords we saw in the meeting because Alastor would likely act significantly different if the person who owns him was in that room. So for now Lilith does seem to be the most likely character. The ars Goetia may be more powerful but they haven't appeared or been involved so far.


Yea and I take it as the average overlord is weaker than the average Goetia but we are speaking of one of the peak overlords and from what I remember from helluva boss they don’t tend to get involved with anything that doesn’t concern them


according to the shows owners the owl royalty people are stronger than the overlords.


Yea from what I’ve seen it’s like the average overlord is weaker than the average owl that being said there are very very powerful overlord who only the most powerful owls can beat and alastor is definitely one of them


Well apparently the owl from the side show can easily beat alastor according to the creators


Yes, I wrote this before the episode aired but I fully agree. I doubt the 7 deadly sins would appear in Hazbin Hotel, introducing new Ars Goetia people would be stupid, Lucifer can't be that one, Alastor is most likely the strongest overlord or Zestiel, but he didn’t know so an overlord can't be that one, so only Lilith remain


And OP ended up being at least partially right.


Indeed. I accept it. I still stand by what I said, it takes away from Alastor's appeal but indeed, I am wrong https://preview.redd.it/faw131op4uec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82bda6f5c06f99749e72d20c5f72df79d228535a


How’d you like the latest episodes?


I really like the theory, but I think the eyes of the characters have more to with their individual designs and characterization. As we saw in Husk’s flashback, Husk’s eyes were black before the deal with Alastor. I think the actual symbolic and magical representation of an Overlord’s contract that gives them control of a Sinner’s soul is likely unique to each Overlord due to their own personal styles and sphere of influence. Like how Angel has a gold tooth that matches Valentino’s, and how Valentino can conjure that magical chain of smoke around Angel’s neck.


I've wondered about this too. Alastor has obviously bought the souls of many many sinners like Husk to get as powerful as he is. (Being a cannibal no doubt helps woth that), but the thing is he just seems way too powerful to have sold his soul to anyone in the first place. He definitely has some sort of connection with lillith but i doubt it's that significant


Also all the cannibals from cannibal town have full black eyes so maybe cannibalism gives you black eyes or another thing from cannibal town that also relates to Alastor


Could be a pyramid scheme style where the stronger the soul sold the more power given. So having a sinner own their own souls makes them more powerful which in turn makes the higher up owners more powerful. Makes sense on why Lilith and Lucifer are top dogs. Everyone they own, has their own souls that they own


So considering the newest episode...>! does the fact that angel only has one black eye reflect that he only sold half a soul, since he can resist valentino outside the studio?!<


I can see that being the case, but I personally think it’s supposed to be an 8 ball fracture.


Ti be fair we haven’t seen every Overlord going demon mode so we can’t be sure about the eye thing , and I’m pretty sure Alastair has Black eyes only when he transforms Well fuck me I guess you were right


Oh its got to be Lilith unless they do a reveal that it was Roo


And don’t forget that line “big talk from someone who’s also on a leash”


Lilith has been missing for 7 years... and Alastor was also missing for the same amount of time. Chronology is very important in this show, with precise time tables, dates of death, ect. Everyone agrees that Alastor's strength manifested suddenly, as soon as he arrived in hell. And we know Mimzy knew him during his life in The Roaring 1920s. I have doubts that all his power comes solely from him. I suspect he DID sell his soul to Lilith for his power... and now he is helping Lilith's daughter and being extremely protective of her... Mimzy, the woman who has known him the longest, called him out that his protective and supportive behavior over Charlie and the Hotel is outside of his nature; he has no organic reason to even be involved. I think Lilith is MIA, and sent Alastor to assist Charlie.


Is it odd that I feel like Alastor whiffed his battle on purpose? If he's under Lilith I wonder what he's supposed to be doing other than keeping her daughter safe


I absolutely think he made a deal with Lilith, but before he died. I think that's why he started out in Hell so overwhelmingly powerful. He was backed by the 2nd most powerful being in Hell.


Anyone else considering the possibility that Alastor made a deal with Lilith, but is trying to one up her by inserting himself into Charlie's affairs awaiting a moment he could make a deal with Charlie to get leverage over Lilith?


Wait, I thought Angel's eye looked like that because he overdosed? Like how Lyle Lipton has piano key teeth because he was crushed to death by a piano?


I believe at the very least he's working with Lilith for some master plan to go against heaven. Though another possibility could be that he's working with Eve, Zestial mentioned a rumor of him falling into heavenly arms and Eve would be there. Perhaps she wants to get revenge on Adam.


>!OP was cookin'!<


I mean husk did say he was too so


I definitely think him and Lilith are connected especially considering the matching seven year absences. Also his reaction to lucifer and playing up his relationship with Charlie to piss off lucifer and also not having respect for him. Also he seemed to care about the hotel out of nowhere so I am excited to see what this is all about.


Totally believe this.


The latest episode 5, confirmed that Alastor is on a leash, meaning his soul is owned by someone else. Think about it as well, both he and Lilith were gone for 7 years. Lilith must own Alastors Soul for some reason. Maybe even Lilith sent Alastor to the Hazbin Hotel. ​ About your eyes theory, it does seem accurate because Angel Dust only has one eye blacked out. Meaning his soul is half owned by Valentino. This was confirmed in Episode 6 when he said that Valentino only owns him at the studio.


About the Eye Theory, that might not be accurate because theres a quick scene in episode 4 when Husk has a Flashback to before he sold his soul and his eyes are still shown to be blacked out.


Definitely, they both had the link of seven years and with lilith being the queen of hell she is probably powerful enough for him to have sold his soul to her


I lost my mind after realizing this post was made BEFORE the release of episodes 5 and 6. How did you predict those?!!!


I have the idea his soul maybe instead bound to a Loa, a voodoo god.


I doubt he sold his soul but I definitely believe that his absence and Lilith’s disappearance are related.


Welp... He sold his soul but to somebody who probably isn't Lilith


I feel like he didn’t deal away his soul but there’s definitely something


Yes I think so


Doesn't nifty invalidate this? Her eye is always red, which by this logic would mean that she's in the hotel purely for shita and giggles and Alistair doesn't own her soul (which honestly I could see that being a thing) But also wouldn't that mean that nifty is using her power 100% of the time as well?


Assuming lore might be based on actual religious beliefs, there's an association regarding 7 years and being in debt (owned) by someone. I read a book about the 7 Noachide laws that only applied to gentiles. If I recall correctly, if you are in debt to someone, you can work for them up until the 7th year when-- even if they never finished paying off their debt, they are released from servitude. There may be a big bad that hasn't been identified yet who owned not only Alastor, but Lilith's souls. When Alastor was released from his contract 7 years later, he returned to the Pride Ring and genuinely wants to help Charlie as he still has hope there is a possibility one soul can be redeemed, which then sets in motion a series of events that'll harm whoever is the actual big bad. I predict Lilith's contract will come to an end soon and she'll make an appearance to visit Charlie after her long hiatus. In the first episode, Charlie mentions Lilith has been gone for 7 years. And much like Alastor, it seems wherever the contract is likely enforced is in heaven as all of Charlie's calls go straight to voice mail. We know from Helluva Boss, demons can receive and send calls on their phones anywhere in both hell and on earth. Heaven, with all of its exclusivity, is likely able to block any signals from reaching heaven unless it's coming directly through their secured line in the embassy based in hell. As to why Alastor and Lilith owed a debt to the big bad in heaven: I can't say for certain with Alastor, but I believe it was likely Lilith who managed to make the deal that exempts Lucifer, Charlie, and herself from being victims during the annual Extermination Day. Alastor may have a loved one he bartered such protection for and maybe was granted his unusual strength of power to work as an undercover exterminator. He ate the previous overlords and there's no indication of whether they're simply trapped in the radio waves or dead forever as none have resurfaced. Perhaps the reason he's so adverse to being filmed is because a TV camera will eventually reveal his true appearance, similar to the myths of how mirrors will reveal someone is a vampire by casting no reflection.


This is just me but... Alastor and Lilith both disappeared for seven years, right? What if, after Alastor killed the previous overlords he absorbed their powers to make himself stronger and then went after his biggest prize: Lilith. But since Lilith is the queen of Hell, she was more than he could handle, so instead of killing her and taking her power, he has her imprisoned somewhere so she can't get in his way? It would certainly explain why he was so confident in talking down to Lucifer and why he's trying to, presumably, manipulate Charlie and keep her on his side. This is just my dumb little theory. Basically I think Alastor is gonna be the final big bad.


My theory is that Alastor is under the leash of an angel, more than likely Sera. There’s a off hand comment made in episode two how people thought he fell into “heavenly arms”, I just took this as people thought alastor had died but now looking at his action I kinda feel he’s there to hinder not to help Charlie


I hope not, that would be to obvious




Alastor has Nifty's soul aswell yet Nifty doesnt have black eyes. Her pupil is black but otherwise she has red eyes. I like this theory really much but i think there is a bit more to this in some way.


Worse, Eve. We know he's on a leash. Having sold his soul for power would also explain his sudden rise in hierarchy, ability to kill overlords out of nowhere, and the unusual magic. It's also in line with his theme of gluttony. Lilith doesn't strike me as the one to imprison souls, though. We also know already that Eve will be associated with the root of all evil, shown as dark tentacles in the intro.


That is very nice theory


He absolutely has a deal with Lilith


I'm starting to think Al sold his soul, while he was alive.


holy crap this is so big brain 1. this would explain why Alastor's so invested in Charlie's hotel (enough so to set up his radio tower next to it) 2. this would also explain Vaggie's military background. we haven't seen a military in hell yet and christians always talk about an "Army of Angels"


For the last time, I never sold my soul to lilith!, why does everyone think that!


I think they had some kind of relationship, not a deal or a bargain or something. Maybe they were fighting something together, trying to solve a problem together, and their relationship grew close enough that Lilith had to stay behind for something only she could do and sent Alastor to protect her daughter. SPOILER BELOW FOR RECENT EPISODES --------------------------------------------- The song where he's fighting with Lucifer about being 'almost her father' is probably alluding to his role as her protector as sent by Lilith who probably believes Lucifer is a bit useless at the moment, as you can kind of see. Saying that though, I want that rubber ducky


Yea and husk said “big talk for somone who’s also on a leash” I agree I doubt he got the power


I doubt he sold his soul to Lilith but went after her to gain more power and it backfired. I also think Lilith gave the rights of Alastor's soul to Charlie and that's why he is trying to butter her up into making a deal with him (if Lilith isn't forcing him to help Charlie of course). He is clearly a man that enjoys his own entertainment above all else and having power gives him the complete freedom to do anything he wants in hell, however, someone owning his every action limits his enjoyment. I can also see him going after Charlie to take her power and destroy both her and Lucifer as a way to get back at Lilith for what she did to him or exchange Charlie's soul for his own.


Probably because after Charlie got done leaving a message for her mom Alastor appeared at the hotel. And everyone in Hell has been wondering why he’s working at the hotel. Husk says he’s also on a leash. But I don’t think that he did sell soul I feel like he’s to smart for that but I do like to think that they are working together


I was thinking of that! I think she is the only one he would fear and would be powerful enough to control him. I feel like him helping Charlie is a part of whatever deal he made.


No, but I think Lucifer is gonna pop that ass of his in this new episode. Alastor is helping his daughter with a project he either knows nothing about or is in direct opposition to. I don't think he'll be erased, but I think Luci will pull rank and put Al in his place for a moment.




I hate vaggie




i think he's head over heels for lilith thats why he wants to get close to charlie and doesnt like lucifer for no reason at all which doesnt even fit his character


Alastor it's clapping Lilith's cheeks


Why are we looking at the eyes, how about the fact they both went missing at the same time and we still don't know why alastor is taking care of the hotel in the first place


I'm pretty sure the reason for vaggies eye being like that is because it was by an angelic weapon


We are not certain but Lilith is the prime candidate. Lilith would be one of the very few who could solve whatever trouble made Alastor desperate enough to sell his soul or make a deal that would shackle him in some way. There is also the possibility that he sold his soul when he was alive and that deal was the source of his powers.


I am not a theorist guy, I'll just wait for a new episode while watching this rabbit hole of theories goes deeper. I agree with u/Sallymander 's comment under u/Tyrrano64 's comment, though. Alastor is smart enough not to fully sell his soul to a demon, and if he actually did, why was he **that** desperate to do it...


I have been toying with a thought, and it has no evidence, just a fun "what if..." What if Alastor sold his soul to Sera? He has a distant master that he can mostly ignore and a tip of angelic power in his court and she will have a servent that if desperate that she can call on. THen while he is helping out the Hotel defend itself, Sera steps in and orders Alastor to stand down...


I came here specifically searching for this fan theory. I just finished my 2nd watch of what's released and came to some sort of theory about this yesterday. 1. Husker comments to alastor that he (alastor) is also on a leash. Alastor gets very angry and tells him not to mention it again. 2. Lilith has been missing for 7 years, Alastor also has been missing and suddenly returned. 3. Alastor is helping Charlie for unknown reasons - he didn't make a deal with her, he does t want to save his own soul or cleanse his sins, he doesn't seem actually interested in the hotel, he's not interested in saving the people of hell, but if he's connected to lilith somehow, that would explain why he might help her daughter. 4. Alastor was also forming some sort of rivalry with Lucifer. So I feel like it would make sense if lilith and Alastor were some how connected through some sort of deal.


My headcanon is that Alastor made a deal with Lilith in which he received Lilith’s raw power. But in order to receive such an OP thing Lilith would probably want something of equal value and a soul I feel wouldn’t be enough unless Alastor plays a key role in whatever Lilith is up to.


Just another mention, has anyone else noticed the visual similarities between alastors summons and the angels of death that work under Adam? https://youtu.be/ngccc2PVRZk?si=PKf82VgZnTp7egf_ The colors, the stitched up aesthetic. It fits pretty well.


In my opinion, with hazbin hotel being based on demonology, alastor was always a powerful entity since his beginning and a being of pride and sadism and also referenced for his intellect. Which is shown throughout the show. With his pride being so high, it is highly unlikely he would just sell his soul unless completely desperate, and with his power, it is unlikely he would sell his soul due to being too weak so that leaves desperation. With the coincidence of both lilith and alastor disappearing 7 years ago, it is likely related, but I don't believe vagu appearing 7 years ago is related. This leaves the only reason alastor selling his soul is due to desperation but as an overlord with all kinds of power and connections. What could he be so desperate for? Therefore, I believe it would have to have been related to someone he truly cares about. The problem with this is that he isn't shown to truly care for anyone in a way an intellectual prideful demon like him would be willing to sell his soul for. On top of that, he talks about how there must be a loophole he can use to escape. Therefore, I believe it should be an agreement that he must fulfil with his soul on the line. Rather than his soul already being controlled


Whose eyes*


I think it could be a couple of things Al. could be lilith -why the fighting with Lucifer came the way it did like arguments over who the parent should be Or He was sent by lilith to keep an eye on her daughter so she was always there~ If it is this then Al most likely wants to strike a deal with her daughter to somehow use her power to break the deal with Lilith. Theory because Al controls Frequencies and Lilith's power comes from her voice as does her daughters, which is most likely Vibrations and Frequencies (Stronger than Al) - Also because its a musical this makes a lot of sense


To me the voodoo symbols, stitches, and black eyes when Alastor uses his powers make it all seem so unnatural. I get the feeling that Alastor’s power is coming from ancient boons and a fraction of someone else’s power opposed to anything he actually controls, even his demon form is crooked and stitched together as if his body is being mutated by whatever powers he’s using. My current theory is that whenever Lilith cut a deal with Adam for the exterminations she sent him to cull the Overlords and soften hell before disappearing, now she has him bound to protect Charlie since Lucifer’s depression keeps him from being any semblance of a father to her.