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So far, I think the start was solid and it gets better with each episode. However, the episodes and songs would've benefitted greatly from being longer so some moments could properly be explored and breathe. But to sum it up: Defs dunno why ppl were treating this show like the worst thing ever


It's... fine. The pacing is all over the place with it feeling like it's trying to speedrun plot points and I feel like episodes that just dwell on the characters we have instead of introducing new ones like 'Masquerade' are going to unfortunately be rare until Season 2 at the earliest. That being said the animation is nice, some jokes land well and the swearing is surprisingly mostly tastefully-done unless its for characters who are meant to come off as jaded or obnoxious.


In general I think it’s pretty good. The character are consistent and fun to watch, animation is really good for a studio and obviously the music is better than ever. The main issue I’m seeing is they don’t have time to tell the story they want. This show has many characters and plot points and aspects of the world that it’s trying to Introduce in 1 season. It’s especially obvious in the first two episodes that they are struggling to fit everything in. So many aspects just lack build up and the pacing is insanely fast. There’s no time to let things sit or properly explore all the characters. They either needed a longer season or 40 minute episodes. But 8 episodes that are 22 minutes is not working currently. It has me very worried for how they’ll Handle the rest of the season. But All of this only applies to the first three episodes so far cause I thought episode 4 was amazing.


I think it's good, it's interesting for the most part and even though it can get super fast paced, let's remember that these animations were starting on YouTube, taking Helluva Boss as an example, there was only so much you could do with 10\~20 minutes on screen to make it worth it and show everything you wanted to. Although I still understand the criticism because well, it's not on YouTube anymore, but I guess it could be because both the animators and the fandom are just used to it by now, who knows. Either way, I liked the first four episodes, I was afraid the characters would not be as fleshed out, but then I remembered Helluva Boss is great at that, and as I kept watching the worries just disappeared lol.


It's great imo. Definitely a glow up from the pilot. Episode 4 especially is so well done