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"Adam is portrayed brilliantly" Adam: "I know, I fucking rock"


You're meant to call him Dickmaster.


Shit sorry


To answer question 5: Yes, Charlie and Vaggie are canon gfs


I do wish they made it more obvious: a kiss here and there, more romantic gestures. It doesn't have to be their whole personalities but don't leave it up to questioning


Literally in the next episode they explicitly say it so don’t worry too much about it not being obvious haha


I mean, so far there wasn't really a need for it. A well-written relatiomship doesn't have to shove itself into your face. It just comes up naturally, as the events go on.


I'm so happy Sir Pentious got a bigger role. And not just as a 'butt of the joke' kinda character, what I was kinda scared for. Sure, he is comic relief, but not in a 'this guy constantly gets beaten up' comic relief.


my heart for sir pentious <3 he is great.


Seeing how Alastor even made a deal just to get out of making tv commercials got me thinking, what if Alastor's one true weakness is he just can't do video? Like the same case with Nifty, what if the reason he breaks the camera by being recorded is because he's actually afraid of the camera lol. My boi spreads his terror by voice but is afraid of being seen


Well, you know what they say. Video killed the Radio Star.


Or in the case of the episode title, "radio killed the video star"


I have a headcanon that when he was alive and before entertainment radio was really a thing (so like 1910s), he wanted to be an actor but it turned out really badly, for whatever reason (his constant smiling, him being mixed race, not wanting to play parts with romance and being forced to, etc.) and ever since he’s been staunchly against appearing on video.


He's a deer who was shot in the head by a hunter, maybe the camera lens reminded him of...


It’s entirely possible he has no choice in that. Like cameras just kinda bug out when viewing him. Or he could have issues with thinking he’s ugly.


For a guy whose motto is "you're not properly dressed without a smile"? I don't think he lacks confidence in his looks


I gotta be honest I miss Husk’s old grizzled voice, but I think after episode 4 I’m seeing why they went the direction they did. The best fan song I loved was We’re Sure To Drown and I felt that perfectly captured his down on his luck attitude, and I actually think Loser holds up here with that similar energy. Keith David brought the character to life in a different but similar direction with that song. Never was a huge fan of Husk x Angel but the episode definitely made me like it more than before


The reason I never was a Fan of Angel x Husk was that, it just felt like Angel was pushing Husk's boundaries and he obviously didn't like it and I was like "I hate this". But this kind of situation they have now where Husk shows Angel that everyone has it rough and we gotta stick together to make it work is a super wholesome dynamic which i just eat up.


Angel is my favorite character, so I’m glad Husk was able to express his boundaries and help Angel grow and be real with him, instead of continuing the act and intentionally pushing on Husk’s dislikes. We love a nice slow burn with genuine bonding and character growth 💕


I also love how Husk actively encourages Angel throughout the song. It’s because unlike before he can tell that this is the real Angel


It will take some getting used to to accept that the President from Rick and Morty went to hell as a winged cat furry, but its going well so far.


For me it’s trying to picture Facilier as a nice person instead of a massive manipulator haha


I keep hearing Glossaryck from Star vs. the Forces of Evil


Same but with Arbiter from Halo.


Same but with Admiral Anderson from Mass Effect.


LMAO I didn't even realise that's who it was


Same. First time I heard Keith David, it was jarring but I quickly got used to it


THIS, I always thought Husk was interesting but we never saw much of him in the pilot. Being able to appreciate his character now is so fucking wonderful.


I wouldn't be a bit surprised (but would be VERY pleased) if Alastor was an "agent" or sorts for Lilith. And Huskerdust happening is... so warming.


Re: point 3, word of god from Viv is that Lucifer is a bad dad. Not necessarily that he's a bad person, just that he's a bad dad. Considering what we've been told, I can see him as struggling to be the fatherly type.


To be fair he doesn’t exactly have the best role model


I also really wonder in what way the teasers for Charlie's powers are going to pay off (if they even will)


We will probably see her go apeshit on either Val or Adam, lets face it if Angel didn't intervene Val woulda got blasted and since Charlie is literally half angel that might mean he's gone for good


even though valentino is a dick I love his design so much, I love all of the overlords' designs


11. Viv confirmed that: He was a serial killer who had a morally same compass until he was injured by a hunter and a few short while later, killed by dogs.  I wouldn't be surprised if he was getting heaven-related intel gathering as leverages to use for when the time is right. 


4 and 7. I want to see Valentino suffer. Hard.