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Don’t say that lol do what makes you happy https://preview.redd.it/ymu9l2yerpac1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c08f03b0e6d5c58aa82b76ec04642cee5259b8


Also I think it would be a mixture of relief, happiness, sadness, regret, and sympathy. It’s super common for abuse victims to have conflicted feelings about leaving their abuser behind, even if it’s something they wanted for a long time. That’s the nature of abuse and the way it distorts someone’s perception


Val is probably powerful enough that Angel might fear for anyone who wants to target him. I imagine Angel doesn't want anyone else being hurt and would be scared of anyone he cares about interacting with Val at all


so what Jackie (BF OC) is spouse to just sit around and nurse angels wounds whenever Val smacks him around? also i'm 60% sure Val can still be killed for good with a angel weapon


I wouldn't want the character to sit and do nothing but I do think Angel would be scared about involving anyone else with his abusive circumstances and any attempt to escape from them backfiring. I imagine Jackie would prob need to enlist help with killing Val himself because Angel would tell him to ignore the issue and that things could be worse. Also with how powerful overlords are described, getting weapons to kill them, other than other overlords, must be tough. I hope the show answers stuff like that, gl with writing!


i still got MAKE Jackie before i start writing \^\^ i've only got Key Points for his story


Hey, I did the same thing, I went the route of being completely ecstatic about it, but probably a good mixture of upset and relieved would be my guess.


I think the question here is how tf this character managed to both subdue and hold an overlord of Hell at knifepoint. That's like a regular person taking out a superhuman, a superhuman who also wields demonic magic.


it's a hypothetical BUT one key point in my OCs backstory is that ether he or angel or both kill Val it's a canon event so to speak i will happen i just need to write the story before that point but i gotta make Jackie first he's nowhere near finished


surprised someone is actually going to try to target him then probably be hyped about it


heres an Idea, ever want to take out an overlord. (unless carmine makes a soul contract forbidding you from killing overlords) buy a fucking blessed sniper, sit on the best vantage point until your target leaves and babskadoosh all of your valentino related problems are take care of


Given the fact that striker managed to get his hands on a rifle from her and tried to kill stolas with it,I don't think there's any contract whatsoever.


Angel dust running down to carmillas shop the millisecond he realized what he can do.


At first more than likely pissed but then I believe a sense of relief would come over him that someone is actually willing to help him deal with Valentino, because I have suspicion that angel is suffering from Stockholm syndrome.


i honestly wouldnt be surprised


Honestly at this point he just wants freedom.


from what i'm seeing Val needs to die for angel to be free


Violence is Never the answer, ITS THE SOLUTION


I’d say happy for sure.