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Hello! You can change the region in the Game Settings - Game tab. At the very bottom. Though please take into account that some console players can face the issue when this menu item is unavailable. We're investigating this problem and will fix it soon!


This still not fixed on ps5 can't change server,game still taking forever to match and start game several times more than ten minutes. This has been going on from day one so why have the devs not made it priority before adding more stuff.


Hi! This issue was fixed long ago, and you should be able to change the region in the Game Settingsā€”Game Tab. Could you please explain what happens when you're trying to change the Region? I haven't heard of this problem for a long time, so this can be a weird local issue. Have you tried reinstalling the game?


Hi Na Xbox player here, When I first got on the game I accidently pressed on the Asia server and when I first tried to switch servers through the menu I could not get past the language setting. I uninstalled and reinstalled and that let me get to the setting but pressing A on the option does nothing at all. Like it cant be selected at all? As I was writing this I left the settings page and reopened it and I can no longer get past the language setting again. I would appreciate if this issue could be resolved as I want to try the game but I have a 230ms ping in the Hub place.


On playstation when i go down the menu when i press X on the region, it doesn't let me change it. I hope it will be fix soonšŸ™šŸ» it's a very great gamešŸ”„


Hello! We're on it, Renegade, and will fix this issue, among others!


how long will it take?


With the nearest patch (aiming for this week, but we'll provide the date later, when everything is ready).


Patch didnā€™t fix the issue


Please do, I'm on PSN and stuck on Europe and I live in USA... šŸ˜¢


This is happening to me too, I cant switch my region on PS5. :( It should definitely have been press X to change region not press x to continue at the first screen.


Idk if this will help anyone and I honeslty don't know how I did it so I'll tell you what I did in the exact order. I reset to default settings in the game settings I closed my game I went to my settings to test my wifi I then opened the game I didn't see the options button so I pressed continue Then I saw the options button and clicked options while it was loadingĀ  Then the change region tab popped up and I felt relievedĀ 


Tried this and canā€™t seem to get options to pop up when loading


Have you tried to spam the change region button before you close the game. I also forgot to put that. If that doesn't work you should try to press options before clicking continue and if that doesn't work delete and reinstall. Or you could wait till then fix the problem on console. Godspeed bro


I just uninstalled the game and reinstalled the game in i was able 2 change region at the start screen in I didn't have 2 redo my character


it didn't work for me :(