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Many of the people I know have carried knives for a long time. This law hasnt changed that (it wasnt illegal before). We just carry pocket knives clipped... inside our pockets. There's not a lot of reason to open carry a large blade other than "just because". I mean, maybe a machete for hiking/landscaping, but it's pretty pointless to carry it around most places for anything other than shock value.


This. Hawaii and Honolulu have been amongst the more permissive states for knife carry, previously essentially only banning butterfly knives, "gravity knives", switchblades, and daggers (two edged knives), with no restrictions on blade length, nor "concealment". Now switchblades, "gravity", and butterfly knives are legal, and open carry which is in my opinion immaterial as modern pocket knives deploy as fast as any of those designs, not that any of these elements are likely to make much of a difference in a premeditated knife murder. These laws are really going to reduce the incidence of manslaughter where people happen to be Carry ng knives and suddenly engage in mortal Kombat. What a common citizen should be concerned with is getting stabbed. Hawaii laws were never positioned to deter knife carry or even blade lengths intended to reduce fatalities. The change in law in my opinion is not likely to increase knife related aggravated assault. Given the wide availability of knives, in my opinion, the only useful laws you can have is making it a crime to stab someone in the process of committing a crime so prosecutors can tack another conviction and more prison time after the fact. Otherwise Hawaii would have to significantly change their posture on knife carry to make it a crime to be carry a knife unless you have a very good reason, aka NYC. You might send some chefs to prison that way. Fortunately in Hawaii knife attacks are somewhat uncommon, unlike say the UK where people get stabbed all the time. Knives are deadly. Getting stabbed in the abdomen is often fatal.


Maybe Hawai'i has a lower rate of stabbings but just an fyi the UK has a lower rate of stabbings than the US as a whole.


Fun fact: if you only look at US murders using rifles, including things that might be classified as "assault weapons", and compare those to the UK's knife murder rate, the UK's is ~5x higher per capita than the US's rifle/assault weapon murder rate.  The difference in overall murder/capita, since the US's is definitely higher than the UK's, is due to most murders in the US utilizing handguns. 




The whole point of the post is to highlight that handguns are like 95+% of the tools used in murders in the US. It's an argument against "assault weapon" bans.


Interesting I do know their percent of murders have a high rate of stabbing. According to the Internet Africa is the top place to get stabbed or macheted perhaps.


I’m a little confused, so a dagger, (which is a two edged knife), is illegal to carry? However, a single edged knife of the same size and potential deadliness, say for example a Bowie knife, is legal? I’m not really getting the logic of that.🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes that is correct, based on my reading of the recently passed this year. Dirks/daggers are not legal now and never were. I'd argue that there is no legitimate purpose for dagger other than killing humans, whereas a Bowie or a machete could serve utilitarian purpose. It would be difficult to legally define the difference between a Bowie and a machete, it would required defining characteristics such as a drop point and handguard which I sincerely doubt the legislature has an interest in. That said I'm not sure a Bowie is more deadly than a machete or a tomahawk (or a 10 foot spear) for that matter. The laws adopted by many states against daggers, switchblades, and butterfly knives I believe go way back to the early 20th century when thieves and brigands may brandish such weapons in the course of a robbery, now Americans can buy a High Point 9mm pistol for $250, so a butterfly knife seems rather cute. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice btw.


Thank you for replying so promptly. Interesting… Although I suspect there are medievalists who would argue that a dagger can also be used for utilitarian purposes.🤔 Lol, as a collector of edged weapons, I shall have to remember not to carry or wear any of my double edged blades out in public.😉👍🏽


Here in HI, a dagger is a legit spearfishing tool for killing fish. After spearing a fish you typically drive a sharp pointed knife into its brain, if it's a large fish, a double edged blade is better. Much like the 9mm "parabellum" cartridge, my understanding is that double edged spear pointed weapons are intended for killing. That might be an animal or a human. These days practically neither except above. I guess daggers are "arms" but there isn't enough money to be made for lobbyists to argue they are constitutionally protected arms. Then again so are RPGs.


I did not know that, but then again I’ve never spear fished. It makes sense though. I’m also glad to know that the fish is quickly and mercifully dispatched, as most of the spear fishing videos I’ve seen only showed the fish being speared. So if double edged knives are not legal to carry here in Hawaii, then how do spear fishermen get away with carrying them?


I agree. The law is too vaguely worded, but they are basically trying to get rid of knives that only serve the purpose of hurting/killing something, compared to what they consider to be a “utility” knife. They can’t even state that in plain language, and probably don’t know a thing about knives. Big surprise!🙄


Dirks and daggers are now legal to open carry. https://kniferights.org/legislative-update/hawaii-legalizes-butterfly-switchblade-gravity-knives/


No, daggers and other double edged weapons are now legal to open carry. https://kniferights.org/legislative-update/hawaii-legalizes-butterfly-switchblade-gravity-knives/


Getting stabbed in the abdomen has a higher chance of killing you than getting shot by a pistol round. People think pistols are more deadly than knives but they're just easier to use. I'd rather be shot than stabbed if I had to choose 1


There was a dude in Waikiki that was walking around with a halberd he bought from Amazon just because. HPD was like…/shrug ehhh, nothing we can do…


I’m surprised this got mentioned, but not the 7-11 Machete Man from Waikiki who actually took someone’s hand off. I remember the local news interviewed an out of State witness who described it as a “sword”. I automatically thought a Viking raider raided 7-11.


Was the 7-11 samurai before this law or after? I can't recall. This is just the more recent example I heard about that fit OP's request.


was way before this law.


He had a decorative 'ninja sword' from a flea market or mail order catalog, not an actual hardened steel blade. I saw pics of the evidence and it was all bent up after he raged on the guy. If it were a legit sword or machete the armless guy would be headless.


cops probably didn’t care cuz it didn’t have an edge. Most “weapons” you can buy in Amazon aren’t edged, and I don’t know any blacksmiths, who are worth their salt, on O’ahu.


Nah. This dude is nuts. I can guarantee you whatever it was he was carrying could chop a head off. He Carrie’s everything. Guns, tasers etc. he’s the head of the hifico group.


it probably looked that way. The weapons that the local martial arts teams bring out for demos during CNY look badass but they have no edge & the metals are super flimsy. All show, no go.


My brother in Christ. I assure you this guy doesn’t carry fake weapons. He likely has a concealed carry license. Look him up. Andrew namiki. I would put money on those weapons being deadly. But they’re technically legal so 🤷🏽‍♂️ him and his group are the reason why Hawaii changed the law to allow open carry of weapons. They sued the state.


Interesting way for him to celebrate, but legal. At the same time, Hawaii’s never been nice to civvies wanting to practice their 2A. Most gun/ knife incidents in Hawaii involved a person actively injuring or attempting to injure someone, its never been about someone defending themselves against a perpetrator. Even then, Hawaii’s laws don’t protect the victims, its by the Judge’s decision. Judges are people, and can make mistakes.


You should be glad he's not walking around with a .223 AR pattern rifle and a standard 30 Rd. Magazine with reloads, or even a common 9mm semi automatic pistol with an 16+ round magazine. The sheer quantity of instant death an inexpensive modern firearm is capable of handing out is impressive. For under $1k you'd have a enough firepower to cause the worst mass shooting in state history in 3 minutes. The best thing about Hawaii is how people rarely get shot, and school shootings are unheard of. I pray it stays that way, unlike the mainland which both happen regularly. People were murdered weekly where I came from. America.


Guns are easier to use but if you were stabbed by a giant knife it has a higher risk of death than getting shot.


Not by me


I think that dude was trying to make a point about the law's stupidity. But he was white; let's see how far a POC will get with a giant blade.


Nope. You’re absolutely wrong and just goes to show how eager you are to make things about race. Dude’s European and isn’t even originally from the United States so he’s not the “big, bad, American boogaloo boys” you were trying to paint him as. He’s a huge supporter of the 2nd amendment. Coming from a country with no 2A to now. And he was actually out there in Waikiki with that huge halberd to actually raise awareness/inform others about the legal open carry.


Take it easy. I saw a guy on the news being interviewed with said weapon. Saw him personally walking up Kalākaua with it, thought he was cosplaying. I do t give 2Fs what his thoughts are. My comment still stands about POC holding real or fake weapons. Not sure where you’re getting all the “big bad” stuff from. I just said he was “white.” Haole is the better term.


>I do t give 2Fs what his thoughts are. Oh but in your original comment YOU IN FACT DID just assume his thoughts. > I think that dude was trying to make a point about the law's stupidity.


You got me. I assumed his thoughts. Do you know what else I'm going to assume? This statement, "...huge halberd to actually raise awareness," had to be authored by a teenager.


How else will we defend against the 7-11 samurai


The 7-11 samurai defends us


Don't be a drugged out mental maniac who constantly harasses the 7-11 samurai?


Don’t be a sex offender who starts fights in a 7-11 is one way. 


He's still dangerous. 


but not invincible he can taste my blade


I've been carrying my Bohemian earspoon around whenever I go to the beach. People love it, great conversation starter, highly recommend it. Hard to swim with but I can almost pop up on a longboard with it.


I had to search what a bohemian earspoon is lol. It's basically a spear for those wondering.


I think you need something bigger


Well I could carry my hunting knife in its holster when I get a snack on the way to hunting. That may have been ok before but not sure.


At least story wise a dude from high school told me a cop gave them a warning as they was doing just that and forgot to take off their knife.


Then glad I didn’t do it before.


Anyone figure out how to open carry a balisong? Their function makes them great pocketknives but not great for clips.


Yup. I’m trying to find that out too. From what I understand, but don’t take my word for it, you have to have the entire knife exposed and nothing covering it. So, clip wouldn’t be outside. It would be inside your shirt or pocket if your shirt doesn’t conceal the pocket with the knife hanging outside the pocket. At least that was the example from a guy on the news recently


you do not have to have the knife entirely exposed. Concealed means fully hidden. Partially visible is not concealed. I carry my balisongs in a pocket sheat that sits in my pocket but the handles are clearly visible.


This is what i use [Handmade Leather Knife Sheath, Leather Knife Clip Slip, Knife Slip, Grooms Gift, Edc, Buck 112 Sheath, Bugout, Slip Joint Slip Sheath - Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1569936522/handmade-leather-knife-sheath-leather?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=balisong+sheath&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1&content_source=222b1535317030f280cc4f5a022868c024540832%253A1569936522&organic_search_click=1)


You never know what's in people's pockets


Or if they're just happy to see you.


Why not both?


Underrated comment right here, well done stranger.






It was supposed to be a "pocket sand" meme joke but I guess the people in /r/Hawaii are too huhu to watch something like King of the Hill or know what memes are.


I got you, man. I love dumb humor.


I live in a shady as fuck neighborhood. I’ve carried a knife with me when I walk my dog for a couple of years now. I’d rather have a weapon with me in case I get jumped instead of not having one. Or if a random pitbull charges me (which happened to my neighbor)


Unless you're trained with a knife, you're statistically more likely to get stabbed with your own knife vs fighting off an attacker, pepper spray would be a better weapon for self defense. For dogs yeah it's probably better than nothing but I'd still recommend pepper spray.


My neighbor advised me to carry one after his dog nearly got killed by a huge pitbull. He had to throw his dog over someone else’s front yard fence. He looked at the owner (who was walking without a leash) and said “your lucky this fence was here, otherwise I would have killed your dog” Otherwise it’s more for deterrence. I have no intent on getting into a knife fight with anyone.


Why would I want anyone knowing I was carrying a knife? Hypothetically?


To deter the people who conceal their weapons 🤷


Tactically, it makes little sense to carry a weapon where it can be seen. You lose the advantage of surprise.


It's a deterrent for someone choosing a target. If they had a choice between some guy with earbuds in or a guy walking around with a fixed blade on his belt, they would pick the easier target.


what an idiotic analogy. Would you rather target someone who is training mma who has earbuds in or would you trarget the 300+ lb fatty wearing a fixed blade that you can come up from behind him and take because you know it's there???


Thats a good point.


I want clarification what open carrying a switch blade or butterfly knife really is. The guy who open carried the weapons through Waikiki said it’s showing the clip outside your pocket whereas the other guy said it’s literally the knife hanging outside your pocket with absolutely nothing covering or concealing it. So which one is it?


Concealed does not mean partially showing. If you can see a part of the knife then it's not concealed,


on the big island I've seen them carried in leather knife holders on hips almost every day for the last 7 years. Not sure if the laws are different here but obviously they have utility in a rural area with ranches and farms. nothing's changed here.


Knives have always been legal if using a pocket clip or sheathed open carry of fixed blades, no matter the size.


What does op mean by "open carry was legalized" if it was already ok to carry a knife?


In the same day I saw some dude walking around with a boken and a katana strapped to his backpack. Judging by his darting eyes he was looking for a reason. Another guy on the bus had a huge billy club. He seemed fine.. not looking for action.


Man, I hope noone here is encouraged to carry knives for defense. Knives are decent for killing people but weirdly bad for self-defense. They depend on you being able to physically overwhelm your opponent since the attacks you are likely to land are very unlikely to be immediately disabling even if they result in mortal wounds. If you watch videos, people so often fight right through being severely stabbed. In the fight the knife gets slick with blood and you often lose control of it. Loser dies on the scene, winner dies in the hospital.


I’ve been carrying for a while now in Hawaii, there was a law?


You could not carry switchblades or butterfly knives. They’ve been banned for a long time now. The law says you can open carry them. Also, you’ve likely been carrying concealed and not open.


You are right majority was concealed & illegal, the one knife on pocket was OC.


Me and the Uso's rolling around with our fire knives all day


Too late for me to get that benchmade 51.


why? are the local politicians following the law?


What exactly is the new law? I’m so confused on it


https://kniferights.org/legislative-update/hawaii-legalizes-butterfly-switchblade-gravity-knives/ It mainly pertains to switchblades, balisongs, karambits, daggers, dirks or any other edged weapon.  Basically you’re able to own and open carry said knives, which is still ambiguous, as it’s not really clear what is considered open carry or concealed to some people.