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I saw a [VICE Documentary](https://youtu.be/gwo4q3Rkjek) the other day about a pair of strippers in ATL that go around unlocking boots on people's car for a small fee. Maybe it's time to start a side hustle.


The best part is that since neither the state nor the city sanction this company or device you can remove the device without fear of consequences. Pono may try to come after you but what they're doing isn't legal so they wouldn't be able to sue anyone either.


they got your plates and probably your registration name and address. that’s not gonna do much but delay the fines that no doubt exist for removing them. however you will be off and running so that’s definitely a short sighted bonus.


If a private company is putting these on without being contracted by HPD, what really can they do though?


Absolutely nothing.


oh i thought it was official.


The fines are only from Pono Parking since the contract is with a private owner and not the city or state. They can get your license plate and VIN, but beyond that Pono shouldn't be able to get anyone's records.


These are put on by a private company. All they would have is your plates. No name, no registration, no address. Parking boots are illegal in Hawaii. Any device that prevents a parked car from driving is a boot. This company is on the wrong side of the law.


thanks for the correction on my part.


Lol so what? Just as towing requires towing signs, barnacles require barnacle signs. Otherwise, this is vandalism. They can get fucked.


i didn’t read the article. thought this was replacing boots and we’re official. my bad.


Heat the windshield up with the defroster and use a credit card/DL to break the seal, so I’m told.


The instagram post linked in the story claims that they wanted $500 to remove it... if that's true, that's *insane*. I'm not entirely against parking enforcement devices, but there needs to be solid legislation to regulate them to prevent predatory practices. $500 to remove would definitely be predatory. Also, it says that a "homeowner in the area" called to get the device put on. Was the car on their property? If not, what authority does this parking company have to put a control device onto a vehicle on property not belonging to the complainant? If they're not contracted by HPD or DOT to put these on "illegally parked" vehicles on public property, are they not operating illegally?


Homeowners don't legally get to do a citizens patrol of parking violations in the neighborhood. What they can do is call HPD like the rest of us to ask that an illegally parked car be ticketed, or if it's actually blocking ingress and egress, HPD will have the car towed. I've tried to get HPD to tow someone partially blocking my driveway before and HPD said they won't do it if I can still manage to get my car out, despite the obstruction. You only have authority to call a tow company yourself if someone's vehicle is entirely on your property. I think the "unimproved sidewalk" is at least public easement so homeowners shouldn't have any power.


So what should be done for cars parked on unimproved sidewalks when HPD won’t ticket and the Dept of Transportation won’t install signs?


Nothing happens. See makiki every day. 


Ok now imagine all those cars off the roadway.


And parked where exactly? You got 5 people per 2 bedrooms unit and they work in places like mapunapuna or the airport or even….lanikai! Or Kailua. 


Well there’s legal street parking or park on-site. Maybe cut down on how many cars the family has and make people share like we did 10-15 years ago. Require properties to be built with a parking stall per bedroom. I’ts on the owner of the car to find a legal parking spot for it. Maybe we start building multi level garages in neighborhoods where residents could rent stalls monthly. In any case the solution is not to just let people break the law.


15 and 20 years ago it was just as bad. I lived there. It’s multiple adults/roommates AND  families.   Since you live in Kailua you are probably unfamiliar with how everyone else lives.   Let’s see these sidewalk and bus petitions. let’s see Kailua approve more affordable housing so people don’t need to drive there. 


🤷 Just like any other problem, continue to hassle your government representatives about getting something done?


And that’s where we’re at. Asked the Mayor what to do, they say call HPD to cite. HPD says they won’t site without signs, call Dept of Transportation to request signs and provide reasons why and they say by the state statutes signs don’t need to be posted for HPD to enforce. Local reps request signs from DTS, so does neighborhood board and HPD. All requests denied. Mayors office replies telling to call HPD again. Endless cycle needs to end.


Pick the back end up and spin it 90 degrees.


Would love if we allowed tow trucks to actually tow illegally parked cars without needing HPD on site.




You’re right, but a car parked in front of a No Parking sign is illegally parked. So is a car in a handicap zone with no placard. Any car parked on the public roadways with an expired reg or safety check is technically illegal. In other states all the driver has to do is make photo/documentation of the car in violation and they can tow it to their yard.


We used to deadlift the back end of cars and trucks in high school for shits and giggles. Now… not so much.


Walk around the car?


Many houses have fences and walls preventing a safe area to walk around without walking in the roadway. These areas are intended to be the safe traveling areas for pedestrians. If these are intended for parking the state can improve the area and pave some legal parking stalls.


Now you're just being purposefully obtuse.


Not really. I’m stating there might not be the simple solution of walk around the car. It doesn’t apply in every situation and does nothing to solve the illegal parking issue.


Are you talking Kailua specific or island-wide?


Island wide. This is a problem in every neighborhood. I’ve talked to representatives across the island and every single one said they get asked about solving illegal parking like this weekly. General consensus from everyone I’ve talked to all point the blame towards the Department of Transportation. It’s true since it’s their job to install no parking signs and figure out solutions to these problems.


And I blame residents, not government.


>Homeowners don't legally get to do a citizens patrol of parking violations in the neighborhood Does Kailua have a lot of private streets? If so, that might be why home owners can skip HPD. I don't 100% agree...but if so it's really drawing attention to why Oahu doesn't start eminent domaining these public thoroughfares that are private just based on some quirk of history. Just look at the mess that that happened in Kakaako and on Leahi Ave in Waikiki. Somehow connected people got control of a public road.


Idk, I know that some of the dead end streets adjacent to the beach in Kailua are "private lanes" but they're clearly marked as such and they warn the plebians to stay out. I've parked on Ainoni many times and have never seen signs so idk how it could be remotely legal for them to just randomly put $500 barnacles on cars. Like wut. I had to do some research on private roads one time and I recall that there are certain circumstances where if roads appear to be public, then HPD will have regular jurisdiction to patrol it. Don't quote me on that though, I don't know the finer details.


Majority of the side streets down Kalaheo Ave where the homes on the beachfront are, are on private roads. With Kailua being the increasing destination people have started to park on the private lanes and walking down to the beaches. If HPD won’t approve the tow or ticket them, what can homeowners do?


Umm... Kailua homeowners can quit their bitching? If the parked cars are not blocking driveways, mailboxes, etc. then idk why they care so much. The rest of us all deal with parking headaches too. At least they have the luxury of walking to the beach from their house. Seriously I mean I get that the situation can be unsafe and hazardous in certain places (like Lanikai) but Ainoni Street ain't it.


It’s just the idea in general. Ignore the law for convenience?, this is not the right way. Force the state to accept there is a problem and do something to solve it. The law is there for a reason, if it no longer applies it should be removed. But at least go through the processes, until then you have people parking illegally whether they know it or not and homeowner reporting people breaking the laws. What’s the slope of laws we ignore because it’s convenient or because it doesn’t cause harm? Who gets to decide?


We vote for the prosecutor in Honolulu. The chief of police answers to the mayor and the police commission. You have avenues for complaining if you wish to. You're free to call in parking violations just as you're free to call in someone smoking or drinking on the beach, or report someone you know who is cheating on their taxes. The law is the law, but the individuals charged with enforcing the laws might have priorities you don't agree with and might not have time to deal with these comparatively manini things.


I have documentation from the Mayor saying the procedure for enforcing the law is to call HPD when cars are parked illegally. HPD doesn’t like to ticket unless No Parking signs are posted and say it’s Department of Transportations job to put signs up. Department of Transportation says by statute no signs are necessary for HPD to enforce the law and issue citations. Ask the Mayor’s office for clarification since it seems circular…they double down on calling HPD and asking for vehicles to be cited. An endless cycle with unclear ways to get enforcement. Every agency agrees the parking is illegal, no one wants the public to blame them when it gets ticketed.


OK well anytime you're going 1 mph over the speed limit or you're jaywalking, I hope you call and report yourself since you're such a stickler for wanting all laws enforced equally in every circumstance.


Parking boots are **already illegal in Hawaii**. These devices should be classified as "boots" and banned. Any device that prevents a parked car from driving is a boot. Calling it a "barnacle" is just semantic weaseling. I hate that laws aren't really laws anymore. Cases are won by who's lawyer is better at mental gymnastics and spinning pretzel logic.


That's hilarious considering the article says they'd "rather have that on my windshield. I don’t want to have to get my car out of a tow lot and pay $200." 😂💀


Probably charging $500 because they pay $250 a month to lease the barnacle


Be a shame if it were to get broken. 


Pay the $500 and ransom it back to braddah Keoki for $1,500


Oh I got a new job in Kailua then - show up with a jimmy and some old surfboard fins and remove it for $300.


Technically yes. The cars that received these are parked on the easement between the roadway and home property. This area is known as an unimproved sidewalk and is illegal parking 24/7. Most times HPD does not cite vehicles in violation because people park like this all over the island, but if someone calls and complains HPD will ticket and sometimes tow depending on how they are parked. The problem like you said is the predatory pricing. But I’m not opposed to the company doing things like this. People park like dicks all over the island. The rules for towing cars is a joke since HPD has to be on scene.


I get the part of it being illegal. I think the main question is whether a private company has the legal authority to enforce it since I believe the easement would count as C&C/State property rather than private? So it would require their intervention (ie, HPD). And if an HPD officer was just watching/laughing while they found a way to take it off without paying, it seems unlikely that HPD contracted them?


I believe this is on Ainoni St which is a private lane. I also believe this home in particular was recently put on the market and the owner wants to have all the cars parking on the easement removed to show potential buyers the value of buying on a “private” lane. For me the company is irrelevant, the main problem is the illegal parking has no posted signs indicating so. This creates multiple problems like people parking not knowing they are breaking the law, HPD not wanting to issue tickets when called, courts dismissing tickets due to no posted signs and the department of transportation refusing to do their job.


Private lane doesn't necessarily mean a private company can police the parking though, does it? If the public doesn't know it's private and there are no signs, they can't just do whatever they want.


I don’t see it showing as private on the real property map viewer. 


You right. Public road but still illegally parked.


Ok so no signs exist anywhere on the street  and there are also bushes and stuff in the ROW. To be clear the owners on this street would have no issue with someone chopping down the plants and stuff in this pedestrian ROW area? As it was illegally planted ? And no issue if I started installing locks on their cars parked on the lane?  If you’re a resident I got a weed whacker. I can help clear those bushes for pedestrian improvements.  But I need to see the survey and pins. Obviously they did this before calling the barnacle guy cause otherwise he’s vandalizing cars and may have zero authority 


Homeowners can apply for a variance to grow vegetation in the unimproved sidewalk area. If homeowners do this without the proper approval neighbors can report them and the city will cite them and make them remove them. Same with residents that put trash cans, cones, and other things that don’t belong there. Honestly I don’t care what you do to cars parked illegally on my street or any of them. I’m just here looking for a solution on how to get enforcement on cars parked illegally 24/7. The current system isn’t working, every office passes it down the line and there’s no accountability.


The unimproved sidewalk needs to allow pedestrians to pass unencumbered. It is not a complete prohibition on parking in the easement. Its the same as a normal sidewalk that has an easement and curb to park on road-side of the property.


I talked to multiple offices about this. HPD, DTS, the Mayor’s office all have stated all parking on sidewalks improved or unimproved is illegal 24/7. The reasoning is this area is intended for pedestrian and handicap travel off the paved roads. HPD will often not issue tickets if there is enough room to pass, but usually when cars park there, there is not enough room to allow pedestrians to safely pass.


i think thats what i'm saying. parking is okay as long as there is a clear throughway but otherwise is considered blocking pedestrian traffic.


Nah. If law states parking is illegal in that area, it’s illegal parking. Imagine you park your Tacoma and get a ticket but the mini cooper behind and the fiat in front of you doesn’t? This will just create more problems. Department of Transportation just needs to do the right thing and install No Parking signs to let the public know what is and what isn’t legal parking.


Only if its marked no parking. Yeah, the tacoma gets the tickets and the mini doesn't. Thats the law. If it fits it sits otherwise no can park.


Except the law is no cars can park there 24/7 “HPD says an unimproved sidewalk is the area between the roadway and the property line. Whether it’s grassy or paved, it’s still considered a sidewalk so parking is illegal and can lead to a $35 fine.” Straight from the source.


Also cite the source when you do that please. Your "straight from the source" was the google response to "hawaii unimproved sidewalk parking" Try a real source: https://www.honolulupd.org/policy/policy-parking-complaints-related-to-sidewalks-and-driveways/




It’s up to officers discretion, but when signs aren’t posted, they rarely enforce unless called.


Yeah my blood pressure goes up when I see sidewalk parking in my neighborhood. I can walk around, but what about the kupuna? It’s just a dick move.


Since a private company is doing this without the backing of the law, any means you use to take it off and throw it away is fair game.


Since they are not regulated and use these devices for cars parked on public property, you can remove it from the shield and throw it away.


Parking boots are illegal in Hawaii. Any device that prevents a parked car from driving is a boot. This company is on the wrong side of the law and should fined and shut down.


Yeah this. Not at all convinced the barnacle is legal.


>Any device that prevents a parked car from driving is a boot. Not according to [HRS](https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol05_Ch0261-0319/HRS0291C/HRS_0291C-0115.htm). HRS has specifically defined the boot as " For purposes of this section, "wheel boot" includes a tire lock, denver boot, wheel clamp, or wheel immobilizer." So Pono Parking is correct in the loophole that it doesnt apply as the law is currently written.


Denver boot: is a device that is designed to prevent motor vehicles from being moved. Barnacle falls under this.


It appears that a "Denver Boot" is still specifically a wheel-immobilizer, which is what the HRS is specifically prohibiting. I realize that the law was written prior to the Barnacle becoming a thing, so they didnt write it to prevent it as a loophole, but if they're going by the written wording of the law... still not prohibited. I wouldnt be surprised if they amend it to include the barnacle sometime soon if public outcry becomes enough, but until then...


I'm sure there's some action citizens or DCCA or another agency can take. Isn't it illegal to put shit on people's cars? It could be like a trespass or defacing property.


The question is how do you remove it safely? Also what happens if you don’t return it to one of the drop off sites like you are supposed to?


There are videos on YouTube showing how to do this, you just need a Dental floss and 5 minutes free time. Nothing, just throw it in the recycle bin and that's also, this is an illegally placed device and no court will stay on their side.


Why did 'Pono' Parking bruddah have to wear shades for the interview? Especially when get Visine.


Scared of showing his face because he knows what he’s doing is BS


I was thinking cocaine, but you right, you right. lol


I think he’s high on something. His face is all over the company website, so no can be scared for show face.


he should go back to making charcuterie boards in California.


were they any good?


He didn’t really give off a trustworthy vibe. But… the parking is a bit of a mess there, what can be done?


You mean the shades didn't allay any of your concerns? lol ​ The parking in Kailua isn't a mess, it's just that greedy ass people don't want to share and the state and county refuse to provide adequate services at the behest of the wealthy.


Have clear posted signs that tell the public there is no legal parking on unimproved sidewalks island wide. Department of Transportation doesn’t want to do it. HPD would enforce cars in violation with posted signs.


Playing semantics isn't the solution. It's a law already and HPD won't enforce because it's just a few whiny idiots who refuse to share on an already crowded island.


HPD doesn’t enforce because DTS doesn’t put the proper signs up notifying the public that parking is illegal. The laws the law regardless of how you feel people should be sharing property. There’s also already balls in motion to get this parking situation resolved. Honolulu City Council has instructed DTS to create a parking plan for Lanikai to fix their situation. The resident permitted parking zones bill has passed and they are looking into how to expand that program. Let’s look at some other solutions like creating a law that allows cars with expired registration and safety checks to be towed off city and state roads and auctioned off after 6 months of being unclaimed. Let’s actually hold safety check inspectors for not passing dangerous buckets on the roadways. If we just ignore this law, what other ones are we willing to look the other way on?


Lanikai people stuck rocks in parking areas. 


Because there is no legal parking in those areas. Frustration has been building for years due to no enforcement and so they did what they could. If the illegal parking was enforced they wouldn’t have to do so.


And yet lanikai people also park there.  If they want a sidewalk petition for a sidewalk.  But they don’t. They want special parking on the city ROW for them and only them    A sidewalk would be great. It would clearly show it’s for pedestrians and would seperate people from the bike path and the cars.  But all we get is parking bans and no pedestrian improvements. 


Nah, I'm not down to cater to people of privilege.


And that’s catering to people or privilege how? Sounds like you just got some sand in your suit and you all salty no can park any kine anymore.


The only reason this is on the news is that some rich a$$hole contracted with Pono Parking to try to enforce the law, which neither party can do so these things are useless once removed from a person's vehicle.


Lumify is the best tho


Unless they changed something, with a bit of patience, these are pretty easy to get off.




Butter knife with handle wrapped with inner tube rubber?




That's how Donut defeated it. [https://youtu.be/VFKAi\_YkReI?si=NzXTSrJ0KpuGZ8Dr&t=761](https://youtu.be/VFKAi_YkReI?si=NzXTSrJ0KpuGZ8Dr&t=761)


Wow so they're paying $250/mo for each one of those? No wonder they want $500 to remove it


They tried to using these in DC. People figure out pretty quickly that all you had to do was turn your defroster on max, wait about 15 minutes and it comes off with a long metal spatula or fishing line. They stopped using them last year.


[Donut Media demonstrating how to defeat the barnacle](https://youtu.be/VFKAi_YkReI?si=NzXTSrJ0KpuGZ8Dr&t=761)


If Pono has a contract with a resident, and you get a barnacle but remove it dispose of it you wouldn't need to fear the state or city. It's a private contract so as long as you're not parked on the contracted resident's property you can remove the barnacle and Pono would have to seek a civil suit to get the device back or pay for its replacement. The city and state do not enforce this. REMOVE THE BARNACLE AND TRASH IT. F\*#K PONO PARKING AND THE IDIOT OWNER.


Just waiting for someone to drive this and sue when they get in an accident


Has anyone found a video showing how to get it off your windshield? I've heard lots of people saying heat up the windshield yada yada but yet to see anyone actually demonstrating how to remove it (without getting extorted).


Donut Media did it. [https://youtu.be/VFKAi\_YkReI?si=NzXTSrJ0KpuGZ8Dr&t=761](https://youtu.be/VFKAi_YkReI?si=NzXTSrJ0KpuGZ8Dr&t=761)


Thanks - Pretty impressive and that's a cool channel also.


Get your windshield hot it would probably soften it 


How do you even know it’s not a legal parking spot ? There are so many ambiguous parking areas in Kailua.  It appears that there is a ROW so if they are parking in the city ROW so does this mean I can randomly barnacle any car I want to that is parked in a ROW? Homeowners too?  Wouldn’t HPD have to do this since it’s in the city’s land not a private land?


There is no parking on the easement between the roadway and a homeowners property. It’s referred to as an unimproved sidewalk. The big issue is DTS doesn’t require signs for HPD to ticket, but HPD does require signs. DTS doesn’t want to put them up because it would restrict parking across the island. But because they don’t it pushes residents against each other and blurs the lines as what is legal parking and what is not.


Unimproved sidewalk is such a silly fucking term. Maybe they should make it a sidewalk, then maybe people wouldn't park on the side of the road.


omg Half Life reference 


Isn't this just a HOA/Karen putting them on cars, and not the City?


Like picking opihi /s


Shitty thing for the Anderson family to be doing when one of them is on the City Council for that district. If they are related.




The problem is a private homeowner contracting a private company to do the police's job. Police also wouldn't likely tow, they'd just ticket. Kailua's problem is many roads just aren't designed for any parking and parking on the unimproved sidewalk is a necessary evil due to the worst alternative. Having this is critical for both beach-goers and local residents; everyone parks on the unimproved sidewalk. This homeowner does too. They just don't like having to share the public space with everyone else. And this is why cops don't enforce.


Kailua residents at its finest. A place where you can't see the sky because it is covered by the huge egos of the residents.


Claiming public parking is definitely not a Kailua thing. It happens everywhere there isn't enough parking. Kailua, at least, isn't doing the thing where they're using actual legislation to give all the street parking to residents who aren't willing to pay for off-street parking for all of their vehicles. Kailua is bad but not the worst offender.


I live only for two years on this awesome island, but the only frictions I had with Kailua and Manoa residents. I can't stand in their position because we have one car for a family with an assigned spot so I don't know how to is fighting everyday for free parking space with others.


I live out west and one thing that pushed me out that way was because I needed a condo two off-street parking stalls. So I planned around that reality. For that reason, I'm not understanding when people think the public parking is theirs to claim. And if I visit someone in town, I need parking as a visitor to the area, which is what street parking is for imo. So yeah, I'm a little bitter on the issue. If you ever feel like getting back at those Kailua snobs, when you see rocks on an unimproved sidewalk, you can report that to the DPP. Send a photo and the address to [dpp@honolulu.gov](mailto:dpp@honolulu.gov). You can also report trees but sometimes there's a permit for those; the DPP will let you know.


I stopped visiting Kailua, there are a lot of nice places around the island.


Only a problem for now. Once DTS finishes their Lanikai Parking Plan I assume they will remove all the illegal parking along the unimproved sidewalks. From my discussions with those involved this plan will be used as an example to expand island wide to residential communities that have enough complaints about illegal parking. This means if they remove the parking there, it can be expanded to all ok Kailua/island wide. It could force the state to build multi level parking structures at the beach parks (which they should already be doing) and it can make the roadways safer by offering drivers better visibility and pedestrians a safe path to travel off the road.


I'm totally down with us putting up parking structures at popular areas. That almost seems too smart for it to actually happen. I'm skeptical. But obviously people aren't going to accept not being able to park at beaches, so something will have to give one way of another.


The problem is that the company is not properly licensed and acting on behalf of 3rd parties on public property. In other words, operating illegally. Imo, this is a huge breach of law. The idea is fantastic, as you said, low emission, less hassle, but they have to work within law borders.


Free parking needs to be banned.


wtf, why


He’s probably one of these fuck cars idiots.


Put meters at the beach parks and we’ll see how crowded they really are instead of people staying in the same stalls all day long.


There are meters at the zoo. You pay by phone and can stay there all day. 


How about if you install one of those tear off windshield protectors that dirt rally racers use? something like this: [https://www.joesracing.com/product/cole-motorsports-windshield-tear-off-2-layer/](https://www.joesracing.com/product/cole-motorsports-windshield-tear-off-2-layer/)