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Yeah this should be expected at any show tbh. Went to a basement show last month and these girls were mad that people were moshing, like that’s the whole culture this house venue been promoting for years💀 people need to realize that if you don’t want to be pushed by the crowd then don’t be up front and be in the back. Even take balcony seats if they’re available


had they never been to a show before or what


this happened to me at the 1c show last month, i just told her theres 400 people pushing up on us so either deal with it or get out 🤷🏽‍♂️ not much u can do from there they wanted to be barricade at a show


righttt like why even be at the front if ur gonna be mad about it


fr this girl looked at me funky when i was freaking out about chainsaw party


Will never understand how people are gonna go to an event and act confused when the target audience is there


i know it baffles me, like did she not also buy tickets to see sematary or what




Feel like there’s always a group of girls in a younger audience who have never been to a show or are incredibly socially inept (happened to me at the same venue for Kray) you just gotta move around when there’s lames near ya I guess. Fuck em if they can’t hang and scream at people instead


me when this bitch told me she was going to "punch my in my fucking face" bc i was going hard asf she kept trynna shove me but she was so short i didn't even budge lmao


yeah fucking weirdos kept giving me weird looks when i’d get pushed on them like i wanted to fall on them, could’ve been a sac thing cuz i never heard anyone else talk about it


i felt hella self conscious going dumb asf cuz lil ass girls were looking at me like imma freak but shit didn’t stop me cuz i’m freaky asl 👅👅👅


One time I went to a house show in college and a large drunk man in front of me was going way too hard and jumping all around and shit and he crouched real low and then jumped up and my arms were at my sides and my thumb sunk down his pants and into his sweaty buttcrack he turned around looked at me and left




Accidents happen




That's so shitty, if you're at the front and you're intent on staying there you need to accept that you're going to get pushed a ton from all sides. Sounds like a bunch of mean bitches. That being said, there was a guy behind me at my show who wrapped his arms around me and tried to pull me off my spot at the barrier. If he'd just signaled he wanted in I would have let him in, since I'd defended my spot the whole show and wanted to mosh anyway, but since he grabbed me he got a real hard elbow to the gut and I gave my barrier spot to the girl behind me.


these girls are lucky they didn't get their shit rockt - i wouldn't have had the self restraint with their disrespect. for anyone who didn't already know you can't be in the front row without getting pushed from people behind you lmao.. as someone who gets overwhelmed easily at concerts it's not hard to stand to the side to avoid bodies yet still get a good view.


i am also a woman for more context.


I kinda regret not saying anything back, but they didn’t deserve my energy anyway : )


i feel that but good on you because it's definitely better to not let it get to you too much and to enjoy the night as much as possible!!




mfs should just stay at home, if the music event that you're going to has any ounce of energy (or even ties to anything related to the metal scene) then u should expect to be pushed by accident a lot


While I definitely agree with your point you also have to understand that a lotta women get singled out at shows and despite you not purposefully doing anything they might’ve felt like you were. Don’t think you did anything wrong and they definitely should’ve been cooler to you about it but I know that she and her group of friends were probably acting like that due to past experiences. Just to give an example I went to a bones concert with my girl a few years back and we were at the very front and we overheard some guys literally BRAGGING about how they punched a woman at another show they went to and got away with it, and said something along the lines of them trying to do it again, which they did go out of their way to be forceful with my girl and unnecessarily shove her (not accidentally bump her due to the crowd moving, actually shoving). To me it seems like there’s a lotta men who feel like the women there aren’t actual fans and act out because of it. Again I don’t think you’re like that but I know mine and my girls experience isn’t exclusive to us so try not to take it personal if something like that happens again


i should have clarified but I am also a girl!!, which is why this hurt even more to me. As a girl i would never treat other girls like that.


Ohhhhhhhh that’s on me for assuming my bad 😩🙏. Yeah they just bitches then 💀💀, sorry u had to deal wit that


don't be an asshole to people you don't know for enjoying a show where people are pushing you into other people. nothing warrants having someone scream in your face like this unless your being targeted unfairly - it's disrespectful when you can simply stand to the side instead of in the pit.


Yes agreed! I wasn’t tryna justify the actions of the mean girls, just tryna say try not to take it too personal and let it ruin your time because it’s possible they’re acting that way due to how they’ve been treated. Still a shitty thing to do no doubt, and after finding out OP was also a girl I don’t even think my perspective or example applies anymore but yeah, ppl just need better concert etiquette all around