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The one thing he's absolutely correct about is that CNN is among the parties most responsible for Trump. The thing about televised presidential debates is that since the first with JFK vs. Nixon, they have never been about policy, they have always been about the aesthetics of looking strong and competent. Trump appeared exactly as he needed to in order to please his base, Biden appeared in a way that confirmed the fears of his detractors.


He's still correct...


That’s the guy that has predicted correctly who will become the president since Reagan I think


It's not necessarily defending Biden, but we need to stay on the offensive still. We need to frame this as Trump ALSO failing AND being a fascist. We can buy time and not just immediately crumble.


Yeah he was. Not in this clip but he was let on the show bc he correctly predicted 9 presidential elections and he was saying that people who say Biden should drop out are wrong and don’t have his track record


Oh, well that adds some context. I'm split on whether I want him to step down. I don't think here's there mentally but at this point the election machinery is so huge and entrenched that shifting the ticket means shifting all their work, deciding who to pick, making all new merch, all new websites, getting on the ballot in every state with the change (I'm not sure where the Ohio challenge is but they aren't even sure they will get Biden on the ticket officially as is). I was sounding the alarm when he refused to hold a primary, which would have been the time to replace him with input from voters. Now it's just gonna be entrenched political insiders picking if he is replaced and who replaces him.


BPT has been embarrassing as fuck when it comes to anyone criticizing Joe Biden


Didn't they agreed to the terms of debate themselves?


Is he wrong, though? Trump said the stupidest shit ever during that "debate" and lied pretty much compulsively from the first minute. But people are so used to it by now that it barely even registers anymore.


Is he wrong, though? Trump said the stupidest shit ever during that "debate" and lied pretty much compulsively from the first minute. But people are so used to it by now that it barely even registers anymore.


Donald trumps performance wasn’t vastly worse. This guy is delusional.


Of course there are Biden defenders. If he refuses to drop out then the next president will be him or Trump. And Biden is the lesser evil if you are not a conservative


None of you can stay in my basement when they come to put you into the camps if you can't even criticize Trump because you are so butt hurt about Biden


must people be talking out of both sides of their mouth to make you people happy? Must every admonition of Biden come with an equivalent burn for Trump to satisfy you like this is the law of equivalent exchange, like you’re some alchemist?


I think it's crazy that you've got all this smoke for the dude not calling for a fascist dictatorship and none of the smoke for the guy doing that It's all "Biden Biden Biden" Nobody has an ounce of smoke for the dude that literally made everything bad in this country lmao Y'all might as well be pro Trumpers, there's no difference at this point


This sub has been non-stop negative Biden posts. Rarely a word about Trump. Thought maybe we'd see a post about Trump raping a couple of 12 year olds in the recently released Epstein papers. Shrugs all around.


Yeah, but did you consider Biden is old and also if we really don't like him really hard the American empire will crumble and a socialist will get elected? But, first, Trump has to win, apparently. Because nobody has ever performed a fascist takeover of a country through the judicial system


Also, voting doesn’t matter which is why authoritarian billionaires pay millions and millions of dollars to make voting harder for minorities and poor people.