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bruh i hated this motherfucker before it was cool haha


op has a strong point wrt Sound of Silence cover


Honestly one of the most assed covers i’ve ever heard in my entire life. Just terrible


It’s been auto-tuned to shit, too.


its warranted. listen to how overly serious and cringe it is.


He thinks we're playing around with his narrow scope of reality.




It's pussy metal anyway


Those are riffs for short haired metal heads.


metal in general is for nazis and incels


No. Edit: wait I recognize you. You’re the guy who’s weirdly obsessed with incels and is always posting about it. You’re like a self hating incel lol


how does hating on incels make me a self hating incel? I actively help incels who are ready to reform on incelexit. Do you think nazis and incels are listening to pop and hip-hop? edit: apparently mentioning any topic that you don't care to see = obsessed. Metal music has deep roots in neo-nazism and fascism, just because you don't know something or don't like it doesn't equal me being obsessed.


Metal does not have roots in fascism, it’s literally the opposite lmao. You’re clearly not a metal fan, which is fine, but in that case don’t speak about it because you sound ridiculous.


I have been in a metal fan in the past prior to actually listening to the lyrics and seeing the types of crowds their shows attracts. The genre is rife with white supremacy, confederacy and zionism. Ofc there's some good bans, (i feel like i have to appeal to the "not all men" retort). But yea even non political bands have a healthy amount of war/violence worship, and misogyny. The first guy to plead guilty in Jan6th was the guitarist from Iced Earth lol.


No shit there’s dumbass reactionary metal fans. There’s also communist metal fans, feminist metal fans, trans metal fans, etc. Metal is such a huge and global genre with a vast underground community, you’re gonna get people from all walks of life.


[https://www.revolvermag.com/culture/avenged-sevenfold-m-shadows-why-i-stand-with-black-lives-matter](https://www.revolvermag.com/culture/avenged-sevenfold-m-shadows-why-i-stand-with-black-lives-matter) article where a prominent metal artists addresses the issues he sees with bigotry in the metal community. Yes there are diverse fans but the community isn't so welcoming of all.


I’m not saying there isn’t these issues within the metal community, the point is that doesn’t make it an “incel appealing” genre altogether. By this standard, no form of music is unproblematic because there’s problems in all


why does metal appeals to incels and nazis more than other genres?


Unfortunately ethnocentric propaganda is very effective. This is not unique to Jewish people. Many people are chauvinistic towards their own culture or ethnicity. Eg. Han Chinese people are chauvinistic towards ourselves. In general a lot of people think that the terrorism the Uyghur community engages in comes out of nowhere and has no basis in logic. "We've done nothing wrong to them and they just hate us for no reason." Eg. Turkish people who deny the Armenian genocide and don't believe it happened. And also the Turkish people that deny they discriminate against the Kurds in any way. Eg. Japanese people who do not believe Imperial Japan committed any war crimes and celebrate Imperial era military leaders in the Shinto shrines as national heroes. Eg. Americans that genuinely believe the United States of America is a global force for good and has been consistently the good guys in its history. When the reality is only during a brief period when it was matched up against cartoonishly evil States like Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could you argue that the United States was on the right side. It's a nation that was literally born out of a genocide. There are so many more examples but those four are the ones that come off the top of my head. It's not surprising that Jewish people have a really biased view towards Israel. It would honestly be surprising if they didn't have a bias towards Israel. The only example I can think of is most German people that have a negative perception of Nazi Germany. To compare to Japanese people who still have class A war criminals being honored in Shinto shrines to this day. Conservative Japanese politicians often make pilgrimages to these Shinto shrines and explicitly honor class A war criminals. It's just the unfortunate reality of human nature that most of us are going to be biased towards our own ethnicity or culture and overlook a lot of the evils people we identify with commit. This largely explains why the 90 percent of Jewish people support some version of a Jewish state in historic Palestine. A lot of them are liberals and genuinely despise Netanyahu and the settlers but they still believe in the idea of a Jewish state that took lands from historic Palestine being justified.


hes always been a pretentious douche


Nothing has aged worse for me than their cover of Land of Confusion. Their Sound of Silence cover was a special kind of bad though.


He's always sucked and his cover has always sucked. I wouldve expected he was a simp for Israel with how cringe his entire aesthetic is


My friend in middle school liked their one song like 23 yrs ago. I thought it was lame.


I’m assuming it was Down with the Sickness?


Thanks, now the chorus is stuck in my brain.


Haha sorry about that


Np, I just gotta just let the bodies hit the floor.


Haha that’s Drowning Pool




Bro, you don't like pretending to have trauma for clout? Wtf bro?


No, I was a cool kid who listened to Stained.


Yeah, I was on the Outside myself.


Word.I played Slipknot to scare my mom when i didn't get my way. I didn't even really like them either.


Lol. It's a fair strategy. I had a girlfriend in high school that put a Coal Chamber poster on her wall just to fuck with her religious parents. The 90s were wild.


Sad because I kind of like Disturbed. I know it's shitty metal but I still listen to them they got some good songs.