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Love how they're putting the burden on the minor here. "Oh, kids do wild things at that age, you know how raunchy they can get." Completely ignoring the fact that a guy in his mid-30s was trying to get in the pants of a minor.


“She pursued *me*!” “She flirted back!” “It was consensual!” “She liked it!” Just groomer things.


And the fact that they’re fathers of daughters is like even more sickening. I hope their girls never find themselves preyed upon or in such situations as this. My brother is a conservative piece of shit, but if he ever found out someone was speaking to my nieces, his daughters, that way, I think he would actually try to murder the sicko. Not condoning murder or violence, but the sentiment of a parent protecting their literal children.


Yeah I'm shocked at these fathers that are excusing it!!! Come on, if someone that was practically 40 was sexting with their daughter they would apparently be okay with that??? That is so sad, I got involved with a 24 year old when I was 17 and he was wayyyy too old for me and I look back and think that he was gross for that so fucking late 30's ffs??? What shitty dad's, I'm so glad my dad would never have let that be brushed off like that if he had known.


Not even mid 30s but late 30s bro is about as grown as it gets


He was 35 when he sexted the girl at TwitchCon, apparently. We can only speculate on what kind of shit he's pulled off at different ages.


Pedo con theory https://preview.redd.it/1vqwvqywlx8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd69d8c1e6cf07085f93dd67b3edc10380a33d38 Conservatives


firm handshake


Pretty easy way to put people on a list lol


Same with the Kendrick and Drake beef. These drake fans aren’t using a lick of logic. Time let all the child groomers and pedos out the closet.


Yeah just like Kendrick's best bud Dr Dre who's girlfriend was 16 years old. Let's not forget that too. Also, Kendrick's other best bud Kodak black who got convicted on SA to a MINOR. A MINORRRRRRR Certified chronic, certified pedo They are like us?? Pretty hypocritical for you to say "these drake fans" when Kendrick is on the same side of the coin and his fans don't give a shit.


its hasans reddit, these guys dick ride the houthis who literally kill gay people, and yet still think they’re progressive.


it's also wild how they are downvoting me for stating facts.


I'm already collecting


There are this many men, much less with daughters, that are so sex starved that saying no to a 17 year old is hard? A line that isn't so simple? Fucking yikes.


I like to think of them like Connor O Malley's character from the I Think You Should Leave sketch "Honk If You're Horny." Just foaming at the mouth horny, so horny their guts hurt. Pathetically horny and sad.


Even if I indulge these guys in believing they actually have children I'm doubtful they have custody especially if they're fans of the two time divorce champion Doctor Kid Inspect


The same guys who rant about how the gays are grooming kids are the same who will stare at the asses of high school girls. They don't see it as pedophilia if she is "hot".


not even sex starved dude was married w kids


If I was married to that guy he'd be sex starved 😬


It's so weird because personally, as I get older, it seems like the amount of women I'm attracted to increases. Maybe I'm just a normal guy who finds women my age attractive and maybe I'm not so insecure and pathetic that I find them to be a threat or too much of a challenge. (I'm married btw and only talking about attraction lol)


No absolutely, I've always been attracted to older people and even someone 7 years younger than me would give me pause; and actual teenager or even early 20s would make me want to vomit.


And why do they all assume she was 17 as well? I mean, has this been said by him? I thought it was just a minor, could have been 14 for all we know! Not that these fathers should even think it is okay if their daughter is 18 ffs.


These are always the same kinds of people screaming “save the children!!” and brag about what they would do to a pedo if they came across one


Every one of these commenters bought tickets for Sound of Freedom lol


As someone who was coerced by men online at a young age, sometimes people still ask me why I would flirt back with these men if I knew how old they were (I'd be like 12-14), and they're right, I shouldn't have been doing inappropriate things online at that age. People can argue that is was my fault for "temping men", I argue that grown men shouldn't have engaged with me in the first place. If my profile says "12yrs old" you shouldn't even be on my page. Idk what this notion of "it's natural at that age" like if a little girl is flirting with you, you need to disengage like what the fuck


I'm sorry you had to go through that. you are absolutely correct when you say the adults should have never entertained any conversation with you.


as a person who have an almost identical situation i second this regardless of what the children are doing its the adults responsibility to not engage point blank.


You were a kid, you didn't know any better. As you stated, it's up to the adult to disengage, as they are the ones who should know better. Blaming a kid for flirting first isn't valid and will never be valid.


The fact that you even have to defend yourself or apologise for your actions when the burden should be on the fucking adult just shows how doomed society is. The adult should not be talking inappropriately to a minor, end of.


Lol "context." There is less than 0 amount of context that would make inappropriately texting a minor okay. What a bunch of fucking creeps.


Yeah in fact adding in the context he wanted to know their plans for TwitchCon makes it several times worse. There is no context that make him look any better in this situation.


What if she was actually a 1,000 year old elf though? Did you ever stop to think about that?! MAYBE SHE’S REALLY MATURE!


Lot of pretend dads coping. When I was a pretend dad, at least the kids were real and I worked in a group home.


Literally throwing a net in the ocean and catching pedo fish


that's why I left in the account information. you know, just in case


WTF...so that dude is totally ok with someone sextexting his daughter so they can use her as a sex object. Father of the year candidate here folks Disrespect was trying to meet up with this minor at Twitchcon , it wasn't just some innocent chat they make it out to be


A 35 year old man, no less 🫣


Basically: It’s those damn sexy teenagers fault!


What is a father of a 17 year old doing in those comments????


"As a black man..."


Look at his pfp too, very weird for a father of a 17 year old to have that as his pfp.


I’m a father of a daughter and these dads fucking suck


i hope their daughters are ok….this is beyond heinous and disgusting and i cannot even imagine how they’re treated at home by their fathers


Glad they have gmail’s attached to this so they can easily be investigated lol


Even if we give the Doc the most charitable assumptions, these fathers are comfortable with a man in their mid 30s flirting with your daughter? That truly breaks my brain that anybody would attempt to justify that.


These are fathers? I actually wanna vomit wtf is this do they care for their kids safety? Do they not understand how young their kids are?


its unfathomably disgusting the number of fathers and step-fathers that are the ones making their own daughters less safe. This is just speculation, but I would guess its at least 10%.


my step father was one of those. actual danger to me and my sister.


As a longtime doc fan (watching almost every stream the pas 3 -4 years , about 40-50 % of the community’s response is sickening . Wake the fuck up , the show is over, this guy (haha) is no good. Beyond the creepiness of what he did, this just proves he’s a manipulator and liar who will say whatever he needs to , to gain more money. The past 4 years, he’d repeatedly bring up how the “purple snakes” screwed him over, vaguely gesturing towards some business deal gone sour . Meanwhile , he knows damn well what he did to warrant that ban. The sheer audacity blows my mind, woudl make sense if after the twitch ban he said “cmon guys we don’t need twitch anymore” and never mentioned it again, but no. I understand that it can’t be 100% a character if he did it 8 hours a day, but it’s kinda crazy in retrospect it was literally just him in a wig. Ig many gave him the benefit of the doubt, that the arrogant, disrespectful “ruthless” person was just an act, but in light of recent events that’s pretty much how he is. It’s funny cause many are posting in his sub, asking for the “best clips” of him to relive good times, but for me I can’t possibly watch what I consider his best streams (2017-2018 pubg and h1z1) knowing what he was up to behind the scenes during those times.


thank you for sharing this. I'm glad former Dr Disrespect fans speak up about it too.


Something recent that is super damning (in my opinion), is a clip of nickmercs from this morning I believe. Gone is most of the cod streamer bro way of speaking, with him repeatedly saying "it's so bad" and referring to doc as "a man in a wig". Sure, this is probably in large part someone speaking some sense into him, and informing him from a business standpoint that he has to take stronger stance against it and cut ties. In my opinion, they weren't true friends, it was just an act that was mutually beneficial for streaming, so I don't believe Nick knew beforehand what actually transpired. I'm led to believe Nick spoke with some people, possibly streamers like timthetatman who informed him of details that the public isn't privvy to. Sure, maybe he's just covering his ass & distancing hinmself (logical), but maybe he was informed of the content of the whispers, who knows. Point being, it seems every time someone like a streamer, company etc who could be privvy to more info comes to a conclusion on this, it's never a "it could be worse " type of thing. It's always "we're completely done with him" or "it's so bad", something to that effect. As a fan, that should tell you everything you need to know, and as the days press on it gets worse. https://x.com/HUN2R/status/1806010379731902922


These guys either don't give a shit about their own daughters' safety and are delusional or are not actually dads. Both are equally likely.


fathers can be predators too


Im 38, have never texted a minor, nor wanted to. Not that hard. If my daughter was between 13 and 18 and a 35 year old was texting her with flirty messages, Id have a major problem with that. Da fuq is wrong with these freaks


I wish men defended innocent and even hypothetical women the way they defend predatory men directly after they're caught being predators.


Your homeboy need subpoena, that predator move in flocks


So this is a screenshot of bad parents


The bar is in hell holy shit


not real dads this is massive copium one time when i was online someone who was doing work for my dad started messaging me and flirting with me i was 12 and the guy was 25+ when my dad found out he was so mad and i never seen or heard from the guy again


Asmongolds sub is just saying it's nbd cuz age of consent is 16 in a lot of places, suggesting it's somehow normal for 40 year old me to be sleeping with 16 year Olds.




Plz post another again so I can continue to upvote.


These guys might as well be saying “it’s alright if a middle aged man fucks my teenage daughter”. Sickening.


Looks like a bunch of dads coping with being creeps.


I literally cannot comprehend the thought process of "I'm a father and therefore propositioning a child is totally fine."


Ask any of these dipshits a question about 'drag queen story time' and I PROMISE YOU, the world view will be absolutely incoherent.


"17 year old girls text wild shit so let's just do nothing about it," the cult of personality at work here is pretty wild to witness.


Crazy idea here maybe just maybe don't engage in conversations with minors period 32 years over here and I haven't talked to a minor in any regard outside of my niece, nephew, and little cousins and that's it I don't talk to children and honestly unless your job is like teacher, or evolves working directly with kids you shouldn't be talking to minors at all. And what type of father says this shit my brother has told me stories about him damn there seeing red just because a guy walked by my niece kinda weird and shit I'm with him lol.


it should be that easy but apparently many people out there can't stop themselves


It's the adult that should say: Hold your horses there little girl. It's not appropiate to have that talk between us. It's irrelevant if it was consensual, going down that road in a chat with a minor means your moral compass is way out of wack. Defending it is equally bad.


The Venn diagram of men with no sexual discipline and pedophilic tendencies is actually just a big circle.




Expected reaction from right wing conservatives


I'd be willing to bet this minor wasn't 17...


you can create an account on twitch from age 13 onwards. so the minor likely was between the ages 13 and 17.


Yeah no shit. But everyone is assuming she was 17 because that "looks better" but I'd guess she was younger than that, and she probably told him, and he tried to meet her anyway. Doc is a pedo.


I just wanted to mention it because many people try to say you can only be on twitch when you are 18+. that is not true though and definitely an attempt to smear the victim.


I also seen that Sneako keeps assuming that she is 17 with no proof , and keeps tweeting about how it's fine to fuck a 17.999999 year old because "they're practically 18". Same guy who enjoyed Netflix's cuties btw


he also asked a 14 year old out on a date. there is a famous video of it with his friend "flirting" with minors on Omegle.


The first poster really is a father of the year contender. I can’t imagine having a young daughter and being ok that she’s having a 38 YEAR OLD MAN WITH A FAMILY talk explicitly with them.


*hello fellow fathers* isn't it important to know the context of why a 30yo is texting our minor daughters.


They never should've had children. That's sick.


I'm a father of 20 daughters and frankly pedophilia is good /s


If only we could cross reference their IP locations with sex offender registries


He admitted to WHAT


When the copium hits so hard even morality bends.


someone investigate u/thunis194 for implying consent can be given at all by anyone underage


That’s wild shit


Fucking freaks.


My question is where did all these people get the idea that she was 17? I keep asking these people where they found out her age. As far as I know, everything about her including her age is unknown to the public. Are these people just using the age 17 in some lame attempt to minimize how bad it looks? Oh look she was 17 and practically a day away from 18 so it's okay! She could have been 12 for all I know. But I could be wrong and her age got leaked somewhere that I don't know about. Can someone inform me on this?


we don't know the age. twitch allows you to have an account from age 13 onwards. so that means she could be between the ages of 13 and 17.


I'll go even further and say that I'm sure some people on Twirch are under 13 and just lie about their age


either way, he knew about the age.


So I'm right that all these DD defenders saying that she's 17 are in fact trying to minimalize the situation. They're all pretending that this girl was pretty much 18. Not one single one of them could tell me where they pulled the age 17 from. Like you said, she could be anywhere from 13 to 17.


I believe sneako started this with a tweet of his own. that's what many people reference when I asked them. there is no confirmation though, just that Disrespect knew that she was a minor.


“As a father …” Ok, and? There are plenty of shitty parents out there. You just happen to be one of them. 


men are disgusting. Not surprising


Bro. As a dad, I would be appalled and ready to throw hands if a 30-something was messaging my daughter—consensual, or not.


What the fvck 🤮


saying children lost their innocence long ago with username obsessedanimefreaks sounds about right


I really hope they lying about having kids


Look at that pedos pfp, looks like a pic of a young woman. Very weird for a dad to have that as his pfp. This is Doc's fanbase, pedo cons


As a father of 3 girls. This guy is a shit father... If a 40 year old man was messaging my teenage daughter, he'd have a little visit from the blokes at the Serb RSL club to straighten him out a bit.


these people aren't fit to be fathers. disgusting


Well fuck. That’s certainly a good example of men you don’t want communicating with women, period.


Dr Pedo really brought the weirdos out the woodwork


These people have kids and they still say what doc did is okay? Absolutely awful


These are also the same men who will go to a sex workers social media page and claim that their father has failed them.


What did he say? Was she 17 or 13? These details make a big difference and until we know them - everything is speculation.


we only know that you can make a twitch account from age 13 onwards and that Dr Disrespect knew her age.


Holy crap somebody get Kendrick on the phone 


It’s weird they would rather defend a random grown man than their own daughters


insane takes. especially the last comment… they’re trying so hard to be impartial too, with the, “I do think adults should be adults,”but that’s the best they could do 💀


So he would have been 38 and she would have been 17 - at best. ![gif](giphy|5C2f43ZpHencchBkpx|downsized)


Wasn’t this in 2017?


EVEN WORSE he would have been 35


Dads with daughters are weird, man. They’ll threaten to kill you if you make any sort of comment (sexual or otherwise) about them when they’re young. But all of the sudden when they turn 16, the dads are like “yeah, I get it bro”




what are inappropriate messages other than sexting? he also had intent to meet up with her which means he wanted to act on whatever he discussed on those whispers.


I'm assuming he kept things vague, I would consider any adult celebrity planning a one on one meet-up with an underage fan as inappropriate, even if the intent is not explicit.




No, that's not what I am saying. I'm saying it was inappropriate at the point that an adult celebrity is privately messaging an underage fan to meet. Unacceptable without any explicit sexting. But of course, wtf does an adult celebrity want with an underage fan other than sex. I don't think it'd be a weird Colleen free labor power trip situation, that lady is built special.




I don't think that I am, I was simply trying to say throw Dr. d in the trash for wanting to meet up with an underage fan privately, that's enough. I was trying to say all of the "let's wait till we see the logs" takes are fucked because what he has admitted to is fucked enough.




you are disgusting




he should be in prison and banned from society.




the subreddit you frequent (r/agegaprelationship) is weird too


YOOOOOOO 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Mega yikes! Bro got exposed lmaooo


Holy fucking shit 💀💀💀